
Chapter 1585: Advancing to the Great Void (VI)

The three words "1.7 billion" made all the monks who were stationed at the mountain gate and saw this scene speechless.


Who can have 1.7 billion spiritual power! ?

Who is the Taixu master?

This... is simply more than the two great saints that day!

"Inform the sect master immediately!!" Finally, someone took the lead in reacting. The next second, countless black paper cranes rushed out like crazy.

They didn't know that millions and tens of millions of meters away, thousands of sects were waiting eagerly, staring at the sky, and led by the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, surrounded Tianjian Villa tightly.

"In twenty minutes, the new Taoist friend will enter the sky." The magnificent voice of the King of the Sea echoed throughout the group of monks. Behind him, there were countless family forces wearing various emblems, but no one dared to cross the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect.

Why not go over?

It's simple. They can't fully confirm whether it is Benlei, but it's almost time.

When the other party broke into the sky, no matter who he was, he would be worshipped by all the cultivators. If it was Ben Lei... he would definitely receive a more grand gift, after all, this was before Tianjian Villa.

There was a lot of discussion around, and the crowd was boiling. In the void, the King of the Sea quietly pinched the star plate in his hand and sighed with great emotion.

1.7 billion...

It's still rising!

He could feel that the other party seemed to be still hesitating about the choice of rules. But even if he didn't choose the rules, he would reach this level... This... is simply the spiritual power that Taichu dared not cross the line!

How powerful!

He took a deep breath and raised his head. A divine sense swept over from a very far distance. The two touched and nodded secretly.

This kind of cultivator must not be an enemy...

"Here! Here!!" At this moment, a cultivator suddenly screamed loudly with extreme excitement. The King of the Sea of ​​the Sea's eyes flashed and raised his head suddenly. At the same time, this world seemed silent. Countless people... every one... all the cultivators present, all looked forward to it, staring at the sky with eyes as sharp as swords.

Rumble... just above Tianjian Villa, the clouds began to boil, and in just a dozen seconds, a terrifying cloud cave suddenly formed. Endless white clouds swirled around the cloud cave, and green brilliance shone on the earth like the rising sun.

That was not sunlight.

It was the light condensed by talismans, representing the great way of heaven and the supreme rules. Under the sky, all cultivators bowed their heads!

No one spoke.

In front of Taixu Junlin, the new five kings and two queens, no one dared to make a sound of war horses. They could only look at the sky with a look of worship, respect, and fear. Watching the purple air coming from the east for 30,000 miles. The void was trembling because of this terrifying pressure. In the silence, a brilliant light suddenly bloomed in the majestic cloud cave.

Shining in the heavens, the gods came to Kunlun. The whole world was roaring, and the void was collapsing layer by layer. In this rapid breathing like the sea, a huge monster quietly poked out a corner of it. Then it became bigger and bigger, and more and more vast. With a loud bang, a huge ship that was thousands of miles high and hundreds of thousands of miles long, crushing the endless void, carrying the clouds that were torn into pieces, entangled with the raging flames that hit the crystal wall system, and with the supreme power of heaven, broke through the void and descended on this plane!

Swish! ! The wind suddenly rose, and even a million meters away, this supreme power could be clearly felt. The monks standing on the spiritual treasure flying boats had their hair and clothes flying, and the flags were waving. Tens of thousands of flying boats and spiritual treasures were like stars surrounding the moon, surrounding this huge ship in the void firmly in the center.

"Heh..." On a flying boat, he covered his chest tightly and looked at the huge black shadow in the sky. He trembled and stepped back a few steps. His face was red with excitement, and he whispered hoarsely: "Daocheng Taixu... This, this is such a pressure... I have never experienced such a powerful spiritual power!"

A Jindan was pale. He was a junior who came to observe. And at this moment... even the elder who brought them here, a respected saint, was already pale. The Jindan's lips moved, and finally he could no longer control the awe in his heart. His knees softened and he knelt down with a plop.

However, no matter how shocked or excited they were, no one dared to say a word. Under this huge spiritual pressure that seemed like the power of heaven, everything was silent. Even the King of the Sea and the other Taixu did not disturb this honor.

If I don't speak first in the spring, which insect dares to speak? !

At the same time, a little light suddenly broke out around the giant ship, and then... the green talismans rotating around it became more and more, shining more and more, like stars shining in the sky.

"This is..." A silent sea king suddenly stood up at this moment, staring at the void: "Heavenly Dao Initiation..."

"This is Heavenly Dao Initiation!!"

His voice was not concealed at all. As the last word fell, the scene finally couldn't suppress the sound of inhalation. In less than three seconds, it turned into exclamation, and finally... connected to an overwhelming tsunami!

No one dared to speak before, not because they didn't want to scream. In this occasion, a chance that hasn't been seen in thousands of years, who doesn't want to look up to the sky and scream to express the blood in their hearts?

But, can't.

The golden elixir and the primordial infant look at the saint. And who hasn't dreamed of Taixu? They all know that if Heavenly Dao Initiation didn't appear for a moment, this Taixu couldn't be called Taixu.

The so-called Heavenly Dao Initiation means that the other party has truly chosen his own way, and this rule responds to the other party. This is the real Taixu!

The Tao is great and empty and quiet, the heart returns to Taixu, and the heaven and earth are the same life. Taixu... is the origin of heaven and earth, the great way of the universe! Only if you have mastered the rules, can you be talented, worthy, and dare to be called the Great Master of Taixu!

"Heavenly Dao Initiation...Heavenly Dao Initiation!?" A saint's eyes turned red, and his whole body trembled slightly because of excessive excitement. He watched the countless talismans around him suddenly merged towards the center, and a golden light penetrated the sky and the earth, covering an area of ​​more than 100,000 meters!

The golden light rushed straight into the sky. At the same time, the cloud cave seemed to respond, and the vast and endless sky turned from day to night in an instant. At this moment, the entire Seven Realms was in an eternal night.

The heaven and earth responded, and the universe resonated. Mastering the rules, the Tao becomes Taixu.

"This is..." In a cave, a skinny old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at a place in shock. Then he stood up desperately, screamed and turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

"Taixu... There is a senior who can condense Taixu!!"

At the same minute and second, endless streams of light rushed towards the Xu Kunlun teleportation array like crazy. Those old monsters who had been hiding from the world, those B-level and C-level sect elders and masters who didn't know the news, all felt the fluctuations of the recognition of the heaven and earth. This fluctuation is so magnificent that it cannot be ignored. In an instant, the Seven Realms Flying Immortals are more magnificent and larger than those top forces!

How many forces are there in the Seven Realms?

How many saints look up to Taixu? And how many cultivators travel thousands of miles to see the grand scene of Daocheng Taixu?

It is impossible to count.

The stream of light from the landslide and tsunami formed an endless galaxy, rushing straight to Xu Kunlun!

They were excited and excited, and the cultivators around Tianjian Villa were completely detonated by this scene. A Yin Zun looked at the sky with red eyes and kowtowed suddenly: "The Seven Realms have gained another arm today. I congratulate you! Congratulations to the Seven Realms!!"

"I never thought... I would witness the moment of the Heavenly Dao's initiation with my own eyes!!" Under the hanging spiritual treasure and a large banner with the word "Qin", an old man who had long lost hope in Taixu roared to the sky, his excitement was beyond words: "It is enough to have the face of the Heaven... This life is enough!"

"Master!" "Master! Be careful!" "Master, this is a great event, a great event! Don't be too happy!"

"Get out of the way!!" The old man waved away the person who blocked him, tears in his dim old eyes. Taixu... Taixu! The position that many cultivators dream of is now in front of him. Looking back on the road he has traveled, he has been fighting for a chance for nearly a thousand years, and countless sorrows, regrets, and lamentations all surged into his heart. After a few seconds, it turned into a long sigh with tears.

Not only him, this scene was like plucking the strings of memory, and all the saints present sighed. Taixu... this realm they had admired for countless years was condensed in front of them. There was loss and envy. But more of a longing, ecstasy for the seven realms!

No one was willing to look away, they stared at this scene that happened once every thousands of years. The cloud hole in the sky was getting bigger and bigger, and the golden light column expanded everything into the kingdom of the gods. With a gentle hum, all the green talismans shook together, and then... rushed straight to the cloud hole in the sky.

At this moment, it was as if an upside-down waterfall appeared between heaven and earth. The next second, all the talismans gathered into a terrible tornado, aiming at Noah's Ark and pouring it down hard!

Rumble! !

The east wind blew at night, and the stars were like rain.

The entire plane was shaken by this magnificent scene. The sky and the earth were vast, day and night, and a huge spiritual tornado was like a waterfall hanging upside down. Countless talismans fell like a torrential rain, more and more, bigger and bigger, and finally... gathered into an endless chain that penetrated the sky and the earth, isolating Noah's Ark as an absolute restricted area!

The violent spiritual energy gushed out of the nine heavens and ten earths. In the Ark, Xu Yangyi was in harmony with the Tao, and the rules of life in his hands, a spiritual energy far beyond the saints, and in control of the universe, burst out like an overwhelming force.

The stars in the night, the bright moon among the stars, could not be concealed at all. Moreover, this spiritual energy was getting stronger and stronger, and more and more terrifying!

It started like a violent storm, and the spiritual energy brought by the avenue of initiation blew the void and trembled. However, more than ten minutes later, around the Ark... saplings arched out of the land. The area around Tianjian Villa was a desert, but at this moment... there was actually endless green grass, one meter, ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten thousand meters, and one hundred thousand meters!

In an instant, spring came to the desert!

"This..." The Sea King was also stunned: "What kind of rule is this? The rule of spring?"

"Zizi..." "How many billions of spirits are there?!" "I can't believe it... I have also had the honor of looking up to the sky, but I have never seen such a terrifying spiritual power! It's as if... I have seen the Great Saint!"

Not only him, he was just shocked. The other cultivators gasped and the sound of gasping rang out, from low to noisy, with doubts, disbelief, and... a strong sense of submission.

Yes, submission.

Submission to the great perseverance who has gone through countless years to this day.

Submission to this wonder of heaven and earth.

For... this is like the place of all gods in the world. Submission to the Cloud Top Palace!

Dongdongdong, countless cultivators are now half-kneeling on the ground with sincere submission, welcoming the descent of the gods. At this moment, everyone bows their heads, the spiritual pressure follows like a shadow, and the rules are overwhelming.

The power of the gods is like a prison, and the grace of the gods is like the sea!

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