
Chapter 1586: Advancing to the Great Void (VII)

There are thick trees and luxuriant grasses, the autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising.

The scene that was still hot just now turned into a quiet and distant forest silently as Yu Wanxiu knelt down and worshiped. Trees sprouted from seedlings out of the parched land. The grass was green under the Gobi. The pools in the stone forest that had been dry for tens of thousands of years were refilled with fresh water. The fragrance of green grass floated in the air. The Gobi had been dry and cracked since the establishment of the sect. It's like a fairyland swaying. All trees spring together.

If I become the Qing Emperor in the future, my retribution will be that peach blossoms will bloom.

In this once-in-a-millennium scene, shocking breaths came and went. However, no matter how excited and excited these people were, they were too weak to speak, and no one dared to say a word or move a finger.

Because they all know that after success...the great power in the giant wheel has merged with the Tao and has become Taixu!

The new five kings and two queens are right in front of us! Coming soon!

Who dares to act like a horse?

The kind of excitement that makes your fingertips tremble, the kind of anticipation that makes your heart almost stop. All the family heads were asked to touch their storage rings silently.

Next, is the real time to snatch.

Who can win the favor of a first glance, who can rise to heaven in front of the new rich? Whoever throws the mud cow into the sea will have the answer soon!

Their frightened expressions were taken into the ark by a spiritual consciousness. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes gently, with a smile on his lips.

Thousands of meters...

Thousands of meters at a glance!

The spiritual consciousness is released, like a net falling from the sky. Every flower, every tree, every grass and every tree within tens of millions of meters can be clearly seen. Even the shape of a person's mouth can be seen clearly.

He is the way of heaven.

At this moment, he deeply felt this supreme feeling. This feeling is intoxicating, as if as long as you are willing, as long as you stretch out your hand, everything you look at is his world.

A plaything in the palm of your hand.

Compared with Zun Sheng, he was on a completely different level. A powerful feeling that he had never felt before filled his whole body. It seems as if the world will shatter with a wave of your hand, and your understanding of everything in the world will be deeper. Why flowers are green and how the universe is formed have already taken a rough shape.

His old age has disappeared, replaced by his best years. Fengshen is handsome, with a majestic look in his eyes, and his body is filled with a kind of aloofness that seems to repel people thousands of miles away. That is the manifestation of the rules of the universe.

Those who are not as good as Taixu cannot touch the rules. It has nothing to do with your own will, but the rules cannot be violated.

There was silence in the room. He gently stretched out his hand, and saw a green brilliance suddenly appeared around him, gathering in his palm like a whirlpool. In a moment, a sapling grew spontaneously from his hand.

This is not an illusion, but the real thing. Then, as the spiritual energy became stronger and stronger, the sapling slowly grew up and swayed. In the blink of an eye, it had grown into a small tree with luxuriant branches and leaves. After another two or three seconds, the leaves of this small tree withered and turned yellow. , turning into little golden brilliance and disappearing from the palm of your hand.

very common.

However, Xu Yangyi's eyes were blazing. This was not an ordinary magical power, but...a creation!

Although he could only create things related to wood - he guessed that this was because of wolfsbane, but he also confirmed one thing.

"Taixu...the beginning of Yahweh. It involves the edge of creation." He gently clenched his fist, and infinite green light burst out from his hand, hitting the wall of the ark and turning into dots of soft light. His eyes were like lightning, and his terrifying consciousness was completely released, sweeping the entire place.

It is true that there is still a lot to understand about Taixu. This is a new realm and the beginning of Yahweh.

But, not now.

There are more important things to do now. That is to tell the entire Seven Realms, tell everyone, and tell every monk waiting here.

Who is the final winner in the world of great contention!

Who is the new generation’s overlord?

He stood up calmly, walked slowly to the door, raised his brow slightly, and the door opened quietly.

The endless sunshine outside shines in, as if opening the door to a new era.

I am coming.

brush! If there is thunder on the ground, the divine power dominates the world. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the central beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth exploded, turning into billions of golden raindrops slowly falling down.

Like smoke, like mist, like gauze, like mist, it seems to contain a dragon sword at first glance, but also seems to reflect a mirage. The forest is dense with rain, and the path is filled with smoke.

Everyone, everyone, except the two Taixu. At the moment when the beam of light collapsed, he was like a little white rabbit in front of a prehistoric beast. His body was extremely respectful, and he fell to the ground. He was excited, nervous, apprehensive, excited, crazy, expecting... Countless emotions flowed in his heart and turned into a river. Tianling Gai’s Qi. Keep all your emotions in your heart.

The overlord ascends the throne.

The Seven Realms bow their heads!

All this is very slow, and there is a sense of supreme power in it. The scene was completely silent, letting those golden raindrops fall on the world. I don’t know how long it took, maybe five seconds, maybe five hours, maybe even longer. Finally, a kakaka sound sounded on top of Noah’s Ark. The gate of heaven is open!

A figure walked slightly, no one dared to raise his head, no one dared to be the first to congratulate, no one dared to move a finger.

King Jiehai took a deep breath, raised his hand, and with his spiritual energy circulating, his voice spread hundreds of miles: "The Queen ascends the throne, Wan Xiu kneels to greet her!"


There was not a trace of noise or a trace of noise. The countless monks surrounding Tianjian Villa were a mass of darkness, but extremely neat, as if they had rehearsed thousands of times.

"Congratulations, I wish fellow Taoist to be promoted to Taixu and achieve great supernatural powers." King Jiehai cupped his hands and said.

"He Laozu has ascended to Taixu and achieved great supernatural powers!!" From all directions, like mountains and seas, everyone was shouting at the top of their lungs at this moment.

The faces of the young cultivators were flushed, and their veins were bulging. The slightly older ones were also unable to suppress this impulse. Even the oldest family heads used up all their Dantian Qi at this moment. These voices formed a huge wave that was like a rolling sea, and finally turned into a torrent that swallowed everything!

Thousands of birds flew together, and the mountains were lonely. Only the sonorous and powerful shouts echoed.

However, it was not over.

At the end of the sky, a female voice slowly sounded: "Second congratulations, the Queen of the Seven Realms ascended the throne and pacified the four seas."

Countless people below took a deep breath and shouted with all their strength: "Congratulations to the senior for building a ten thousand year foundation and an immortal dynasty!!"

Xu Yangyi accepted it calmly.

The King of the Sea of ​​the Realm spoke again: "Third congratulations, the Seven Realms have added another arm, and they will work together to cross the Ganges and be immortal!"

The sound of a tsunami roared from all directions, shaking the heavens, and the heaven and earth witnessed it, the Seven Realms witnessed it, and all the cultivators witnessed it. They shouted in unison: "Senior Congratulations, you are the pillar of the Seven Realms and the pillar of the sky!!"

Dong Dong Dong!!

After three kneelings and nine kowtows, Xu Yangyi stood proudly in the void without any psychological pressure. The clouds in the sky rolled, and his heart was as high as the sky and as vast as the sea. A feeling of swinging a sword to cut through the clouds and all the princes coming to the west suddenly arose.

No answer.

After a few seconds, a peaceful voice was heard: "No need to be polite."

All the cultivators kowtowed in unison, all half-knelt on the ground, forming a carpet of cultivators in the void. It was also at this time that they finally dared to quietly raise their heads and take a look at who this upstart was.

Black hair and black clothes, long robes with wide sleeves, sword eyebrows and starry eyes. However, what everyone saw was not his appearance, but who he was.

At a glance, a sentence rang in the hearts of countless people: It is indeed him...

Unexpected, but reasonable.

"Daoyou." They dared not speak, but could only be in awe. However, the two Taixu were different. Two streams of light flew in the sky, and the King of the Sea of ​​the Realm laughed loudly: "Congratulations to fellow Daoist for becoming Taixu. The positions of the Five Kings and Two Queens are just waiting for the canonization by the Great Saint."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly. The corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling.

When the other party spoke, his spiritual consciousness quietly spread. Is this... trying to test his bottom?

He was very confused. He didn't know how strong his spiritual power was now, but he could feel that the light and shadow flying in front of him were not strong for him. Who gave him the confidence? Couldn't the other party feel how magnificent his spiritual power was?

It's a pity that he couldn't think of it at all. It was because his spiritual power was too strong and too huge that the other party felt...

Fake, right?

Are you kidding me?

One billion...isn't this too unreal?

Involuntarily, not only the King of the Sea of ​​the Realm, but also another woman who had never met before, also couldn't help but probe a ray of spiritual consciousness. Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness exploded!

The three of them touched each other in a flash. At the moment of contact, the hairs of the Sea King and the other Taixu stood on end!

Swish! In the Sea King's vision, he suddenly came to a flat land. Then... there was a rumble in front of him, and a mountain rose from the ground in a violent vibration!

Getting higher and higher, more and more magnificent! His position did not move, and he was thrown down by the mountain. In a moment, he could no longer see the top of the mountain!

"Heh..." He suddenly took a deep breath to wake up, and stood there in a daze. Only then did he realize that a layer of cold sweat had broken out on his back. His hands unconsciously pinched the magic formula, and his heart was accelerating.

Just one glance...

One glance was a thousand feet high... One glance was far away from the world... One glance of the divine consciousness, and it actually automatically transformed the gap between himself and the other party! And he... actually developed the instinct of creatures facing natural enemies!

High mountains look up to him.

"Daozu..." He took a deep look at the figure in the distance. At this moment, he did not take action, did not test, and at one glance, he was convinced.

Without a doubt... the first Taixu in the Seven Realms!

I am ashamed of myself.

And this glance also tells everyone, especially them: I am here.

I am here to control the Seven Realms.

He bowed deeply, sincerely, and did not even have any psychological rejection of the other party's strong declaration. He did not look at the other Taixu, because he knew that the other party must also be very clear about the gap between the two. The three people were getting closer and closer, and his face had already changed to an extremely solemn look.

He looked up, and the other party had already occupied a high position in his psychological position, and he could not look at him equally.

Swish! Two rays of light stopped not far from Xu Yangyi. There was no ceremonial guard, no carriage, and it was not an incarnation.

Three five kings and two queens gathered!

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at the two people. One of them was wearing a golden cloak, bald head, muscular body, eating feet, neck, wrists, ankles with finely carved gold rings, and covered with golden talismans. The other was a middle-aged woman, elegant and graceful, waving a round fan, wearing nothing but silk and silk, nothing but beautiful women. Her clothes and jewelry were extremely luxurious.

The spiritual power of the two was vigorous and majestic, and the spiritual power was already very weak, but a kind of rule power seemed to attract each other. Unfortunately, he only felt that... the rules they mastered were not at the same level as his rules of life...?

Is this the real reason for the huge difference in spiritual power between the two sides?

He did not speak, but the two had to speak. The noble lady in palace dress smiled slightly: "Ten Thousand Snakes Palace, Snake Mother."

"It seems that my useless disciple was defeated by fellow Taoist."

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