
Chapter 1591: Heritage and the Gods

Many readers said in the group that they hope to finish writing about Yahweh. But I don't think it's necessary anymore.

I have never dug a new hole since the late period of Zunsheng. Now I remember the remaining pitfalls: the truth of the universe, the whereabouts of Yahweh, and the details of the earth’s past history.

Nothing else.

These truths will be revealed in the chapters of the last few months. It's definitely not bad. You can also see that the quality of the work has not declined at all.


"Do you know...ascension?"

The first time Xu Yangyi heard this sentence, his ears stood up. Strength was the basis. Once it was achieved, his suppressed curiosity was stronger than ever. However, this question made him frown.

How could you not know?

Before he could finish his thoughts, Jiang Ziya's voice sounded again: "Then do you know why he ascended?"

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ascension is to pursue a higher realm. The spiritual energy in the lower world is insufficient, but the spiritual energy in the upper world is richer, and the rules of heaven are more complete, which is more conducive to monks' practice.

It is human nature to walk to higher places.

"You may think this is instinct." Jiang Ziya's remaining spirit body smiled slightly: "But have you ever made this idea? For example... the universe is a huge poison basin. In a distant place, some people who were gifted by Taixu There are beings who are qualified to know. They are called 'Titans', 'Gods' or 'Yahweh'."

"No one under Taixu can feel their existence at all. They do not exist in 99% of the monks' field of vision, but they are everywhere."


Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly. He didn't know if this was Jiang Ziya's speculation or if it was true, but once it was really "set", then... a terrifying situation would arise.

All monks with amazing talents and extraordinary talents have only one place to go in the end, and that is with Yahweh.

Of course his thinking is not limited to this. If this is really the case, why do they do this? How did Jiang Ziya prove it?

He listened carefully.

Of course, Jiang Ziya's remaining spiritual consciousness would not hear his inner voice. He seemed to be organizing his words, and after a long time he said: "I know, it may be difficult for you to accept. Don't worry, just listen to me."

"Fellow Taoist, I assume that you already know some clues about 'them'. It's not like they left no traces. You must have also wondered. Are there immortals in the world? Are there gods?"

"How did the way of heaven come into being, and who started the practice? In the dark, it was slowly stirred by the huge hands of these true immortals, in an orderly manner. It has its own rules..."

His shadow looked in all directions: "You may wonder what I said, but I can tell you that this is the truth. Because..."

He looked straight at Xu Yangyi like a real person, and his voice was extremely solemn: "I have been there."

"That is a scene that cannot appear in even the most fantasy dreams of low-level monks." His voice was full of emotion: "Everyone in the world is pursuing continuous ascension, but who knows, ascension is just the beginning. For example, we have reached The Doppo Realm, the highest realm in the universe, is called the Immortal Realm. I finally understand...why...God does this."

Xu Yangyi's ears stood up.

However, after a long silence, Jiang Ziya slowly said: "Once you go there, you will never have the chance to come back. Because of some special opportunities, I was lucky enough to return to the earth, and... carved this path to reality. . I call it the Ancient Road of the Gods. At the end... is the Pantheon."

"It's not just me... the same group of Taoist friends who returned at the same time all left their own inheritance. We wanted to record these and leave them to future generations. So, I recorded these in the exercises I created. Above the King of Ancient Alchemy, he is just a skill. Once he reaches Taixu, he can only hear the words I left behind if his bloodline does not return to the immortal world. "

"This star map, if you don't want it, will be destroyed immediately. If you are willing... just come."

"Come to the Temple of Gods and you will see the truth of the universe! The closer you get there, the more you will see the so-called trajectory of God! That is the beginning of everything... and the end of everything..."

"I, Zhang Daozu, and some... you have heard of, the unimaginable existences that do not return to the immortal world, are all there... waiting for you..."


After saying this, the voice slowly disappeared, and this ray of consciousness that had been sealed for who knows how many years also completely dissipated.


Xu Yangyi wanted to kick him. What about playing with him? !

you've been to? Just tell me if you’ve been there! What does it mean to have your pants half off? ! Did you bring the cassette?

"That's all." After a long time, he frowned and breathed a sigh of relief, letting out the depression in his chest. Looking at the universe in all directions, there was already a touch of determination in his eyes: "Maybe it's not that I don't want to say it... but that I can't say it."

"It's like pronouncing the true name of Yahweh. You will know it no matter how far away you are. You can only tell me in this vague way."

"But it doesn't matter." He looked at the endless void around him, his eyes seeming to pierce the darkness: "No matter what the Yahwehs want to do, I don't mind."

The Pantheon...the final destination of Yahweh? There are dozens or hundreds of Gods of the universe gathered there, the most ancient existence.

All the mysteries, the whereabouts of Chaos and Haotian...the missing chapters of Ragnarok...the details of the Earth...all may be there.

If it were harmful to monks, the universe would be lifeless. Since it's harmless, what's the reason not to go?

Instead of erasing the star map, he took a deep look, and the spirit body quickly flew towards the Seven Realms.

He couldn't wait to get on this road.

Tens of minutes later, in the cave of Tianjian Villa, Xu Yangyi gently opened his eyes. The restrictions outside the house are being gently touched. The person who came was a Jindan monk. He was extremely respectful and bowed to the ground. He didn't dare to touch him a second time before he could answer.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yangyi said calmly. The Golden Core cultivator moved, with a look of fanaticism on his face: "Back to Lord Xuanyuan King, tomorrow afternoon, Wan Xiu's coming ceremony will officially begin! The sect master asked this junior to inform you, and please be sure to go."

Has it been a month already...

The mind wanders too far and does not know the years. Xu Yangyi said slowly: "I understand."

One night flies by and the next morning comes. The sun had just risen, and with the restrictions wide open, a group of female cultivators had already walked into Xu Yangyi's cave with excitement.

She has a delicate appearance, a slender figure, her movements are as gentle as the spring breeze blowing on her face, and her clothes are neat and uniform.

Shape eyebrows, tie hair, tidy up clothes. Burn incense and bathe. Although they tried their best, their hands still shook slightly.

The hero of Tianjian Villa is right in front of him, how can he not be excited?

I heard that the other party doesn't have a Taoist partner yet... If this adult likes me... I can't say that I will win at the starting line! Instead, he was born directly at the end!

The black black dragon dark pattern robe is trimmed with pure golden flying clouds and waves. The purple gold crown is inlaid with a grade-A natural and earthly treasure tiger flame stone as big as a baby's fist, and is wrapped with a white jade belt. After a full hour of busy work, Xu Yangyi could be said to have been dealt with to the extreme. Even if I look in the mirror, I can barely recognize myself. The eyes of the female cultivators behind her were sparkling.

"That's right." Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows. His consciousness was so huge that everyone's mood fluctuations had already been reflected in his body based on their realm. His consciousness swept over everything. With a flick of his fingertips, pills flew into the hands of all the female cultivators.

Wherever he started, there was a surge of spiritual energy. Each female cultivator suppressed the ecstasy in her heart and knelt down respectfully behind him. A taste of being picked by anyone spread silently. The leading female cultivator raised her hands and placed a golden scroll in it. The voice was like an orchid in the empty valley: "This junior has a duty to do so. Sir, this is the list of all the participating forces in today's ceremony. Please take a look at it."

Xu Yangyi scanned ten lines with one glance. Putting it aside, he turned around and lay down on the Arhat bed. He was as gorgeous as ink and a gentleman as a dragon. He raised his eyebrows and said, "What happened when Wan Xiu came to the ceremony? Can you tell me?"

Looking at his slender legs and strong figure, the female cultivator's face blushed slightly. At the same time, he desperately warned himself: No... you must not go out of your way. This job was obtained with great difficulty. As long as the other party doesn't tell you, you can never go overboard.

"Return to your lord." The leading female cultivator pursed her red lips lightly, her words contained a hint of spring, and her voice was neither harsh nor soft. She said softly: "The grand ceremony of Wanxiu coming to court will be held when any Taixu great master comes to the throne. The most important thing is to present the treasure. Ritual and division of power. If you don’t open your mouth to divide the power, I’m afraid the entire River of Flowing Fire will be worried all day long.”

Xu Yangyi took a sip of the spiritual tea and nodded: "Do I need to be present at the treasure presentation ceremony? I just scanned, there are about a million sects, and this is a recorded sect with a high level. Everyone walked through the venue The process will take at least a month, right?”

"Sir, you must be present at the treasure presentation ceremony. This is the congratulations of the Seven Realms to you. However, only Class A forces or allies you identify are eligible to walk on the 'Tenglong Platform.' All those who have supported the Three The power of the sect alliance, no matter how big or small, has been approved by the sect leader, but..."

She recalled the process and kowtowed slightly: "Even for sects that can donate on the spot, the number of steps to go up to the Tenglong Platform is stipulated. Only you can sit on the Tenglong Platform. Even the other five kings, two queens, and the Great Sage's envoys, You can only sit on the two sides below the Tenglong Platform. The platform is 100 meters high and has five floors. "

"Ordinary supporters of the sect can go to the first level. Those who support the sect with strong support can go to the second level. Those with humeral core can go to the third level. Life and death allies can go to the fourth level. My lord, each level may not mean anything to you. But For them, even one step is extremely important. For this number of steps, I still ask this junior to ask you."

Xu Yangyi put down the tea cup and nodded slightly.

Of course it is important. Once you can go to the fourth floor, it means that this sect will take off completely! He holds a very important position in the heart of the five most powerful kings in history! With all the attention being paid to them, I am afraid that many sects' attitudes towards them will change immediately before they return.

Such as opening up business routes, such as disciples exchanging what they have, such as high-level exchanges, such as... alliances.

There are countless benefits, and for this, all he needs to do is speak the golden tongue.

Of course, he already had a list in mind for which level. In the cycle of cause and effect, he will achieve success today and never abandon the oath he made yesterday.

With a grab in the air, the scroll flew into his hand. He made a few strokes in the air and settled on the specifications of each sect in an instant.

These are the five kings and two queens. It is no joke that one word can make the world law.

Whatever status you should be in thousands of years, that is what status you should be. The words "Five Kings" are no joke. No one dares to risk provoking the Five Kings to make friends with a sect that has been ignored by the Five Kings.

At this point in his life, killing people never requires blood.

With a flick of her fingers, the scroll flew into the hands of the female cultivator. She gently took it and kowtowed again, and another scroll flew out: "Sir, this is the roster of the major Taixu forces. It is certain that they will participate in the grand event together."

Xu Yangyi took a quick look and saw that they were all present. Basically, all the Taixu in the Seven Realms were present. He glanced at the female cultivator and asked, "What's your name?"

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