
Chapter 1592: Wan Xiu Arrives (I)


The female cultivator suddenly raised her head, and no matter how well she suppressed it, her face was still crimson at this moment. Excitement and excitement rushed into my heart. I kowtowed violently and said hoarsely and choked with sobs: "Junior... my name is Qiu Hong."

Simple name.

There is no force behind him, no faction to which he belongs. Because this is not important in the eyes of King Xuanyuan. As long as he calls her name, she will fly to the branch regardless of her faction. In addition, King Xuanyuan didn't ask. She didn't dare to cause trouble at this time.

"Qiu Hong...not bad." Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "I have no one to serve here, so I need someone to take care of things."

Her breathing was almost suffocated, and everyone was staring at Qiu Hong with envy and jealousy.

Why isn't it me...

I'm not any worse looking than her! Every female nun who comes here is a carefully selected virgin. Take care of things, serve and serve, there are so many ways to serve.

However, no one dared to object.

The momentary excitement made Qiu Hong's eyes blurry, but her body instinctively kowtowed again and said in a trembling voice: "Thanks to King Xuanyuan for not giving up, I am willing to repay you for your hard work!"


Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded. He was also a low-level monk and came over. How could he not know how big this opportunity was? Being able to give a complete reply in front of this opportunity is quite good for a Jindan.

At this moment, a melodious bell rang, extremely majestic and resounding throughout the world.

"Gentlemen... enter."

A long and drawn-out cry echoed through the surrounding space for millions of miles. The next second, the neat bells gathered into a continuous ocean, continuous and endless, like a group of dragons roaring. The sound shook hundreds of miles.

"Sir, the entrance has begun, you don't have to move. You will appear after everyone has entered." Qiu Hong changed her position very quickly, and came behind Xu Yangyi in an instant and said softly: "How can King Xuanyuan wait for them? reason."

Xu Yangyi nodded silently and closed his eyes to rest. Three hours later, at the moment when the one hundred and eight bells rang. A majestic voice sounded: "Welcome to King Xuanyuan."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and turned into a stream of light and flew straight out of the cave.

As soon as he flew out, his eyes jumped slightly. The entire Tianjian Villa at this moment cannot be described as decorated with lights and colorful decorations, but... earth-shaking!

It is almost unrecognizable that this is Tianjian Villa. The entire sect is now within a huge formation, and its appearance is at least Grade A. There is chaos between heaven and earth, a layer of mist like mist is slowly swaying, and countless blessing sky lanterns are flying in the sky. It's obviously daytime, but the sun and moon seem to shine together here.

In the vast sea of ​​mist, there was a sudden roar, and a huge creature soared from the sea of ​​mist. Its long snake body was covered with scales, antlers, and phoenix claws. It was a giant spiritual dragon.

boom! The giant dragon entered the sea, rolling up thousands of piles of snow, huge waves broke through the sky, and rare animals flew in the distance. Petals are flying down all over the sky, and female cultivators with spiritual compositions are holding pipa and guzheng in their arms, flying like phoenixes in the sky for nine days. But in the sea of ​​mist below, instead of seats, there were rootless green lotuses.

These green lotuses are in the shape of steps, and there may be nearly ten million at most. Look around at the vast expanse. Right in the center of the Sea of ​​Green Lotus, a white marble platform rises from the depths of the Sea of ​​Mist. At the highest point, there is a ten-meter-high keel seat.

The high platform is divided into five floors, and each floor is decorated with exquisite carvings. Every handrail is lifelike, and golden lotus flowers appear regularly on each floor of the platform. Red ribbons engraved with golden runes were pulled out from each armrest, swaying in the air, red as the sea, with towering waterfalls. It was a fairy scene.

Tenglongtai has three big characters, silver hooks and iron paintings, with dragons flying and phoenixes dancing.

"In the formation diagram in the armor, the treasure at the bottom of the box in Tianjian Villa is the Immortal Association." The proud voice of the Wanzhong Saint Lord floated into his ears: "I'm sure he won't be named King Xuanyuan."

"It's so grand." Even Xu Yangyi couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

"It's not grand, I still think it's not enough. The foundation of Tianjian Villa is still not enough, otherwise it should be a first-level celebration formation at this moment." The Wanzhong Sage said regretfully: "Then...start?"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Stars twinkled in the entire sea of ​​fog, and figures fell into the green lotus according to the positions they had planned long ago. In an instant, it was like the Milky Way hanging upside down. In less than thirty minutes, millions of monks had already landed on Qinglian, and there was a sea of ​​people.

"Congratulations to King Xuanyuan!" The Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord appeared at the bottom of the Tenglong Platform, and a pure white crane flew into the Taoist robe. He has the spirit of immortality, his beard is long and fluttering, and he steps on golden lotus as if he is a banished immortal. With a flick of the fly whisk in his hand, there was an indescribable Taoist charm.

Pushing the golden mountain, toppling the jade pillar, the monks on the green lotus all knelt down and worshiped. The mountain shouted like a tsunami: "I wish King Xuanyuan to achieve great supernatural powers and become a great saint!!!"

Like ripples spreading, the sound caused endless echoes, as if the whole world was congratulating him alone. This scene makes every man excited.

The whole world lies at his feet.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Yangyi turned into a stream of light and rushed straight to the Tenglong Platform. With a loud bang, golden brilliance penetrated the sky and the earth. Devour endlessly. When the golden light dissipated, he was already sitting on it. Looking around, a supreme mentality of being bowed down by all the people arises spontaneously.

This is too empty.

This is the top Taixu!

Countless planes and millions of sects depend on him. Countless monks and tens of millions of forces want to take shelter under his wings.

The sky is so high that the vast universe can support half of it.

The Yunnan Sea is broad in the chest, and the boundless wind and moon are leaning on the building.

He breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, the fragments of his past memories that he had suppressed were once again overturned by the tide. This feeling would make even a wooden person feel excited. After a few seconds, he looked away from the surging clouds on the horizon and murmured: "Hey, the deer roars, eating the apples of the wild. I have a guest, playing the harp and sheng."

The next sentence is: The mountains never get too high and the sea never gets too deep. The Duke of Zhou vomits food, and the world returns to its heart.

Too relevant.

"Excuse me, gentlemen." He calmed down his emotions and spoke slowly, overwhelming the world. All the monks seemed to have rehearsed. After kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times, they slowly stood up.

He glanced calmly and saw that just below the throne of Tenglong Platform, on the fourth floor, there was not an empty seat, but a full thirty monks, sitting there.

Among them, twelve are clearly in the Taixu realm. The Snake Mother, the Sea King, and Fairy Lingbo are all present here. The others are all at least mid-level saints, and each one bears the sign of a Taixu force. And there are not only golden lotuses here. In the sea of ​​mist in front of Golden Lotus, a long, finely carved wooden table was placed in the void. The above is complete with spirit tea and fruit wine.

Seven Realms and Thirty Taixu, none of them are missing!

At this moment, he felt a sense of consciousness. Wan Zhong Shengjun glanced at him quietly, and he nodded slightly. Wan Zhong Shengjun flicked his fly whisk again: "The new king has ascended the throne, and Wan Xiu has come to court. Congratulations!"

The first process of Wan Xiu's coming to the court, the treasure presentation ceremony officially begins!

Swipe and pull! A scroll flew out from the hands of the Ten Thousand Layers Saint Lord. Immediately, fairy music sounded from all directions, white cranes danced, phoenixes flew, and spiritual flowers spit their pistils. For millions of miles across the entire world, day turned to night in an instant, and the names of each sect shone in the sky. Stars are falling.

The dense golden light reflected the excited face of the monk below. When each name is extinguished, only one remains in the sky. And this name made countless people stunned.

It’s not easy for thousands of years, and the Song family has been handed down from generation to generation, the most powerful, and the Song family is towering.

Even the Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord was slightly startled, but there must be no mistake in this situation. He shook the whisk again and said loudly: "Xuan, the towering Song family, comes to see King Xuanyuan."

Xu Yangyi was sitting on the seat, holding his cheek with his fist, but he saw a stream of light flying out of the green lotus below. He had met him once before, and the old man who went to kill the Second Young Master of Song Dynasty at the city gate stepped out with a look on his face. Pious, he flew to the Tenglong Stage and bowed deeply: "The current head of the towering Song family, pays homage to King Xuanyuan."

"The new king has ascended the throne. The Song family cannot express their excitement. I would like to congratulate you with some meager gifts. I wish King Xuanyuan will improve his cultivation and live as long as heaven."

All due respect.

It can be said that there are no flaws. However, at this moment everyone's eyes were focused on him. And his hands were clenched tightly, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

There is no airtight wall in the world. The fact that the Second Young Master of the Song Dynasty provoked King Xuanyuan to be killed has long been spread quietly, although it was not widespread. But what needs to be known is known. Just a few months ago, Elder Xi was furious and denounced the head of the family for being incompetent, causing the Wannian family to suffer such an insult. There were even calls for impeachment.

But starting last month, everything changed.

There was no longer the voice of Ben Lei who was proud of his talent. Instead, the second son of Song Dynasty had no idea of ​​the heights of the world and challenged King Xuanyuan. The second son of Song Dynasty was also restless. In just one month, he came to his place no less than ten times.

And will King Xuanyuan be sentenced?

Accepting his gift means that the matter is over, and it was effective to cut through the mess with a sharp knife! Even if you can't get benefits from King Xuanyuan, at least you won't be suppressed.

Once you don’t accept it...

He couldn't help but shudder.

There were so many people present, such a clear signal... plus the expectant looks from the Song family seats...

His position as clan leader may have come to an end.

Amidst the uneasiness, he never spoke, which made him extremely uneasy. Gradually, this uneasiness turned into fear. The five kings with two billion spirits... transcend all great voids. The Song family...can't afford to offend them!

"Sir!" He took a deep breath and spoke bravely: "I once heard a classic saying that the ancients only used their talents, and they also followed suit. Although the Song family was not talented, they were willing to expand territory for King Xuanyuan. "

"Zi..." No matter how solemn the scene was, countless monks still gasped at this moment.

too heavy……

The Song family's promise was too heavy, and it was made in front of so many people, so it was impossible to change it.

This is a disguised saying: The Song family is willing to serve King Xuanyuan, and a family with ten thousand years of history has humbled themselves to this extent. This has never happened before in the history of Taixu! Even if there is a holiday, it is just a generous gift.

Never...never has any member of a ten thousand-year-old family said: open up new territories and lead the way for horses!

"The Song family... has a strong relationship with King Xuanyuan..." A family head's eyes flashed: "I have made such a heavy promise... The Song family... is trying to force myself onto King Xuanyuan's chariot... …”

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