
Chapter 1593: Wan Xiu's Arrival (Part 2)

The sudden exclamation was quickly drowned out until the top of Tenglong Terrace finally straightened his body slightly and said lightly: "Song Family..."

These two words made the Song Family Patriarch's muscles tense.

The following words involved the future trend of the Song Family for thousands of years!

I didn't dare to speak, my heart was beating in my throat. Just ten seconds, it seemed like ten years. Finally, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded again: "Go forward a hundred steps."

Which force, which step to take, only King Xuanyuan can decide. The Song Family Patriarch took a deep breath and stepped forward a hundred steps cautiously, just on the last level of Tenglong Terrace!

No refusal...

These four words exploded in the Song Family Patriarch's mind like fireworks in an instant, and he almost cried with joy. The five kings and two queens with 2 billion spirits...If they really want to fight with the Song Family, they will be injured and broken! And now, the other party did not refuse!

The excitement was too strong, and the glimmer of hope made his body tremble slightly. Suddenly bowing, the head of a ten thousand year old family half-knelt under the Tenglong stage, choking with hoarseness: "Thank you... King Xuanyuan's righteousness... The Song family will never break its promise!"

However, he also knew that the other party did not accept it.

This grudge has not been completely over. It depends on whether his "sincerity" is enough.

Everyone's eyes are all focused on the head of the Song family. The first ten thousand year old family to hand in the name of surrender, his gift almost represents the specifications of this treasure offering conference. Countless heads of families secretly touched the storage ring. The breath was hot.

The scene fell silent, and the head of the Song family hesitated for half a second, and then did not take out the storage ring, but took out a huge scroll.

It is about one meter long and half a meter in diameter. You can imagine how many words are recorded on it. It is extremely old, and many places are extremely damaged, but the protection is still good. It can be seen with the naked eye that the hands of the head of the Song family holding the scroll with both hands are trembling slightly.

"Song family gift!!!" He tried his best to let the whole audience hear: "Cantian City... East City Land Deed!!"

"What!?" On the fourth floor of Tenglongtai, the ancestor of Wanling Guiyi Sect suddenly exclaimed and stared at the head of the Song family.

"Heh..." Shen Chenyang's eyes were wide open, and his eyes were ignited with flames when he looked at the scroll.

Lingbo Fairy opened her red lips slightly, this kind of gift... No, it's not a gift at all, this... can no longer be described as a gift or a generous gift!

This is simply... indescribable!

Deathly silence.

The whole audience was shocked by this big move.

After a few seconds, low exclamations came one after another. Even in such a grand event, it was difficult to hide the shock in the heart.

"Cantian East City... Song family... This is not cutting flesh... This, this is breaking bones, right?" "Cut off one arm and one tail to survive... What courage... I'm afraid King Xuanyuan didn't expect it?" "Zi... Cantian City... This is Cantian City!" "The Song family's birthplace, ancestral land, a super plane that has been operated for countless years... This time, a quarter was given away?!"

What courage?

Cantian City, one city is equal to a huge plane. Moreover, it is a plane that has been developed and operated for tens of thousands of years!

More importantly, how important is geography? How many supplies enter Cantian City every moment? This is a military city and a galaxy fortress, but at the same time, so many people bring endless wealth! Seven realms circulate, and wealth is gathered! This cannot be measured by numbers at all! A quarter of the four major areas in the southeast, northwest and northeast were given away in one go. Saying that the gold mine is mobile is to underestimate this starry sky fortress!

What's more, for the Song family, this is the birthplace of the dragon, the ancestral land, and it is of extraordinary significance. This pledge of allegiance thoroughly shows the Song family's determination to stand together with King Xuanyuan and put aside their unhappiness!

Xu Yangyi was also stunned.

He really didn't expect that the Song family would play such a big trick. But...

Is he afraid?

What a joke?

With a light grab, the scroll flew into his hand. His spiritual sense quickly swept over. Finally, he smiled.

"Song family, go forward a hundred steps. Go to the fifth floor."

"The gift is very good, I like it very much."

Huh... The head of the Song family exhaled silently.

His heart was bleeding, but it was worth it.

From not being able to enter the Tenglong Terrace to entering the fifth floor, at least... it guarantees peace for ten thousand years. Maybe there will be more opportunities for cooperation. No matter how dissatisfied King Xuanyuan is with them, he will never be dissatisfied with the rich man.

"Thank you, King Xuanyuan." He stood up, bowed respectfully, and sat on the fifth floor.

As for the pairs of eyes behind him that hated him, he simply ignored them.

"This old man is not dead!!" A family head of a Class A force cursed fiercely: "Cantian City... That's Cantian City! How could he give it away?!"

It's okay for you to give it away, can you give it away quietly? !

You were the first to give Cantian City away, what should we give? We have no feud with King Xuanyuan! But... dare to let King Xuanyuan think "Why is it so much worse than the Song family"?

Dare to let the other party think it's disrespectful?

Want to wait for the revenge of 2 billion spirits, the strongest Taixu in history?


Fuck you!

An old woman of Class A force rolled her eyes and almost fainted.

The shock on Wanzhong Saint Lord's face flashed by. Although his heartbeat was too fast, he was strangely very sober and excited. He flicked his whisk: "Announce, Santu River, Class A force, Dazheng Dynasty Zhengyuan is waiting for an audience."

Suddenly, a ray of light flew out from the green lotus. It was a middle-aged man, the middle stage of the Venerable Saint. He was wearing armor and had a serious look on his face.

"Xiao Qingyu, the junior Zhengyuan Marquis of the Dazheng Dynasty, pays homage to King Xuanyuan!!" Zhengyuan Marquis half-knelt on the ground and said loudly: "I am glad to hear that the master has become too empty, and the Imperial Master is overjoyed. However, the Imperial Master is in retreat. I am unable to leave the confinement. I specially asked this junior to come here to congratulate me. I hope you won’t be offended.”

"Nothing." Xu Yangyi said calmly. Everyone in the Seven Realms knew all about the Grade A forces. The imperial master of the Taisho Dynasty, whose name is Sheng Tianzi, is the eldest among all Taixu. After extending his life four times, the lamp has run out and he is expected to die within the next two to three hundred years. With the strength in the middle stage of Taixu, I am afraid that I have no time to worry about anything else. Being able to send people here is already a great honor.

Of course, with this little "face," it is impossible to enter the Tenglong Stage, and everyone knows it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty for your kindness." Zhengyuanhou kowtowed, carefully took out a palm-sized, extremely well-made storage bag, and solemnly handed it to the Wan Zhong Shengjun.

"A congratulatory gift from the Taisho Dynasty." He said loudly: "Ten pairs of five-thousand-year-old elixirs, two hundred B-level exercises, one billion high-quality spiritual jade. Ten thousand catties of A-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures..."

There are so many different kinds, it’s dazzling to see. However, Xu Yangyi just whispered softly and didn't say much.

It took ten minutes for the Taisho Dynasty's dazzling array of priceless congratulatory gifts to be handed over. However, no one spoke at the scene, and everyone looked normal. Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "I'm determined."

The Wan Zhongshengjun immediately shouted: "Return to your position!"

Congratulatory gifts are valuable.

However, value and preciousness are not completely equated. A gift that cannot be faulted also shows that it does not take much care.

Zheng Yuanhou's lips moved, but he didn't say anything. He didn't dare to say anything. He bowed respectfully again and returned to his original position.

Xu Yangyi saw it in his eyes and had no intention of changing his mind. He is a strong person himself, so he thinks he can reach the fifth level just because of Taixu's reputation?

His Tenglong platform is not so worthless.

The Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord did not want to be left alone, and immediately shouted: "The river of flowing fire, the power in the armor, the evil ways of heaven and earth. The sect master has an audience!"

Only the power of five kings and two queens can be called the top. Jia Zhong is already the pinnacle of all forces. Moreover, it was the River of Flowing Fire, and King Xuanyuan was directly under his command, so everyone’s eyes lit up. Especially those second-level sects who came to watch the ceremony. From the first Song family's treasure presentation, their eyes have been opened.

A chubby fat man flew up, quite festive. What’s interesting is that almost all the sect leaders of all major forces are sages. Only the Supreme Elder is the real Taixu.

"The Master of the Tianluo Disha Dao Sect pays homage to King Xuanyuan!" The fat man bowed his head and bowed: "When I heard that the new king had ascended the throne, I was overjoyed. I picked out a rare treasure overnight, hoping that it would be able to attract the attention of the adults."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi heard this interestingly. It's really rare to be so confident in his own treasure, with the towering city's pearls and jade in front of him. He smiled and said, "Send it over."

"Yes." The fat man took a deep breath and his expression became serious. He carefully took out the storage ring, shook it gently, and a square box appeared in front of everyone.

The box is carved with dragons and phoenixes, which is extremely exquisite and about half a meter tall. But the most eye-catching thing is not its appearance.

Instead, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one silver chains wrapped around it, and countless talismans are attached to it. Even though they are so far apart, a sense of bloodshed and fierceness is still looming.

"This is..." Below, a second-level sect leader took a closer look and immediately gasped: "The Zhoutian Star Sealing this the Zhoutian Star Sealing Technique?!"

"As expected!" On the other side, a Daozi from the Yishang Sect stared hard and said in a voiceless voice: "It is said that only the most powerful things can be sealed, so this kind of formation can be used. This... what is sealed in the box? What is it?”

"This method is only recorded in history books. I didn't expect to see it again today!" "It is rumored that it cannot be sealed unless it is the realm of Taixu, or it cannot be sealed unless it is a rare thing from heaven and earth... It's an eye-opener, it's an eye-opener!" "And! Not to mention the contents of the box, even this seal is worth a lot of money."

"The Demonic Way of Heaven and Earth is adjacent to the Luo Xing Sea. Could it be a rare treasure in the sea?" "It's hard to say that the seven evil lands of Luo Xing Sea and the sea monsters are raging. Ordinary monks can't even take a step forward!" "Haha, the ancestor of the Demonic Way of Heaven and Earth is Zhen Longzi. Senior, in the middle stage of Taixu, is that an ordinary monk?"

Their voices were extremely low, but how conscious was Xu Yangyi? With a glance of thousands of meters, all disturbances and disturbances cannot escape the sky net. For a moment, I was really intrigued.


With such confidence, and still under his command, facing his immediate boss, what kind of gift can he give?

He was curious.

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