
Chapter 1595: Wan Xiu Arrives (IV)

Dead silence.

A few seconds later, a low voice of discussion arose on the Sea of ​​Azure Lotus, and then it turned into a continuous sound of shocking inhalation. In the end, even in such an occasion, a shocking sea wave was set off! The exclamations that could not be suppressed were endless and deafening!

"If this king is immortal, the sect will be immortal?" The young master of Yu Mantang almost stood up. Even if this honor did not belong to them, he was extremely excited at this moment.


Too high!

Such a heavy promise! ? Isn't this what they, Yu Mantang, are asking for!

"Heh..." On the fourth floor of Tenglong Terrace, Xiahou sighed slightly. He was extremely envious in his heart. Two billion spirits... a full two billion spirits! Once he gets angry, no one in the seven realms can defeat him without the Great Sage. He is truly one man against a thousand!

The Great Xia Dynasty desperately wants to establish a good relationship with the other side. This kind of strong support, the name alone is enough to shock the world! The name of King Xuanyuan is now well-known in the entire Seven Realms and Millions of Stars, whether in the Great Thousand Worlds or the Small Thousand Worlds. But he realized at this moment that some things cannot be bought even with money.

King Xuanyuan's promise must be exchanged with life!

Moreover, there is only one chance.

"Heh... after today... these sects can at least guarantee rapid development for ten thousand years..." "Go! Record it immediately, who can go to the fourth level!" "These Class A forces... bet on the right treasure..." "Yes... now the reward is here, just this promise is worth all their efforts!" "Who would have thought that once Lord Ben Lei becomes King Xuanyuan, his spiritual power can reach such an unprecedented level?" "What a great courage... such a heavy promise!"

All eyes looked at the fourth level, life and death allies... who can sit on this position that makes them extremely envious and even jealous?

And the Wuxiang Yinhuo Dao, the Source Blood Realm Blood Clan, the Tusu Family, the Meng Family... all the cultivators present, their eyes suddenly moistened, and their chests rose and fell.

"Fang Rong..." At the Tusu family, an old man trembled and closed his eyes. He gently stroked a spiritual tablet in his hand, and his voice was full of emotion: "You died for what you deserved..."

"It's worth it... For the sake of the family's contribution, you and I have this step..."

"Rest in peace..." He gently stroked the spiritual tablet with his hand, and his voice was extremely hoarse: "King Xuanyuan... He did not break his promise."

As if he heard his words, there was still a little spiritual fire lingering on the spiritual tablet, but it suddenly extinguished at this moment. It was as if he had put down all the burdens and returned to heaven.

There was a clamor from all directions, and Xu Yangyi had never heard of it. He kept his word. This was his principle. The situation was so critical at that time. If other people had hesitated for a moment, he would not have been able to escape and ascend to heaven.

In front of the Queen of Wa...

In front of a real Yahweh...

In front of the Lord of the Seven Realms, a true immortal that they had never heard of, he withstood the enormous pressure and exploded... Yes, they were all natives, and what they knew was far different from Xu Yangyi, and their spiritual power was not comparable at all, but at that moment, it really shocked his heart.

Thousands of red spider lilies swayed on the bridge of heaven and earth. This scene... he will remember it forever in his heart.

"Silence." His voice was filled with emotion and disappeared in an instant. As the voice fell, the surroundings suddenly became as quiet as death.

He looked at the crowd suddenly: "Mandala Potian Xianzong."

Swish swish swish! !

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were fixed on the location of Potian Xianzong. Their leader suppressed the pounding of his heart and stood up. He bowed deeply and stood up tremblingly: "I am the current leader of Potian Xianzong. I meet King Xuanyuan. As promised by King Xuanyuan, Potian Xianzong will be the vanguard of King Xuanyuan's horse!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply: "The elder of Guizong, the king, was illegal and blew himself up on the bridge of heaven and earth to help this king escape."

Nothing needs to be said.

Excitement, excitement, and nostalgia... All kinds of emotions made the leader almost shed tears on the spot, bowed ninety degrees, and couldn't get up for a long time.

"Go up the stage 400 steps. Enter the fourth floor." Xu Yangyi waved his hand and said: "After the appraisal of the 100,000 light-year star map is completed, it will be divided into 3,000 light-years."

The sect master's face turned red, and he gritted his teeth to suppress the excitement of looking up to the sky. His body trembled slightly, and he turned into a stream of light, and flew to the fourth floor with his hair and beard standing upright, and landed on it.

They went all out, and the interest finally arrived!

The benefit of sending charcoal in the snow, the favor of King Xuanyuan in exchange for countless elites annihilating the world of great struggle, and he really lived up to himself!

The first force to reach the fourth floor!

The firm ally of the new overlord! Witnessed by thousands of cultivators!

"Sir." He did not sit down, but held a jade box in both hands and said hoarsely: "A gift from the Potian Xianzong, congratulations to King Xuanyuan!"

"Well." Xu Yangyi grabbed it casually, without looking at it, and put it in the storage ring.

In just one action, everyone's eyes were thoughtful.

Every action of the Five Kings and Two Queens, including what they said, what they ate, and what they liked, would definitely be studied by 90% of the cultivators. And Xu Yangyi's action only showed one thing.

For him, loyalty with one's life is far more important than superficial treasures!

He treats me like this, and I treat him like this.

Heart for heart, nothing else.

After accepting the gift, the leader of the Potian Xianzong sat down. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the faces of the cultivators that day came to life in front of him. He looked at a sect: "Wuxiang Temple."

"Amitabha... Abbot Ming and Hui of Wuxiang Temple are here to meet King Xuanyuan." An old man with a white beard, wearing a golden silk cassock, prostrated himself. There was unspeakable emotion and excitement in his respectful voice.

Xu Yangyi said slowly: "The Zen Master Baoxiang of your sect, and the Master of the Palm, all fell in the age of great strife. Zen Master Baoxiang brazenly blew himself up to free me from trouble, and I feel his feelings. After taking a thousand and four hundred steps, I entered the fourth place. layer."

"Follow the law!!" Zen Master Ming and Hui spoke hoarsely, kowtowed heavily, turned into a stream of light and flew to the fourth floor.

"Mandala's formless Yin Fire Way. Ancestor Yin Feng, the elder of your sect, rescued me from the bridge of heaven and earth and blew himself up. Go forward four hundred steps and enter the fourth floor."

"It's not easy for thousands of years. The Tusu family has been passed down for generations. The treasure envoy and fellow Taoist Fang Rong all fell in the age of great strife. Fellow Taoist Fang Rong also fell from the bridge of heaven and earth... Go forward four hundred steps and enter the fourth level."

"The Meng family, a ten thousand-year-old family, take four hundred steps forward and enter the fourth floor."

As the names were read out one by one, the heads of Class A forces who were so excited that they trembled flew into the air and sat down at the table. And below, there were already red eyes.

Extremely envious!

Extremely jealous!

After their rapid rise, these sects will definitely move sideways in the Seven Realms in the future! Even the other five kings and two queens have to stay away!

It is a Class A force that has been around for tens of thousands of years and has a profound foundation. This time... I got a promise of absolute combat power... Added together... the result is simply unimaginable!

Steadily dominate other Grade A forces! Even the sects under the command of the Five Kings and Two Queens would probably have to give in for the sake of King Xuanyuan’s two billion souls!

What an honor?

This is the reward that comes from making the right bet!

Not to return their treasure, but to return a promise, a word. This sentence is worth hundreds of millions of treasures!

However, regretting was of no use now. They could only watch helplessly as the monks who came to help them fly up to the fourth floor, one person below and above ten thousand people.

Stream after stream of light responded and flew into the Tenglong Stage, with faces that were so excited that they turned red. Within half an hour, the fourth floor was full of guests and friends. Enjoy Wan Xiu’s longing gaze below. In an instant, all four floors of Tenglong Terrace were full, but no one spoke. Their gazes were like swords, all looking towards the fifth floor.

There are still two sects whose names have not been read.

The Vajra Way, the Withered Bone View.

However, the fourth floor was already full.

"Do you want to share the world with King Xuanyuan?" A monk asked in a trembling voice. At this moment, Xu Yangyi looked down and said in a deep voice: "Withered Bone View, Vajra Way."

"Here!" "Junior has seen King Xuanyuan!" Immediately, two figures stood up with a trembling voice. Even they could not restrain themselves from trembling at this moment.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Take five hundred steps forward and enter...the fifth floor!"

Wow! ! !

The sound of exclamation from the mountains and seas below.

"This is the real heavy code..." On the fourth level, a sect leader's eyes were also red, and the treatment at each level was completely different. But there is no way to argue about this. Everyone knows who the other two sects of the three sect alliance are. Everyone knew who King Xuanyuan ascended to with at that time.

"It's a pity...why wasn't my Split Heaven Sect the one who ascended together that day?!" "It only took a few hundred years, who would have thought?" "These two sects... have been allies with Tianjian Villa from the beginning, no matter how envious they are. There is no way to fight for it..."

The two sect leaders took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement that their hearts were about to burst, and flew above the fifth floor. Bowing deeply, his voice was choked with sobs: "King Xuanyuan has a deep sense of loyalty, I... will never betray you!"

"Share honor and disgrace together, life and death together!!"

"Share honor and disgrace together, life and death together!!"

They both spoke simultaneously. Xu Yangyi nodded deeply: "If you don't let me down, I will never let you down."

The eyes of the monk below were red. This commitment is heavier than before!

"This king is immortal, and the sect is immortal. It's just immortality... and this is not up to each other... This is the highest level of treatment!" The young master of Yu Mantang crossed his hands and made a rattling sound. After a long time, he breathed a long sigh of relief: "This great king... can follow you with all your strength!"

"King Xuanyuan... a man of loyalty." On the other side, a sect leader also looked at the figure above: "As long as you give, you will be rewarded... These are the Five Kings with a mind full of rivers!"

"Pass the order." "Pass the order!" "Pass the order!"

"Whenever you see the disciples of Tianjian Villa in the future, try your best to make friends with them!" "Immediately investigate, who will be favored by King Xuanyuan from now on in Tianjian Villa!" "After Wan Xiu comes to court today, I want all the disciples of Tianjian Villa to be favored!" List of potential disciples! "Ready to take on the mission of Tianjian Villa... I can take it as my master."

People are different.

Some people are too vain and think that taking away the benefits is natural. If they are in a good mood and the chips you offer are heavy, he may take action.

However, no one is a fool. What I saw today is that there has been a subtle change in their hearts. From awe to admiration.

A promise worth a thousand dollars, a heart for a heart.

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