
Chapter 1596: Seven Palaces

A grand ceremony for Wan Xiu's coming to court, everyone went from shocked to convinced. A few hours later, the ceremony for Wan Xiu's coming to court ended, but there was no mountain of discussion, only the thoughtful sect masters were left. .

Especially the sects from the River of Flowing Fire were even more excited in their meditation.

This is a wise master.

A wise master worth following.

Brush...Countless streams of light flew across the sky, and Tianjian Villa had already prepared a place for millions of monks to rest. And countless B-level and even C-level sect leaders who couldn't live in the cave had immediately gathered together.

Iron Sword Academy.

The decoration is not particularly luxurious. After all, Tianjian Villa is the newly promoted Five Kings and Two Queens, and its background is no better than that of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate and the Nether Sea Dragon King's Palace. Even for a second-level sect, it is only at an "acceptable" level. But no one raised the slightest objection.

People are stronger than circumstances.

As long as King Xuanyuan is here for a day, they don't mind even a thatched house.

Boom... A wine glass was gently put down, and an old hand slowly turned the wine glass. There were six old men sitting in the room, with food and wine placed in front of them, but no one used their chopsticks.

"As for that sir..." After a long time, a skinny old man finally spoke and pointed to the top of his head: "What do you think?"

"We only have our own people now, so there is no need to shirk the blame. Our six sect alliance has come to this day. I know that everyone wants to plan to move to the next level."

An old woman picked up the wine glass but did not drink it. She said with shining eyes: "He has great talent and superb strength. He will not fail us."

"Of course." A fat monk also said: "This sect, the Skilled Craftsman Sect, has never been able to fight. Thanks to the help of all my fellow Taoists, we have been able to get where we are today."

"Everyone in the entire sect can only be good at civil engineering. But... we have taken refuge in Taixu in the past generations. How many of them have achieved good results?"

He sighed: "You only think of me when you are building the mountain gate of the palace. It is extremely difficult to meet us on weekdays. But this time..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "I want to give it a try."

"Are you sure?" The skinny old man lowered his eyes and said: "I see Lord Xuanyuan King, he is not following the route of more and more, but less and more. We... are only in the second level..."

A sly smile appeared on the face of the fat old man: "I'm afraid not usually, but now, I have seven levels of confidence."

"You think, Tianjian Villa will be moved to the River of Flowing Fire in a year. What will happen to Lord Xuanyuan King's palace? Yes, this is what he will be busy with for a week. But a Five Kings have to build the palace with their own hands, Tian Will Jianshan Villa allow it? Even if the old man wants to do it, I'm afraid he will have to stop him."

"This is a slap in the face of Tianjian Villa."

"Not to mention the adults' palace, the sect as a whole, the mountain gate, the trading market, the Cave Paradise... Everyone knows that any territory of five kings and two queens will become a huge city in a few hundred years. It is the political and economic influence of the entire plane. The most central. With so many things, how can Tianjian Villa’s second sect be so busy without recruiting disciples?”

He smiled and said: "Although our sect has no fighting power, our magical powers of civil engineering and palace construction have been passed down for thousands of years."

Everyone's eyes flickered.

Among those present here are the sects that tame spiritual beasts, the sects that cultivate spiritual animals, the sects that cultivate spiritual medicines... At this moment, my heart is completely moved.

"Good." The skinny old man finally spoke: "I also feel that Lord Xuanyuan King is not just trying to burn bridges. We are not qualified to bet on the world of great conflict. This round of betting must not be delayed!"

"Today, I will submit my greetings immediately!"

"As soon as possible!" A bald old man said: "We can think of it, other sects will definitely want to get it! Our six sect alliance is not the only one with special sects in the seven realms! Tonight... we are destined to have no sleep."

At the same time, in the large and small caves, the sect leaders and elders of the B-level forces were all having heated discussions.

"I think it's better to join in with all our strength. The reputation of a certain hall under Tianjian Villa is definitely better than that of our current sect!" "Second Elder... the inheritance of this sect has been cut off..." "Haha, we Is it hard to live like this for more than a thousand years? If you continue like this, you will die sooner or later!" "I agree that it's better to rely on the big tree to enjoy the shade. And... think about it, two billion souls are unprecedented... …Is this adult really unable to go alone?”

"When the time comes...the reputation of the Great Sage's certain hall is not worthy of the sect's inheritance? Besides, who says that the sect's inheritance cannot be preserved? As you can see today, there are many B-level forces on the fifth level. Zongmen? Did King Xuanyuan ever ask what they needed to do?"

Yes, no sleep tonight.

The light of spiritual light stayed on until the next day. Some people made decisions while others hesitated.

However, this does not affect the sea of ​​gifts at Tianjian Villa at all. The camels of various monsters and beasts lined up outside the mountain gate spread directly for thousands of miles! Congratulatory gifts from millions of sects poured in from all directions. There are even so many storage rings at Tianjian Villa that they are all filled! Just the 10,000-meter space storage rings alone filled up an entire cave!

At the same time, endless invitations flew into Tianjian Villa. The various elders' caves were extremely busy with their greeting cards piling up like mountains. Even the disciple cave, where no one usually comes, is overcrowded.

"Senior Brother Chen, long time no see." "Are you...?" "Senior Brother Chen is a noble person who forgets things a lot. When you came to Tianjian Villa, I went out of my way to practice it for you, Junior Brother."

"Fellow Daoist Xu, long time no see." "Aren't you...Fellow Daoist Lin who ascended at the same time? Come, sit down." "Haha, I dare not, Fellow Daoist is lucky now... To be honest, I came here to ask for something."

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, we meet again after a long time, are you all right?" "Okay, come, sit down. If you have anything to say, Fellow Daoist Qi, just tell me... I have received the tenth fellow Daoist today... I am really exhausted, please forgive me..."

The network of relationships, which could not be opened at ordinary times, suddenly burst like a flood at this time, and they came to them without them moving.

Countless eyes looked at the task bar of Tianjian Villa. The sect was about to move and improve its foundation, and they didn't believe that the other party didn't want people!

Xu Yangyi didn't care about these at all, there were too many people. Almost all of the five kings and two queens visited last night, and there were also fellow Daoists of Taixu. More importantly, he would give a sermon in a few days.

This is the rule. Any Taixu must give a sermon for ten days. Telling about your experience in each realm, this opportunity is rare! And it is not limited to status. Just a few days ago, the places where people can live in the Tianjian Villa were already overcrowded. Even the three major forces around opened their doors to help Tianjian Villa.

No one told them to do this.

Instead, they did it spontaneously.

One by one, the cultivators of the great world, and even the small world, came here with longing and excited eyes, like a pilgrimage.

"Qiuhong." Xu Yangyi sat in the cave, bored, and it was inconvenient to go out. Once he went out, countless eyes were on him, and he didn't like this feeling.


Chu Zhaonan was not there, and Zhao Ziqi's physical body was being constructed. The other elders of the sect were busy like spinning tops. In the entire Tianjian Villa, he was the only one who was idle and panicked.

"Junior is here." Qiuhong responded, holding a cup of spiritual tea respectfully. Xu Yangyi took it, and it was warm and smooth as usual.

"I have something to ask of you." Xu Yangyi gently flicked the teacup and said slowly.

Qiuhong's eyes flashed, and she knelt down immediately.

This was trust, but also a test.

If she was the only one to serve King Xuanyuan, she would not be willing. Even if they could not become Taoist companions, she wanted to become his confidant.

"Go find the teleportation array of Liuhuo River."

"... Where is the teleportation array?" Qiuhong asked carefully.

Xu Yangyi closed the teacup and said lightly: "No Return Realm."

Qiuhong frowned slightly, she had never heard of this name.

Xu Yangyi raised his hand, and a token turned into a stream of light and flew into the other party's hand: "Seeing the order is like seeing the person. Remember, find someone you can trust. In addition, I need a time that no one knows to open it."


"In addition, this king has heard of one thing." He said faintly: "Once there were seven strongest star beasts that invaded the Seven Realms. They were all defeated and imprisoned. You bring me back the information of the star beasts imprisoned in Liuhuo River. And... the key to enter there."

The mystery of the Seven Realms has been basically solved, but there is still one that has always been in his heart.

He never forgot that the talisman has two sides, the yin and yang. All the talismans he got were the yang side, and the yin side... was under the Demon Suppression Palace guarded by only five kings and two queens!

These seven palaces, called the Seven Great Halls, have never been opened. It has been tens of thousands of years.

And these talismans... are related to another legend.

Little Dragon Man

It was here, in Daozi Cave, that the opportunity to swallow the talisman was opened, and the memory fragment left by swallowing the talisman was the little dragon man.

"It's time to solve everything..." He closed his eyes and meditated habitually: "When everything is solved, it will be the day I return to Earth."

Time passed quickly, and a few days later, the preaching conference began.

The number of people was simply impossible to count, from the seven realms, the great world, and the small world, it was simply countless, even the sky was already full.

This sermon lasted for ten days before it ended, and every cultivator looked unsatisfied. However, Xu Yangyi didn't want to wait any longer, just yesterday, Qiu Hong had returned to the cave.

"How is it?" The figure turned into a stream of light and flew in. Qiu Hong had already kneeled on the ground respectfully, holding a white jade box in both hands: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the box opened gently. The inside was divided into two sides. On the left was a token. There were many talismans engraved on it. He was very familiar with it. This was the token to open the super teleportation array.

No one dared to refuse his request.

"Is it safe?" He asked while playing with the token.

"Absolutely safe." Qiu Hong replied respectfully: "If it is not safe, you can take my life."

"No need to do that." Xu Yangyi waved his hand: "Go down, work hard, even if there are some minor mistakes, I will not blame you."

Qiu Hong left, and he looked at the thing on the other side.

It was a bone.

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