
Chapter 1597: The Star Beast with One Billion Spirits

The bone was about a foot long and wrapped in a piece of black silk. He raised his brows and dropped the bones into his hands. At the same time, there was a bang in front of him, and an extremely fierce aura suddenly exploded.


Even with his spiritual power, he frowned slightly. Not powerful, but extreme desire. This desire... is very similar to his desire talisman!

However, there are some other things mixed in, which are unclear. He even felt a devouring meaning.

"Interesting." He put the bones back into the storage ring and looked at the silk fabric spread out in the air. There is a passage written on it in vermilion letters.

"This bone is the key to the Demon Suppressing Palace. It comes from the star beast of the River of Flowing Fire: Luan Xian. Twenty-three thousand years ago, Luan Xian attacked the River of Flowing Fire. The five contemporary kings bravely faced it and fought decisively in Qianqiu Li to defeat the Luan Xian. . However, this beast, like other astral beasts suppressed by the Six Realms, cannot be eliminated and can only be suppressed permanently."

"Only the five kings and two queens have the right to open the Demon Suppression Palace."

Very good... He grabbed it gently and the bone key fell into his hand. It turned into a stream of light and shot straight into the sky.

"I want to go out, so there is no need to wait. The time is uncertain."

The majestic spiritual consciousness reached the ears of Wan Zhong Shengjun. He was slightly stunned, and then sighed with emotion.

"He's gone?" Venerable Wu Xiang was beside him, looking at the sky in trance and said.

"Yes..." Wan Zhongshengjun pinched his beard and murmured: "I just finished my business and left..."

No one spoke. After a long time, Venerable Wu Xiang smiled and said, "This is a good thing."

"Taixu is a big hurdle. Too many monks have rushed over and enjoyed all the glory. The feeling of being a supreme minister is something that even Taixu can't give up."

Wan Zhongshengjun smiled and said: "From now on, we can't make any progress, it's too wasted. Thousands of years later, it turned into a handful of loess."

Venerable Wu Xiang nodded: "He is different. We can't see the end of the path he pursues. Let him go. We will take care of the sect's secular affairs as long as we can..."

Xu Yangyi didn't know this at all, and he didn't want to stay any longer. The grand world of Taixu was calling him, and every time he thought about it, he looked into the sky with endless anticipation. Staying at Tianjian Villa for more than a month was enough.

brush! The streamer broke through the sky and soon reached the portal node. The guarding monk only felt a flash of inspiration, and just as the dead soul was about to speak, a token was suspended in the void, and everyone was silent for an instant.

Auras of spiritual light bloomed on the token, and the word Xuanyuan shocked the space. After a few seconds, it swayed slightly and disappeared into the void. Only then did the guarding monk react.

" Xuanyuan?" In the dead silence, a golden elixir monk finally spoke belatedly.

Pointing in the direction of the portal, the ripples of space fluctuations were still there, but like a stone sculpture, he couldn't stretch his arms back for a long time.

No one answered. After a few seconds, several monks dispersed like crazy. "Quick! Inform the River of Flowing Fire immediately! King Xuanyuan is coming!" "Why did you come here suddenly?" "King Xuanyuan... I never dreamed that I could see it with my own eyes. He's an old man!" "'s like you saw it clearly."

A few hours later, the teleportation circle located in the River of Flowing Fire opened. As soon as Xu Yangyi stepped out, a crowd of monks were already kneeling in front of him. The leader, a Nascent Soul, prostrated himself on the ground and said with sincerity and fear: "Greetings, welcome King Xuanyuan!"

Xu Yangyi was originally eager to go to the Demon Suppressing Palace, but when he saw that the other party was sweating profusely with anxiety, he laughed: "Where is the Demon Suppressing Palace?"

"...Wan, night, this junior is so honored! To see the beauty of the sky..." Monk Yuanying was excitedly explaining his feelings when he suddenly got stuck. He coughed dryly with a red face, and unexpectedly stopped stuttering: "Sir... … Thousands of miles due east of the Mahayana Gate of Nothingness.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in front of him, and the place was deserted.

After a long time, he dared to ask timidly: "Yes, has anyone seen your face clearly?"

There was silence, everyone looked at each other.

"Damn it!!" Monk Nascent Soul breathed out depressedly: "Ben Zhenjun... didn't even dare to raise his head just now! A good opportunity was missed, a good opportunity was missed!!"


Light and shadow intertwined, and the speed of Taixu was so fast. An hour later, Xu Yangyi had arrived at a red valley.


Extremely unknown.

If the River of Flowing Fire is like a jade plate, this place is like a drop of blood on the jade plate, which is extremely dazzling.

"Sure enough." Xu Yangyi did not go in immediately. This valley was like a dry skeleton of a creature, with rocks piercing the sky and collapsing clouds. A dark purple, strange trace like meridians spread from the center of the valley. Tens of thousands of meters in radius are covered by it.

There are golden ropes hanging between the barb-like stone thorns. There are countless wind chimes tied to it, which jingle when the wind blows gently. It shows the beauty of silence.

"A superior treasure of heaven and earth, Kongyun Silk, made with unique techniques and purely handmade. Each strip is engraved with runes, and all the bells are skillfully constructed to form a warning array. Any abnormal movement in the valley will It will be transmitted for tens of millions of miles immediately... This is at least a masterpiece of Taixu." He saw the key at a glance, rubbed his fingers gently and said: "Kongyun silk is the best material for making physical restrictions. Such a big area..."

Looking around, the empty clouds and silk ropes here are densely packed into a network, and it is impossible to count how many there are. I'm afraid the entire world of Kongyunsi has been moved here.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his light, and lightly moved his hand across the ground. His brows furrowed even more tightly.

"These scar-like marks... hide extremely powerful desires, killing, pain... joy... the desires are so strong that they have turned into physical objects. This astral beast is not dead yet, and is alive and well... interesting."

He turned into a stream of light and rushed into the valley. Just after entering a hundred meters, thousands of spiritual consciousness swept over him in an instant. The spiritual power in his body was so huge that with a slight hum, all his consciousness collapsed. A cautious voice came from a distance: "Who is coming?"

"King Xuanyuan." Xu Yangyi flipped his hand, and a stream of light disappeared into the valley.

After a few seconds of silence, a black light flew out from it.

That was a middle-aged monk, who turned out to be a Yang Sage. Half of his face has an iron mask. The hair is mixed with gray. The aura on his body was like the rising sun, dazzling.

This is a monk who has experienced countless baptisms of war, and is completely different from the flowers in the greenhouse.

"I have met King Xuanyuan." He was neither arrogant nor humble, and did not have the slightest flinch of the previous monks. Xu Yangyi's consciousness swept away, and there were countless black-armored forbidden troops under the surrounding stone thorns, spreading endlessly. Even if he appeared in person, there was no confusion at all, and his expression did not even change.

Two rows of torches burned on both sides of the stone road. These black-armored imperial soldiers were hidden in the shadows, as if they were terracotta warriors and horses, silently welcoming him as he entered.

The security is tight and the murderous intent is overwhelming.

His gaze passed from here to somewhere further away. At the end of the sky, a flame rose into the sky, as if even the sky was melting. That's the hinterland of the valley. It's so chilling when you first enter it. You can imagine what it's like when you get inside.

"Nothing. Just lead the way." Xu Yangyi nodded. However, this Yang Sheng frowned slightly for the first time.

He was still respectful, but his words were like ironclad stone: "May I ask how much spiritual power you have?"

He doesn't know his spiritual power yet?

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows: "Does it matter? Or...does it matter to me?"

He came closer, huge spiritual power surged out, and looked directly into the other person's eyes: "It doesn't matter to the Lord Kong Kong?"

He can get in, but I can't?

Kakaka... The majestic spiritual power was overwhelming. The iron-faced monk not far away trembled, gritted his teeth and cupped his hands and said: "No... but the Great Sage has issued an edict. Those with less than 700 million spiritual powers can only move around. Within 10,000 meters of the valley.”

"Those with more than 900 million spiritual powers can enter 50,000 meters. Only those with more than 1 billion spiritual powers can enter the hinterland."

With cold sweat on his forehead, he pointed at half of his face with all his strength: "Sir, this place is extremely dangerous and dangerous. It is no joke. Throughout the ages, there have only been twenty five kings and two queens who have entered the hinterland. Even Lord Kong Kong is in charge, I have never entered the hinterland. It is a real devil's cave. Half of my face was destroyed in the last explosion."

Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze and shot a pill over: "Two billion, is it enough?"

"Ah?" The iron-faced monk was stunned, and after half a second, he suddenly opened his mouth: "Two, two billion?!"

"Lead the way." Xu Yangyi turned into a stream of light and flew forward, and the Iron-faced monk immediately followed behind. He was still thinking about the conversation just now. Two this possible?

The further they flew in, the more and more black-armored Forbidden Army there were. In the end, they almost stretched into a sea, and every monk carried a strong blood-evil aura. Even in the end, he was fully armed and held a spear in his hand, with all the spear points pointed at the hinterland of the valley.

"Is it time to explode again?" Xu Yangyi asked.

"No... Sir, we must be prepared every minute and every second. Once that monster comes out... the entire seven realms will be devastated." He gritted his teeth, as if recalling some horrific scene, and said in a trembling voice: "Up Once it breaks out, its spiritual power... is already over one billion! It's impossible to detect the details... No one of the five kings and two queens of this generation can enter the hinterland. "

There are one billion astral beasts imprisoned under the River of Flowing Fire?

Xu Yangyi became more and more interested. If it hadn't been for the Great Sage's intervention, no one among the five kings and two queens of this generation would have been able to restrain this monster except him.

The longer you live, the longer you get stronger... This simply breaks the rules of life!

Going inward, there were more and more purple scars on the ground, and finally... the entire valley was dyed deep purple. Now that they were fifty thousand meters deep, a fiery breath erupted from the hinterland. The entire valley looked extremely strange as the surrounding deep purple swayed.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly opened up. Endless stone thorns formed a huge basin of one million meters. At the edge of the basin, a long river of flames surrounded it, endless waves of fire rose into the sky, and the defense of the black-armored Forbidden Army reached its highest level here!

There are three floors inside and three floors outside, and there are more than tens of thousands of monks here. Countless talismans shine in the sky. There are hundreds of flying boats in the sky, armed to the teeth, forming a sky barrier around the basin. Each piece of spiritual treasure, at least thousands of them, are suspended in the void. All aimed at the center of the basin. A spiritual energy cannon is always open.

Spiritual energy penetrated the air, fighting spirit poured down to the ground, and the air was filled with the chilling smell of rust.

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