
Chapter 1598: Star Beast, Chaos Immortal

Silence is like death, murderous intent is like fire.

Xu Yangyi had seen much larger formations than this, so he was naturally unmoved and looked towards the end of the road. There is only one exit in the entire basin, which is blocked by a thousand-meter gate that is as high as the basin. It is covered with countless talismans, and these talismans condense into a huge animal head.

Behind the door, monstrous flames burst into the sky, but it was very strange. There was no smoke in such a fire. Looking from here, it looked like the legendary Flame Mountain. Endless flames burst out through the crack in the door. And a deep roar that made one's hair stand on end could be vaguely heard inside.

"The true fire of Samadhi cannot be used except by the great sage." The iron-faced monk took a deep breath and looked solemnly: "This fire burned a big river here, which is also the origin of the name of the River of Flowing Fire. It is also because of this The river of flames has sealed the chaos for tens of thousands of years."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and with each fluctuation of these roars, the Devouring Desire Talisman in his chest started to beat. This has never been the case.

"Open the door." He said calmly.

"Sir!" The Iron-faced monk is not alone at the door. There are also more than a dozen leading monks. No matter how selfless they are, they must welcome the Five Kings and Two Queens in person. At this moment, everyone was half-kneeling on the ground, and an old man said nervously: "I can't do it... Sir! This beast has been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years! The door has never been opened!"

"Yes, sir! You are the Seventh Realm Humerus. This beast has been imprisoned for so long and has already gone crazy. Once something happens to you, we will die without redemption!" "Sir, you must not do it. No five kings or two queens have ever entered. It’s too dangerous here!”

Suddenly, voices of obstruction came one after another. Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, and in the next second, a vast aura rose into the sky from Xu Yangyi's body.

Boom! ! The entire valley was shaken. The expressions of those sculpture-like black-armored sergeants changed for the first time, and they looked at the place where the spiritual energy broke out in shock. The restrictions of empty clouds in all directions roared instantly, like a terrifying storm blowing in the valley!

In an instant, the low roar in the basin stopped. Immediately afterwards, an extremely fierce spiritual energy erupted tit for tat, swallowing up the star and swaying the fire. However, the moment he encountered Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy, he couldn't move beyond half an inch!

Kara la la la... The lips of more than a dozen leaders opened in astonishment, and everyone could feel it with their spiritual consciousness. It was like a flood rushing up the dam, and the spiritual energy of Luan Xian was visibly overwhelmed by the naked eye!

And it's not that the canines are at each other's throats. The overwhelming feeling after the fight is that it's one-sided from the beginning! The spiritual energy of Luanxian was like a huge wave rolling back, and the waves crashed on the shore. However, the moment it touched it, it was like hitting a copper wall and turned into flying ash in an instant. The roar in the basin went from violent, to high, to fast and weak, and finally... actually returned to calm?


When the movement of the astral beasts completely subsided, Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy suddenly disappeared, as if nothing had happened, and he looked at a group of stunned monks: "Now, can I go in?"

No one answered.

All the monks looked at him and then at the basin. Suddenly I had an incredible illusion.

Who is the astral beast?

Is this really a chaotic immortal that no Taixu can conquer in tens of thousands of years?

He was actually suppressed by spiritual pressure?

Then...why did they guard it for so long?

"'s okay." An old man came to his senses first, turned around and shouted: "Open the door! Open the door for King Xuanyuan!"

The sound of Carrara's noose sounded, roaring, the spiritual energy of tens of thousands of monks surged, their spears faced each other coldly, their magic weapons shone, and Xu Yangyi flew in with a single step in the brilliance. The monks behind him looked at his back with complicated expressions. After a long time, the Iron-faced monk took a deep breath: "It's unbelievable..."

"Unexpectedly... there really is a power that can overwhelm the astral beasts..."

"King Xuanyuan..." Another strong man's eyes flickered: "I have only heard of his name... There are no empty warriors under the great reputation..."

Xu Yangyi no longer cares about what is happening outside. The moment he stepped into the basin, the fire waves in front of him all gave way to a path. Just at the end of the road, a huge figure retreated to the edge of the retreat with its back against the waves of fire. The form was unclear in the blur, only countless extremely vigilant eyes staring at him.


Very dangerous... This human being... is extraordinarily strong!

It has traveled across the galaxy for thousands of years and been imprisoned here for tens of thousands of years. It has never felt such a terrifying aura! It itself is the overlord of the starry sky, and no creature in the same realm can make it feel this way. Even...fearful.

"Hello." Xu Yangyi walked through the fire waves and waved politely: "First meeting, the other half of desire."

"I have always been curious, what are the yin and yang sides of the godhead? And how does it have anything to do with the little dragon people." He walked slowly and slowly: "According to logic, these godheads are the product of the creation of the god king, and the little dragon people are also It’s related to the God King. What about you?”

"A defective product of the Godhead? A monster tested by crazy Yahweh scientists?"

Boom... He finally stepped into the center of the basin. There was only a bright deep purple here, and it seemed to be alive. He could even see countless veins pulsating on it. In the center of this purple, a huge monster a hundred meters high was crawling on the ground, its whole body undulating slightly, staring at this uninvited guest.

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows in surprise. He had imagined all the shapes of Luanxian, but he never expected it to be like this.

This... is a claw.

It is not the form of any living thing, but more like a certain part of a living thing.

The whole body is covered with scales, and each scale has a deep purple eye. The claw has four fingers, like an eagle claw, covered with keratin, and right in the center of the claw, there is a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

Purple auras spread out from the other party, and the shape is so ugly that it is difficult to describe. A great spiritual pressure like a mountain and a sea filled the entire basin. Xu Yangyi frowned and looked for a few seconds: "Are you a living creature?"

"Or are you really part of a certain creature?"

He walked slowly with his hands behind his back. The Chaos Immortal was so quiet that he couldn't even hear his breathing, but all the scales stood up, facing this human as if facing a great enemy.

"You don't understand?" Xu Yangyi spoke slowly, stretched out his hand calmly, the aura was surging, and his sleeves were flying: "But it doesn't matter."

"Anyway... this is also your last day in the world."

As soon as the voice fell, a spiritual energy far beyond the Chaos Immortal burst out! Outside the basin, everyone saw that the flame seemed to be extinguished, and then reignited, rushing straight into the sky!

Boom! !

The spiritual light was like the sea, and two fingers passed through, forming two golden dragons, rushing straight towards the chaotic immortal. At the same time, all the pupils of the chaotic immortal's eyes stood up at the same time, and a violent scream broke out. There was no escape. The powerful Taixu spiritual power on his body burst out, and countless deep purple faces bloomed from it, like mountains and seas, mixed with the phantoms of countless creatures' sorrows and joys.

"Break." Xu Yangyi spoke lightly, and the two golden dragons shone brightly. In just a moment, the illusory sea of ​​desire was instantly shattered, and two billion spirits against one billion spirits could be called a crushing defeat. The basin trembled violently, like a magnitude 10 earthquake, and golden and purple light shone in the sky. With a loud bang, with the crazy roar of the chaotic immortal, there was a huge shock, as if...some huge creature hit the mountain wall.

Outside the basin, all the cultivators looked at each other. They had made full preparations and imagined how earth-shattering this battle would be. However, none of them happened.

The power of King Xuanyuan was not even a bit stronger than that of the basin, and judging from the sound, the creature that hit the mountain wall was definitely not a human body!

"That is to say... the immortal was knocked away by one blow?" Finally, a middle-aged woman shook her head gently, opened her mouth slightly and looked at the basin in shock. At this moment, her mood was extremely complicated.

In the basin. Xu Yangyi flicked his black robe lightly and looked at the immortal who was screaming heartbreakingly in the corner. The other party had been deeply trapped in the mountain wall, and countless spider web patterns spread around. However, the edge of the mountain wall was the sea of ​​Samadhi True Fire, which immediately burned the other party and made him scream.

He sighed softly: "This is the Taixu under the Heavenly Dao... The Queen is afraid that she can't control it. After all, she is sleeping in the prison of will, so the Heavenly Dao given to her is under her control."

"It is true that the five kings and two queens have surpassed most of the Taixu, but they still have not surpassed the "degree" of the Queen. That is to say..."

He opened his right hand, and pointed his five fingers at the Immortal: "Powerful Taixu can be produced here."

"But it can't produce a Taixu as outstanding as me."

"You are unlucky to meet me."

"Boom!!" As soon as the voice fell, his right hand suddenly disappeared into the void, and the Immortal's screams stopped, and all the pupils became needle-shaped at the same time. At this moment, it felt a kind of overwhelming spiritual pressure! And it... is like a lone boat in the sea!

Glorious Talisman, Light Speed ​​Fist!

Boom! ! The void collapsed layer by layer, and the speed of light was so fast that the Immortal instinctively opened the defensive spiritual shield. Almost at the same time as it was propped up, there was a crisp sound, as if there was nothing, and it turned into infinite spiritual light points and sank into the void. Then, the whole mountain was shaking and roaring.

Countless sunken vortices appeared in the void, and the chaotic immortals were in them. How powerful is Xu Yangyi's body? As the fist wind became more and more violent, its cry changed from anger to mourning, and finally it couldn't even make a sound. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and scales flew everywhere. When Xu Yangyi retracted his fist half an hour later. There was only a huge blood flower left there.

Completely crushed.

Xu Yangyi looked at his right hand, which was stained with some purple blood. He wiped it off gently and frowned slightly.

Seven realms... For him, it is no longer enough.

Compared with this kind of crushing, he prefers the feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife. Born in worry and died in peace, he knows better than anyone that the Great Sage... is not the end.

If the Great Sage does not come out, he is almost invincible. This invincible peace is likely to calm his Tao heart. Then sleep forever in peace.

"If so, what's the difference between me and the other cultivators who accepted the Nuwa Heavenly Dao, enjoyed all the glory and became the Five Kings and Two Queens?" He murmured, looking at the vast universe above his head: "It's time... to go out and take a look..."

Concentrating his mind, he looked into the flesh and blood of Luanxian. His consciousness spread out, but after a few seconds he frowned in shock: "No?"

No feeling of the Godhead!

How is this possible?

He didn't feel the existence of the other half of the Godhead before, but Luanxian and he did have a strange resonance. The Book of Hongmeng Contract can't be wrong! Then...

Where is the other half of the Godhead?

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