
Chapter 1599: Return to the Beginning

Outside the basin, a hundred meters away from the gate, a tall stone monument stands here. Surrounded by four saints, the base is made of twelve layers of green lotus. At this moment, all the leaders here are gathered around the stone tablet.

Just now, the stone tablet suddenly burst out with more than two billion spiritual powers. The entire stele turned red, which was a sign that the spiritual power had exceeded the limit of Taixu. Until that moment, all the stunned leaders completely believed that King Xuanyuan was indeed powerful enough to defeat Luan Xian.

However, these two billion spirits were just a flash in the pan and disappeared immediately after more than half an hour. But... what disappeared at the same time was the spiritual power of Luan Xian!

No one spoke, everyone looked at each other, their lips opened several times, but finally closed.


Be careful when speaking out of fear.

After a long time, each leading monk silently took out a black paper crane and flew straight into the sky.

"King Xuanyuan killed the astral beast Luan Xian... This matter must be reported to the Great Sage and the Seven Realms immediately!!"

In the center of the basin, Xu Yangyi frowned, Taixu would not die so easily. Luan Xian's body is reuniting. However, in the process, he still did not discover the location of the godhead.

Is the so-called other half just a nickname?

After hesitating for a moment, a green field suddenly bloomed under his feet, with mountains and mountains in full bloom, like a lotus flower in full bloom. The green petals of nothingness visible to the naked eye slowly fell around and disappeared into the void. With him as the center, a nebula vortex of...chains was formed!

Rumble... The ground seemed to turn into chaos. Endless chains came from the void on the surface and gradually disappeared under his feet, like a black hole. Each chain is made up of dots of starlight, with a radius of tens of thousands of meters, which is extremely spectacular.


Killing in the realm of Taixu!

During this period, in addition to preaching, he was familiar with the Taixu realm. This was a long process, ranging from three to ten years. Although he didn't have enough time, he still learned some subtle changes.

For example, the time it takes him to mobilize the three major talismans now... is one minute!

One minute of walking in the void, one minute of desire to dominate, one minute of complete light speed!

If the Great Sage doesn't come out, there will be no generals in Taixu!

Killing is the biggest change. As his domain, the barbs have completely disappeared. Wolfsbane seems to have been integrated into the rules of life. When he opened it for the first time, it looked like this now. However, there is a great power that far exceeds that of the Saint. It is like a calm sea. As long as a strong wind blows, there will be huge waves!

This is the difference between 300 million and 2 billion. What is even more different and terrifying is... after Taixu, the realm... has been integrated into the rules.

The rules of life.

It has the same origin as Wolfsbane, but transcends it. It controls the life and death of all things and reverses Yin and Yang.

"In any field, many people must try it... I have never tried it before, what kind of situation is it when the rules of life are applied to living things." He finished speaking calmly, shook his hand hard, and in an instant, everything was in a state of chaos. The roar of the sky rose into the sky, and the endless nebula chains turned this place into a prison of life and death.

If the flower of starlight blooms, it will be visible to the naked eye outside the basin, the infinite starlight will pierce the sky, and the power of rules will be like a landslide and a tsunami. And inside the basin, the body of Luanxian, which was slowly healing, let out a heart-rending scream, and his body suddenly disintegrated in the starlight!

Not decomposition...

But rebirth! The cycle of life and death, the rules of life...let it move from the edge of death to rebirth, but this rebirth is not controlled by itself, but controlled by Xu Yangyi.

Rumble... Amid the sky-shattering screams, Luan Xian's body slowly rotated with the chain, faster and faster, becoming a vortex of flesh and blood. Ten minutes later, it suddenly turned into a cyan pole and disappeared into the void. The next second, the entire basin shook. A cyan crack roared and bloomed from the point where it disappeared.

Beads of sweat were already forming on Xu Yangyi's forehead, and veins appeared on his hands. The spiritual power could not be suppressed at all. The huge spiritual pressure of two billion spirits suddenly descended on this basin. At the same time, from the cracks... pieces of scales, countless pieces of flesh, and plasma... began to spray out crazily!

"Zhizhizhi!!!" Luanxian's cry echoed through the sky. Xu Yang had never heard of this. As the fountain of flesh and blood became more and more violent, cold sweat was already dripping from his forehead.

All things are reborn, back to the beginning.

This is what he wants to do, reverse the law of life and death!

He didn't know if he could do it, but it was part of his rules. At this moment... Luan Xian is automatically recovering from death to life. This is the best opportunity!

Once his rules of life disrupt the opponent's rebirth process, a very interesting situation will arise.

"Newborn..." He clenched his fist hard, and the blood vessels in his fist exploded, making the whole hand look like a bloody hand: "Newborn chaos immortal..."

"Let me see... what you are made of."

Snapped! He clenched his bloody hand hard and blood splattered everywhere. A final desperate scream sounded from the crack in the void, and then it disappeared into nothingness.


Xu Yangyi took back his hand and wiped it gently. The whirlpool in front of him was still there, and the scales and flesh and blood slowly separated from Luan Xian's body and flew outward. The entire basin was quiet.

He frowned slightly, and rushed towards the whirlpool with all his strength. Once he succeeded, the Luanxian at this moment would be like a child in the mother's body. The opponent who has no ability to protect himself may even be suffocated to death in this "mother's nest".

brush! His spiritual consciousness entered the sea, cutting through the wind and waves, spreading like a spider web, desperately searching for the aura of the chaos immortal. However, one minute, five minutes... fifteen minutes passed, and Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes.


No! still have not!

"How is it possible..." He looked at the vortex in astonishment: "Any living creature grows from a juvenile to a mother body. Without spiritual energy... it means it has no body?!"

"Then how did it get its current body? Out of nothing? This is unrealistic! Even Yawei has a body before he became a god!"

The divine sense was getting faster and wider. After another twenty minutes, he had searched the entire vortex, but found nothing!

"The other half of the talisman... is nothingness?" He really couldn't figure it out. He sighed, slowly withdrew his divine sense, and finally looked at the vortex unwillingly. At this moment, an extremely terrifying pressure descended on the basin!

"This is..." He took a breath of cold air, and before he could say a word, the next second, all the cultivators within a radius of 100,000 meters in the Demon Suppression Hall stared at the sky in a daze.

A hand...

A huge hand that covered the sky, completely made of spiritual energy. When it appeared, day turned to night, and the stars were shining. This hand is composed of countless complex runes, carrying the power of the sky and the distance of the earth. It gently wiped towards the basin.

At the same time, within a million miles, time stopped!

Everyone still maintained the form of the last second, the leaves fluttered in the air but stood still... At this moment, they were completely wiped out from the seven realms.

And in the valley, a million-meter tiankeng appeared, and the entire basin was wiped out by this hand.

Swish! At the same time, in Guanghan Palace, Guanghan Great Sage, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up, his eyes wide open, and after a few seconds, he couldn't help but hug his body, his voice trembling: "Surpass the Great Sage..."

"No...higher than Surpassing the Great Sage..."

"I should have felt it...where...where did I feel it?"

After leaving the world of great contention, except Xu Yangyi, everyone's memory was erased.

Xu Yangyi had no idea what was happening outside.

At the moment when the big hand appeared, his consciousness fell into obsession.

It was like falling into a five-mile fog, floating in the air, not knowing how high the sky was and how far the earth was. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly opened his eyes, sighed, and sat up in a cold sweat.

However, just as he sat up, his nerves suddenly tensed, the Guangyao Talisman was running, and his fist was like a sharp sword, rushing straight in front of him.

Right in front of him, there was a person, just like a dead body, looking at him quietly.

"Tsk..." The vague figure made a dissatisfied sound, and the next second, Xu Yangyi's fist force was like a drop in the ocean, disappearing into the void.

The hazy mind that had just woken up suddenly became clear. Xu Yangyi's spiritual power was fully opened, swallowing the talisman, and using the Guangyao Talisman at the same time, walking in the void in an instant, flying into the dark.

This is the Great Sage...

It's not that the other party didn't make a move just now, but it was too fast! So fast that it was not clear at all! No... even... it was above the Great Sage!

There is such a thing in the Seven Realms?

Walking in the void for ten minutes now, he was not worried about being discovered at all. He left hundreds of thousands of meters in an instant, looking around vigilantly. He only remembered that he used the rules of life on the chaotic immortal, and then came here.

What is going on? !

What he saw was nothingness.

There were no stars, only the dim light projected from the depths of the universe. However, just a million meters away, a super-micro plane with green mountains and green waters was suspended in the void!

It was like an oasis in the desert, with clear sight of continuous trees, verdant mountains, and green waves... but there was no one figure.

"Don't be afraid." A voice came from not far away, and a figure stepped on the galaxy: "I have no ill intentions."

The other party seemed to be looking for him, but could not break the swallowing talisman. However, this voice made Xu Yangyi completely stunned.


Too familiar...

In the world of great struggle... I... was killed by it once!

How could he... be here? Appear in reality?

His neck snapped and turned. At the end of the sky, a thousand-handed stone Buddha, ten meters tall, was flying leisurely on a lotus. He put his hands together with great compassion.

This is... Thor!

The real Thor!

Not the scene in Wahuang's dream!

Silently, the Spear of Longinus loomed in his hand. At this moment, the entire void space trembled slightly. He was "driven" out of the void before he arrived a minute ago!

Yahweh? False God?

Cold sweat flowed from Xu Yangyi's forehead. The creatures in the lonely universe were so obvious. In the blink of an eye, a man and a stone Buddha looked at each other.

"Longinus?" The stone Buddha looked at his right hand surrounded by countless red nebulae, and his expression was more surprised than his: "Is this thing...defeated me in the dream?"

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