
Chapter 1603: The Journey of the Gods

So that's it... Xu Yangyi thought of the picture left by Jiang Ziya, and now he finally understood it completely.

"These roads are also called the journeys of the gods. They are invisible and intangible. Only those with great luck can reach the temples."

He opened his palm, and the five-color sacred stone emitted bright light: "And this thing..."

He pointed around the temples: "Did you notice it?"

Xu Yangyi looked carefully. He hadn't looked carefully just now, but now when he looked at it, his pupils shrank slightly.

Densely stars in the night sky!

Countless upper realms are lingering around the temples. They are arranged extremely neatly, circle after circle. I don’t know how many light-years outside the temples, forming nine circles completely made of planes!

There are so many stars scattered all over the place that you can’t even count them!

"There is a theory about the earth in the technological age. The urban circle theory. I think there is nothing wrong with applying it to the universe." Thor slowly said: "Outside the temples, I once heard my mother say that those fifty million light years, It’s called…Nine Heavenly Palaces!”

"Think about it, thousands of remaining Yahwehs gathered there. There are even three to four hundred of them who are known as the 'most ancient' beings. This group of Yahwehs is also the smartest and most powerful. Two Ragnaroks, The one who perished the most was the second generation of Yahweh.”

"How terrifying and majestic is the spiritual energy in the place where gods gather? This will make countless planes come here spontaneously. They even plead with the gods to let the planes deviate from their orbit and be dragged here from hundreds of millions of light years away. The whole universe, too Only here can you listen to the true oracle.”

"It has been tens of millions of years since the establishment of the Temples. More and more life forms have gathered here. A city circle in the universe has been formed. For management, the most ancient beings have divided the nine heavens. Those who want to enter the Temples The monks all had to go through it and check everyone."

"From the first level Zongdong Heaven to the following Changjing Heaven, the five heavens of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and the Sun Wheel Heaven are all guarded by the second generation of Yahweh. Any violation of the regulations will be immediately eliminated, and the last Moon Wheel Heaven, It is guarded by a first-generation Yahweh in turn. Of course, the Western genealogy calls these nine heavens differently, the moon sky, the well, wood, water, fire, and earth five-star sky, the star sky, and the prime mover sky, but the literal meaning is just different."

"After the Nine Heavens, there are the real pantheons, which can only be reached by the summoners of the gods or Yahweh. And this five-color stone... is the talisman of the Moon Wheel Heaven!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved, and he solemnly accepted the five-color stone and placed it in the storage ring.

We have the tickets, we have the journey, and we know what we should get.

There is no reason not to leave!

"I will leave as soon as possible." He said in a deep voice.

The God of Thunder nodded: "I heard... that since the beginning of its establishment, only a few thousand people have entered the pantheon of gods. Note that they are people. Almost everyone who enters is the future Yahweh, so everyone who enters, It will cause endless sensation. hard."

"Let's go...the gods are waiting for you. Now that you have been seen by them, there is no reason to hide."

Xu Yangyi's chest rose and fell slightly, and he solemnly clasped his fists. The God of Thunder stretched out his hand, and a crack appeared in the void. Just when Xu Yangyi was about to be sent out, he suddenly said: "Senior, I still have a question. The monks who have ascended through the ages, they Where have they all gone?”

"They should all be in the pantheon of gods...the ones with amazing talent and beauty must be there..." Thor waved his hand to close the crack: "The ones who are not amazing...who cares about their life or death?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Then... what are the other astral beasts and the other half of the talisman?"

"It's nothing...just a key that leads directly to here. Some of them may be mixed with fragments of Lord Ao Shen's memories. But..."

Rumble... The crack buzzed shut, light and shadow flowed in front of him, Xu Yangyi was dizzy, and the last smiling words of the God of Thunder slowly came: "The positive side of the godhead is the fragment of the talisman. The negative side is the key to ensure the existence of this secret. Once If you touch this key and you are not part of the circle, then... you will never have to go out..."

Blah blah blah... The universe went retrograde and passed by Xu Yangyi. The dizziness lasted for about five minutes. When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that he was still in the basin of chaos.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, another puzzle was solved, and he was getting closer and closer to the final puzzle. Having decided to leave, the anticipation in his heart could no longer be contained. However, everything must be sorted before leaving.

Click, click, click... The door slowly opened. Xu Yangyi didn't speak to the dark sea of ​​monks kneeling in front of him, and he didn't need to. He turned into a stream of light and flew straight into the sky. One day later, he returned to Tianjian Villa again.

He immediately went into seclusion, but did not spend a lot of time practicing and comprehending the rules. His long life will be spent traveling in the universe. There are more important things to do now.

He picked up a writing brush, spread out the letter paper, and used this ancient recording method to input spiritual power to ensure immortality for thousands of years. However, after I picked up the pen, I never started writing again.

Instead, he fell into silence.

Are you leaving?

Let's go...but, should we take Zhao Ziqi, Mao Baer, ​​or even Yuchang with us?

This is your own life, and others may not like it. Moreover, the future of this industry is uncertain, and he does not want others to suffer mishaps with him, if at all.

The inspiration came and went, and it took him a long time before he started writing. The writing was quick and easy, and a long letter was quickly completed. The signature was left to Chu Zhaonan, Zhao Ziqi and Yuchang, and the time... was written after they were promoted to Taixu.

Don't know this until you are too empty. Not helpful to them. Forgetting yourself is not necessarily a bad thing. This departure... may be a farewell forever.

Just when he put down his pen, his brow suddenly raised. He looked outside Tianjian Villa in astonishment.

Demonic energy...

The demonic energy is quite strong, was transmitted directly from Tiragandes.

Has the two-way transmission circle been opened?

He put away his pen, quietly disappeared into the void, and soon came to a hidden mountain col. More than a dozen Nascent Souls were waiting at the door. Seeing his arrival, they all bowed.

This is the place he chose and the people he sent to guard it.

Nodding slightly, he flew into the mountain col, where a dark space crack bloomed with void storms and thunder. A breath of hell burst out. He stepped in without hesitation.

Since you want to leave, make all the backup plans.

Hell, he has his most important back-up move. Tianjian Villa has sacrificed a lot for him, and even if he leaves, he must ensure his immortality for tens of millions of years.

Entering the space channel again, it was a long journey from the Seven Realms to Tiragandes. This time he flew for a full week and once again set foot on the ground of Tiragandes.

The familiar fire, the familiar chaos. However, the moment they came out, the person guarding the teleportation circle was stunned and looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment: "You...why are you too weak..."

He is the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame.

He was wrapped in a luxurious black robe and sat on a throne carried by dozens of huge demons. There were at least hundreds of demon armies in all directions. He was looking at Xu Yangyi blankly.

"What? Aren't you happy for me?" Xu Yangyi smiled.

So happy! !

Before Taixu, you dared to openly refuse to pay! So far, my billions have not been recovered! When it comes to Taixu, don’t you want to overturn the world? !

How come you...are so weak so quickly...

After rubbing their hands for a long time, the remnant of the Holy Flame hummed: "Happy... happy... of course I am happy..."

Seeing the other party's insincere words, Xu Yangyi laughed and threw out a jade box: "It is only natural to pay back debts. I will pay you back."

Before he finished speaking, the remnant of the Holy Flame who was lying on the chair like a dead snake flew up with a whoosh. Countless tentacles stretched out from under the cloak, grabbed the box suddenly, held it firmly in his arms, and opened it carefully. .

As soon as it opened a side, it saw a black mist spreading quietly. It took a deep breath and felt that every pore in its body was opened, and it was extremely comfortable.

"Gudu..." Even if there was only this, all the surrounding demon armies swallowed their saliva. What on earth is this? gourmet food? How is it possible... to make your soul scream with pleasure?

Inhaling and exhaling, the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame was silent for three seconds. He stepped forward and firmly grasped Xu Yangyi's hand. His voice changed in tone: "Isn't this my dear Yi?"

"How did you come? When did you arrive? Look at me...I let such a distinguished guest stand for a long time. It's so rude...It's really rude!"

"Come on, come on, let's have some fun today and we won't come back until we get drunk!"

...In terms of shamelessness, I only obey the devil. Xu Yangyi curled his lips and walked towards the palace with the other party.

Tiragandes, long gone, is still in such chaos, and the flames of hell are everywhere. In fact, if possible, he could go from Tiragandes to the Temples of Gods. Unfortunately, Jiang Ziya only left the road from Earth to the Temples of Gods.

They exchanged greetings all the way, and the elixir cleared the way. The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame had a smile that could be described as spring breeze, and his attitude could be described as asking for help. When he reached the palace, Xu Yangyi stopped and said in a deep voice: "The few friends I left behind in hell that day, I want to meet him, and besides... I left an avatar behind."

"Of course." The Grand Duke of the Remnant of the Holy Flame said with a smile: "As soon as the passage was opened, I took them to my castle. These are friends of the distinguished guests. As a hospitable demon, how can they be neglectful?"

...After calming down the strong desire to complain, Xu Yangyi wanted to ask: How did the title of hospitality come to be attributed to the devil?

"I want to go see them first."

"no problem."

Entering the deep castle, he did not go to see the cat Baer first, but went straight down, towards Yuhe's location. The Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame is also Taixu, so he naturally knows why Xu Yangyi left an incarnation behind. Know better what to do.

Ten minutes later, Xu Yangyi was already standing in front of a tall gate, and powerful demonic energy surged out from behind the door.

"Honored Saint Dzogchen... only one step away from reaching Taixu?" He raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Yes... guarding the Seven Realms for me is almost qualified."

"My dear...Dad is here to see you again. I hope you are...happy?" u

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