
Chapter 1604: The last meeting

Karala... The door slowly opened, and inside was a huge sea of ​​fire, with demonic energy surging.

This was a cylindrical space, about a kilometer in size, with seven huge demon heads carved on the wall. Chains were pulled out of their mouths and locked on a huge irregular crystal in the center.

The crystal was blooming with monstrous demonic energy, and a figure was sitting on it. The moment Xu Yangyi came in, he opened his eyes at the same time.

The two eyes clashed in the void, clanging. One was calm, and the other was furious. After a few seconds, the figure on the black crystal fluctuated more and more, accompanied by a thunderous roar, and the wings suddenly opened, rushing towards Xu Yangyi frantically.

"Our father-son relationship is really weak..." Xu Yangyi sighed, flicked his fingers, and suddenly, Yuhe, who was rushing over like a meteor in the air, screamed, and the void in all directions seemed to be squeezed in an instant, and with a bang, it directly hit the crystal.

"Squeak!!" Yuhe screamed, and his wings were fully opened. He lay on it like a mosquito for a long time before he gritted his teeth and said, "Taixu..."

" could you have reached Taixu!?"

Xu Yangyi walked in the air and laughed when he heard this: "How much do you hate me? After all, I created you and gave you intelligence, right? I didn't do anything to you, right?"

"You..." Yuhe gritted his teeth and said, "Let me out..."

"It turns out that the rebellious period has arrived." Xu Yangyi stood in front of the other party, looking at the other party's horns that were raised like a bull, the huge demon wings, and the body like a hill. He frowned and said, "Did you have plastic surgery?"

"Roar!!!" In response to him, Yuhe suddenly opened his mouth and a violent demon breath burst out.

Xu Yangyi did not dodge or avoid. The demon breath automatically bypassed him and finally turned into a black lotus of karma fire. He sat on it. Although he was in hell, he felt like a Buddha.

"Actually..." Xu Yangyi paused: "This time I plan to repair the relationship between father and son..."

"Hehe..." Yuhe grinned: "The so-called repair means letting those shitty demon nobles lock me up here?"

Xu Yangyi frowned and said: "I don't know about this. Well, let's stop reminiscing about the past. I'm here to discuss a deal with you."

He moved closer and smiled: "I'm afraid I will leave this world soon and go to a distant place, so if you sign a soul contract with me and guard a sect for me until the end of Taixu, I will let you out immediately."

"The so-called protection is not imprisonment, but you can act as me in that world. Of course, what you can and cannot do. What you can and cannot provoke, I will write it in the contract. In other words, as long as you sign it, you will be free, and I will never come back to devour your cultivation."

Yuhe raised his head slightly and looked at the man in front of him in disbelief.

This liar... a vicious predator! There must be some conspiracy!

However, the expectation of freedom surpasses everything. It has been so long since it was born that it longs for the outside world.

"If you surpass Taixu and reach Dubu, the contract will be invalidated, how about that?"

"Why?" Yuhe pondered for a long time and said hoarsely.

"Repay the debt." Xu Yangyi stood up and exhaled slightly: "Others pushed me to Taixu, I can't just pat my butt and leave. The debt of favor... is the most difficult to repay... By the way, I forgot to say that in that plane, no one dares to touch my identity, and after you go there, I will immediately help you become Taixu."

Yuhe narrowed his eyes slightly: "Aren't you afraid... that becoming Taixu will be disadvantageous to you?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and took a few steps back: "First of all, you can never regret this contract. Secondly..."

Boom! !

A vast spiritual power suddenly rushed out from him, so huge and so majestic. At this moment, Yuhe seemed to be standing in front of the devil. The extreme feeling of insignificance made his consciousness scream.

"Secondly..." All the spiritual power appeared and disappeared in an instant, leaving only the void trembling. Xu Yangyi said lightly: "You can never be my opponent."

Outside the palace, the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant suddenly raised his head and looked at the roaring and shaking palace in astonishment.

At the same time, several nearby Taixu looked here together. A fat demon put down the golden lacquer wine glass he was drinking from and took a deep breath: "Who..."

"Who is it? Such a terrible power... I'm afraid that the speakers of the Fellers family are far from his opponents!"

"This... is him?" The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant didn't dare to believe it. He stared at the palace for a long time before saying deeply: "There is a saying in the Eastern genealogy... A man should be treated with new eyes after three days of separation... This spiritual power... really makes this king feel hair stand on end..."

At this moment, the palace gate slowly opened, and Xu Yangyi walked out leisurely, smiling: "Daoyou, this king wants to ask you for something."

"Please." It was still the same person, but the difference was that this time, the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant finally had a look of awe in his attitude.

"I want a soul contract from the hands of a powerful person. It would be best if it was written by Lord Mephistopheles himself, and he cannot betray me even after he becomes a supernatural being."

"Okay. But the price is not small, and not everyone can see the Lord."

"I just want the result." After saying this, the two nodded and parted ways.

Xu Yangyi flew to where Mao Baer was, and the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant went to handle this matter for him. Each took what he needed.

Flying all the way through the luxurious palace, any demons who could sense his presence bowed slightly below. Ten minutes later, a magnificent palace appeared in front of him. As he rushed in with his brilliance, the demons on both sides who had already received the news knelt on the ground.

The hibiscus tent was warm and drums and music were playing. As soon as he opened the door, Xu Yangyi saw a scene that could be called obscene.

The 100-meter-long room has numerous skull chandeliers hanging overhead. The ground was a soft carpet that was scarlet enough to reach the ankles. There were countless gold lacquer and jade objects. The succubi spread their wings of flame and played various musical instruments. A dozen succubi surrounded a large bed with swaying gauze. A fat husky figure was holding a wine glass and tapping the beat, humming a tune in a yellow accent.

"I'm living quite comfortably." Xu Yangyi said with a smile.

The figure on the bed moved and waved, and all the succubi flew down. A huge dog's head poked out from the gauze tent, sticking out its tongue and wide-eyed: "Potato?"

"Other than me, who else would think about your life and death?" Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and a skeleton chair flew over. He sat casually beside the bed and paused while looking at the fat bitch inside: "You... weigh a hundred pounds Right?"

"One hundred and two! This is proof of health!" The Husky stood up and spat: "I tell you! Hell is such a good place! It suits me so well... My chamber of commerce has now expanded to ten branches! Opening ten houses in hell with an outsider! Have you ever thought about this! This is a great achievement after leaving you!"

"Very good." Through a layer of gauze, Mao Baer didn't see Xu Yangyi's face, and only heard his faint reply: "Do you have any wine?"

"You don't drink, don't you?" He said so, but Mao Baer snapped his fingers, and a finely carved wine glass flew into Xu Yangyi's hands. He calmly took it over, but only rubbed it gently and did not drink it.

"You..." Mao Baer hesitated for a moment. Even through the gauze, he felt that the other person's mood was not right, so he carefully probed: "Is menopause here?"

Xu Yang smiled angrily, picked up the wine and took a sip. It tasted pretty good.

Maybe... the taste of separation is not bitter.

After drinking a bottle of wine, he took one last look at the big bed: "I'm leaving."

"Hey! Hey!!" Seeing him really walking outside, a black and white figure suddenly jumped down from the big bed, biting the hem of his robe: "What's the matter with you? I always feel that you have something It feels like a final farewell... My keen intuition tells me that I won’t be able to see you if you leave this time!”

Xu Yangyi finally stopped, looked at Yuan Guangun at his feet, smiled and stroked the dog's head upstairs, and did not hide it: "Indeed, I am going to a place far away."

Mao Baer opened his mouth in a daze: "You...want to abandon me who loves you so much?"

Very good... The sorrow of separation was diluted in an instant. Xu Yangyi sighed and kicked the other party lightly: "Originally, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go, but seeing that you are living well. I think I already know the answer."

Mao Baer surprisingly did not refute, but sat down on the threshold and patted the side very naturally: "Sit."

Xu Yangyi didn't sit down.

I always feel like there's something wrong with the style of painting...

"Sit down, why are you being polite to me?" Mao Baer glared at him, and he laughed and sat down.

"You know..." Silence, neither of them spoke, maybe the lack of rebuttal just now was also an answer. After a long time, Mao Baer said quietly: "I... am just a heartless wild dog... I lived too hard in the past, so I always yearned for a better life."

"There is no such thing as a banquet... We are friends, but we also have each other's lives. I respect your choice, but... I also love my present."

How could this dog say something so philosophical?

Xu Yangyi looked at it for a long time and confirmed that it was really Cat Baer.

"I won't leave with you." Mao Baer slapped on the threshold, his ears folded up: "I live a good life and cherish it very much. I have been practicing for too long and I am too tired. I see your face every day Damn it! But... I wish you a safe journey."

It raised its head slightly: "Maybe when I die of old age... I will think of you."

Xu Yangyi crossed his hands and held his chin. His eyes were calm and deep: "Yes... everyone has their own life. There is no need to force it. I understand."


"Goodbye." Mao Baer blinked: "I will remember... There was once a human being who walked from earth to hell with me. When I was with him, I was very happy."

"I will also remember you." Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "However, once I reach that legendary point, I will pull you over."

"Don't!" Mao Baer's fur exploded: "I will fight for euthanasia before you reach that point!"

Xu Yangyi stood up and turned into a stream of light and flew away. After a few seconds, a word came floatingly: "Take care."

Mao Baer didn't answer. When he saw that the other party's figure had disappeared, he barked: "You have to practice quickly..."

"A dog's life is very short..."

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