
Chapter 1606: Partner


In the lonely passage of time and space, a top Taixu confided his heart alone, but only one person listened.

"It hurts." After a while, Yuchang sighed, "It may not be pleasant."

"Always bear your own responsibilities. No matter how strong a person is, he will collapse. Especially in the face of such a big separation, you... force yourself too much." His voice became gentle. "Chu Zhaonan will not leave. He has not reached the age of five." The Second Queen Wang will not leave the Seven Realms. Because he knows very well that he is not strong enough, and even if he wants to travel the universe with you, it will only be a drag on Zhao Ziqi, half or half, he is also an ambitious person... As for that. I……"

It looked at Xu Yangyi's gaze, which seemed plain, but lurked a trace of deep expectation. It smiled and said, "I am willing."

Xu Yangyi's lips moved slightly but did not speak.

"Because, the person who forged me might be in that far away place. Besides, if the sword master leaves, what's going on if the sword spirit doesn't follow him?"

"Without you, I will fall asleep again and wait for the next sword master. But..." It glanced at Xu Yangyi with a smile and laughed. "When you return from the Five Mountains, you don't look at the mountains. When you return from Huangshan, you don't look at the mountains."

Laughter echoed in the space passage, and it looked towards the misty starry sky, "Let's go... together. To see the reality of the universe, I never imagined that I would have such a day. This is an irresistible desire for any monk who truly pursues the avenue. ”

"Okay." Xu Yangyi finally smiled, "Together."

The two looked at each other and smiled, which eventually turned into laughter. After a few minutes, Yuchang stopped laughing, "After thousands of years of practice, one person still has one sword in the end. Where he came from, where he went... It's really a matter of cause and effect."

"It may not be one person and one sword." Xu Yangyi looked at the void, "Maybe... we will have other partners?"

"Angel?" Yuchang smiled and said, "Not bad...a Taoist companion for thousands of years. It can be regarded as having a beginning and an end."

Xu Yangyi pointed towards the void, "Except her."

A stream of light bloomed from the fingertips, hitting a certain place directly. With a muffled groan, a black shadow dozens of meters in size was squeezed out of the void, and immediately ran over quickly, "Sir...Sir!"

"Please be sure to take me with you! Junior... junior is willing to serve me! Let's go on a journey to the stars together!"

Xu Yangyi glanced at it and saw that it was the dragon that was holding the sea in the sky. He was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Where is Senior Butterfly Mother? Why did you come to me?"

The body of the dragon shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a basalt shape about twenty meters tall. There was an Arhat bed on its back, with all kinds of tea and wine on it. Xu Yangyi sat on it without any courtesy, and Yuchang sat on the opposite side. He smiled and said, "Every time I return to the Seven Realms, I feel like something is approaching and snooping. I can only feel a familiar feeling, without any malice. Instead, it has a sense of seeking."

He picked up a cup of tea and drank it. The aroma was fragrant and he said calmly, "I am not shying away from you. I am waiting for you to show up. However, are you showing up too late?"

Jiaolong had a flattering look on his face, rubbed his hands and said respectfully, "Ms. Butterfly Mother... has gone to that place ahead of you. She told me that as long as I follow you, we will meet one day."

"As for being a little late... This... I really forgive my incompetence. Traveling across the galaxy is naturally accompanied by fine wine and delicious food. Moreover, although Lord Butterfly Mother has left, the spiritual jade and treasures left behind are not something she looks down on, right? We are of great use. The spiritual energy in the void is weak. Since I want to take refuge, I must think of you, right?"

Xu Yangyi put down the tea cup with a smile, "You can pass. But..."

He suppressed his smile and said solemnly, "Once you start this road, there will be no turning back. Have you decided?"

Jiaolong also became solemn, and bowed his head in the air, "I have decided to leave, I beg you to grant your permission."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi's eyes were deep. "You and I are destined. Whether we can make it perfect depends on our destiny. Do you have a name?"

Jiaolong paused and whispered, "In the Holy Realm... Lady Butterfly is called Junior Xiaochong..."

"...It's a good name, isn't it?"

Both Jiaolong and Yuchang looked at Xu Yangyi silently. Where did you see the good point? !

"Just call it this name. You're used to it anyway."

Jiaolong wished he could give himself a slap.

"Little bugs, just be small bugs. Fellow Taoist, you have a Taoist companion to accompany you, a spiritual pet to follow you, and a weapon spirit to assist you on this journey. What else do you have to worry about?" Yuchang looked at Xu Yangyi with a smile and patted him. "How can you be willing to practice life without looking at the top of the mountains?"

"You are already much luckier than others... You are hesitating on how to spend this money, while other monks are still thinking about how to earn a spiritual stone. Why don't you do it quickly?"

"You..." it smiled and picked up the tea, "a typical trouble of the rich."

"Look ahead." Yuchang said to Xingqiong with tea, "The road is long, why bother to be sentimental about parting? Fellow Taoist, you are in love."

Xu Yangyi raised his brows, and the sorrow of separation that had been lingering in his heart was swept away. The spiritual platform was clear and bright, and his mind was cheerful. He smiled heartily and said, "Yes, instead of cutting off the water with a knife and raising a cup to drown your sorrows, it would be better to reach that state as soon as possible. At that time, the world is huge and there is nowhere to go?"

"Let's go?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at Yuchang with a smile.

"Let's go!" Yuchang laughed. Xu Yangyi patted the turtle shell lightly, and the little insect below rushed towards the end of the space passage like lightning.

Time passed silently as the two drank and sang. The journey from the Seven Realms to the Earth was extremely long. One month, two months, the journey of several years in the past, this time it took a full year of flight, finally there was a roaring sound in front, a huge white vortex spread from one point, turning into a huge space portal.

finally reached……

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and stood up. Are you timid about coming to town? He didn't know, but at this moment, too many pictures passed before his eyes, and the scenes of the earth seemed to reappear yesterday, making him feel infinite emotions.

Graduation meeting, Danxia Palace, Kaiyun Realm... Tower of Babel... one person after another, one familiar place after another... He looked up to the sky and roared, turned into a stream of light and rushed out with a whoosh.

My eyes suddenly brightened, and I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but a familiar breath came to my face. This breath even made his breathing tremble.

Hundreds of years...

I stand here again!

As the top Taixu!

What changes have happened to the planet that I miss so much? How many of those former friends are still alive?

There was a trace of sadness in my heart, but more of it was ardent expectation. He quietly looked over at the planetary belt and meteorite belt, and then saw a huge, white and brown planet.

"Pluto." Yuchang also appeared beside him and said with a smile, "The exit is here. You can reach the earth at your speed in less than a day."

However, at this moment, both of them were stunned.

Not far behind them, a breath of creatures came, and... there were quite a few of them, as if they were wrapped in something. Not very clear.

He turned his head in astonishment, and as far as he could see, the two of them looked at each other.

It was a huge starry sky fortress.

It was about hundreds of thousands of meters in size, with signal lights flashing all over its body. At this moment, countless doors opened, and robotic arms spread out with signal lights. Written on the huge body is...English?

"Magellan?" Xu Yangyi was stunned for two seconds and suddenly burst into laughter. "In other words... the earth has entered the space age?"

"Yeah..." Yuchang also looked at the fortress with interest, "It's been hundreds of years..."

Xu Yangyi looked at the rows of signal lights flashing up, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are we being treated as aliens?"

"I don't know. But it's almost the same. It's possible that he is a monk from another plane. After all... he experienced that battle back then."

Xu Yangyi looked deeply for two seconds, nodded and said, "Let's go."

He is not in the mood to get involved with the government now.

Other things tugged at his heartstrings even more.

Swipe...the light flashed, and the two of them disappeared into the void.

They disappeared, but at this moment, everyone on the Magellan was stunned.

A 100-meter-long room with countless screens showing two people at the same time. In front of the screen, countless white people, and occasionally black people, were staring at the screen in stunned silence.

In all directions, countless lights and data flashed. As the main control room, the sound of control should be heard here all the time, but at this moment, everything was completely silent, and you could hear a pin drop. matter who they were, stood up from their positions. Even many standing postures are stiff and half-standing. Some covered their mouths lightly, some had their mouths wide open, and some had their eyes almost falling out. Everyone's chests were heaving violently, and the electric light flashing from all directions only reflected the shock on their faces.

At the end of the room is a long metal table. Sitting at the long table is a row of men in military uniforms. In the center is an old white man with five gold stars on his shoulders! Everyone around me is carrying at least one gold star!

General officer group.

The executor of the entire ship, the Archon.

But even they were completely stunned for a second. It was so sudden...there was no psychological preparation at all! The only thing they could do was stare at the screen in stunned silence.

Dead silence.

Three seconds later, a female voice trembled, "Oh my god...I...did I see it wrong..."

There was a deep gasp and discussion, getting louder and louder and noisier! In less than two seconds, it turned into a scream of excitement!

"Did you see it?! Did you see it?!" A red-haired woman, wearing a white coat, grabbed the collar of her colleague like crazy, "People...people!! People alive in the universe!!"

"I saw it! I saw it!" The hands around him were trembling, his mouth was wide open, and he said hoarsely, "There are really...there are really intelligent life forms in the universe!!"

Wow! !

The tide breaks out!

"Aliens! Real aliens! We are eyewitnesses! The first eyewitnesses in the world!! Oh my god... we are not prepared at all! The alien life forms that have been searched for so long all over the world are actually like this Come before me! ygod...god! its unbelievable!".


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