
Chapter 1607: Return to Earth


Completely crazy!

For hundreds of years, the earth has been searching for other high-level planes in the universe, but has found nothing. Occasionally, one or two small worlds can be found, but the large worlds cannot be found.

Now... without any psychological preparation, the two of them suddenly appeared!

This is a real high-level monk!

Everyone knows that even the top Master Nascent Soul cannot travel in the void! You can’t even fly out of the atmosphere! Now this kind of super high-level monk suddenly appears, he must come from the world!

The scene just now was engraved in their minds like a stone, two people and one turtle, coming and going freely in the universe... Just thinking about it is enough to make their scalps tingle!

Swish, brush, brush! Countless screens were displayed again, and videos were pulled out one after another, and they fell forward quickly. At this moment, suddenly, a kaka sound sounded.

Incredibly crisp and extremely neat. But all the staff at the scene were stunned. When they turned their heads in disbelief, they saw that at the back of the room, behind the five-star general, at least hundreds of soldiers with guns and live ammunition filed in. And the muzzle of the facing them!

"I'm very sorry to tell you." The five-star general propped himself up on the table and said in a deep voice: "From now on, I don't care where you are from, you will accept my command in everything."

"You can't do that!" A thin white man stood up excitedly with a high-pitched voice: "We don't belong to the military at all! We come from various alliance bases in Europe!! You have no right..."

Before he finished speaking, the last few words were stuck in his throat. He opened his mouth several times and lowered his head.

A silver-white pistol was pointed at him.

"I have the right to do this." The five-star general's face was extremely solemn, and he looked at everyone: "I know, you want to say: This is one of the greatest discoveries in modern aerospace technology, and it must be reported to the world immediately. Or: This is very important. It may be monks from other worlds, and you are obliged to inform the Cultivation Alliance."

"Yes, I don't deny that you have this right."

He took a deep breath, the muscles on his face were a little distorted, he slammed the table suddenly, and roared: "But look carefully at the top of your head!!"

Everyone then raised their heads. Above them, there was a huge screen like crystal, completely three-dimensional. At this moment, three illusory figures suddenly appeared on it. At the same time, a count bar next to them was rising crazily.

The numbers are too fast to be seen clearly, but they can see the colors clearly. Green, yellow, orange...and finally, red!

It hasn’t stopped yet! !

"MY GOD..." A man in a white coat couldn't help but take a step back, and swept down the coffee next to him without realizing it.

"My God..." A slightly fat black lady stared blankly at the count bar rising from red to the top, shaking her head and speaking tremblingly, but unable to say the following words.

"How... is this possible..." "By God... I, did I see it wrong..." "Oh my God... GOD... WHAT THE FUCK? Is there something wrong with the mastermind?"

"Didi! Didi!!" A minute later, an extremely harsh scream spread throughout the audience, and a mechanical voice sounded: "The spiritual power is more than 1.5 billion, single body, the specific number cannot be calculated."

Kakakaka... At the same time, throughout the Magellan, countless doors opened, and terrifying weapons slowly stretched out. In the main control room, the mechanical voice continued to sound: "The spiritual power is at the world-destroying level and cannot be defended. The master brain determines it to be extremely dangerous. All defensive measures have been automatically activated."

"Alert...the whole ship is alert...there are 1.5 billion unknown life forms in human form, the whole ship is on alert..."

"Repeated... 1.5 billion unknown life forms with human appearance appeared, and the entire ship was on alert..."

A monotonous and boring sound returned to the main control room. All the scientists finally looked away from their heads and said dully: "One hundred... one and a half billion?"

"From now on, no one here can connect to any communications or go out." The admiral's voice was extremely majestic: "You also know... this must be a super high-level monk."

"But... who is his opponent on earth!?"

A word was shouted, and the whole hall fell into silence.

After a few seconds of silence, someone finally trembled belatedly and felt dripping with cold sweat.

Yes... there is no way anyone on earth can be his opponent!

What does such a monk...come to do? If there are any other ideas...all the earth's politicians will be in danger!

"SIR..." A black scientist trembled: "What...are we going to do..."

"Notify the State Council immediately!" The general took a deep breath: "Apply to activate all outer space weapons... Everyone... don't think this is a joke. The war between the two worlds hundreds of years ago... haven't you forgotten it?"

No one dared to question it anymore.

Even if they had not experienced the war between the two worlds back then, Earth's history books now all mention the brutality of that battle.

If...this is the advance army from other planes...

The result is simply unimaginable!

"Act immediately! Send the image just now and contact me the president!"


Earth is still Earth. But no one knew that just two hours later, alliance bases across the earth opened silently. Space missiles, proton missiles, the king of nuclear weapons...the terrifying names that have been sealed are all aimed at space. The star-like artificial satellite was fully opened, desperately searching for all traces!

In a top-secret room at the Huaxia base, an elderly man sat on a chair. Opposite him, more than a dozen light curtains opened in the sky. Inside were all dignitaries from various countries.

"What is certain now is that unknown alien life forms have entered the solar system." A white man said on the light screen. Even his face was extremely solemn: "What we have to decide is what to do next."

"There are two options. One is to use force to deter the other party from entering the Earth."

"Two...stand still. Let's see what the other side is going to do."

"I agree." The old Chinese man said solemnly: "First of all, he did not attack the Magellan. If he was really malicious, then this news would probably not reach us at all."

"One and a half billion..." An elderly woman bit her lip gently and said hoarsely: "This... is simply an unimaginable number!"

"Our current most powerful Nascent Soul Lord only has tens of millions of spiritual powers... This... is not of the same magnitude at all. I doubt that even nuclear weapons can work!" "The only record of more than one billion spiritual powers, It was already a war between the two worlds hundreds of years ago..." "Now that the earth is slowly rising from the dire straits, how could such a change happen suddenly?"

"I don't agree with the second proposal." An Asian man said on the light screen: "1.5 billion... He is definitely not an earth creature, even if he accidentally discovered this place. You said, a high-level monk discovered this What will they do if they find a plane within their reach?"

"Don't imagine the universe to be peaceful." He said deeply.

"I object. What if we use force directly to anger the other party?" "Haha... Then you will watch a monster with 1.5 billion souls invade the solar system?" "Invasion? Sir, with all due respect, are you delusional about being persecuted? "Too heavy?" "I agree with the second proposal. It is forbidden to use force until the purpose of the other party is clear!" "The current you still want to see a war between the two worlds?" "The trauma of that year is gone?" It’s not over yet, this is a real high-level monk who can start a plane war by himself! Are you sure you can defeat him?”

There were different opinions, and at this moment, a beeping sound sounded from all the head light curtains. They were all stunned, and then immediately picked up the phone.

The voice was cut off at the right time, and it could be seen that every leader's expression was quite excited. After a few minutes, hang up the phone. The old man from China spoke slowly: "He disappeared."

"Yes." The white man with the American flag behind his back pressed his temples in pain: "I have used all the satellites in the entire solar system, but I can't find his shadow at all. It's like he has never appeared before!"

silence. After a long while, a white woman said in a deep voice: "Then... what should we do now?"

No one answered.

It was too sudden. Such a terrifying cosmic creature suddenly appeared in the solar system and disappeared suddenly. It was okay to be able to see it, but not... This made a feeling called fear surge in their hearts.

"Wait." A few minutes later, the old Chinese man stood up: "He doesn't move, I don't move. But the weapons of global defense cannot be withdrawn! Once this monk has any unnecessary thoughts..."

He gritted his teeth: "Even if the earth is destroyed, it will never be handed over to outsiders!"

"After all...this is the country that our ancestors defeated at the hands of other would rather be shattered than destroyed!"

Xu Yangyi had no idea that his appearance had caused such a big sensation. He couldn't control his spiritual power when he first appeared in the solar system. Once he could control it, it would be impossible for anyone to discover him again. However, it's too late.

In the void, with the blessing of the Devouring Talisman, his speed exceeded the speed of light. As time passed by, the earth appeared in his eyes.

However, it was different from the earth in his impression.

"Huh?" He patted the turtle's back, and the little insect immediately stopped. He and Yuchang looked at each other with deep doubts in their eyes.

What's the matter?

As far as the eye can see, the earth's continent is still the same, but... many places are covered with black traces and huge patches of red. Even...looking from here, you can still see ravines visible to the naked eye.

What happened to the earth after he left?

There was no use thinking, seeing was believing, he turned into a stream of light and broke through the atmosphere at high speed, heading straight towards China.


I'm back.

The place he flew to was not China, but...a huge tower reaching the sky above Africa.

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