
Chapter 1608: Current Status of Earth (I)

Brush... In the void, Xu Yangyi broke through the atmosphere, and he knew it the moment he made contact. Something seems to be wrong with Earth's recovery. The crystal wall system that only exists in the upper realm has not appeared, and it is still the atmosphere of the world.

This shows that the plane has not yet truly awakened, and has not yet developed the instinct to automatically defend itself.

"What went wrong?" Yuchang also frowned, having eliminated all hidden dangers back then. Could it be...what did those Taixu do after they left?

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but his eyes were slightly cold. If he really dares to do this, then don't blame him for returning to the Seven Realms again and telling everyone what can and cannot be moved...

boom! Passing through the atmosphere in an instant, at the same time, the entire void trembled slightly, and his figure disappeared into the air involuntarily. He was stunned for a moment and said in astonishment: "Turbulence of time and space?"

Yuchang frowned and looked down, "The spiritual power of the entire plane is too unstable, causing abnormalities in the space above the atmosphere. Any spiritual creature that passes through the atmosphere will be teleported everywhere by this abnormality... strange... too strange..."

"The crystal wall system and the space-time turbulence both belong to the awakening of the plane's self-will and the process of rebuilding its self-defense awareness. However... the crystal wall system is slow, and the plane slowly constructs itself over tens of thousands of years. And the space-time chaos Flow... is that the plane feels threatened and generates itself, blocking the entry and exit of all 'spirits'. This is the instinctive will of being threatened. The two are completely different!

"There's definitely something wrong with the Earth."

The next second, the two men flashed together and disappeared into the air.

They did not resist the turbulence of time and space, although they had this ability. However, the turbulence of time and space is like a thick fog covering the earth. Once resisted, it will immediately cause huge celestial phenomena. He has not yet wanted the earth to pay attention to him.

It's just a matter of flying for a while. The earth is too small for Taixu who has the brilliance talisman.


On the side of a dense forest, a small team of about ten people were running forward quickly.

They are all monks, but their realm is not high. The highest level is only in the middle stage of foundation building, and the others are in the middle stage of foundation building and nine refining qi. At this moment, everyone has a talisman affixed to their body, emitting little bits of green light, lingering on their feet, without even touching the ground, and as fast as a locust.

The group included men and women, Asians, whites, and even a tall black man, all wearing camouflage uniforms. There was a sword symbol on his chest. He looked back while running, looking extremely nervous. And just one hundred thousand meters behind them, there was a vast virgin forest. At this moment, violent roars erupted in the forest, trees flew horizontally, and huge waves surged into the sky, as if something huge was about to emerge from it. .

"Damn it!" The monk in the middle stage of foundation building was a Chinese man. He gritted his teeth and said: "Is this the place where the 'Iron-backed Demon King' lives? How could this be? This demon king shaped like a crocodile has never had a fixed residence. So, half a month ago we were on the east side of the jungle, and we specially chose the west side to enter, could we encounter such a golden elixir-level demon king!"

A white woman's face was ashen, and her eyes were a little red due to the life-and-death crisis: "Seven days ago... the 'Crescent Moon' volcano on the east side of the jungle erupted, and a new demon king appeared... I'm afraid the iron-backed demon king didn't win. The territory... was driven here, and we happened to catch it! SHIT!"

The black man running in the center snorted: "Every ten years... a new demon king appears. Can the earth... really be habitable?"

"You are about to lose your life and you still care about this?" The monk in the middle stage of foundation building stared straight ahead: "Although we are only on the edge, it is obvious that the iron-backed demon king vented his anger on being driven away... A distance of 10,000 meters... we will be overtaken in ten minutes at most!"

No one dared to speak anymore, they all rushed towards the edge of the jungle like crazy. One minute, two minutes passed, and a look of despair appeared on everyone's face.

In the dense forest behind him, a huge crocodile, about a hundred meters in size, was charging like a hill. Its iron-gray body was covered with ferocious barbs, and the place it passed was filled with ravines and devastation. There were layers of sharp teeth in the mouth, and even if they were thousands of meters away, they could still smell the fishy smell.

"Damn it!!" Everyone in this team was stunned, and the hair on their backs stood on end. The squadron leader suddenly turned around: "Fight it!!"

"Are you crazy? This is a golden elixir level monster!" "Senior, no! We are no match for it!"

"Don't make any noise!" The captain waved his hand, and several magic weapons flew out. He gritted his teeth and said, "We have notified the nearest base before. As long as we hold on for a while... someone will definitely... come to rescue us..."

The voice dropped at the end. A nearby base? Where did Jin Dan Zhenren come from nearby? It can only be said that they are very unlucky! There is no other way to run. Instead of dying in fear, it is better to give it a try. Maybe there is a way to survive!

"Roar!!" Seeing the crowd in front stopped, the Iron-backed Demon King behind him neighed excitedly. Suddenly, the turbid waves emptied, flying sand and rocks, the huge river was filled with it, and the majestic golden elixir aura spurted out. And out.

"Kill!!" At the same time, the monk in front used all his strength, and the magic weapon in his hand stretched across the sky. But the gap between the Golden Core Foundation and the foundation was so far away that before he could even get in, he was blown away a hundred meters away by the demon king's roar.

too strong……

There was sadness in everyone's eyes. No one wanted to die, but now they had no way out and they were unwilling to give in!

Right now!

Boom! ! As if something fell, there was a loud noise, and the area within a radius of ten thousand meters was buzzing, and the earth was shaking. A circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye suddenly erupted from the demon king, and everything around seemed to be swept by the hand of the god of death, and it was as smooth as a mirror.

Countless trees flew together in this shock wave, and the river set off a raging tide. All the monks only had time to open their eyes wide, and the next second they were like in the eye of the storm, flying upside down involuntarily, and the terrifying wind pressure almost tore them into pieces!

But then, a gentle spiritual power wrapped them up, and they fell steadily to the ground like leaves in the wind. Even the strong wind could not get close to them. In astonishment, looking at the scene in front of them that seemed to be the end of the world, no one could say a word.

What happened...

What happened just now?

The waves were raging, and the trees flew up layer by layer, and there were countless equally shocked creatures flying upside down involuntarily in the air, passing by them quickly. Everyone was stunned.

The violent shock wave blew for five minutes before it stopped, and three figures had already appeared in it.

"This is..." The captain took a breath of cold air. One of them was a tall man with a young face. The spiritual energy on his body... was almost non-existent?

He clearly couldn't feel the spiritual energy, but his body reacted faster than instinct. He knelt down with a plop. Cold sweat had already flowed out of his forehead. His teeth were chattering and his body was trembling.

The difference in life levels...

Instinctive fear...

Not only him, everyone knelt down when they saw this figure, shrinking in fear and not daring to sweat.

The other one was a spirit body, and they were stepping on a giant turtle that was more than ten meters long. But no one dared to take another look.

Just one look was like looking up to the power of heaven, and the soul was worshiping.


These two words rang in everyone's mind. Except for the Yuanying Zhenjun who was invisible, no one else could do this! Having a True Lord come forward was originally a kind of ecstasy of surviving a disaster, but now they can't feel any emotion except fear.

The sky is high and the earth is vast.

"Bye, ye, ye, meet the True Lord Yuanying!" Finally, the leader spoke in a trembling voice, not knowing whether it was excitement or shock, and said hoarsely: "Junior captain of the Dragon Hunting Team of Huaxia Base No. 08! Meet the adults!"

"Yuanying?" Xu Yangyi was looking around with interest, and smiled when he heard this: "Okay... get up."

Really admitted it!

All the team cultivators trembled in their hearts. Just now they were just testing, but now they really admitted it!

Yuanying... this is the pinnacle of the earth's cultivation world! There are fewer Yuanying now than before that war! Not even ten! There are more and more Jindan, and the cultivation alliances of various bases have inferred that in one or two hundred years, the Yuanying realm will usher in a small explosion. But now, Yuanying is the pinnacle! The pinnacle of the world! It is the existence that these foundation-building and Qi-refining cultivators dare not even dream of!

They were lucky enough to see a Yuanying Zhenjun... In addition to fear, they finally felt a little happy.

So, no one dared to stand up.

Xu Yangyi didn't force it. Seeing the living earthlings, he felt very close. This plane that had been exiled by the seven realms for so long, this land where he was born and raised... He smiled and said, "This Zhenjun has been in seclusion for hundreds of years and has not been out for a long time. I don't understand many things. I have some questions for you."

"Don't dare to disobey!" "It is the honor of the younger generation to serve the Zhenjun!"

Suddenly, answers came one after another. Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Raise your head."

After hesitating for a moment, several people finally raised their heads and took a sneak peek. But this glance made everyone's eyes jump wildly.

At first glance, they saw the Iron-backed Demon King who had become a pulp. His corpse dyed the river blood red. A monk wearing a black robe and ancient costume, a purple gold crown on his head, a white jade belt around his waist, and a handsome monk stepped on the bloody river, but gave people a sense of emptiness and sacredness.

It must be Yuanying... Everyone's heart, which had just calmed down, started beating wildly again. It was impossible for someone other than the legendary Yuanying to kill the Ironback Demon King with one blow!

However, the accelerated heartbeat was not because of ecstasy, but... fear!


They exchanged glances secretly. Although their bodies were still trembling under the majestic pressure, their spiritual consciousness actually calmed down.

The leader lowered his head, his eyes dark. No... It's too wrong!

This person said that he had been in seclusion for hundreds of years, hundreds of years ago... It was also modern! It is impossible to wear ancient costumes!

Besides, even if Jindan started to retreat hundreds of years ago, it was a cultivator of the Qing Dynasty. This kind of attire... At least it was from the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties or even the Han and Tang Dynasties.

There is another possibility...

Back then... the Zhenwu Realm invaded, and it was also this kind of ancient costume!

After that earth-shaking battle, no matter which earth cultivator, they are sufficiently vigilant against other planes.

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