
Chapter 1609: Current Status of Earth (II)

"Where is this?" Xu Yangyi was the first to ask in the silence.

"This... is the Amazon jungle." Perhaps because of their nervousness, these monks calmed down. The leading monk respectfully replied: "What we are in now is the Amazon River."

He was actually transported to the Amazon River by the turbulent flow of time and space, but it's not far from the Tower of Babel... Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows slightly: "There will also be monsters in the Amazon River?"

The leading monk was completely confused.

Is this... really an old man who has been in seclusion for hundreds of years? How else would it be possible to know about the Amazon?

"Yes..." He paused and carefully probed: "Do you know... the war between the two worlds hundreds of years ago?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him deeply, then flicked his finger, and the others couldn't help but resist. Suddenly all the monks' eyes became confused.

"You temporarily wiped out their minds?" Yuchangw asked.

"They suspect that we are monks from other planes." Xu Yangyi replied calmly: "It's just a small magical power. They won't remember what happened here in the future. This will save you from giving an incomplete answer."

He raised his eyebrows at the monk, and the leading monk immediately replied mechanically: "Sir, when the Zhenwu Realm invaded the earth, at the last moment, both sides fought to the point of running out of energy... and in order for the earth to win... after that time The head of the Earth decided to open an ancient seal called 'Mystery'."

"In the following hundreds of years, due to the flames of war that spread across the earth, the spiritual power of the Golden Core Yuan Ying level was in conflict. The spiritual power of the earth recovered, causing changes in the earth's crust. Many volcanoes rushed out of the seabed, and many parts of the original continent disappeared, becoming what it is today."

I see……

How smart the two of them are, Yuchang said thoughtfully: "Every mystery, the spiritual power is at least Yuanying, some are just single entities, and some are a group, such as... Atlantis and so on. This was the only way at the time, but... we didn’t have the strength to close it.”

Xu Yangyi pondered and said: "Most of the earth's spiritual energy has been used to suppress these mysteries, leading to the current Dharma-ending era. I remember... dozens of mysteries were solved back then, and there were nearly ten in the Nascent Soul realm. If there is no way Seal, the earth should be destroyed now. Human beings are still dominant. I am afraid that some monks at the peak of Jindan took the opportunity to reach the Nascent Soul realm and finally maintained the balance of power."

"More than that." Yuchang considered: "These secrets were not established in the same era, but awakened in the same era. Their territorial awareness makes it impossible for them to join forces. This is why humans have grown up in the cracks... You want to do it?"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds: "It depends on the situation."

With the revival of spiritual energy, the final winner must be human beings. There is no knowledge inheritance about monsters and foreign objects. However, the journey will be long.

But it's not without its benefits.

The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Only when you have experienced despair can you understand the preciousness of hope.

Moreover, there are actually hunting teams coming out of the earth now, which shows that the situation is definitely not the worst. It can be said that now is the darkest time before dawn. Once we get over it, there will be a bright future.


"Yes." The leading monk immediately replied: "Currently, the boundaries of all countries on the earth have been abolished and replaced by major bases. All bases have always maintained common information and resource sharing, and there is no portal for technology."

Xu Yangyi nodded with emotion. This is human beings... When faced with the pressure of survival, we are united and united. After the difficulties are overcome and the crisis disappears, war begins again... The Humane Era repeats itself endlessly in similar scenes.

Now the earth is being reshuffled, which may not be a bad thing. Looking around the history of the earth, one nation after another rose up in the twilight years, igniting a prairie fire. Creatures like human long as there is hope, they will never despair. No matter what, the last spark of fire will be saved.

His desire to take action has gradually faded.

"It can't compare to Ragnarok." He smiled and interrupted the monk's description: "Where is the current level of cultivation on earth?"

"Today the Nascent Soul is still the highest, but... in the battle hundreds of years ago, everyone knew that there was a way beyond the Nascent Soul. It's a pity that no one could explore it... Many adults said that if the 'strongest generation' at that time If there is no ascension, there must be hope now. But more scientists believe that it may take hundreds of years for the spiritual power to be revived.

"The strongest generation?" Yuchang asked with a frown.

The monk kowtowed mechanically and respectfully. Even under the pressure of a top Taixu supernatural power, his tone was extremely exciting: "Sir, when the two worlds were fighting, Hua Xia Zhenjun, the two uncles and nephews Xu Zhenjun, Kong Master Wen, His Excellency Saint Peter of the Vatican, the Apostle of God of Jerusalem, and other seven Nascent Souls turned the tide and completely ended the progress of the Zhenwu world in Qingcheng Mountain! Capture the Lord of Jin alive and become a god in one battle, and he is known as the strongest generation!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little distant.

The war of all realms...

It was clearly hundreds of years ago, but now I return to my hometown, but it feels like it happened yesterday.

"Huh?" He suddenly discovered that when he talked about this matter, his magical powers were actually a little loose?

Too strong of an emotion to actually make a foundation builder try to break free from this restraint?

"You seem to underestimate the impact of that battle on the earth." Yuchang smiled and said: "Continue."

"Yes!!" The monk's voice rose a bit: "Now in any human base, without exception, there are statues of these seven true kings. All of them are recorded in all textbooks! Unfortunately, after this battle, except for Xu Zhenjun's ascension, the others All the true kings were seriously injured and died one after another over the course of hundreds of years."

Are you all sitting down...?

Xu Yangyi was silent, the past events were vividly in his mind, like a revolving lantern flying by in front of his eyes. Rushing to the rescue of Qingcheng Mountain, facing the Lord of the Jin Dynasty, and then condensing the Nascent Soul to defeat the Jin Dynasty... After a long time, he sighed leisurely.

Time flies by like a bird, and everything in the world is like a new chess game.

"Let's go." Ten minutes later, he waved his hand gently and unlocked everyone's magical powers. He and the fish intestines had turned into light smoke and disappeared into the void.

There was silence.

After more than ten minutes, the monks raised their heads as if they had just woken up from a dream, and looked around in shock: "What's wrong?"

"What happened? I...I remember we were being chased by the Iron-backed Demon King? Where is the Demon King? We...we survived?"

Amidst the noise, the discussion gradually died down, and everyone looked at the blood-stained Amazon River with burning eyes. In the blood river, the body of the Iron-backed Demon King was floating up and down, making everyone's breathing quicken.

The body of a golden elixir monster is a priceless treasure to them!

Xu Yangyi smiled in the void, as if he saw his past self. Then there was a flash of brilliance, heading straight towards the Tower of Babel.

No one can feel his presence. The Tower of Babel is so high that the Amazon is not far away from it. Soon, the tower carrying his memories and emotions came into view.

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly froze. A murderous aura rose into the sky!

Rumble... The clouds opened and the fog dispersed, the sky and the earth became clear. Over the entire Africa, majestic spiritual energy spread across the sky, swirling the wind and clouds. The white clouds in the sky formed a terrifying cloud cave. Because of the strong killing intent, the void trembled and the cloud cave collapsed. A circle of cyan ripples bloomed in the sky, the trees below were turbulent, and the mountain peaks began to collapse.

Yuchang took one look and was stunned.

Around the Tower of Babel, there is already a sea of ​​monsters. In the lower part of the tower, a spiritual energy from the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is entrenched in it as if it were announcing its territory.

"How dare you occupy the Tower of Babel..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were cold and he pressed his backhand: "Seeking death!!"

boom! !

The entire African continent wailed under this palm, and a vast shock wave suddenly exploded ten thousand meters away from the Tower of Babel. In the midst of this shock wave... the entire land, including the Tower of Babel, was lifted up! Cut off from the earth!

"This is..." At the same time, in the Vatican, on the Vault of Holy Light, a pair of old eyes suddenly opened, and they rushed out of the magnificent palace, staring at the sky. After a few seconds, he lost his voice and said: "Above Nascent Soul..."

"This is above Nascent Soul!!"

"How is it could anyone on earth break through to the Nascent Soul?! The spiritual energy is simply not enough! Who is this!"

As he spoke, he turned into a golden holy light and rushed into the sky.

In Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions, in a dilapidated mosque, another pair of old, dim eyes opened. A Dardai sacrifice is being held here, which is one of the important sacrifices in Islam. However, as the host at this moment, he actually left without saying goodbye, and became a sky full of wind and sand flying in the air in the eyes of everyone's dumbfounded eyes.

" a monk? Isn't he...I've never seen him before and the old man said...what the hell is going on..."

China, the Forbidden City, at the same time, a ray of light suddenly rushed into the sky. Dressed in ancient costume and wearing a golden crown, a flaming red phoenix flashed across the sky. Everyone who saw it below spontaneously handed it over with admiration.

"Where are you going, Madam Xuannv? I haven't seen you leave the Forbidden City for several years. She is not here, and she always feels unsure. What's the big deal? If it weren't for your guard, I'm afraid the seven demon emperors in the capital would have broken in long ago. Already?"

No one can answer their questions. At this moment, more than a dozen rays of light on the earth rush into the sky, with only one goal!

Tower of Babel!

The kind of spiritual power that shook the world and shook the entire plane... surpassed them by far! Undoubtedly above Nascent Soul!

Not only them, but all the bases on the earth felt this terrifying spiritual power at this moment. All eyes turned to Africa with great shock.

"Report! Urgent military information! Huge spiritual power appears in the sky over the African Giant Tower! This is the German base, urgent report! Huge spiritual power appears in the sky over Africa! The range is difficult to estimate! Suspected to be above Nascent Soul! The user cannot be detected! Occupying the African Giant Tower The demon king was annihilated instantly! Mygod... reported that the African giant tower was... dug up from the ground! ?


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