
Chapter 1610: Return to the Tower of Babel

"Ding ding ding!" In Europe, the continent closest to Africa, at the Napoleon Base, all the researchers and monks present stood up. They stared at the screen in astonishment.

The Tower of Babel, like a giant pillar, had huge cracks blooming around it. These cracks were extremely neat, forming a huge circle around the Tower of Babel, and the main body of the tower, together with the ground of 10,000 meters, rumbled vertically towards the sky.

Slowly, but irreversibly.

It was like the hand of God, who created this tower and now wanted to take it away.

"MY GOD..." A white man looked up at the screen and spoke in a trembling voice.

In the Middle East, at the Damascus Base, countless men with white turbans on their heads looked at the huge light screen in the mosque, where the Tower of Babel broke away from gravity and soared into the air, and no one dared to speak.

The Holy City of the Three Religions, the holy place in the holy city, the Holy Mosque of Mecca, was famous all over the world for resisting one of the three great dynasties of the Zhenwu Realm. It is the holy place for all Muslims, where countless foundation-building and Qi-refining practitioners gather. The 100 great Jindan prophets of Islam are also here, and at this moment, they also cover their left chests with one hand, looking at a suspended light curtain in the mosque with shocked eyes.

Outside the mosque, believers are like the sea, and people flow like rivers. After a sigh of "God is above..." in the holy mosque, starting from the center, a black mass of people worshipped on the ground.


Undoubtedly a miracle!

Except for God... No one can achieve such a magnificent scene!

The Catholic holy place, the Vatican, the Holy Light Dome, the contemporary Pope and three cardinals stared at the light curtain in a daze, and behind them were Catholic believers like mountains and seas. Watching... the tower rise into the sky... watching the trees and animals that have been growing on it for hundreds of years fall from the sky like rain, watching the monsters that have caused headaches for humans screaming and flying out of the tower, and then instantly turning into blood flowers...

One minute, two minutes, three minutes later, Pope Saint John of Light waved his hands, crawled like a swan's wings in his white robe, and knelt down: "Almighty Lord..."

"Amen..." The tsunami-like response surged from all directions. Under the arch, there were believers who were about to receive the blessing. At this moment, they knelt down with the bishop and devoutly... worshipped the miracle.

At this time.


The entire earth, dozens of bases.

Their real power, Jindan monks, and Yuanying ancestors hidden in the human world all saw this incredible scene.

This scene was so sci-fi that even in their deepest dreams, such a terrifying scene had never appeared.

"Swish..." In the eyes of all the real rulers on Earth, the cloud hole in the sky that swallowed the Tower of Babel suddenly shone with a green light. The big trees in the Amazon jungle suddenly grew like crazy, but in an instant, the once rare hundred-meter-high ancient trees were all over the ground! Flowers and fruits that did not belong to this season bloomed out of season! It was like space was disordered and time was lost.

"Domain..." In a base, someone finally screamed: "It's the domain... This, this is a monk! It's a monk!!"

"Oh my God... Is this a monk!?" "Above Yuanying? Above Yuanying!!" "Is there such a monk on Earth!?" "Quick! Anchor the coordinates immediately!" "Where's the satellite?! Where is the satellite projection!"

Boom! !

Under the eyes of the crowd, whether it is on the screen or in the major tribal bases in Africa, you can see the vast cloud hole of tens of thousands of meters above the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, and the green air coming from the east for 30,000 miles! A giant hand holding up the sky, composed entirely of spiritual light, like a blue sun, came down with an irresistible majesty.

With a pinch of air, the void seemed to become a water surface, with endless ripples. The Tower of Babel, a human wonder, was like water, becoming increasingly faint in the ripples, and finally disappeared into the void.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The elders and high-level officials of the major tribal bases in Africa all prostrated themselves on the ground, not daring to make a sound under such a mighty power. It's too close... Only when you are so close can you feel how terrible it was just now. Countless African monks worshiped in the direction of the Tower of Babel.

Beating their chests, stamping their feet, and shouting in ancient languages, they were fanatical and pious, even though they knew that there must be only a 10,000-meter tiankeng there now.

Dead silence.

The entire high-level earth was completely dead silent at this moment. Only the eyes that were shocked to the point of losing their minds stared at the screen.

The wind stopped.

The clouds faded.

It seemed as if nothing had happened, but the Amazon jungle that suddenly rose tens of meters high and the neat 10,000-meter tiankeng in the center reminded everyone.

God, has been here.

"Someone come!!!" At the Huaxia base, an old man with three golden stars on his shoulders suddenly turned back: "Where is the Huaxia base closest to Africa? Oh, right... Yinglong base?! Connect me to their commander immediately!"

"Order, their most elite monks and special operations brigades, go to Africa immediately!!"

When he said this, he had already opened the door quickly and almost ran out. Several assistants beside him immediately asked: "Chief, where are you going?"

"Africa! Prepare helicopters immediately! I want the fastest speed! All routes are immediately diverted! Tell them to requisition the Yanhuang base! Whoever makes sense, let them find me! And inform the chairman immediately!"

Such a voice was not just one, but it sounded at the same time in several of the world's largest bases.

Sam Base in the United States, Elizabeth Base in the United Kingdom, Amaterasu Base in Japan, Aurora Base in Germany... Helicopters, surrounded by several fighter jets, took off with a buzzing sound, and rushed towards the Great Rift Valley of East Africa like lightning.

But they were by no means the fastest.

Just one hour after the ruins of the Tower of Babel were calm, more than a dozen streams of light gathered here like crazy.

Swish! No one dared to approach the cenote, and they all stood still outside the cenote. A middle-aged man in ancient European jazz clothes had a red face, half-knelt on the ground, and shouted loudly: "My lord! Please accept our greetings!"

The power of the Nascent Soul burst out, and the voice spread across the sky, but no one responded.

"Senior!" "Sir!" "Sir, please see me! Just one more meeting!!" "Sir! We have been trapped in the Nascent Soul for hundreds of years, just asking for a chance!" "Sir! The earth is now in a state of chaos! Please help!" "Sir, as long as you take action, how can the earth not be broken!?" "Sir, please remember the 'strongest generation,' how can we lose the kingdom they conquered?!"

The excited and hoarse voices spread across the sky. Far away, the monks of the African tribes all took a breath, covered their mouths and knelt down.

Nascent Soul...

All of them are Nascent Soul!

The Xuannv of China, the Taoist priest, the Zen master Fatong, the casual cultivator Qin Wuzhi... the VII of Xilade in Europe and America... the Grand Duke of Sumenwell... all of them are famous, and I have only seen them in the information. The newly promoted Nascent Soul after the "strongest generation", the pillars of the earth, are now kneeling in the void above the Great Rift Valley of East Africa.

Other cultivators simply couldn't understand their feelings.

It's been too long...

They've been in Nascent Soul for too long... They've been exploring the next path for too long. Also... They've been suppressed by the title of "The Strongest Generation" for too long...

They admire and worship the Strongest Generation, but they also have confidence that if they were in that magnificent scroll, they would not be inferior to them!

Now... a being who is definitely above Nascent Soul appeared above the Earth, how could they not be excited? How could they not look forward to it?

Whether it was for themselves or for the Earth, they had no psychological pressure in kneeling.

But there was no response.

The agitated voice echoed for several minutes, but still no one answered. Ten minutes later, a blonde woman holding up her ancient dress stood up and sighed, "Everyone, get up..."

"That senior... should have left..."

"Who is this?" A man in a Taoist robe bit his lips until they bled, staring at the sky: "There is a Tao above Taixu on Earth... but why doesn't he want to see it?"

"Not only that... the war between the two worlds... at his age, he should have experienced it... was he there at that time?" "Who is it... I suggest everyone look for history to see if a powerful person is missing."

Xu Yangyi had no idea what was happening in the outside world, because he couldn't wait to fly into the Tower of Babel.

As Taixu, he could already split his own plane in the void. He temporarily split one and put the Tower of Babel in it.

At his level, the mechanism of the Tower of Babel had no effect on him. Flying all the way, the magic cube world... the holy sword platform... the mysterious lantern of the world... When passing by the holy sword platform, he felt a will awakening, but he did not stop, but went straight forward. Soon, the center of the Tower of Babel appeared in front of him.

Without the existence of the stargazer, this is not the tower of light condensed by the azure spiritual light line, but a gray. But this grayness did not affect his mood at all. On the contrary, the closer he got here, the faster his heart beat.

Almost there...

It's inside... the waiting stone for husbands who have been waiting for hundreds of years... I... finally have the power to save her...

Usually put it in the deepest part of my heart, walking through the scenes of the past fighting, this thought has spread from the tip of my heart like fermented wine, a sour, but long-lost sweet taste stirred my chest. Let him go faster.

Boom! ! The restrictions between the centers were broken by him. It seems to be rude, and the restrictions are flying everywhere, but in fact it is extremely careful, and no restrictions fly into it.

He took a step inside and breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside was a dark void.

In the center of the void, a white female stone statue, lifelike and without any damage, was quietly suspended there.

Even he, at this moment, his chest was heaving. Yuchang flew out silently and guarded the door. It knew that he must have a lot to say.


Xu Yangyi listened to the sound of the ban closing from behind, and his eyes became gentle. After a long time, he slowly walked towards the statue.

"I'm back..."

"Are you... okay?"

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