
Chapter 1611: Reunion in a Century

No one answered.

The stone statue was silent. For hundreds of years, it might have become a habit to keep this action. Her eyes looked at a certain place in the void, as if waiting for someone to come.

"I forgot... you can't speak now." Xu Yangyi smiled lightly, with extremely complicated emotions in his laughter: "But it doesn't matter, it will be fine soon."

He walked over step by step, stood in front of the stone statue, and stroked it gently with a trembling hand.

He thought that he had blurred the other's face for so long.

But no.

When he stood here, he recalled the decisive bite of that year.

Without that bite, he would have died in the inheritance of the Chaos Seed, and there would be no Xuanyuan King in the future.

Without this bite, without everything brought by the Chaos Seed, he would not have been able to go so far in the Seven Realms, let alone get through the World of Great Conflict.

He seemed to understand the meaning of Quetzalcoatl's words "You don't know how to use it, it doesn't matter, but you must keep it well".

It has no function.

But it is divine power.

The power of the first generation of Yahweh, the "most ancient" god.

It surpasses all functions.

And all of this was gained by this bite.

His hand passed over the other's cold face, as if he could still feel the warmth and elasticity. However, he did not use the Guangyao Talisman immediately. He just stroked it slowly without speaking.

He kept asking himself in his heart: What is your feeling for her?

The Blood Ancestor would not lie to him. Since he said that the Guangyao Talisman could be unlocked, it must be possible. However, the relationship between the two is related to the way they get along and develop in the future.


No, he knew very well that this was not love.

If it was love, then cultivation would not be put first for so many years. It is impossible to fall in love with each other because of a short contact. They had too little contact and too many separations on Earth. The complicated practice diluted each other's memories. The reason why Angel made him care for so long was not so much love as responsibility.

He treated me like this, and I treated him like this.

At most, it is like, not... maybe not like, but an interest that can be approached.

However, this interest has too many other elements.

For example, gratitude, such as kindness. He has no other lover. If love is "one life for another life," then, this can also be said to be love.

Feelings cannot be covered with kindness, gratitude, and forced melons are the basis of resentful couples. He is not a promiscuous person, and he has never thought about having a harem, so he has almost chosen it, and he will not change it unless there is a big change.

Old partner, old partner, accompany each other in old age, the road of cultivation is long. Having someone to accompany him on the long journey, rather than a resentful partner, this is what he wants.

"Maybe... between 'good impression' and 'like'." He took a deep breath, and the light in his hand flashed. The Guangyao Talisman appeared in the void. Under the light, the whole void was shining with intoxicating golden light.

Thinking is useless, doing is the truth.

Love is done... No! In the long-term contact in the future, he can be sure whether this is the person he wants.

If not, he would formally refuse.

If yes, he would join hands for life.

It is responsibility and also emotion.

Swish... The stone statue slowly faded away. Ten minutes, twenty minutes... After thirty minutes, the stone statue had strangely turned into the color of flesh.

It was still exactly the same as the other party hundreds of years ago, with long golden hair and a beautiful face like an elf. The more he saw this face, the other party's smile and frown that day, and the eccentricity re-echoed in front of him.

To correct it, maybe... a little more than "you can have more contact"...

He suddenly remembered that Master Yue should not be able to see it anymore, and he felt a little regretful.

This was also his promise.

Just as his thoughts were in chaos, a soft moan sounded, and the blue-green eyes blinked and looked at him calmly.

He smiled and looked at the other party calmly.

After meeting each other for hundreds of years, neither of them knew what to say.

Shalala... The golden light completely converged, and Angel returned to her original appearance. The long curly hair like a golden waterfall fell on her shoulders, and her figure outlined a graceful S shape, which was full of youthful vitality. Before Xu Yangyi could react, two hands were already around her waist. He pinched her hard.

"It's white, so ugly." Angel shrugged her nose and sniffed deeply: "Familiar formula, familiar taste... Why are you playing COSPLAY?"

After a long period of practice, Xu Yangyi instinctively wanted to pull the other's hand away, but the moment he touched it, he paused, and finally hesitated and slowly put it on the other's hand, still letting her hold him. He looked at her complicatedly: "Do you know... how many years later it is now?"

"I'm old?" No one expected Angel's first reaction, exclaimed and pulled back her hand, touching her face. After a few seconds, she was relieved and raised her eyebrows to Xu Yangyi in dissatisfaction: "Liar."

"Don't you know how long you have been here?" Xu Yangyi asked softly.

"Of course." Angel also fell silent, pursing her lips gently, her rosy lips showing a dreamy color, and she spoke softly after a few seconds: "Has it been a long time?"

"Yeah." Xu Yangyi gently pulled her hand, it was warm, not as cold as stone.

Since you have decided, go and try it. If you don't touch it, you will never know whether it is suitable.

The state of mind is different... When they were on Earth, they were both full of youth, but when he came here again, he already had the state of mind of hundreds of years.

He didn't know if they could get along, but he was willing to start.

Last time, she was the one who pursued him, so... this time it was his turn.

"How long?" Angel's voice was emotionless, like plucking the strings of a harp in the void, as if these two words were about to float away carefully.

"Seven or eight hundred years." Xu Yangyi sighed and held it a little harder: "Sorry, I'm late."

Angel had never heard of it before, raised her head, her perfect cheeks and neck outlined a graceful arc, slowly staring into the void, her voice was a little hesitant and a little sad: "I... Dad..."

She didn't say anything, perhaps she had already guessed his thoughts, but wanted an answer.

Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds, opened his mouth, and wanted to say "um" to affirm. But when the time came, it became: "I don't know, there are still Yuanying on Earth now. If... your father has extended his life twice, he should still be able to see it."

"Do you know..." Angel grabbed his palm with a resentful voice: "You really don't know how to speak."

"Didn't you know it long ago?"

"Yes, I'm blind." Angel glared at him fiercely: "Besides, your father-in-law didn't even scream just now!"


Before he finished speaking, a soft piece of it fell on his lips. With the unique fragrance of a young girl, his pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't push it away.

Very fragrant.

Just like a fiery red rose, with youth and vitality, holding a petal in your mouth, you can feel the rich fragrance.

"You don't need to explain." Angel left his thick lips, and both of them breathed a little hurriedly, and this haste was hot. But Angel's eyes were unusually clear, and she smiled slightly: "It's been hundreds of years... You... Actually, I'm also very happy to be able to come back."

"Some things can't be forced. Like I said, I like it, and whether you like it or not is your business. I don't mind if you have other women in these hundreds of years, after all..."

She smiled and shook the other's hand, her fingertips slightly stiff: "It's been hundreds of years..."

There is no one...

The father who loved her the most disappeared, but she is definitely not a person who prays for love.

Feelings are like sand in your hands. If you can't keep it, then scatter it.

It's easy to change the hearts of old friends, but it's easy to change the hearts of old friends. She understands this truth.

However... In her memory... there is only him left...

So, she didn't let go of her hand. Perhaps, in her subconscious, she was also waiting for an answer.

Hundreds of years ago, I just opened the door of your heart. Hundreds of years later, will that crack still be left for me?

"No." The voice like steel plate came mechanically. Angel's eyes blinked, and suddenly smiled, like a rose blooming at midnight, and then, she burst into laughter.

Xu Yangyi was completely confused, just like he couldn't keep up with the other party's way of thinking hundreds of years ago.

"That is to say..." Angel laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist: ", hahaha!"

"For hundreds of years, you have been a virgin silently?"

Xu Yangyi's face was a little dark.

This is a bad atmosphere, okay!

And it has nothing to do with each other, okay!

And I and Xiaoqing... This matter can't be said...

"Hehe..." He sneered twice: "Are you very happy?"

"Of course." Angel didn't shy away from saying this, and kissed Xu Yangyi's lips fiercely, with an ambiguous chirp, and the taste was long.

Unlike the last time, this time there was a little more emotion and less trepidation.

"I said..." After a long time, Xu Yangyi silently pushed the other party away, and his hand had been placed on the other party's waist without knowing when. Very soft, like the swaying branches of a rose, but without thorns: "Why aren't you sad at all?"

"Sad." Angel's eyes were curved like crescents, and her blue-green eyes were like lake water, reflecting joy: "But is sadness useful?"

"My father may still be here. As long as I hold on to hope, I won't think about desperate things for the time being. And..."

She gently bit the other's blue stubble jaw: "Don't I still have you?"

I really can't understand her thinking!

"What if?"

"What if your father is not found?"

Angel leaned on his chest, listening to his regular heartbeat, her long golden hair hanging down, covering her eyes, her voice a little hoarse: "You are really bad at chatting..."

"You have to bring up something I tried so hard to suppress."

Xu Yangyi raised the corner of his mouth and touched the other's furry head. After a few seconds, Angel's muffled voice came from his chest: "If he really can't find it... I will be very sad..."

"But even if he can't find it... he should have ascended... He must be waiting for me somewhere..."

Xu Yangyi paused and gently combed her hair: "Yes."

"Master Yue must be waiting for you somewhere."

"So, why waste time?" He took the other's hand and walked towards the door: "Let's go and find out if your father is still there. As a top Yuanying Zhenjun, it's really not difficult to prolong your life!"

Be prepared for the worst, but never get stuck in the worst corner.

In this way, you can smile with hope.

Even though both of them had the same premonition, no one said anything. They just kept smiling and walked out of the center of the Tower of Babel hand in hand.

"You know..." Yuchang leaned against the door and didn't see the two people coming out: "Even here, I smell a sour smell..."

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