
Chapter 1612: Meet Mistydin again

Angel blinked twice and looked at Xu Yangyi with scrutiny: "So... you really didn't find other women, but found this one..."

With a "tsk tsk tsk" look in his eyes, Xu Yangyi couldn't help rolling his eyes, Yuchang said lightly: "I remember we met."

"Oh..." Angel thought about it, suddenly woke up, pointed at Yuchang in surprise, and saw the joy of seeing an old friend on his face: "You are..."

Good memory.

Yuchang smiled and nodded.

"You are that bitch!!"

Fall! !

Who is the bitch!

Girl, can you speak! !

Are you mentally prepared for the sudden scolding!

Even if Yuchang has cultivated for hundreds of years, at this moment, it is almost like a Buddha is born and two Buddhas ascend to heaven. Mao Baer's mean face is always in front of him. He took a deep breath and turned his face away. From today on, the two of them will enter the blacklist status of each other.

Xu Yangyi also laughed, and laughed loudly, without hiding it. At this moment, all the big stones were put down, and he felt extremely relaxed.

"It's not... What are you being arrogant about..." Angel leaned on Xu Yangyi's shoulder and held his hand. Xu Yangyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Come down."

"EMMMM... I can't walk."

"Don't be squeamish."

"No matter, if you can't walk, you have to carry it."

A few minutes later, Yuchang watched a tall man carrying a woman on his back gradually go away, laughed out loud, and followed him.

Along the way, the two talked more and more. If you have to say it carefully, it was Angel who talked more. The familiar and enthusiastic girl confided her feelings and thoughts. However, strength is relative. This kind of heat made Xu Yangyi, who didn't talk much, also join in the conversation.

"So, you're going to the universe soon?"

"Yeah. What about you?"

"...I think I'll have to live on Earth for a while to be sure."


"You know, hehe means stupid...I think we're from the same era, why do I suddenly feel there's a generation gap?"


"...Well, actually, I can see that I haven't gotten into your heart yet, but I have plenty of time. At least your attitude is 10,000 times better than before. Back then, my eyelids would roll up to the sky...Yes! It's the classic Xu-style eye roll, about to roll up! Don't think I can't see it if you roll your eyes secretly."

"...You have a good eye, and you use idioms very well, very innovatively. But you're the first person who can make me roll my eyes. I almost forgot this life skill."

"Oh my God... I can't believe you've evolved a sense of humor in just a few minutes. I'm sure you don't need me in your life... Hey, to be honest, I really plan to live on Earth for a while. What if we're not suitable? I'm a little nervous..."

"... Can you put your hand down on my chest before you say this?"

"Ah... Sorry, my hand suddenly became uncontrollable. It's probably Parkinson's syndrome caused by hundreds of years of petrification... You don't lack exercise... Although your skin has turned white, your chest muscles are still very thick..."

"How did Master Yue educate you back then!"

"Do you know Master Yue's real name?"

"I forgot."

"It doesn't matter. I tell you, call me Father-in-law. I allow you to call him by his name."

Yu Chang said nothing along the way behind him, but there was a hint of smile in his eyes.

If you stay alone for too long, you will be lonely. If you are lonely for too long, it will become a habit. If you get used to it for too long... you are destined to be lonely.

It's a good thing to be able to walk into the other person's life.

Walking slowly in the ruined Tower of Babel, when he came to the Holy Sword Platform, Xu Yangyi suddenly stopped.

Angel was talking about her high school days, and she stopped talking when she saw his movements. But Xu Yangyi smiled and flicked his finger, and the broken sword fragments on the ground below the Holy Sword Platform spun rapidly. Soon, a sword made entirely of branches rose into the air, emitting a dazzling light. A knight-like spirit was looking at him in disbelief.

The Parasite Sword, the Sword of the God King.

The Holy Sword Misteding, who was seriously injured in the Ten Thousand Worlds War, was placed in the Tower of Babel for warming.

"Is it really you?" The four eyes met for a long time, and the spirit said in astonishment: "I thought I was wrong just now. You... are back to Earth?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded, and bowed deeply: "Senior, thank you for that year."

Misteding immediately avoided it, did not accept the bow, but stared at the other party: "What realm are you... now?"

"Taixu... Zi..." As soon as he finished speaking, his earlobe was hot. Angel's unexpected attack, the soft earlobe was swept by the warm tongue, and the feeling was fleeting, making him feel hot from the earlobe to the lower abdomen.

This witch!

I will kill you sooner or later!

I will give you all my savings of hundreds of years... Don't think it's money!

"I like you who are so awesome but pretend to be calm." Angel whispered in his ear, like a satisfied cat: "Very confident, very seductive."

This is not the first time he has been teased by a woman...

Xu Yangyi felt that he was a failure.

Mistin looked at Angel with understanding, then looked at Xu Yangyi with understanding, with a look of "I understand" on his face, and quietly stepped aside.

"Senior." Xu Yangyi wanted to chat normally, but sometimes the atmosphere was interrupted and he couldn't pick up the conversation - like now. He could only say with laughter and tears: "I am about to set foot in the kingdom of the gods, and I would like to ask my senior if he would like to go with me. Your master should be there."

"Odin..." There was a trace of yearning on Mistertin's face, and she nodded without even thinking about it: "Okay."

Before he finished speaking, it turned into a ray of light and rushed into Xu Yangyi's left hand. Xu Yangyi laughed, turned around and pinched Angel's nose gently. Provoking the other party to glare at him fiercely.

It's so strange...

Hundreds of years ago, I felt that she and I were absolutely incompatible... but now we get along with each other very naturally.

We haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, but I have just opened my heart to him. But he didn't even have the slightest intention of rejecting the other party's intimate gestures.

On the contrary...enjoying it?

Lack of love? Or...are we really missing this person?

Maintaining a hint of sobriety amidst his enthusiasm, he wrapped Angel in his aura and flew outside.

This question will be answered in time.

Flying out of the Tower of Babel, he tore apart the space, silently found the direction with the largest number of people in the void, and turned into a stream of light and flew over.

"Why are you quiet all of a sudden?" he asked with a smile.

Angel rolled her eyes at him: "I just built the foundation. I heard you said that there are golden elixirs, Yuanying, and Zunsheng on it, so it's Taixu. I'm also motivated, okay?"

Smiling, when the two appeared, it was already a steel jungle.

The densely packed high-rise buildings are much taller than a few hundred years ago, and the flying cars are flying in mid-air. Compared with hundreds of years ago, the advertising neon signs are more dense now, and some of them have begun to take shape. A scene from a science fiction movie.

Angel looked at the sky in ecstasy: "You said... are there still movie theaters now?"

Xu Yangyi was also very interested: "Maybe there is no more... In this era, people should be using up brains or something?"

"Ahem..." Yuchang finally couldn't help but interrupt these two creatures whose IQs had plummeted in the early stages of their relationship, and pointed to the other side.

The two of them looked over and saw the four characters "Xuanyuan Cinema" clearly visible.

I couldn't help but blush.

"It's not as bad as in science fiction movies." Xu Yangyi laughed at himself.

"What about you? Where are you going?" Angel said with a smile.

Xu Yangyi looked at it, suppressed his smile, and replaced it with a trace of nostalgia: "I have no money and no ID card. Of course I have to find someone to get it."

"It's been hundreds of years. The old friends from back then...are almost gone, right?" Yuchang sighed slightly.

"Most of them are gone, but do you know where this is?" Xu Yangyi smiled mysteriously and lightly tapped the soles of his feet: "This is the imperial capital."

"The location I set is the Imperial Capital. No one can see us now. And after arriving in the Imperial Capital, I am looking for the blood of a friend. And I am very lucky..."

His gaze looked to a distant place: "His lineage... is very strong, and it doesn't seem to have declined too much. This... is also the result of the rise in the war of all realms, right?"



Neon lights shot through the sky. New York and Tokyo hundreds of years ago were nothing compared to this imperial capital base that encompassed the habitable areas of four provinces.

The prosperity surpasses imagination and confuses time and space. And on the edge of the second ring road of the imperial capital, against the mountain, there is a huge manor.

The manor is located on a river, and in this era, every aspect is huge. The driving tools have become much more advanced, and the speed is about the same as before from the second ring road to the first ring road in the Imperial Capital. The second ring here is said to have surpassed the fifth and sixth rings of the imperial capital back then. It should be the Miyun ring back then or even further.

There are mountains and rivers. In a place like this where every inch of land is valuable and everyone lives together, this ancient Chinese-style manor covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters. You can imagine how powerful the people who live in it are!

Just on the gate of the manor, there is a plaque with the word "Chu" engraved with a dragon and a phoenix. Everyone knows that this is the second largest chamber of commerce in the imperial capital base and the eighth largest chamber of commerce in China. It is the territory of the Chu family.

When it comes to the Chu family, everyone knows its history. This is one of the few families that is engraved in the history books. After all, there was an ancestor of Jindan hundreds of years ago, and he has a sworn relationship with the "strongest generation" Xu Shaozhenjun. Mr. Chu was also a high-ranking official back then, but he had never entered the central circle since Mr. Chu. However, another Jindan Daoist appeared, but he also fell into a wave of beasts defending the Imperial Capital base, and it was ninety years ago.

It was at that time that the Chu family abandoned politics and engaged in business.

"When..." In this huge manor, servants are everywhere, but in the center there are few people. This is the ancestral home of the Chu family. At this moment, in the center of the ancestral home, an old man with an emerald finger ring was gently putting down his tea cup and looking at the sky in a trance.

"It has been eight hundred years since ancestor Zhaonan ascended..." He sighed and stood up: "Today is here again..."

"Someone is coming."

"Place offerings. Sacrifice to heaven."

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