
Chapter 1613: Bloodline of an Old Friend (I)

Carrara...the red doors were closed one after another. Soon, the old man was the only one left in the small courtyard.

He was very old, looking to be in his seventies, with bald hair and age spots. However, his spirit is very strong and his movements are very smooth. Wearing a white crane short coat with black bottom and black trousers and robe, he looks somewhat immortal.

Especially his body was filled with a weak spiritual power fluctuation. Not strong, probably in the later stages of Qi refining.

He looked quietly at the big red altar table in front of him, on which were laid out the three animals and grains offered to the ancestors in a retro style. Then, he gently picked up a glass of wine and dropped it on the ground.

"Ancestor." His voice was relatively calm, and his emotions had settled over the long years. He bowed deeply and said: "The descendants are unworthy of our descendants, Chu Yongliang, and respect our ancestors."

As the contemporary head of the Chu family, everything seems to be going smoothly and his career is successful. But every family has sutras that are difficult to recite, and only at this time, when he is alone and facing the spirits of his ancestors who may have long since ceased to exist, will he reveal his true feelings.

"If the ancestors are still alive, I hope to take care of the Chu family." He sighed, flicked his fingertips, lit three sticks of incense, bowed three times in a row, and murmured: "Thanks to the blessings of the ancestors, the Chu family has been lucky enough to survive for hundreds of years. But. , has made a rapid exit from politics and entered the business world.”

"It's not easy to get mixed up in the political world. Now the world is undergoing a major reshuffle. There are many bases, each doing their own thing. Each major base also needs to defend itself against the surrounding beast tide, the Golden Core Demon King, and the Nascent Soul Demon King. If you don't pay attention, you will die. ”

"The business world is not easy to deal with. The journey of caravans passing through other bases is difficult, and it also depends on the faces of local snakes in various places. The profits are huge, but the casualties are also huge. If the secret does not disappear, there will be no global exchange of goods."

"It's a pity that our Chu family has never seen any promising seeds in the past hundred years. All the direct descendants are lying on the merits of their ancestors, eating and waiting to die. Little do they know that the future of mankind is bleak, and there will be no good seeds in another fifty years. , the Chu family... is probably no longer glorious."

A wry smile flashed across his face, and he said faintly: "As the family grows, even if the younger generations work hard, they will inevitably have some flaws. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the relationship between children... Ancestor, you have risen well, and you have left such a mess... "

He talked nonchalantly, being in a high position, feeling pain and happiness, accompanied by occasional long sighs. It took half an hour, and the incense was almost burned out, before he stepped forward with the incense.

However, just when he was about to insert the incense into the incense burner, without any warning, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, twisted the three pillars of residual incense, and turned into ashes out of thin air. He said with a smile: "You sacrificed too early. "

"Who!!" The old man's eyes changed suddenly, and three spiritual lights shot out from his body. This is a golden elixir-level defensive magic weapon. As the head of the Chu family, he always carries a high-grade spiritual stone with him to activate it. These three magic weapons were given by the real person at the peak of Jindan. He can last for half an hour without Nascent Soul!

It didn't take half an hour. Five minutes later, the three major golden elixir worshipers in the clan arrived. It was impossible for the visitor to get out alive!

Nascent Soul Lord has no time to look at local forces like them. Only Jindan... and a real person who has just joined Jindan can break into this place without any sound to plot something.

However, the moment the spiritual light shot out, it suddenly disappeared as if it had never appeared before. The young man opposite was dressed in ancient clothes, and his black-bottomed dragon robe was worth a lot at first glance. He gently held three magic weapons in his hands, and asked with great interest: "This is... a lineage of Taoism, and the Chu family still has contact with them? This A golden elixir magic weapon that can be activated by building a foundation can resist Nascent Soul for more than 20 minutes, which is okay."

Well enough?

The old man took a few steps back, his heart beating wildly, and his mind instinctively turning rapidly.

Who is this person? He came and went without a trace, and there was no reaction from the Chu family's mountain-protecting formation... Moreover, he reached out and grabbed three magic weapons from the top of the golden elixir. This kind of strength...

In an instant, he was covered in cold sweat.

Is it really the Nascent Soul Lord who has come to visit?


The Chu family has always kept a low profile, and with Patriarch Zhaonan's name attached to it, no one dared to provoke, not even Yuanying, whom he had never seen before. Taoism and several other Yuan Ying sects have had close contact with the Chu family until now. This Yuan Ying is very familiar... Why did he suddenly find the Chu family? Is he really not afraid of other Nascent Soul Lords?

"Sir..." The hairs all over the old man's body were trembling. Even though the man in front of him didn't have a trace of aura, he felt like he was standing in front of a wild beast. He took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "I didn't know that True Lord Nascent Soul was coming. This is junior’s fault... Junior is ready to catch the wind.”

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked around with emotion. The Chu family... is really good at it. It has not fallen for hundreds of years, and there are many talented people.

This is true nobility.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the old man's heart almost stopped, a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead, and he said in a deep voice: "Sir... Nascent Soul must not take action against other forces... This is ruled by the Cultivation Court... Once violated, the consequences will be disastrous. . My Chu family... has also produced ascended monks..."

Still no words.

The old man gritted his teeth: "If you need anything, sir, just ask, and the Chu family will definitely give it to you. Even these three protective magic weapons given by the Taoist ancestral court, this junior will never say much... There are also some other secret treasures... "

"Remember the Zhao family?" Xu Yangyi suddenly said, and the three magic weapons flew back to the old man's hands. The old man did not dare to start it, but only dared to put it up quietly, with great respect: "May I ask, sir, which Zhao family?"

In front of Nascent Soul, it is best not to act rashly...

If one thing is not handled well tonight, it will be a huge disaster for the Chu family!

At this moment, he hated his juniors so much that they were all waiting to die. If another golden elixir came out, the circles they would come into contact with would be completely different! Humanity is humane, and only when you move around frequently can you be humane. Without the golden elixir, where would you have the face to try to get in touch with Nascent Soul’s circle?

Even if the previous threads were broken, now the sky and the earth are really out of control.

"Don't you remember?" Xu Yangyi laughed, and with a casual move, two chairs flew into the yard. He sat down and waved to the old man: "Sit, don't be restrained."

The old man dared not sit down.

He really couldn't figure out why a Nascent Soul broke in when the Chu family was worshiping their ancestors. It would be better if this matter is not revealed, but once it is revealed... the descendants of the "strongest generation" are all on the same page. The Chu family and Xu Shaozhenjun have a close relationship, and they will never let this matter go easily!

This is also the last support of the Chu family for hundreds of years!

"Sit down." Xu Yangyi said calmly, giving the other party reassurance: "Speaking of which, you are also an old friend, so don't worry, I have no ill intentions."

This king?

What a big breath... The old man thought to himself, but sat down with his butt tilted.

Among the Nascent Soul, who dares to claim the title of king?

There was no words for a moment, Xu Yangyi was thoughtful, and the old man was sitting on pins and needles. After a few seconds, he whispered: "May I ask, sir... which ancestor do you have friendship with?"

His mind was filtering through his past ancestors, but he wasn't sure.

Xu Yangyi smiled. On top of the golden elixir, he didn't want the other party to see his true appearance and the other party would never be able to see it. At this moment, he removed the protective aura and could walk sideways on the earth with just his physical body. He pointed to the incense table: "Da Chu is alive and well, what kind of incense are you giving him? Are you not afraid of cursing him to death?"

"Ah?" The old man was confused.

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "When this king comes back, I want to take care of the family for him. It would be better for you to offer incense. Are you afraid that he will not die?"

Present! ! !

The old man suddenly stood up as if he was being stabbed by needles. At the same time, a dozen voices came from outside the small courtyard: "Master, is something wrong?"

"Nothing! Get out!!" The old man's voice was hoarse and his whole body was trembling. He looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Tell everyone, no matter who it is! Even my most beloved grandchildren, I will not allow anyone to dare to enter here. , all expelled from the family!"


The sounds outside faded. The old man seemed to have lost his soul and took a few shaky steps forward. He was only two meters away from Xu Yangyi. Xu Yangyi waved and said, "Do you look particularly familiar to me?"

The old man nodded mechanically, like a puppet. The expression on his face was between crying and laughing, completely in disbelief.

How could I not be familiar with it...

Everyone on earth recognizes this face! !

There was a video back then of one of the "Strongest Generations" with the highest voice. To this day, it is Mr. Xu Shaozhen who is idolized by everyone!

How could he not be familiar with it! !

"This... this is impossible..." The facts are clearly in front of him, and the old man also knows very well that no one dares to impersonate these seven people. This will be hunted down by monks around the world, and it will be a matter of public outrage in the cultivation world. However, he just couldn't believe it!

Who dares to believe it?

I...routinely, annually worshiped my ancestors...sacrificially sacrificed Lord Xu Shaozhen?

Who gives me a slap in the face to see if it's true? !

At this moment, there was a landslide and tsunami in my heart. Lord Xu Shaozhen returned... Let alone breaking into the Nascent Soul, even if he sat in front of the world leader, there would be no problem at all!

The Chu family will rise! Moreover, according to what his old man said, ancestor Zhaonan is still alive... This, this is simply...

Bang... Countless fireworks were placed in his mind, and he was so excited that he was speechless for several minutes.

"Bye, bye, meet the ancestor!!!" His voice was suppressed, for fear of being heard by others, but he immediately knelt down with great excitement, bowed to the ground, and kowtowed several times.

"No need to be restrained, get up." There were too many people kowtowing, Xu Yangyi had long been accustomed to it, and pointed to the chair: "Sit down, sit down and talk."

The old man's chest was rising and falling rapidly, and his face was red. He dared to sit just now, how dare he sit now?

Who can come back after ascending?

This...this definitely surpasses Nascent Soul!

No wonder you dare to call yourself the king!

"Just call me Mr. Xu Shaozhen. When you return home, do as the Romans do. That sounds good."

"Yes... no, we must abide by the law!" The old man was so excited that he started to speak old sayings.

Xu Yangyi smiled: "I know you have a lot of questions. When I come back, I want to see the land in the past. Maybe I will leave in a few hundred years. I don't want too many people to know about it now. Do you understand?"

"Understood! Understood!" The old man replied with a blushing face. With such a big Buddha sitting here, even for one day, the Chu family will be full of glory!

Who dares to touch it again? ! u

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