
Chapter 1616: Meeting with the top forces on Earth

The next morning, Angel was still sleeping soundly, Xu Yangyi had already put on his clothes and quietly disappeared in the room.

These decades were just a moment in his long cultivation career. Taixu's life span was 3,600 years, so this time was nothing. It also made his tense nerves slowly relax - since he established his foundation, he had never experienced such a relaxing and comfortable time.

Too much pressure will make people anxious and irritable. Excessive relaxation will make laziness a habit, and find all kinds of reasons for their failures.

Feeling that the steel wire in his mind has tended to relax, he is not going to let relaxation become laziness. It has been decades, and he has rested enough. It is time to do serious work.

Diligence makes you proficient, and play makes you waste. Success is thought, and failure is carelessness.

In just a few minutes, he arrived at the center of the imperial capital base. This is the location of Zhongnanhai, where ancient buildings can be seen everywhere. It is adjacent to the west side of the Forbidden City. The familiar landscapes such as Ziguang Garden, Qinzheng Hall, Shuiyun Pavilion, and Fengze Garden are clearly visible. Just like hundreds of years ago, this place is still the center of the entire China. Every moment, countless intelligence is fed back from major bases and processed here.

He did not alarm anyone. It was not that he had not been to this place before. Just a light sweep, he flew towards a low-key and luxurious palace complex in the center.

Only there, there was a condensed aura that was still acceptable.

It was a woman, about the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. In the dark around, the auras of three Jindan and dozens of foundation-building peaks were looming, showing a loose outside and tight inside. Behind her, several old breaths were busy. The spiritual power was very weak, but it was entangled with an aura that made Xu Yangyi look slightly sideways.

"The aura of national destiny... is also related to the survival of the plane. Only the top ruler of a plane can have it."

His figure was hidden in the void, no one could find it, and he walked into the gate openly. Inside were independent small rooms, and in the center was an antique hall with hanging palace lanterns and bluestone paving. The surrounding buildings were carved with beams and painted with buildings, and dragons and phoenixes flew together. A woman in a cheongsam was sitting at the central eight-immortal table, sipping tea elegantly.

However, the moment he stepped in, a bell sounded leisurely in the void. The woman suddenly opened her eyes, and the spiritual pressure of the Nascent Soul level soared into the sky, looking solemnly at the void: "Who!!"

No one answered.

"Don't you know that you must not enter here without permission? What does it mean for you to come here uninvited?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked around curiously, the place of national destiny... It should have felt that he had returned, but he did not expect to be discovered by the plane.

Swish... The surrounding void was gently fluctuating, and the woman's expression became more and more solemn. She felt that someone was here, but with her spiritual sense, she could not find any trace at all!

Nascent Soul Great Perfection...

These words made her nose drip with a drop of cold sweat. The other party's spiritual energy was hidden and not revealed. If it were not for the National Defense Formation to detect it, she would not have discovered it at all.

"Nascent Soul Great Perfection... Where on earth is the Taoist? This is the place of national destiny." She clenched her fists tightly and quietly pinched several spells. After a few seconds, there was still no answer. She took a deep breath: "Since fellow Daoist is unwilling to show up, then... I'm sorry!"

Before she finished speaking, a red lotus of karma fire exploded, and the surrounding area of ​​100 meters was like a flaming purgatory. At the same time, the golden elixir foundation building from all directions rushed into the room. In the void, Xu Yangyi had heard several mechanical sounds of "clicking".

That was the sound of guns being loaded.

"Not bad reaction." Nodding slightly, he slowly stepped into the red lotus of karma fire and quietly walked past the woman. But the other party still looked around with great vigilance and did not notice at all. The red lotus of flames did not fluctuate at all.

"Dang... Dang..." The person had left, but the bell sounded the same, and her anxiety became more and more intense.

Still here...

That cultivator is still here!

However, she could not find it at all!

Every bell sound was like a death warrant. From the beginning, a drop of cold sweat slid down her cheek, and now her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

This is not something I can handle...

"Everyone! Escort all the leaders to leave immediately!" Her hair stood up a little: "Notify all Yuanying in the base! Enemy..."

Before she finished the word "enemy attack", her eyes suddenly froze, and she fell to the ground like a log.

Swish... The cultivators who had just rushed to the door from all directions stopped in their tracks. Xu Yangyi took a glance and saw about thirty people. However, at this moment, everyone took a breath and looked at the hall in disbelief.

Fell down...

A Yuanying ancestor...just like that...fell down without any fluctuations in his spiritual energy...

No one could see him attacking, no signs...Who on earth is this? !

"Dang...dang..." The sound of the bell was melodious and unhurried. But they felt as if they were falling into the coldest days of ice, and their whole bodies were cold.

Since the war between the two worlds, this was the first time that a cultivator attacked a country's dignitary...No! It was unprecedented in history! There was a Yuanying ancestor in charge, three Jindan, and dozens of foundation-building peaks, but the other party came and went freely, and even his appearance could not be seen now!

"Sir..." A Jindan said bitterly: "Attacking a country's dignitary... Don't you think about the earth..."

Before he finished speaking, everyone, like the Yuanying cultivator, fainted on the spot without a groan.

Across the wall was a magnificent hall.

There was a crystal chandelier overhead, and landscape paintings by national masters were all around. The light white and thick ink were intertwined, which looked simple and heavy. However, at this moment, there was no relaxed atmosphere in this room. More than a dozen bodyguards formed a human wall, with their guns pointed at the door, and their eyes were focused like swords. At the same time, they heard dozens of heavy objects falling to the ground outside.

Just behind them, three old men were sitting on three yellow rosewood chairs. Their eyes were extremely solemn, but they were not panicked.

The old man in the center raised his eyebrows, closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Even Xuannv can't stop it..."

"Knock down all the bodyguards in one breath... Even the world's top Yuanying can't do it... Anyone here is a core disciple and elder of a famous cultivation family at that time..."

When... The bell sounded melodiously, but it was like the death knell, cold and piercing.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the door opened with a mysterious sound, but no one came in. Then it closed gently.

At the same time, a burst of gunfire rang out in the room, and the sound of "pa pa pa" was endless. However, the bullets seemed to be eaten by invisible demons and disappeared into the void as soon as they flew out.

"Put down the gun." An old man on the right spoke slowly. The people around him were all very nervous. He coughed lightly and raised his voice suddenly: "Put it down!!"

"Chief..." A bodyguard was about to say something, and the next second all the bodyguards fainted without any sign. A peaceful voice finally sounded in the air: "Don't mind, I don't want people to know, so I came uninvited and used some tricks."

There was no apology, just a statement of facts.

As the ruler of the plane, Xu Yangyi's status may be higher than the person in front of him. How can an emperor bow to an emperor? And judging from the situation on Earth, these people are not emperors. In the Seventh Realm, he is truly one person above ten thousand people, and hundreds of millions of people look up to him.

The eyes of the three old men flashed.

Xu Yangyi is a pure cultivator after all, not a politician. The Earth is also changing from a political system to a cultivation system. Who among the three of them has not experienced the ups and downs of officialdom and has become more sophisticated as an old man? This sentence made the three of them feel a little relieved.

Pure Chinese language...

In other words, the other party is a Chinese cultivator. Since he is a Chinese cultivator, first of all, the suspicion of assassins from other countries who want to disrupt the current situation is ruled out, so everything can be discussed.

This person is not recorded in the records, and his spiritual energy is very unfamiliar. Since he came alone and not for the overall situation of the Earth, the other party should have something to ask for.

It's good to ask for something...

Xu Yangyi didn't know that they thought so much in an instant, and he wouldn't mind knowing it. With the absolute gap in strength, he can already dominate the life and death of the plane. Even if he knew, he would just smile and pass it by.

A chair was slowly pulled away, without any sound, and the other party seemed to sit down. Several old men exchanged their eyes slightly. This action showed that the other party was very educated, not rudely pulling it open, and the action was neither slow nor fast, like a breeze passing through the mountains.

Very good... They felt relieved again. With good upbringing, they could understand some rules in this circle, and they wouldn't be like a scholar meeting a soldier. At least... they can talk now!

"Fellow Daoist, you have come from afar, thank you for your hard work." An old man pushed a cup of tea over. In the age of universal cultivation, these three old men are also in the Golden Elixir realm. Unfortunately, this realm obviously borrows too much from external objects and is very superficial. However, the effect of extending life for four hundred years is definitely not false. This is what they want.

The teacup floated in the air, and the lid of the cup flicked gently. None of the three old men spoke. After a long time, a voice was heard: "I hope you will remember the following words in your heart. It's good that only you know them, just pretend that you have never heard them."

The three old men nodded. However, the next sentence made them stand up suddenly.

"My surname is Xu." Xu Yangyi's voice was very plain. There was no emotion in it. After returning for decades, the emotion in his heart had been smoothed out.

"Xu Yangyi, this is my name."

Success! The calm of the last second, the sudden turbulence of this second! The three old men stood up together, their eyes wide open, looking at the chair in disbelief. No matter how well-educated they were, they were breathing rapidly and clenching their fists slightly.

"Xu... Xu Shao Zhenjun?!" An old man took a deep breath and looked at the other two in disbelief, as if he wanted them to tell him with their actions that he was hallucinating.

This name... has been ringing for too long! Too familiar! Qingcheng Mountain and his uncle planned to Jin Houzhu together, formed a baby on the spot, and entered the heart of Zhenwu Realm... Everything, if you have to describe it with words, there is only one word.

A generation of genius!

Countless young cultivators regard him as an idol, breaking the fastest record of impacting the Nascent Soul! Breaking the record of the strongest strength in the same small realm of the Nascent Soul stage! Breaking the record of the youngest Nascent Soul cultivator!

Even hundreds of years of newborns, no one will use this name!

This is silent worship! It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a national idol! Even they grew up listening to the legend of the strongest generation!

Now, this person is sitting in front of him?

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