
Chapter 1617: God's Code (I)

"If Master Xu Shao is talking about the war between the two worlds hundreds of years ago, it should be this king."

Swish... Even though he was prepared, an old man was shocked and still knocked over the teacup next to him, spilling hot tea on his hand, but he didn't realize it. His voice was a little hoarse due to excessive excitement. He suppressed his composure and asked: "Senior... Can I... Can I see your true face!"

Before he finished speaking, he, as one of the leaders of China, actually bowed deeply to the opposite side and didn't get up for a long time.

Not to worship people.

But to worship this legendary name.

The other party said that he was, for almost everyone on Earth who grew up listening to their legends, this name alone is worth bowing!

Silence, after a few seconds, Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Okay."

In the void, a figure slowly appeared, wearing the ancient Chinese costume when returning to Earth. However, the more everyone looked, the brighter their eyes became!

There is no difference...

It is exactly the same as in the video!

This face can be seen inadvertently all the time. No cultivator on earth has the courage to imitate them. Once discovered, it will cause public outrage. But now, it appears alive in front of them!

In an instant, they only felt a buzzing in their minds and could not hear anything.

A living legend...

The strongest generation who ascended... actually came back from the upper realm? !

Once this news is announced, it will bring a tremor like a landslide and tsunami to the earth! Even... he can unify the world with his prestige!

"Senior, wait a moment!" A slightly wealthy old man immediately turned around, his chest heaving violently, and the painting behind him silently cracked, and a one-meter square hole appeared. And in the hole, there were seven boxes.

"It's not that I don't believe in the senior..." The old man held one of them and turned around carefully. After opening it, there was a file inside.

The file that Xu Yangyi left in Tiandao back then!

"We left behind the belongings of each of the strongest generation's predecessors. Can you..." He took a deep breath: "Please put your hand on it."

Verify your identity.

This is the best way!

Xu Yangyi did not refuse. After putting his hand on it, his hand and the file burst into a green light at the same time. The two were separated at first, but in less than half a second, they immediately merged!

It's really him...

It's really him!

Everyone only felt a buzz in their minds. The mythical person who grew up listening to legends was really in front of them at this moment!

He is not dead... He is alive and well! And he is back!

Without waiting for the brain's command, the body has already made a conscious decision. The three of them bowed in unison and bowed to the bottom: "Meet Master Xu Shao!"

"You're welcome." Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "It's been a long time since we last met. I have also been back for decades. I was busy with worldly affairs and didn't want to show up, but there are things that can only be done with the power of the country."

"Please be clear." The three of them were extremely smart and naturally knew that they had to satisfy the other party first before they could make requests.

Yes, although Xu Yangyi was a hero of the Earth, they could not be sure that after so many years, hundreds of years, his mentality had changed.

This is understandable worry. The other party has lived on Earth for more than two hundred years, but has lived in the upper world for five or six hundred years. Feelings can change.

They want to make sure whether Xu Yangyi is still the Xu Shao Zhenjun of the past. If he is... there are too many benefits!

The current situation of the Earth, how to break through the Nascent Soul? What is above the Nascent Soul? What is the Great Dao? What is the upper world? What is the universe?

There are too many problems. The cultivation and scientific communities on Earth have studied for too long and have no clue. Some things can only be inferred by reasoning. Now there is real ironclad evidence standing in front of them. The civilization, technology and cultivation of the Earth will definitely take a big step forward!

This is really a small step for him and a big step for the Earth!

The revival of the world of no return... the dawn is coming!

Even they can't calm down this restless mood. Who doesn't want to leave a name in history when they reach their position? This opportunity has been presented to them, and they will suppress all their desires and wait quietly.

Xu Yangyi took out an ancient mulberry paper from his storage ring, about an inch thick, and placed it on the table, but did not push it over. Instead, he gently tapped it with his fingers and looked at everyone deeply: "I think, why I appear now, you will understand if you think about it carefully."

"I also know that you have a lot of questions, I will tell you slowly."

"But what I said and what I took out, I hope you will treat it as China's top secret, and you must not touch it unless you are at your level. Remember."

Everyone nodded, and Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "You have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. Forcing things to grow will only backfire. You all know it well."

"Don't worry." A tall and thin old man replied solemnly: "I promise on the honor of the commander-in-chief of the 57th base of China that all the things you said cannot be known by a fifth person."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and said solemnly: "The first thing I want to tell you is the end of practice."

The eyes of the three old men suddenly became hot, and one of them waved habitually. But suddenly found that the secretary was not around at all.

What to do? I haven't written anything down for a long time! But I can't remember these things just by relying on my brain!

No... Without hesitation, he immediately grabbed a document that had just been signed next to him. Without even looking at it, he picked up a pen. The three leaders, who usually shocked China when they walked out, sat in front of Xu Yangyi like primary school students. , looking at him eagerly.

Hear the word.

This is an opportunity to hear the Word.

As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening. They will never let go of any punctuation mark of what the earth has been exploring for countless years!

Xu Yangyi slowly spoke: "Above the Yuanying, there is the realm of Zunsheng, which is divided into Yinzun and Yangsheng. Yinzun is the cultivation of Dharma, and Yangsheng is the cultivation of body. This realm is called the first of the three middle realms, and only Having the plane of the saint can be called the upper realm."

Rustling, rustling... the three old men were moving around, and you could hear a pin drop in the room.

"After Zunsheng, there is the realm of Taixu. This is the true master of one realm. One person can rule hundreds of millions of creatures and millions of light years. Now I am in this realm."

Everyone's pens paused. Then a burst of ecstasy came over me.

Taixu... Although they have never heard of it, they still understand what a plane master is.

The strongest generation that has stepped out of their own plane is also a peerless genius in the upper world!

This kind of proud feeling was something they never thought would fill their hearts.

Just like old wine, it is fragrant and sweet in the mouth, and has a long aftertaste with your eyes closed.

"You... are now the master of the upper realm?" The rich old man finally couldn't help but speak.

"There are seven masters in the upper realm who are the same as me, but..." Xu Yangyi smiled confidently: "Even if four or five are added together, I'm afraid they will be tied with me at most."

"Furthermore, this is just our relative upper realm. Our relative upper realm is called the Seven Realms. It consists of seven different planes. I control one of them, and the number of monks under my command alone is probably tens of billions. Mortals cannot calculate it. .The upper world is much larger than the earth."

"There are infinite upper realms in the universe. However, there are very few upper realms with Taixu. Most of them are the realm of saints. And above Taixu, it is called Dubupo, the last realm of the three realms. In the entire universe, I have heard that there are only a few Doppo in the Seven Realms. There is something special about this plane. Let’s talk about it later.”

"Finally, it's the next level."

"This realm is also called the Peak Realm. I have heard that the full name of this realm is the Open Heaven Realm. Those who can reach this realm..." He pondered for a moment: "People under the gods... there are almost no opponents in the universe."

He looked at the paper he was pressing with his two fingers, and his voice became solemn: "On the peak realm, there is a final realm, which... is the end of practice..."

The three old men were recording desperately, and their ears almost stood up.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Yahwei..."

The rich old man suddenly stopped writing. They were so knowledgeable in their position. When they first heard it, they felt familiar. When they thought about it carefully, their pupils shrank slightly. At the same time, the two people around them also remembered what it was and looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment.

"You heard that right." Xu Yangyi's voice was extremely solemn: "Remember, in the realm of pinnacles... is our legendary... god."

"Or God, a true immortal, a god, no matter what the name is, the unified name for them by all races in the universe is: Yahweh."

Dead silence.

A few seconds later, the tall and thin old man raised his hands slightly into fists and pursed his lips slightly: "Is there... a god in the world?"

"Yes!" Xu Yangyi said decisively, "I...have seen...faced and fought."

"They are everywhere, and their existence cannot be seen. They are far away in the horizon and close in front of us. You can understand long as they want to, even if they are at the end of the universe, they will come to us in an instant."

"I have met two real Yahwehs, and you have all heard their names. One of them is called Mammon."

"Mamen!!" When the name was mentioned, the three old men's hearts twitched for no reason, and then, over the entire Zhongnanhai, thunder suddenly shone and rumbled!

"Look." Xu Yangyi pointed to the top of his head: "As long as you mention the name of the gods, they will feel it no matter how many light years away they are."

The three of them looked at each other.

So shocking...

They were mentally prepared that the news brought by Xu Yangyi would definitely subvert the three outlooks. However, they did not expect that it would completely rebuild the three outlooks!

There is God...

There is a true God! He... also met the ancient monster known as one of the Seven Lords of Hell!

"Where's the other one?" After a few minutes, the rich old man forced himself to calm down and spoke hoarsely.

Xu Yangyi finally let go of his two fingers and pushed the paper in front of them: "The Goddess of the First Mother... is also called the common mother of mankind in China."

The three people's eyes lit up, and they only pondered for two seconds before the tall and thin old man gasped and leaned back on the chair: "You mean... Nuwa?"

Boom! ! The thunder overhead shines again.

"The seven realms, or the upper realm you call the earth, is her old man's territory." Xu Yangyi retracted his finger: "This thing is called the divine code by Yahweh. It records the great path of Emperor Wa. And this thing The thing...was originally translated by my computer language."

He stood up and looked at the three people with burning eyes: "I hope to use all the supercomputers in China."

"I... want to see the difference between me and the gods!"


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