
Chapter 1618: God's Code (Part 2)

When he said one sentence, the whole place was completely silent.

This was the first time they saw Xu Yangyi, but now they feel... why does it seem different from the legend?

Doesn’t it mean...a gentleman is as good as jade?

No... are the female cultivators nowadays screaming, "You can obviously get a good look and earn a living, but you have to go to practice"?

Doesn't it mean... modest, generous and polite?

How do you feel now...

Sharp and sharp!

Just like an unsheathed sword, a gentleman is like jade, modesty and magnanimity basically have nothing to do with it, right?

History books are poisonous!

This is a very strong person.

Mortals who want to look up to the kingdom of gods have to say that they admire it, but in admiration, they can only sigh: madman.

An old man with a square face quietly took out a silk scarf to wipe his sweat, and coughed lightly: "Senior, today's supercomputers are hundreds of times more powerful than before, and they should be very fast. Each base only has one. How about... …Try it with the one from the Imperial City Base first?”

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "You underestimate the so-called gods... Well, give it a try. I pray that I can analyze it to one ten thousandth."

The three of them smiled and were unconvinced. After all, this is written in computer language. No matter how difficult the password of the gods is, as long as it is generated from a computer, considering the thickness of the stack of paper, it should not take more than a week to parse.

This is not a question of difficulty or ease, but the conversion method is completely different, and this conversion method is in the hands of the earth.

"Then please." Xu Yangyi didn't say much. He had a more important purpose with the help of supercomputing.

Emperor Wa's divine code is just for observation. There may be something to learn from, but... those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die! He will never imitate the fully mature ways of a Yahweh.

A road can only be reached by one person. There can only be one. Emperor Wa is blocking the front. If he continues to step on this single-plank bridge, he may be able to advance to Dubu or even open the sky quickly, but...

You can never get past the Emperor Wa in front of you.

What he wants to learn from it is the god's way of thinking and the angle from which to analyze a rule. These will be reflected in the divine code. But the most important thing... is the truth of infinity!

It can be said that the main purpose of using supercomputing is to calculate a body that matches his! Good for devouring.

"No matching races have been found in the Seven Realms. I now have the blood of humans, demons, and monsters. Most of the Seven Realms are humans. It is normal not to find any."

He was meditating, looking up to the top of his head, as if piercing the roof, penetrating the sky, and entering the boundless universe.

"But after entering the universe... there must be a chance!"

"Technology has advanced to this point. As long as my DNA is extracted, and I provide my own genetic talismans and supercomputer calculations, even if I stay on earth for hundreds of years, I still have to find the next suitable body!"

The infinite truth swallows up all matching racial genes, reaching the point where it makes itself almost immortal. It also has a long life and can cope with endless galaxies.

Yes, Jiang Ziya left behind a star map, but... this is a cross-section of the entire universe! The earth and the pantheon of gods are so far apart that even the Seven Realms are just a spot of light the size of a grain of rice. Moreover, he burned all his lifespan during the Great Conflict, and now he only has Taixu lifespan.

And this star map... is dozens of meters long!

This is a journey that takes a monk a lifetime, a journey measured in light years.

This is also the final preparation he will make on Earth!

Relatively speechless, Xu Yangyi stood up after a few minutes: "Let's get here first, and take your time with the rest. After all, there are too many things to eat in one bite to make you fat."


Just leave like that?

The three old men all stood up. They wanted to say, we are not bothered! You continue! Where did this happen?'s hard for them to speak.

From what they just said, they have already captured that the identity of the other party is by no means inferior to theirs, or even more so. This is a conversation between the rulers of the plane, and they have no position to hold back.

"Where...are you going?" After thinking so, an old man said politely: "Do you need us to help you prepare?"

"No need." Xu Yangyi shook his head and said: "The current situation of the earth is not despair, it is still far from despair. There is no sage, firstly, the inherited skills are not enough, and secondly, the spiritual energy is not enough. I have a way to solve both of these points. Even if... …This is the last contribution I can make to my home planet before I leave…”

After saying that, his figure disappeared from the room.

He left, but none of the three old men sat down. After a long silence, one old man solemnly said: "I think... we are worrying too much."

"Master Xu Shaozhen is still the same Master Xu Shaozhen. If he had second thoughts, he would not say this to us. He would not let us proceed step by step. This is a method that has been considered for the sake of the earth."

"That's right." Another old man tapped his fingers on the table and said: "In addition, I have figured out some things. Do you remember the top-secret files of the Magellan decades ago? And the disappearance of the Tower of Babel Mysterious incident, now I think it can be withdrawn.”

"No one can do it except him. The time is almost the same." The rich old man picked up the tea cup and said in deep thought: "Finally, those are the words he said when he left. Have you ever thought that the current situation of the earth is not despair, it is far from it. . 'I'm afraid it's because of this that he hasn't taken action for decades since he returned to Earth."

"Think about the last war of the Ten Thousand Worlds. It was because of our inner pride that we were always at a disadvantage in front of the Zhenwu Realm. He... I guess he wants us to find the way to the future through hard work, which is much more profound than words. It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish."

The tall and thin old man said: "Not only that, but he may feel that his way is not completely suitable for the earth. You think, his skills are brought by the Seven Realms, as are his way of thinking and behavior. If we keep copying, will we become the next Seven Realms? It's just a vassal of the ugly woman."

"Yes." "It should be like this." "The Tao is ruthless and better than affection. If you think about it carefully, it is true."

As the rulers of important countries in the plane, they think more and farther.


Xu Yangyi left the core of China, rested for half a day, and flew straight to a place.

The Ming Tombs.

The external environment of the earth does not need to change. There is motivation only when there is pressure. But... the internal environment is not impossible!

Returning to his hometown, no one can see his existence, but he can see countless tourists gathering here. Familiar attics, familiar city walls, even the sword marks cut by the pseudo-Zhu Xian formation are still there. In a trance, a sense of time and space dislocation arises.

Passing by in the surging crowd.

He entered the mausoleum of Emperor Guangzong, passed through the throne and went straight down. This is... the place where he recovered the Nanming Lihuo and the Refining Spirit Holy Flame, and also the place where Ying Gou laid his body.

No one found that there was a passage under the throne. Following the passage, the interior became wider and wider. Soon, he arrived in a wide cave.

The cave is about a kilometer long, and right below, a golden round tripod filled with gold, silver, pearls and jade completely blocks the bottom.

"Cornucopia..." He sighed with emotion. When he left that year, he used this thing to completely seal everything below.

"Senior, I'm back." He smiled and arched his hands. As soon as he came in, he felt a familiar divine sense, and only one person here could do it.

Oh, no.

It's a spirit.

As he finished speaking, a big money tree appeared in the center of the treasure bowl. At this moment, the crown of the tree shook, and a thin figure slowly emerged from under the tree.

Chunjun weapon spirit, noble sword.

The weapon spirit that guarded here because Xu Yangyi was not noble and had to protect Guangzong's soul.

"I really can't believe it." The young master is like jade, and Chunjun spirit is like his weapon. Every word and action carries a kind of hidden dignity. He tapped the folding fan gently in his hand: "Yuchang came here a few years ago, and I learned that you have killed seven times in the seven realms and hell. It's really... a hero in his youth."

After Xu Yangyi came back, he let Yuchang and Misteding travel freely. But he didn't expect that the other party came here first.

"Are you here to take me away?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "No."

"Oh?" Chunjun was quite surprised: "Aren't you curious about Xuanyuan Sword?"

"Nine swords combined into one to create Xuanyuan. This is the sword of humanity and the first holy sword in China for thousands of years. Can you just let it go?"

Xu Yangyi laughed: "As for me, I have my own way of doing things and my own way of not doing things."

"Similarly, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."

"You won't leave." He said affirmatively: "I had expectations before, but when you said that Yuchang had been here, it was a tactful refusal. Since he came, he must have told you that I was back, but you didn't come."

He looked at the treasure bowl: "Has Guangzong's soul not revived yet?"

"How can it be so easy." Chunjun didn't refute, and smiled at the tree: "Wait another one or two hundred years... it will be soon."

A slightly cold silence. After a few seconds, Chunjun turned around and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Although the senior is reluctant to leave, the cornucopia is only here." Xu Yangyi flew to the bottom of the money tree and looked at the solid soil under his feet: "This is the source of the earth I left hundreds of years ago... Now... it can be called Xiran."

"The five elements gather together to give birth to the world. Now that the earth's spiritual energy is revived, I will help it."

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his long sleeves, and suddenly, four jade boxes appeared in the void and opened in mid-air.

Swish! In one box, the flames overflowed, extremely refined. It was a jumping flame, like the first spark in eternity, extremely dazzling.

In another jade box, a dry wood, but a little white flower bloomed on the branch, exuding an incomparable vitality.

The third, the fourth, a drop of heavy water, a piece of Ruijin. It looks ordinary, but the power contained is simply hard to ignore!

"This is..." Chunjun felt it for a moment and took a deep breath: "The source of the five elements... plus the source of the earth that was originally here... you... want to evolve the world again?"

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