
Chapter 1619: Opening the Aura Node

"It's not evolution, it just makes the earth's spiritual power more vigorous." Xu Yangyi gently brushed the box and smiled: "This kind of thing... If it weren't for me condensing the Five Kings and Two, those top forces would be reluctant to take it out. It can be considered to be making the best use of it."

After the last word fell, he solemnly pinched out four spells, and the powerful spiritual power burst out. The next second, the whole treasure bowl hummed, and the gold and silver beads that were originally glittering and precious became quietly hazy, and a trace of golden breath slowly lingered from above.

"Drawing Feng Shui..." Chunjun's eyes flashed: "As the Thirteen Tombs, this place has a unique Feng Shui, with a grand pattern of Minglong lighting candles. He... wants to destroy this pattern?"

"Not destroy." The treasure bowl is about a kilometer long, and there are countless gold and silver jewels. At this moment, if the general's order is heard, it will start to roar from the gentle shaking at the beginning. Those gold and silver are like dragon scales, hanging upside down in the air. The jewels formed a thousand-meter-long colorful cloud that surrounded Xu Yangyi.

"It is condensation."

"The old Zhu family's dragon vein has been broken for a long time, and only dragon energy remains here. We can use this dragon energy as the foundation for the recovery of the earth. At least... their descendants can be blessed and healthy, which is better than staying in this Feng Shui bureau that has long been broken."

Swish... As he raised his hand lightly, this gorgeous nebula began to flow slowly. Talismans flew out from his fingertips one by one, like a sweet rain, and all the treasures were dim wherever they touched. There were more and more talismans, and layers of black ash had covered the cornucopia, leaving only a little golden light ball in the void. And these light balls... unexpectedly gathered into a hazy dragon body!

With gold coins as scales, corals as horns, and rare treasures as claws, this dragon is lifelike, but it is like seeing flowers in the fog, like a dream. And... it is in a state of sleep.

"Roar!!" Twelve dragon roars suddenly came from all directions, penetrating the earth, with confusion and anger. Xu Yangyi didn't even frown, and said calmly: "Don't want to?"

"As an ancestor emperor, I respect you. But at this moment, the survival of the earth is at stake. Let alone the Ming Tombs, even if the dragon energy of the Tang and Song ancestors is on the cornucopia, I dare not move it."

"There is no undefeated country, your obsession... should also dissipate..."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, twelve strong spiritual energies suddenly surged from all directions, and the illusory golden dragon that had just condensed shook violently. Xu Yangyi's expression became colder: "Borrowing your dragon energy, after all, you were once the emperor of the most developed country on earth, which is very useful for completely opening the Chinese spiritual energy node. Do you really think... I am negotiating with you?"

"Do you think you can bargain?" The moment the last word fell, he pressed back, and heard the whole mountain burst into a shocking buzzing. Twelve dragon roars were mixed in, reaching the ground.

Rumble... At this moment, all the tourists who were visiting the Ming Tombs were stunned.

The ground shook, the trees trembled wildly, and with the Ming Tombs as the center, a circle of shock waves that were difficult to see with the naked eye swept across the sky. No one could stand still. The tour guide exclaimed and screamed: "Earthquake! Earthquake!!"

"Why is there an earthquake suddenly!" "What's going on?!" "Hide! Hide quickly!"

The dense crowd just now scattered in an instant, but they were shocked to find that this earthquake was probably more than magnitude 6, but there was no crack in the ground.

In a Taoist temple not far from the Ming Tombs, an old Taoist suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the void in disbelief, counted with his fingers, and his face immediately turned pale.

"Is someone sucking dragon energy?"

"Who is so bold? Dare to touch the emperor's tomb?! This move... or thirteen emperors... No... Why is there one less?!"

Xu Yangyi didn't care about these. Reviving the earth's spiritual energy is a big deal, and no one can refuse it, let alone just the emperor's resentment. Just below the Ming Tombs, he grabbed twelve meters long golden spiritual energy from the void, each of which was a golden dragon, lifelike.

"Benefit the earth, and future generations will remember you. Your descendants will also be blessed and healthy." The golden dragons surrounded him, roaring non-stop, and his anger was beyond words, but he was not moved at all. With a finger, with twelve roars, the golden dragons rushed towards the illusory colorful dragon in the air.

Swish! !

The dazzling light filled the entire underground, and even Chunjun closed his eyes. One minute, two minutes... After a full thirty minutes, the light returned to silence.

Chunjun slowly opened his eyes, and the phantom of the colorful dragon had disappeared. The white spiritual energy visible to the naked eye in the entire cornucopia madly gathered towards the center, forming a ten-meter-long spiritual energy vortex! In the center of the vortex, the yellow origin of the five elements of earth, the red origin of fire, and the blue origin of water... intertwined with each other and gradually formed a...

miniature plane!

It was like the prototype of the earth!

At the same time, the people on the ground suddenly discovered...

The earthquake stopped?

Not only stopped... They were more shocked to see that a kind of mist visible to the naked eye was slowly rising from the grass and trees of the Ming Tombs, and soon... this place turned into a majestic sea of ​​fog! Everything was submerged in it!

"What happened?" "Is it... a high-level cultivator practicing here?" "No... No..."

A cultivator suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked at the time in disbelief, took a few deep breaths, and then sat down suddenly. Practice desperately.

"What's wrong with you?" The friend next to him asked, but the other party looked ecstatic and flushed, but didn't say a word.

The fellow Taoist took several deep breaths in confusion, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


What a rich aura!

I have never felt it before... it is richer than the aura of several major holy places!

It's as if...these spiritual energies were once locked in a box and are now completely opened.

One person started practicing, the second, the third... In an instant, all the few monks here started practicing. Are you kidding me? Such a rich spiritual energy was immediately discovered by the country and classified as one of the holy places. Low-level monks like them would never be lucky enough to enter the holy land to practice!

Soon, these auras were also noticed by mortals. Their eyes clearly felt brighter, their bodies became lighter, and even some old people had black hair growing on their heads. No matter how idiot you are, you know that great changes have taken place here, and they are definitely big changes!

No one spoke anymore. At this moment, all tourists in the Ming Tombs, including tour guides and even security guards, were greedily breathing in this hard-won opportunity.

Under the ground. Chunjun withdrew his gaze and bowed deeply towards Xu Yangyi: "A heavy weight seems to be light, but the strength is unfathomable... I would like to thank you for all the people in the world."

"It can probably promote the explosion of the earth's spiritual energy for two hundred years. This great very important."

"You're welcome." Xu Yangyi said with emotion in his eyes: "After all, it is my home planet..."

He suddenly smiled: "I thought you would refuse."

"A certain family can still distinguish between right and wrong." Chunjun said calmly.

Xu Yangyi nodded, looked deeply at the other party, and sighed: "Then...goodbye."

"I'm afraid... I won't come back for a long time... or never. If you change your mind, you are always welcome to come to the Chu family in the imperial capital to find me."

Before Chunjun could speak, his figure had turned into a stream of light and disappeared. Chunjun didn't say anything. He sighed for a long time and disappeared into the air.

The moment Xu Yangyi left, his spiritual consciousness suddenly fluctuated. Immediately afterwards, a screen of light appeared in front of him. The Yuanying woman in cheongsam whom he had seen before in Zhongnanhai had a kind of fanaticism on her face. She pursed her lips slightly and even looked at Xu Yangyi with some obsession. She spoke with great respect: "Sir …”

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Don't be restrained, I feel a very familiar spiritual energy in you. Are you... the contemporary Xuanyuan Sword Master?"

"Yes." The woman's eyes were slightly red: "It's a pity... this junior is not lucky enough to have the ability to open the sky with one sword of the sword master that day... which makes the adults laugh."

"You are still young. It is not easy to reach Nascent Soul at this age. Let me tell you a secret." Xu Yangyi blinked: "I have four holy swords in my hand, and I have recognized the owner. Not all nine holy swords are on the earth. . However, Chunjun is currently under the Ming Tombs of Guangzong, guarding Guangzong’s soul. You can communicate with it more when you have time.”

The woman was stunned for a moment, then she couldn't hide her ecstasy and suddenly fell down: "Junior... thank you, sir!"

Her heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

Indeed... very handsome...

As monks, many monks are pale, which is caused by spending too much time in retreat without exposure to sunlight. But the other person was different. The whole person exuded a strong masculine aura, which made her...heartbeat speed up a few minutes.

"Is something wrong?" This sentence interrupted her peach blossom thoughts. The woman put away her smile and said deeply: "Sir... the spiritual energy of the Ming Tombs surged just now, the overall content instantly expanded three times, and the concentration increased ten times. You are also in the Ming Tombs, are you..."

Xu Yangyi did not deny it: "Yes, it is best to send more people to guard the Ming Tombs. Although there will be no major problems with the pure Jun weapon spirit guarding it. But..."

He paused: "I just opened the largest aura node in China. It's like a tree. Its roots will spread all over China within ten years, opening other nodes. You know, the more aura-rich the Nodes, the more terrifying their restrictions are. Forcibly breaking the restrictions will damage the spiritual energy, but this kind of breakthrough from the inside will not hurt at all."

"In other words, within ten years, China will become the only holy land for spiritual practice on earth. Within fifty years, the entire earth's spiritual energy nodes will be fully opened, returning to thousands of years ago."

The woman suddenly raised her head, her lips trembled slightly, and after a long while, she choked with tears: "Junior... thank you for your generosity, senior!"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly, and just when he was about to close the light curtain, the woman timidly said: "In addition...there is one more thing that I want to ask of my senior."

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