
Chapter 1620: Avenue

"You say."

The woman gritted her teeth and whispered, "If the senior finds it troublesome... forget it..."

"It's like this... Only the junior knows the news of your return. After all... Now that the senior is lucky enough to be in charge of the cultivation court, the first priority of any court president is to ensure the safety of the Chinese center... The junior has never told anyone else..."

If other cultivators knew that the Yuanying ancestors who were high above them would treat others in such an attitude, almost begging, they would probably drop their eyes to the ground.

However, if they knew that this person was Xu Shao Zhenjun, they would probably pick up these eyeballs immediately and praise the other party, "No problem. It should be like this. There is no mistake, right?"

The strongest generation, this is not a noun.

It is a symbol.

The symbol of human continuation, the symbol of human struggle history, is the symbol of the whole earth.

"It's like this..." The woman bit her lips for a long time. Xu Yangyi didn't show any impatience, but just smiled at her. Perhaps this attitude gave her courage. She finally closed her eyes and made up her mind: "If you can... please... give a lecture."

"Not for others, but for Yuanying! Low-level cultivators can't understand it at all!" After saying the first sentence, the rest was easy. She gathered her courage and said quickly, "Your Excellency, you don't know that the path above the Nascent Soul has troubled us for hundreds of years! We can't get in!"

"Although you mentioned it to the chief, you also know that it's useless to tell them the key points and how to attack. Please help the earth's cultivation community for the sake of being from the same lineage."

Xu Yangyi didn't answer immediately, and pondered for a few seconds: "How many Nascent Souls are there in China now?"

"Seven!" The contemporary sword master immediately answered: "The overall number of Nascent Souls is much more than when you left. There are about 30 Nascent Souls in the world, but most of them are in the early stage, 12 in the middle stage, and 5 in the late stage."

"Then... next weekend."

The sword master was a little stunned. For cultivators, the word weekend has not been heard for a long time.

"I have to accompany my Taoist partner at other times." Xu Yangyi smiled and was about to disappear into the air as a stream of light. Suddenly, his eyebrows raised, and after searching for a long time, he took out a mobile phone from his body.

This was the one Angel gave him, and he told the number to the three leaders. At this moment, the other party called.

After the call was connected, his relaxed expression quickly turned into a solemn one. After a long time, he nodded: "I know, I'll come right over."

As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared into the void.

Daoist partner...

The sword master stood there and sighed for a long time.

"In this era... all the good men have been picked up... really..."

Xu Yangyi did not go home, but flew directly to Zhongnanhai. When he arrived, the old man he had met before was already waiting there.

"How is it?" he asked as soon as he appeared.

The old man's face turned red, and he coughed dryly and said: "Not too good... I didn't expect it at all... A supercomputer can't handle it at all... Just now it was analyzed... The supercomputer automatically turned off the artificial intelligence."

It has to be said that the efficiency of the government is beyond imagination, as long as they really take this matter to heart.

Just as Xu Yangyi left, they were about to analyze the code of the gods. However, just as they scanned into the supercomputer, something that had never happened before happened.

The supercomputers of this era have been implanted with artificial intelligence, although they are very low-end and far from the level of real IQ in science fiction movies. But at least it has the ability to judge danger on its own.

The supercomputer just calculated one-third of the line of talismans?, and immediately all the warning lights were all lit up, and the main brain was automatically shut down. All the scientists present were stunned.

They couldn't see anything from the text, but... a single word has such a huge amount of analysis?

As expected... Xu Yangyi didn't say anything, and followed the old man to a heavily guarded house. It was antique and looked very ordinary on the outside. Asked: "Have other supercomputers been mobilized?"

"Already mobilized. But..." The old man hesitated: "You also know that supercomputers are very versatile, and many military and commercial calculations require them. Not every base has free space."

"Now... only twenty have been mobilized." He looked at Xu Yangyi calmly: "Of course, if the news of your return is released, all will be mobilized."

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I don't want to cause a global sensation, twenty... just make do, let's see the effect first."

Entering the room, there was nothing inside. Xu Yangyi clearly felt the fluctuations of countless prohibitions. The arrangement was already perfect for Yuanying. And in the center, there was only one elevator.

The elevator was transparent and went vertically downward. Xu Yangyi could see with his naked eyes that the bottom was almost completely hollowed out, layer after layer, signal lights and data lights kept flashing, and every moment there were soldiers and monks with live ammunition staring at the elevator intently.

That is to say, he had no fear. Even if Yuanying came to such a place, as long as he dared to attack the people in the elevator, the tide of fighting power from all directions would make it difficult for Yuanying to escape.

A hundred meters down, at least thousands of restrictions could be felt. When the elevator door opened silently, there was a huge space in front of him, a thousand meters wide. And above his head, it was the long-lost Tiandao main brain.

It was still the same huge mechanical face hundreds of years ago, and countless information flows flowed through his eyes every moment. There were light screens and keyboards constructed in the air in all directions, and countless figures in white coats shuttled through them.

"Hidden Dragon, China's highest level and most technologically advanced information center, scientific research base." The old man made a gesture of invitation, and the two of them, under the protection of a group of bodyguards, walked to a light curtain in the corner: "Please wait, the other twenty supercomputers are being connected."

Half an hour later, the information flow lights of the entire base suddenly stopped. The hum of the machinery also disappeared. The Tiandao main brain above slowly opened its mouth, and the cold mechanical sound sounded without emotion.

"The Yan Guilai supercomputer at the South China base was detected. The Haixiao supercomputer at the East China base. The Three Kingdoms supercomputer at the West China base. The Xiangfeng supercomputer at the Southeast base... A total of twenty supercomputers requested to be connected. If approved, please open the authority at the department head level."

The old man took a deep breath, twenty-one supercomputers joined forces to crack the god's code... This move can be said to be unprecedented! Even he was a little excited.

Pressing his hand on the light curtain in the air in front of him, after a sound of data. The Heavenly Dao Mastermind spoke again: "The highest authority has been detected, and five re-verifications are exempted. Connect immediately, the time is half an hour, and the countdown begins..."

Xu Yangyi watched all this with interest, and at the same time, other scientists were not idle, and the divine code slowly entered the mouth of the Heavenly Dao Mastermind. In an instant, the data flow in its eyes flashed wildly. From green to yellow, from yellow to orange, from orange to red, the next second, endless data light spots filled the void like swimming fish.

"This information is very strange. We have verified the handwriting and it is a human manuscript. But... it can't be copied at all. Only the original manuscript can be used." The old man said.

Xu Yangyi nodded, and his expression became solemn. The great way of the Queen of Wa and the thinking of the gods are right in front of him. Compared with his own path, the most intuitive gap... He wants to see what his parents' relics record more than anyone else.

Half an hour passed quickly, and all the screens in the air disappeared, and every scientist was on guard. The next second, a full twenty screens lit up at the same time, each of which was twenty meters high and forty meters wide. There were all female mechanical faces on them, without any difference, surrounding the Tiandao main brain. Forming a sci-fi cylinder.

"Analysis begins." The Tiandao main brain paused: "Scan..."

Buzz buzz buzz... As it spoke, all the faces in the light screens opened their eyes at the same time, and endless data flew into their eyes. Ten minutes, twenty minutes, forty minutes... After three hours. The Tiandao main brain finally spoke again: "Use the first word as the coordinate. Use the existing human data as a reference. Automatically set the confidentiality level."

"Level: Top secret. Non-head-level people cannot view it."

"Evaluation: Unknowable documents beyond human imagination, involving the ultimate truth of the universe. The estimated formation time... at least 10 billion years ago..."

"Zi..." All the scientists present, even the old man who knew this was the Wahuang Avenue, took a breath.

Scientists know that from today, all their actions will no longer belong to them. Whether they like it or not, they will be under the surveillance of the Tiandao main brain and the country at all times.

Once a mistake is made, the whole clan will be affected.

The old man knew better, that is to say... the legendary gods... were formed 10 billion years ago?

And he also knew that this was the upper limit of the speculation of the main brain of the Heavenly Dao...

The real time of formation is impossible to investigate!

"There was a war between gods in the universe." Xu Yangyi's voice suddenly sounded slowly: "It destroyed countless planes. That was a matter of Ganges sand years ago. 10 billion... For gods, it is not too long. Even the Queen of Wa may have lived for 100 billion, or even longer."

"Gods... have existed in the world since the birth of the universe. Their ages are impossible to investigate."

The old man pursed his lips deeply and nodded.

Although shocked, there was an expectation and a surge of blood in his heart.

This is the mystery of the universe... This is the truth of the universe that countless people desire! How honorable it is for him to be able to participate in it!

In history... he is very sure that his name will be there!

To complete the affairs of the king and win a good reputation before and after his death. Isn't this what he wants?

Xu Yangyi's eyes were also burning, coming... the truth of Queen Wa... the truth of Yahweh... he had waited too long for this moment.

The voice of the Heavenly Dao main brain continued to sound: "Use the first word as an anchor point to infer the time..."

A long silence.

This time, it was another hour, but no one left.

"Thirty years." The voice of the Heavenly Dao said calmly: "Thirty years, unlock the first sentence."

Heh... At this moment, everyone in the audience, even Xu Yangyi who had been mentally prepared, was stunned.

It took thirty years for the supercomputer to unlock a sentence... This stack of paper... at least 100,000 sentences!

At least three million years to find out a road to Queen Wa!

How magnificent?

How majestic! u

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