
Chapter 1621: Rules: Illusion and Reality (I)

"Connect to existing human databases. Biological database access... Text database access... Space knowledge database access... Since the development of mankind, a total of 37,000 knowledge bases are being transmitted, and it is time to prepare for analysis. , estimated twelve hours.”

boom! ! Tens of thousands of information streams poured in from all directions in an instant, and the supercomputer opened up its terrifying computing power. In an instant, under the shocked eyes of all the scientists, all the knowledge since the development of mankind poured in here, and the majestic flow of information made this place like a temple of light.

This is the sanctuary of true knowledge on Earth!

This is a scene that has been rare for thousands of years. However, under this tsunami of knowledge, no one looked up. There was only a look of shock on the faces of all the scientists.

"Supercomputer... thirty years?" The old man looked at the brilliant spots of knowledge in the sky in disbelief. At this moment, he finally understood that Lord Xu Shaozhen was not lying at all when he said that all supercomputers would be mobilized!

A word from the gods requires thirty years of research on all the knowledge of a plane!

"Is this... the so-called god..." He murmured with great emotion: "The things recorded in this, even if it is a god... must have been understood for at least millions of years..."

Xu Yangyi nodded with emotion. Sitting in the Milky Way for millions of years, just to figure out one rule, this kind of patience, perseverance and determination... Any creature that can reach the realm of Yahweh should be worshiped.

"You guys should go out first." He waved his hand: "I guess... once the analysis begins, you will simply not be able to withstand the pressure it will bring."

"Pressure?" A general said in astonishment: "But... these are just words... this... god, right? She is not here either..."

"Listen to him." The old man took the lead and walked out: "Since you don't know, don't judge it by what you know. Human beings have taken many detours on this road..."

Everyone looked at each other and walked out silently. Only Xu Yangyi is left here.

He sat down quietly, with the light shining in his eyebrows, staring at all the supercomputers.

How precious is the opportunity to observe and analyze the rules of the gods, to use scientific and technological methods to dissect the highest secrets of spiritual practice... Two completely different thoughts conflict, but in the end they reach the same goal. Even observing it can bring great benefits to him in mastering the rules in the future.

Impossible to let go.

Twelve hours later, with a neat "beep" sound, the Heavenly Dao Master above his head suddenly opened his eyes: "Preparations are complete."

"All human beings have developed so far, and the known knowledge base is fully connected. The analysis will start in ten seconds. The countdown..."

"Ten, nine, eight...three, two, one!"

"Analysis starts."

boom! !

At the same time, a vast pressure fell from the sky. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and his soul seemed to break through the body in an instant. White clouds and stars flashed across the sky with lightning. The next second, he was already in the universe.

"This is..." He looked around in astonishment, then looked at his body, and was shocked to find that his soul had already left his body before he used his consciousness!

There is no room for resistance or preparation.

"It's just as I guessed." He looked around vigilantly: "If you touch the Avenue of Gods... no matter where the other party is in the world, you will feel it..."

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the void: "After all, you have touched the way of heaven."

Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank, his body was faster than his reaction, and he instinctively knelt on the ground: "Greetings to Emperor Wa!"

too fast……

The connection was completely seamless. I didn’t expect that the other party would be so fast! And he will really come because he has a trace of consciousness!

It was a frightening look.

There was silence in the void. After a long time, Emperor Wa finally spoke: "Since we are in contact, let's take a closer look..."

"The great road of this god... hides something... that you may be very interested in..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole universe suddenly turned into a blur. He suddenly opened his eyes and realized that he was already dripping with cold sweat. At some point, he stood up on his own, stretched out his right hand, and touched a half-meter-sized talisman in front of him.

This talisman is just a shadow, made up of countless golden threads spreading out from the void. It has only an outline and has not yet been analyzed. However, there is a desolate and ancient flavor on it that makes people's hearts tremble.

It's not an illusion...

He took a deep breath and suppressed his racing heart. He was very sure that it was not an illusion.

He shook his head and looked carefully at the talisman in front of him. After just one glance, he gasped: "This is..."

"Destiny Recording Method!"

The threads of light that make up this talisman are exactly the same as the threads that Thor found in his body!

In the dark world, all things are reincarnated.

Only monks who are devoted to the Tao, who dare to make a famous name in the world, and who have embarked on the ancient path of the gods are qualified to pay homage.

"Then...let me see."

"What exactly is recorded in Emperor Wa's Avenue!"

Time passed day by day, and a few days later, he opened his eyes and went to see all the Chinese Nascent Souls.

Sincerely terrified.

To say that I was frightened might be an understatement. Every Yuanying, even the students, came with paper and pen. His face was red, and he looked at the figure in front of him with great excitement.

The location is on the highest floor of the Temple of Heaven and no one can enter.

This sermon lasted for a full week. Visitors below the Temple of Heaven could sometimes see auspicious clouds flying, sometimes see various rare beasts transformed by spiritual energy rising up, and on the last day, countless golden lotuses bloomed in the sky, which was magnificent.

A week later, a stream of light flew out of the Temple of Heaven, followed by the various Yuanyings with obsessed faces, and immediately returned to the cave to retreat.

Xu Yangyi returned to the Hidden Dragon Base again. What delighted him was that after two weeks, the illusory talisman had completely solidified.

A series of golden lights flashed outside the body, which was only half a meter in size, but gave people a feeling of endless gazing at the stars.

The Taihua Mountain was high in the distance, and the vast universe supported half of the wall. The vast sea of ​​Yunnan was wide in the chest, and the boundless wind and moon leaned against the layered building.

Splendor and grandeur were actually condensed in just one talisman. It was just an unreasonable feeling. And this was just one of the first strokes of the first row of talismans.

The universe under the pen.

He held his breath and took several deep breaths. He gritted his teeth and took a step forward, and his hand suddenly pressed over.

Swish! At the moment of contact, his soul suddenly flew up, instantly piercing through the imperial capital, soaring across the sky, piercing through the atmosphere, and reaching the depths of the universe.

It was still vast and endless.

But now there was finally a difference. In the center of the universe, a huge figure was lying in it. It was difficult to describe her hugeness with the naked eye. There were endless planes lingering around her, and these planes... actually formed a meteor belt! Surrounded by nebulae!

Infinitely high, infinitely large, just like the Queen Wa seen in Cantian City, whose shape could not be seen from the farthest distance of the world.

Her body was naked, her black hair was like a waterfall, she closed her eyes to rest, without any decoration, but below the waist, there was a giant python of the starry sky.

As she breathed, the surrounding meteor belts trembled together, and endless symbols were born from the void, gathering like the ocean, calm and silent, but like the black hole of the universe. The hair seemed to have spirituality, and each head was raised, gently opening these symbols that came close, but leaving some behind.

Extreme movement in extreme stillness, she was here, as if she was perfect. The whole universe is turning for her.

"Is this... choosing rules?" Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at everything in front of him without blinking.

Wahuang's movements were calm and simple, but if you look closely, you can see countless complicated symbols being peeled off by her hair. Every movement, every split, carries an indescribable Tao rhyme. In an instant, Xu Yangyi only felt the rules of life in his body humming. As if he was rejoicing with the other party's movements.

"Is this... the way to experience the rules?" He narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured: "Constantly choosing, searching, trying whether the rules can be integrated, extremely boring and long..."

At this moment, he only felt that the eyes were suddenly clear. A broad road was laid in front of him.

Indeed, there are many records of how the descendants of Taixu improve their realm in the Seven Realms. Some are left by Du Bu, and some are left by the Five Kings and Two Queens. They have adopted countless methods to touch the truth of the universe and make their own rules perfect. But how can this compare to the method of a Yahweh?

But Wahuang...did not use any magical power, but simply and boringly decomposed it, relying on his perseverance and perseverance to improve it bit by bit.

The dumbest, slowest, and most primitive.

But the most reliable, the most secure, and the least error-prone!

The choice of the gods.

"Discard external things, and be true to yourself. Is that what you mean?" Xu Yangyi did not miss a single picture, and nodded after several hours: "I understand, these symbols?...will form a picture, no, or rather, a memory. Is this the way the gods record? Use words to completely restore the scene of the year?"

Once the first sentence is analyzed, you can see the picture of Wahuang's enlightenment of this rule!

Methods, ideas, practices, there is no clearer way to present them than this!

"No wonder... Wahuang does not allow mediocre people to see these..." He looked around with emotion: "Those who are not great willpower and perseverance are all blasphemous to the code of the gods."

He sat down quietly and devoted himself to the interpretation of Wahuang Avenue.

One year, two years... In the third month of the first year, Angel came over under the guidance of the old man. Seeing his appearance, she wanted to say something but stopped herself, but didn't say anything.

For her man, she chose to support him.

Five years... Ten years... Fifteen years, twenty years...

Every month, Angel would come over, but she didn't get close, just watching him quietly from outside. For several hours each time, and then she left quietly.

Twenty-five years... Twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight...

Just when he entered the Hidden Dragon Base in the twenty-eighth year and six months, the mechanical sound that had not sounded for more than twenty years sounded again: "Analysis completed."

"Analysis: Similar to the realm of cultivators, but much higher. If you have to say, it's similar to the beginning of a cosmic rule."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes at the same time and often breathed a sigh of relief.

Twenty-eight years... The first sentence of the divine code was finally interpreted!

He also watched the Queen Nuwa perfect the law for twenty-eight years.

There was no other movement, but it was like a stream flowing, without a pause every minute and every second.

Therefore, this chain of rules has already formed a huge chain body surrounding the Queen Nuwa.

Just like the stars in the universe, the brilliance of the entire universe is gathered on it. Just one look and you will know how terrible this rule is.

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