
Chapter 1622: Rules: Illusion and Reality (Part 2)

The complicated symbols are flying around like golden butterflies. .After twenty-eight years, the shadow of Emperor Wa finally moved.

She gently raised her hand, and between her palms, a not-so-small plane fragment appeared.

That's a big mountain.

At this moment, her eyes seemed to finally have some emotion, and she took a deep look at the mountain. Then she put her hands together, and there was a loud noise like the plane exploding, and the overwhelming brilliance illuminated countless light years. Countless waves of spiritual energy surged forward, and the chains surrounding her exploded, turning into endless golden spiritual butterflies flying in the void.

In the universe, a golden galaxy appears. These spiritual butterflies are flying, forming a twelve-level lotus platform under the plane. Each talisman seems messy, but it forms a mysterious arrangement, as if some program of the universe has been activated, and the spiritual energy rushes like mist. Go up and nourish this broken plane quickly.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, he was about to arrive...what exactly was Emperor Wa's avenue...but...he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

It seemed as if this answer would shock him immensely.

The spiritual light shines and weaves automatically, constructing planes one after another. These spiritual lights intertwined and spread rapidly, as if gods were writing. Spread all over the world. Getting faster and faster, there are more and more solid places. Later... the aura reached its peak! With a flash of light that was like the birth of the universe. A huge plane appeared in front of her.

very familiar.

"This is...the Seventh Realm?!" Xu Yangyi gasped and took several steps back.

Visible to the naked eye, these auras gradually turned into reality, forming a series of famous mountains and rivers, towering sects, spiritual beasts, and humans...

He would never admit his mistake in the Seven Realms. However, was this really the Seven Realms? !

"How is it possible..." His right hand was deeply embedded in his black hair, and his eyes were a little red. The so-called creation is by no means that simple. For example, when Emperor Wa created a human being, he first molded the human form out of clay and then entrusted it with a spirit. In other words, anything created must not only have a real body, but also a soul.

This trace of the true spirit brought about by the creation of all things is also the cause and effect of "all things can become immortals".

Without this trace of soul, it would be impossible for the stubborn trees to become humanoid. If 99% of creation is made up of physical appearance, then the 1% of the soul is the most critical.

But now... Emperor Wa only uses spiritual energy to "shape his body." However, let alone the soul now... he doesn't even have an entity!

It must be said that this is just "shaping," shaping the shape, not creation!

in other words……

These seven realms...are just rootsless trees made of spiritual energy! Rootless Ping! fake!



Only the big mountain in the center is the only reality!

Only aura, no body!

"Fake?" He pressed his temples in pain: "Everything else... is it fake?"

"No... the Origin Blood Realm is also true... this... is impossible!"

The scenes of fighting in the seven realms, from a humble life to today, are...all fake?

He suddenly remembered Mammon's words: "Any of Yahweh's supreme rules is elusive. The Seven Realms...are you sure it is true?"

"What if... the rules mastered by Emperor Wa are themselves the least surprising 'creations'?"

It turned out to be a lesson learned from it, and this terrifying fact was right in front of him.

"That's not the case." At this moment, a majestic divine thought suddenly descended. In the universe, Emperor Wa suddenly opened his eyes with his eyes closed, and looked at Xu Yangyi quietly: "You are good."

Emperor Wa?

Xu Yangyi watched blankly as the behemoth stood up and walked slowly. With every step, its tail made endless ripples in the sky, and green lotuses blossomed wherever it passed.

She came to a place not far from Xu Yangyi and looked at him quietly: "You have misunderstood the meaning of the Seven Realms."

Are you really still here... Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and continued to listen.

"Actually, Ni Duan, who is not real in the Seven Realms, has appeared a long time ago. Do you remember that my servant of God once told you my story."

Reason was rejecting this answer, but Xu Yangyi did not speak. He carefully recalled the legend of Emperor Wa told by Nanhua Butterfly Mother bit by bit. After a long time, he sighed: "Yes... the biggest evidence is... why are the Seven Realms so much bigger than the earth? "

"The Butterfly Mother said that you had a falling out with the two first generations of Yahweh and left the earth with your parents' hometown Kunlun. This shows that Kunlun is a place on the earth, and it...can't be so huge."

He looked at the universe in trance: "And the Seven Realms... are thousands of times larger than the earth..."

"If Kunlun is so big, then why don't we call it the Immortal Realm of Not Returning? Just call it the Kunlun Immortal Realm. More importantly, the timeline at that time was the Twilight of the Gods, and your parents were not the first generation of Yahweh. How could you be so virtuous? Occupy so much land in the era when the second generation of Yahweh broke out?”

Some things are so clear when I look back. But at that time, I didn't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I was in this mountain.

If Kunlun is really so huge, everything would be reversed, and the Earth would be part of Kunlun. Otherwise, the two first generations of Yahweh would never allow Emperor Wa to take away such a huge land.

For the birth of a civilization, the living environment is the first factor. Only with a territory can there be space for survival and reproduction. There are countless blessed lands in caves and heavens, and there are many sects with hundreds of flowers blooming. If there is no land, how can a fairyland be formed?

This is to break the root of a plane. Unless Yahweh doesn't go crazy, Emperor Wa can't do it at all! And Emperor Wa's strength is definitely not up to the level of the first generation of Yahweh.

"You seem to understand." Emperor Wa said calmly: "But that's not what I said. This is not what I meant."

"Have you ever thought that you have been to my kingdom of God? There is only a golden light and nothing else, right?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, something suddenly flashed through his mind, but it was fleeting and he couldn't catch it.

"It's very simple." Emperor Wa looked back at the Seven Realms complicatedly: "Because..."

"This is your kingdom of God?!" Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and said with deep happiness.

Emperor Wa glanced at him: "That's right."

She slowly stretched out her hand, and countless golden chains shone in her palm: "There are infinite rules in the universe, and some rules are simply unimaginable. And the rules that I experienced back then... are called creation."

"Unlike other creations, it comes out of nothing. Illusion and reality. The so-called Kingdom of God is an independent space of Yahweh. Because of the particularity of the rules I control, this Kingdom of God is not placed in a separate plane, but in a Within the universe.”

"I... used Kunlun's body and my domain to create this kingdom of truth and falsehood."

"Everything you have experienced and every person you have seen is real. They are people who have fallen in the Kingdom of God for millions of years... You can call them heroic spirits. This is a real experience. , the experience in the Kingdom of God, this experience, no one among all the heavens and races in the universe exists, you simply don’t understand how precious it is.”

She looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "Because...only in the Kingdom of God can you truly come into contact with Yahweh."

"The gods' ways, the gods' choices, the gods' ways of thinking, methods of doing things, and... all kinds of dangers that may be encountered in the universe. This is a treasure that cannot be measured by value at all."

"Even Mammon has never noticed that this god's kingdom is right before our eyes. Precisely because this is the kingdom of God itself,...everything will develop according to my rules."

Dead silence.

After a long time, Xu Yangyi finally spoke: "Why did you tell me this?"

Emperor Wa smiled.

Actually laughed.

This was the first time Xu Yangyi saw a god smile. It's as if the sun has melted the glacier, projecting the dawn that dispels the darkness of the night.

"As my divine servant, the Butterfly Mother doesn't understand some things. Therefore, the story she tells you is not over yet."

Emperor Wa said slowly: "Yes, I did leave the Immortal Realm of No Return in anger that year. But you should know that the cultivation of any immortal world requires endless years. Territory is the most important part of the immortal world. Basic conditions. This god has delayed his return to the immortal world for countless thousands of years. How can he go so easily?

"The two first-generation Yawei and this god have reached an agreement. The price is that I can really take away the Kunlun Holy Mountain..." She lowered her gaze and looked at the tiny human in front of her: "This agreement is... once I don't return to the fairy world and encounter a big disaster... Difficult, this god must unconditionally open the Seven Realms as... the last refuge of mankind."

Suddenly a light flashed in Xu Yangyi's mind.

That’s how it turns out…

This line is still this line, and everything can be connected, but this explanation makes many of the harsh places softer.

It was the Twilight of the Gods at that time, and the Divine Creation Dynasty was killing all sides. Thousands of the first generation of Yahweh fell in this mighty divine war. As strong as Haotian and Khaos, they have no confidence that they can win.

Indeed, if the God King had not appeared and the will of the universe had not revived, the current universe would have been in a different situation.

Therefore, they promised Emperor Wa to take away Kunlun. In fact... they were serving as the protection of the earth, the fire for the continuation of mankind, and a way out.

Therefore, the seven realms have been the protection/umbrella of the earth for a long time, and the earth’s ascending position is also facing the seven realms. Emperor Wa opened her kingdom of God and, facing the danger of being discovered by other Yahwehs, kept her promise.

In his heart, his judgment of Yahweh began to be slightly skewed again.

There is no absolute right or wrong, no betrayal or not, everything is just your own choice.

"And... those who can come out of this god's kingdom are qualified to contact Yahweh and be selected to go to the pantheon of gods." Her voice was very calm: "This kind of 'contact,' you don't know how to do it at all. Discovered. Think about it, what was the first time you came into contact with the divine fragment, that is, the talisman?"

"Where did you first learn of the existence of the Hongmeng Contract Book?"

"You touch the way of heaven and look for stargazers. Where are you?"

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Seven Realms, Seven Realms, Seven Realms!

All within the Kingdom of Emperor Wa!

"The only surprise is Mammon. I have no ability to prevent it from entering my kingdom of God. After all...its strength is only one step behind Master Haotian and Lord Chaos. They are both the 'oldest' monsters..."

"I never thought that you would come into contact with... something in Tiragandes that could 'complete' the story of the Kingdom of God that I arranged."

"If you don't go to hell, you can only find the 'threads' of this story, and you have participated in the Battle of the Abyss, been to the eternal city of Scythios, seen the Demon Oven, and even... from the 'most ancient 'The men of the ** Pillar God escaped and launched the full version of Eternal Night... Only then did you understand this 'circle'."

"And you are the first person chosen by the gods since the opening of my kingdom."

"He is also... the first monk who can leave my kingdom of God."

"You're good."

"very nice."

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