
Chapter 1623: Rules: Illusion and Reality (Part 3)

The first in tens of millions of years?

Xu Yangyi opened his mouth in astonishment, and after a long time he said: "May I ask, sir, then... has there ever been a cultivator who ascended to heaven?"

"Of course." Queen Wa said calmly: "For countless years, a total of tens of thousands of cultivators have ascended to the seven realms. Any one of them is a contemporary genius. However, no one can break the Kingdom of God. Most people became my servants in the era of great contention."

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips: "In other words... if they don't break the Kingdom of God... they can only stay and be your servants?"

"It's their honor." Queen Wa said lightly: "I originally thought that no one could break the legend of the gods. I really didn't expect that tens of millions of years later... by chance, someone could actually walk out of the era of great contention..."

"So, when you unfolded the Danling, this god let you go."

Xu Yangyi broke out in a cold sweat.

In other words, Queen Wa could kill him in a minute at that time, but the self-explosion of thousands of people made her stop?

Make yourself the first person to break the Kingdom of God in tens of millions of years?

"The age of any Yahweh is incalculable. In a long life, loneliness can drive people crazy, so most Yahwehs will enter the prison of will countless times. Back then, I also felt that I was on the verge of madness. I asked the great god Haotian to imprison me. And at that time... I raised the defense of the kingdom of God to the highest level."

"Only by entering the prison of will and getting the promise of this god can you leave the seven realms. This is the only way."

Her voice was a little emotional, and she couldn't even remember how many years ago she had a similar emotional fluctuation. He said slowly: "It was at this time that Mammon first tested my kingdom of God. I did not stop it. It pulled you into Tiragangdis. I found this loophole, but it was too late."

"After all... it was the oldest monster..."

"You humans invented a word, the butterfly effect, which I like very much. It is precisely because of this slight flap that what happened later is no longer in this god's control. You who came back from hell have the strength to break the kingdom of God. According to my plan for the kingdom of God, you will go to the prison of will immediately and get my promise to leave the seven realms. Become the chosen one of God."

"You broke through the kingdom of God and opened the prison of will. According to the contract, I can't keep you anymore. And I have to lead you into the Temple of the Gods. So, I let you go in the end."

"Otherwise, with your slight murderous intention towards me at that time, even if it was slight, it would be enough for you to die 10,000 times if you drew your sword against God."

Xu Yangyi was sweating coldly.

One ring after another, one ring after another, there is no way to solve it. If it weren't for his luck, I'm afraid he would have been one of the servants of God.

"It's not my credit..." He stroked his chest with lingering fear: "If it weren't for the legacy of Senior Chaos... I'm afraid..."

"You're wrong again." Queen Wa said slowly: "Gods never do useless work."

"Think about it, before Chaos left the Earth, why didn't he give the seeds of chaos to others? Why did Quetzalcoatl leave it to you?"

"Gods can predict what will happen within ten thousand years. I'm afraid that the consciousness he left behind will determine that you can walk out of this god's kingdom at the first sight of you."

"Otherwise, do you think anyone can get this kind of thing?"

Is that so...

Xu Yangyi took a few deep breaths and nodded.

"That's it. The last step of the contract is to let him know everything and go to the Temple of the Gods. My obligations have been fulfilled. If you have the strength to cross the sea of ​​stars... this god... will wait for you in the Temple of the Gods."

"Don't think that the universe is safe... your strength is enough to travel all over the world, but there are always some unexpected existences... you are not the only cultivator as strong as you in the seven major races. In fact, I have seen some mortals as strong as you over the years..."

After the last word fell, her body turned into a flying spirit butterfly and slowly dissipated. At the same time, a vast picture suddenly appeared behind her, and it also turned into a spirit butterfly and fluttered as she turned into a flying spirit butterfly.

That is the Seven Realms.

Countless light years away, the Seven Realms... all collapsed!

"Sir!" Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and shouted anxiously: "Junior... I have two friends in the Seven Realms!"

"Anyone who can go to the Temple of the Gods has his team. This is the first time I have seen you go alone. I took them away and they are waiting for you in the Temple of the Gods."

"If... you can really cross the galaxy and come to the center of this universe..."

Swish! ! The overwhelming golden light engulfed the whole world. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was still in the Hidden Dragon Base.

The main brain was still analyzing, and the next thing was the details of the Wahuang's rule. But he was no longer prepared to read it.

Even if the Wahuang had no intention of harming him, he would never be a god under the gods.

Isn't it because of this strong heart that he was able to fight his way out of the Wahuang's kingdom of God?

"Seven Realms..." He looked up at the starry sky, now... they no longer exist...

With his own memories, his own struggles... he followed the Queen to the Temple of the Gods, and Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi were also there...

Earth is now left alone.

"Okay..." He clenched his fists, like a sword out of its sheath, and the brilliance that had been hidden for decades after his return suddenly burst out, his eyes were full of fire: "Then... I'm here!"

"In the vast galaxy, I want to see how many 'strong people like me' there are!"

Enough rest.

Enough foundation.

No need to worry about the Seven Realms anymore.

Then...what reason is there to waste time on Earth?

Turning into a stream of light, he flew out of the Hidden Dragon Base.

"Back?" In the Chu family territory, Angel was lying on the balcony lounge chair flipping through a book. Seeing him coming back, she glared at him fiercely: "You still know how to go home?"

"Sorry for waiting. But you have to get used to it." Xu Yangyi picked her up and bit her hard: "This is how cultivators are. We will have fewer days on Earth in the future."

Angel blinked her beautiful blue eyes and gently leaned her head on his shoulder. Her golden hair covered his chest and went around his neck. He suddenly felt itchy.

There is a feeling called knowing the taste of marrow.

The indescribable place immediately erected a tent, scratched her nose, and said in a hoarse voice: "Do you miss the cow?"

Angel rolled his eyes at him: "Just came back and thought about farming... What kind of person is that... He didn't even ask me how I've been doing these years..."

Xu Yangyi laid her flat on the recliner, his eyes burning: "Just try and you'll know?"

"I have almost 30 years of savings... I want to give it to you..."

"... Go away! As if I don't have a passbook... No! This is not the point! Hey... Go take a shower... You... Um..."

A few hours later, Angel lay weakly on his chest: "Daytime prostitution... I say... Can we be moonlighters in the future? This savings is too much, this palace really can't stand it..."

Xu Yangyi touched her sweaty hair and smelled it: "Is our way of communication too direct? I think we should pay more attention to spiritual communication."

How dare you say such a thing? !

Angel glared at him fiercely, too lazy to pay attention to him, and kicked him. Rather than kicking, it was more like a kitten stretching out its claws, which made his heart itch again.

"Go cook." Angel felt it immediately. The feeling of having an iron rod under her was really not pleasant. She stood up softly from the chair and glanced at the chair: "From now on, I dare not look directly at the recliner... In the future, recliners and Luohan beds are not allowed in our house. Do you hear me?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi stood up with a smile and went to the kitchen obediently. Over the past few decades, his cooking skills have been trained. Although not as natural as Angel's, at least a few hard dishes are no problem.

Angel looked at the other person's naked upper body with a fiery look. The muscles were firm and the lines were clear... When did he put on these shorts? It's really an eyesore...

"Hey." She went into the living room, lay on the sofa and smiled: "You said before... Are you ready to leave?"

Xu Yangyi paused while washing the vegetables: "Almost, after finishing the last thing. I just have this idea now, but it may take decades to do it."

"Will you take me to play?" Angel poured a cup of coffee. This old waist... is so sore... Not even taking me to wash... There is no romance at all. How could I like this kind of wood...

"I dare not not take it." Xu Yangyi replied with a smile.

"That's about right." Angel took a sip of coffee. It was slightly bitter, but it made her mind come back a lot. Every time she fought with this bull, she always had to savor it for a long time... It's really...

Physical! Bad review!

Boss, I want to return it! Change to a technical flow!

Her cheeks were slightly red, and she shifted her attention to the sky: "The Milky Way... I have never been there..."

"But before that, let's burn incense for your father-in-law."

After so many years of searching, they also confirmed that Master Yue really fell.

Time is the best medicine to smooth everything out. With someone by your side, this sorrow gradually settles in your heart. It becomes a treasure of memory.

No one will stay with anyone forever.

Parents will not, they will also grow old. Friends will not, all good things must come to an end. Husbands and wives will not, no one can escape the cycle of birth, aging, sickness and death, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

All they can do is cherish the present, the dead are gone, and living well is the best explanation to each other.

They are also preparing for the future together, so even if they don't like to practice like Angel, they practice obediently.

Only by enduring loneliness can you keep it for a long time.


Days pass by, and everyone cherishes the last stable time. In the distant Milky Way, no one knows whether it is swords and shadows or something else waiting for them. During this period, Xu Yangyi input his gene symbol into the Tiandao main brain, and the answer from the main brain is fifty years.

Fifty years later, it will be the time for them to set foot on the galaxy.

Time is like flowing water, and fifty years will pass quickly. He and Angel were standing in a cemetery. He held three incense sticks with his hands respectfully.

In front of him was a luxurious cemetery, with the portrait of Master Yue on the tombstone.

"Father." The wind blew Angel's golden hair, she bit her lips gently, and said word by word: "Go with peace of mind."

"I... am living a good life."

"I found a man who keeps his promises... I will leave here and go to a farther place... But I will not forget you..."

"Remember the hairpin you bought for me when I was a child? I will always carry it with me, doesn't that mean you are by my side?"

After Xu Yangyi put down the incense, he left. He knew that Angel must have a lot to say.

He leaned against the tree in the cemetery and smoked a cigarette, and looked at the familiar earth again. He stamped out the cigarette butt, and just as he was about to walk over, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Sir." A respectful voice came: "What you asked the master brain to calculate has already been calculated."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "I'll be right over." u

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