
Chapter 1624: Leaving Earth

Fifty years is just a snap. .But everything is over, and many things are happening subtly.

For example, China has become a holy place for spiritual practice on earth. Without it, China would always "discover" some ancient cultivation methods every few years. And the overall aura is improving rapidly.

Not only China, but also the spiritual energy of the world is recovering. Now several Nascent Souls have touched the line of Zunsheng, and the breakthrough will be within a hundred years.

As for the Nascent Soul, the number of Golden Elixir has also begun to increase under the general environment. Now there are more than two hundred Nascent Souls, and the number of Golden Elixir has increased to more than a thousand!

It has begun to take shape.

As long as it doesn't suffer heavy losses like the war between the two worlds, it's only a matter of time before it can return to its former glory.

It may take ten thousand years, or it may take millions of years, but this road has been opened and the future is bright.

For another example, the Chu family has become one of the top ten logistics families on the planet. What is strange is that after research by colleagues, they found that the Chu family caravan has not been attacked by any monsters for decades, which puzzled the colleagues.

For another example, now the world has begun to annihilate monsters in a planned way, starting from the famous mountains and rivers where a large number of foundation-building Qi refining people are entrenched, and gradually advancing into the territory of Jindan monsters. Just a few years ago, two of them were captured for the first time. Wudang Mountain, where the Demon King is entrenched, has fired the first shot for mankind to fully regain the earth.

It is true that what will be ushered in will be a comprehensive counterattack by the monsters, and everyone will be fighting for the space to survive. It must be a bloody battle. On the third day after Wudang Mountain was recovered, a small base in West China was washed down by a tide of beasts. However, none of the governments of various countries gave orders to stop. Instead, all major armies reinforced the monster station.

Global liberation!

The Great Falls in the United States, Mount Fuji in Japan, the Italian Alps, the Seine River in France... Every famous mountain and swamp is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Golden elixirs and Nascent Souls from various countries, even the most ordinary soldiers, have fire in their eyes.

In their hands, this earth will return to the point of global interconnection before the war between the two worlds!

No one flinched. Monsters won't either.

Even if there is a bloody storm next.

Xu Yangyi flew through the air, looking at the long river of speeding cars below, the towering skyscrapers on both sides, and the roads specially opened for the army on the ground, where new tanks and mechanical chariots were roaring out. In the Imperial Capital Base, on the buildings on both sides, billboards and neon signs almost formed the same slogan. The imperial capital was red.

"Liberate the Earth!! Return to the original!! Don't be afraid!! We will always remember you!"

He looked at the young soldiers with a smile, and saluted the passers-by on both sides with anticipation and fighting spirit. Watching torrents of steel rush out of the base day and night. Listening to the distant sky, one or two screams of monsters were occasionally heard.

"This is our world..."

"This is our time too!"

The earth finally put things right after nearly a hundred years after his return. Get back on track.

What he left behind will only get better and better. As for whether anyone knows him?

He doesn't care.

For some things, what is more precious is not the result, but the process.

Anyway...his name will be in the history books in the future.

With emotion, he gradually took everything on earth into his eyes and engraved it in his heart. Soon, he arrived at the Hidden Dragon Base.

The chief had long given him the next highest level of authority to enter the main brain hall of Tiandao. Several scientists immediately came over and took him into an inner room.

This is a room specially opened for him. The technology inside is synchronized with the master brain control room and can be connected to the master brain immediately. In all directions there is a silvery whiteness of science fiction. Three light curtains in the center reflected a tall figure.

Xu Yangyi walked over quietly and slowly touched the light curtain with his hand. a dragon.

The Western Dragon may not be understood by scientists on earth as to what it represents, but he does.

One of the seven major races in the universe, the Dragon Clan!

"Any kind of dragon is okay?" he asked in a deep voice.

"I'm afraid not." A scientist pushed up his glasses: "We found that if it is not a purebred dragon, its genes are not consistent with yours. Only the part that marks it as a dragon is completely complementary to your current genes. With all due respect, you may not be considered a complete human being right now.”

Xu Yangyi did not refute, but pondered.

"In other words, we need a pure-blooded dragon...or not, there are many dragon planes on the Starry Ancient Road."

There are infinite races in the vast galaxy. This calculation is just to know what race he needs. After setting this general direction, everything will be easy to handle.

Throwing down a bottle of elixir, he turned into a stream of light and left.

Everything is done...

No more regrets, it's time... to leave Earth.

Three months later, there was a loud bang on the top of Mount Tai, and a stream of light shot straight into the sky. Instantly disappeared outside the atmosphere.

At the Imperial Capital Base, three pairs of old eyes looked at this scene and sighed silently.

"No need to sigh." A few seconds later, an old man said with a smile: "The earth is too small for him now and cannot keep him. The eagle should spread its wings and fly. Let other races in the universe know the reputation of our earth monks."

"Yeah..." The other old man smiled bitterly after a long time: "Unfortunately, if he stays on the earth, the strength of the earth will increase many times."

Come quietly, go quietly. In the silence of reincarnation, he had already settled his knot in his heart.


Boom boom... In the vast universe, Angel looked out the window curiously, her big eyes excited and didn't want to close at all.

At this moment, they were sitting in Noah's Ark. In the past few decades, Angel had sorted out more than a dozen rooms. Each room was full of life.

Shower, bed, kitchen, practice room, everything is available, and she and Xu Yangyi were lying on a large bed. On the opposite wall was a light curtain, which was engraved with the star map in Xu Yangyi's mind. Outside the window was the vast universe, with stars twinkling. This made her so excited that she couldn't sleep at all for her first plane trip.

"How is it?" Xu Yangyi hugged her and leaned on the bed, his blue chin resting on the other's head, and asked with a smile.

"It's very majestic... very magnificent... completely different from what you see on TV!" Angel leaned against the window, her eyes sparkling: "It's so beautiful... I believe no woman can resist this scene."

"You'll get tired of it if you see it too much." Xu Yangyi pinched the other person's chin and asked the other person to turn his head. Angel's skin seemed like the finest silk, slippery and unrelenting. He bit his rosy lips lightly and said in a muffled voice: "When you get to Xinghe, you have to listen to your husband, understand?"

... I hate this kind of seductive ambiguity the most!

Angel pushed the other person, but unfortunately, her body was full of muscles, so she couldn't push him at once.

"Stay away from me." He waved his hand unhappily: "Talk if you have something to say, don't plow the fields. Land maintenance day."

Xu Yangyi smiled and put his hand down. She coughed lightly to stop smiling, and said solemnly: "It is impossible to enter this ship without a realm above Du Bu. However, it also costs spiritual jade."

"No matter how rich your husband is, he can't afford a journey across the galaxy."

Angel opened her rosy lips and cried falsely: "I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle! This is not a boat to the kindergarten, let me off!"

Xu Yangyi twisted the other's ear unhappily: "Be serious. I mean, we have to stop and replenish supplies every time we arrive at a plane."

"There are many planes in the universe. Look at this star map. We have to go through at least tens of thousands of planes. Experience countless races. Some upper realms, they can know that there are other planes in the starry sky. He is a monk, but some don't know. In other words, some will be very polite, and some will be very impolite. "

Angel pulled her ear out of the other's clutches and rolled her eyes at him. This man... is dishonest. He twisted and twisted until he touched the earlobe. He is obviously as wooden as a stone sculpture in some things. He is really gifted in this kind of thing. Haha...

After moving to a safe position, she cleared her throat: "If they are impolite, what will you do?"

Xu Yangyi smiled, his voice was a little cold: "Of course, I will be more impolite than them."

Angel was stunned, and her jade feet gently stepped on his hand. Her round toes moved slowly. After a long time, she murmured: "Then... be careful."

We... only have each other.

This is what she didn't finish, but Xu Yangyi understood. Gently holding the other's jade-like slender feet, his thick lips moved. Angel's eyes moved, and just when she thought the other party was going to kiss her, she burst into laughter.


"Yangqier...hahahaha!, get out of here!"

"Stop scratching...wuwu...hahaha! I warn you! I'll get angry if you scratch me again!"

Time passed very quickly. After Angel calmed down from the excitement of entering the universe, the two of them spontaneously lived a life of hard cultivation.

Everyone knows what they should cherish and protect.

Feelings are relative. No one party has ever given alone. That is not love, but demand.

Even if Angel doesn't like cultivation anymore, even if her qualifications can't catch up with the other party now, she will work hard. At least, let the other party know and see that she also wants to protect this only feeling between each other.

Whether you can do it or not is strength and talent. But whether you do it or not is whether you put the other party in your heart, whether you cherish your attitude and determination to cherish your feelings.

Xu Yangyi won't urge these things, and she won't let him urge them.

One year, two years, one hundred and twenty years in the blink of an eye. The two of them only came out four times during this period and exchanged each other's savings. Then they continued to practice with satisfaction.

Sometimes, you don't need long-term companionship, but as soon as you open your eyes, you find that another person is always waiting for you.

For monks, this is enough.

Their feelings cannot be as passionate as those of mortals, but they can be as gentle as water and last for a long time.

On this day, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes first.

"Not bad spiritual energy." His eyes slowly swept the void. In the past hundred years, he analyzed his life rules according to the most ancient method of Wahuang. He had some experience, but he still hadn't entered the door. His strength had improved a little, but it was not obvious.

"Without Taixu, the highest should be Venerable Saint..." He glanced at the star map opposite, and the green dot representing them on it was close to a huge light dot.

The orc plane belongs to the humanoid species.

Langstar, evaluation: elementary upper realm.

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