
Text Chapter 168: Jindan Disciple VS Jindan Disciple!

"Ah, yes. Grandmaster notified me." Fang Cheng nodded helplessly: "I originally said that I would pretend that Junior Brother didn't notify me and pretend that I didn't know... But... Forget it, Junior Brother agreed, right? Then I will join?"

Below, everyone's heart was choked, but they had nothing to say.

"If it were someone else... I could still say something..." An old man patted the shoulder of the young cultivator who came with him: "Let's go, go back, ten places have been decided. We will find an opportunity in the future."

"Jindan disciples... Two Jindan disciples in one legion..." "These ten places have been decided like this?" "Haha, they are Jindan disciples, you go and pull others down?" "To be honest, in fact, it has been almost finished, and those who should go up have gone up. The rest... To be frank, our Yan family's kid is embarrassed to go on stage, right?"

Master Zhao Wu, his heart ached.

People are like this, worried about gains and losses.

When there are many people, he dare not, he is afraid of losing face. But no one expected that the last spot was filled by Captain Xu's senior brother!

At this moment, he realized what he had missed.

But the next second, everyone looked at Xu Yangyi as if they didn't recognize him.

"Of course..." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

"You are really nice, junior brother!" Fang Cheng laughed: "Junior brother, as long as you give me a holiday. Don't worry about me playing games and reading comics, I promise to work hard for you!"

"Of course... no." Xu Yangyi restrained his smile. Licking his lips excitedly.

"Make a move." He raised his hand and hooked: "Follow the rules and decide the winner before you can join the group."

"With rules, you can be square, right... Senior brother?"

He said it calmly.

Very calm.

But he couldn't hide the burning fighting spirit under the calm words!

He believed that the other party could receive this fighting spirit.

Fang Cheng was stunned. But then, the fire of war suddenly flashed in his eyes!

No one was satisfied in the last battle!

Now... Old Master Fuyun is gone, everyone... can leave no regrets!

In the passionate era of youth, who didn't have the idea of ​​raising a master to the West Lake and immediately becoming the first peak of Wushan!

Each other... are of similar age, cultivation, and magical power. If you don't mention it, it's fine. Once it is mentioned, the pride hidden in the hearts of both sides will burst out without any concealment!

Wait until the eighth day of the eighth month of the Double Ninth Festival, when my flower blooms, all other flowers will die.

Without this mentality, what life is there to fight for? What heaven is against?

At this moment, Zhan Twelve suddenly put away his lazy expression leaning against the wall, his eyes like an eagle, staring straight at the martial arts arena!

Gao Wuguo, Yang Xueqing, Mo Yeyu, Jun Man, Quan Ningyue, Qin Xueluan, Yao Xintan. Almost at the same time, they stopped talking and stared at the martial arts arena without blinking!

Every cultivator below was stunned at everything in the field.

Two... almost equal, equally fierce, undisguised spiritual pressures, sweeping the entire venue at this moment!

"Is this... Captain Xu and that dumbfounded boy?" Someone felt the violent spiritual pressure in disbelief: "This... is this really still in the middle stage of Qi training?!"

"What a terrible aura..." Zhan Twelve's prismatic pupils were completely erected: "Is this his true strength? Is this the person that the Jindan Ancestor values?"

"Sure enough..." Yao Xintan's eyes were burning, and he murmured: "A dragon among men!"

The noise was fleeting. Although everyone was unwilling in their hearts, now, they were more burning! Looking forward to it!

Jindan disciple vs Jindan disciple!

Two geniuses from the same school 1v1!

And... this time, Xu Yangyi did not say one punch, but... to decide the outcome!

The other party took it.

It was as if... a lion and a tiger were staring at each other from a distance on the fighting stage!

"No regrets." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he bowed.

"No regrets." Fang Cheng also bowed solemnly, no longer in a lazy manner, and said very solemnly.

"You are a junior brother, you should make the first move."

Xu Yangyi nodded, not arrogant. He took a deep breath and felt the sound of the wind blowing past his ears.

The next second... he disappeared!

"So fast!" The ten prospective members of the New Sky Corps shouted in unison, and at the same time, all their eyes were focused on the air!

More than ten meters high in the sky, there was a shadow as fast as the wind!

"Swift Shadow, Sparks, Wind Dance Mark, Sacrifice!" Three solutions! One great magical power, superimposed at the same time, Xu Yangyi's shadow was as fast as lightning! The retina of an ordinary person can't catch it at all! And at the same time, he already had two balls of flames on his hands!

Two balls of flames emitting terrifying spiritual power!

Ten Directions Red Lotus!

"So fast!" Fang Cheng's face was stern. He knew before that although this junior brother was not taught by the master, his strength was absolutely terrible! Unexpectedly, after the opponent burst out with all his strength, his strength was so strong!

Without any consideration, he suddenly let out a roar that was not like a human voice, and a fist of white spiritual energy burst out from his mouth! At the same time, his whole body, without any warning, began to swell like blowing air!

"Swish!" His hair began to swell! In an instant, it turned red! All his clothes collapsed, and his body was full of black hair, and darker, snake-like tattoos were all over his body, and his nails grew dozens of centimeters! In just a few tenths of a second, he turned into a giant monster that was more than three meters tall!

This is... a huge wolf!

"Two ghosts knock on the door! Hundreds of shadows are punished by the sky!" A human voice came out of the wolf's mouth. The next second, the shadows of all the people in the field suddenly rushed to the field, and the shadows of dead objects seemed to come alive. Just below Xu Yangyi's jump, a circle of more than one meter in size suddenly formed! Then, two black shadow hands, wrapped with blue talismans, about one meter in size and countless meters long, frantically grabbed Xu Yangyi in the sky!

And in the sky, hundreds of shadow weapons suddenly took shape! They were inserted like raindrops!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. The opponent's handling and on-the-spot response were definitely top-notch, but...

How could he be stumped by this move?

"Ten Directions Red Lotus!" With a roar, he suddenly put his hands up, and two fire dragons roared and rushed upwards. The huge momentum made him fall immediately! The direction of the fall was directly towards the equation!

In an instant, the black shadow weapons in the sky and the two shadow hands immediately followed!

"Use my magical power to deal with me?" Fang Cheng wolf laughed. He almost guessed the next step. When the opponent came in front of him, he might speed up again, and then all his magical powers would hit him.

"You wish!" He bit his wolf teeth: "The cloud peak howled alone in the frosty morning moon, the wilderness walked alone in the snowy wind..."

"Innate magical power... one rider is worth a thousand!"

"Swish!" At this moment, the hair on his body suddenly exploded. Rather than saying that he was still a wolf, it was better to say that he was a huge hedgehog! If Xu Yangyi just bumped into him like this, he would definitely be riddled with holes!

And... it's not over yet!

Just when Fang Cheng's hair exploded, he rushed up suddenly, with countless phantoms on his body, and the huge hedgehog bounced up, not retreating but advancing, rushing towards Xu Yangyi in the sky!

At this moment, there were hundreds of black shadow weapons above, two shadow hands grabbed from the left, and Fang Cheng's demon body crashed from the right, attacking from three sides. Xu Yangyi originally started first, but in a flash, Fang Cheng had the upper hand!

"Haha! Junior brother, as long as you admit defeat, I will naturally stop!" Fang Cheng laughed triumphantly. He didn't believe that his junior brother could turn the tables in such a desperate situation!

Junior brother looks like a good person... No matter if he reads comics or plays games, in this case... he can't be seriously injured...

"Captain!" Many of the ten members exclaimed. No one expected that Xu Yangyi and Fang Cheng, with such strength, could decide the outcome so quickly!

Just now, they started fighting, just because Captain Xu seemed to jump into the air to attack, and in a moment, he shifted his position from offense to defense. They thought, if it was them, could they take this move?

Gao Wuguo's face was ugly. It's not that he couldn't take it, but if he had to take it, the price was a bit heavy!

Yao Xintan's eyes flickered, and he also had a plan in his mind. However, what they valued now was whether their captain could take this three-way attack?

Xu Yangyi's face was not panicked.

Indeed, the situation was very urgent, and it was a matter of life and death. Fang Cheng has been worshipping under the ancestor Gusong for an unknown period of time. He has no shortage of magical powers, and has even stimulated the innate magical powers that only a demon body has! With a demon body, he is more durable and tough. It seems that the opponent has all the advantages!

No matter how urgent it is, can it be compared to Zhu Hongxue's narrow escape that day?

No matter how urgent it is, can it be compared to snatching the Bi Bo Inner Pill from Mingshen Eighteen and using all means in the Lingbao Fountain?

The strong are not the winners, but the winners must be the strong.

With a smile, he pinched his fingers to make a strange seal.

"Brother, I'm sorry." He took a deep breath: "Dan Ding Building Spirit Method!"

"Buzz!" In an instant, he felt an unspeakable pain in his mind. It was as if a hand stirred his mind fiercely. But then... the whole world became clear.

It was like the feeling of waking up after he killed the snake demon that day. The world was covered with a veil, and now, another layer was unveiled! He could even see the spiritual energy in the air that he had never seen before!

At this moment, his thoughts and vision seemed to be split in two. In his eyes, he could clearly see that the equation was getting closer and closer to him, but in his brain, the world slowed down. In the clarity, it was slowly moving, as if the equation was slowing down.

"Is this the difference after the spiritual consciousness reaches a peak?" He didn't have the leisure to think about it anymore. He put his hands together and smiled at the huge hedgehog only two or three meters away: "Shock the spirit and break it."

In the eyes of everyone, this scene was extremely strange.

There was no trace of spiritual energy fluctuation in Xu Yangyi's body, but the equation stopped completely after a few seconds.

He was less than one meter away from Xu Yangyi! Even the front end of the hair pierced Xu Yangyi dozens of centimeters away. However, it just stopped quietly.

Xu Yangyi clearly saw that the clarity in the other party's eyes suddenly turned into chaos. It was a very strange visual experience. From the eyes of people, it can be seen that he was dizzy just now.

"What's going on here!?" Qin Xueluan looked at the mid-air in disbelief. Shadow Hand and Heavenly Punishment all stopped at this moment, and the next second, they completely dissipated!

Fang Cheng seemed to pause in mid-air, and all his hair softened. Then, with a "bang", he suddenly fell to the ground! Crushing all the rocks on the ground!

A sudden move!

This is the real sudden move!

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