
Text Chapter 169: Mysterious Reminder

No one expected that the victory and defeat of these two brothers would be decided so quickly! In less than five minutes, the two of them had decided the winner. Moreover, the process was so tortuous!

Xu Yangyi took action first, and then Fang Cheng counterattacked fiercely. Three magical powers forced Xu Yangyi into a dead end, but what happened in the end?

"There is no spiritual energy fluctuation..." Zhan Twelve's eyes were extremely shocked: "This... is a spiritual consciousness attack!"

"Zhan Hongchen has a spiritual consciousness attack skill that can only be learned by those who have reached the great perfection of foundation building. He actually has it?"

"This should be one of his trump cards... But I never expected that he would have a spiritual consciousness attack that is not seen in the cultivation world? The leader's luck... is as amazing as his strength..."

He is not a talkative person. He thought of these words, but he would never say them out loud. He just shut his mouth quietly and be a handsome man quietly.

His silence does not mean that others will not speak.

Now, the cultivators below looked at each other and started to make a noise.

"Just now... what happened?" "I said I could see Captain Xu defeated... but this is the result?" "No one can defeat this monster?" "Yes, Qi training or foundation building." "... Can you have some shame?"

No one knows what happened in the end. The unique skills of spiritual attack are almost a secret in the cultivation world! They don't even think about it!

"Brother, are you okay?" Xu Yangyi walked to Fang Cheng, who had turned into a human form, turned him over, and patted him on the shoulder hesitantly: "Are you okay?"

After several seconds, Fang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and came back to his senses: "I fell to death..."

Others don't know, but he knows it very well!

The relationship between Qi Hai and spiritual consciousness is very close. If Qi Hai is electricity, spiritual consciousness is a generator. In other words, this "energy" exists forever, but spiritual consciousness is the way to control it.

Just now, he suddenly felt a knife inserted into his mind, stirring wildly in his mind. He had never felt that feeling before! It made his spiritual consciousness short-circuited instantly! All magical powers are to manipulate the spiritual energy of the sea of ​​qi through spiritual consciousness. At this moment, all collapsed!

He also lost consciousness and fell directly to the ground.


He looked at his junior brother with some resentment. This is too much... This is a real angel descending to the earth, landing head first. Just thinking about his dog-eating-shit-like appearance just now, it is not beautiful, and so many people have seen it...

"I lost." He stood up and clasped his hands: "I didn't expect... Junior brother has such a hidden magical power... Awesome. If it was a fight just now, I would have died."

The few seconds of coma were enough to kill him a hundred times.

Xu Yangyi looked at him meaningfully: "Well, I agree, but you can find clothes to put on first."

Fang Cheng then realized that after the demonization, he was actually naked!

Shamelessly wiped the storage ring on his hand, and put on a set of T-shirts and jeans that were exactly the same as before.

Based on this alone, Xu Yangyi was sure that he was the disciple of the Jindan Patriarch, and his thick skin was quite like the style of your master.

"Dear fellow Taoists." He bowed to all the cultivators who were still in place: "The members of the Xingtian Corps have been found. Thank you for your support. If the Xingtian Corps still recruits members in the future, it will be notified in advance."

Many people's eyes passed over the selected members with hatred. Those with malicious minds even cursed: Die early... so that we can fill the position.

After saying this, Xu Yangyi was about to leave. Suddenly, he raised his head abruptly and glanced at Fang Cheng in confusion.

Coincidentally, Fang Cheng also looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Yangyi had something that Gusong Zhenren gave him that day.

It was the brocade bag. The red line tied to the brocade bag was tied to his hand, and he could communicate with each other through it. But it was limited to Gusong Laozu and several other brothers.

At the same time, this red line was also a valuable magic weapon. It could block the full-strength attack of a half-step foundation-building cultivator. And it would not be shattered. After a year of warming, it could be used again.

"Senior brother?" Xu Yangyi asked inquiringly.

"I felt it too..." Fang Cheng touched his head and frowned, "Strange... I have never received any contact... How come a senior suddenly remembered to contact us?"

Xu Yangyi walked in a row with Fang Cheng calmly, leading the other nine members to leave here. With a smile on his face, he lowered his voice and asked, "Is there an emergency?"

Fang Cheng looked at him with an idiotic look: "It must be an emergency to contact... But, we can't help the seniors' urgent matters at all..."

Okay, I was despised...

Leading everyone to the Yulinwei office building, he temporarily arranged everyone first. Xu Yangyi bowed his hands apologetically: "Everyone, I'm sorry, Xu has something urgent to deal with. I will receive you in the evening."

Of course, no one would object. Xu Yangyi winked at Fang Cheng, and the two quickly came to Xu Yangyi's practice room. As soon as he walked in, Fang Cheng was stunned.

"High-level spirit gathering array?!" Fang Cheng looked at the talismans in the room in astonishment: "I only used the middle-level! Junior brother, you actually used the high-level?"

You are too extravagant! Too wasteful!

Seeing his accusatory expression, Xu Yangyi was speechless.

This high-level spirit gathering array in the room... He fought desperately with the Eighteen Mingshen to get it, and was even listed on the wanted list of demon cultivators for this. You kid arranged a middle-level one for no reason and you are not satisfied?

"Let's see what Senior Brother and the others said first." Xu Yangyi rubbed his eyebrows, untied the knot tied on his right hand, and tossed it gently. Suddenly, the red knot grew in the wind, reaching a length of five meters in diameter. The circle then stopped.

And among the knots, a curtain of light flashed suddenly. A young man's face appeared in the light curtain.

"Elder brother?" Fang Fang took one look and immediately bowed: "I've met my senior brother."

"I've met senior brother." Xu Yangyi bowed.

"No gift." Yuyangzi's expression was not relaxed at all, but instead carried a seriousness that was completely incompatible with the first meeting. She said in a deep voice: "Master asked me to inform the two junior brothers..."

After a long silence, Yu Yangzi let out a long sigh: "Second Junior Brother, Third Junior Brother, Seventh Junior Brother, Tenth Junior Brother, Twelfth Junior Brother, and Thirteenth Junior Brother all died two hours ago."

"What?!" Fang Fang was stunned, and immediately stood up, looking at Yuyangzi in disbelief: "Senior Brother, you lied to me, right? These senior brothers are all in the late stage of foundation building! How could it be possible? …”

"Senior brother." Xu Yangyi pressed his shoulder, pushed him down, and said solemnly: "Listen to senior brother."

Yuyangzi glanced at Xu Yangyi. Because of this move, his opinion of Xu Yangyi became even better.

Being patient and putting the overall situation first is the courage of those who achieve great things.

He doesn't like Equation very much, but prefers Xu Yangyi, who is indifferent to emotions and anger. For some reason, he was very optimistic about this youngest junior brother.

People also pay attention to a fate. Eye rim.

However, he could not answer this question.

He knows very well... where Patriarch Gusong is sitting, and has issued a ban on the entire Yulin Guard. His disciples, as disciples of Patriarch Jindan, must take the lead to take a look. However, no one expected that he would never come back.

After the six natal jade slips were broken, the old Ancestor Gusong sighed and has not been able to travel to the palace. As the eldest disciple, he must tell the other disciples this news.

After being silent for a long time, Yu Yangzi asked calmly but solemnly: "I, the acting master, want to ask the seventeenth junior brother a question."

"That day, you once said, what is a monk? Responsibility and responsibility. Did this sentence come from your true heart?"

"Inevitable." Xu Yangyi said firmly: "This sentence comes from emotion and heart."

"Okay." Yuyangzi didn't stop for a moment, and then asked: "Then, if there is a place where the master is personally in charge. As disciples, we know that it is extremely dangerous, what choice do you make?"

Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "I will definitely go and help my master."

This sentence is considered semi-sincere but not sincere.

The master-disciple bond between him and Gu Songmao was not that deep. Yes, he said that he has responsibility and responsibility. However, the responsibility is mutual. If Mr. Gumatsu truly treats him as his true disciple, he will naturally treat others the same way as others treat him. But now there is only one skill given to him, and he will not really die for the other party.

He also knew that the disciples of the Jindan Ancestor were also distant and distant. He had to continue to be valued by the other party, so that he would be truly favored by the other party.

At the auction that day, Patriarch Gusong said that dealing with him would be like dealing with the Patriarch himself. It's just an attitude. When the real thing comes, whether you will stand up for him or not depends entirely on the other person's mood.

Jindan Zhenren, who has lived for hundreds of years, is well-versed in world affairs and is by no means a good man or woman.

"Very good..." Yuyangzi nodded deeply: " prepared for the mission..."

"Jindan Zhenren's special mission..." He paused: "However, it is very likely that it will not be released. After all, Junior Brother Seventeen's resume is still too shallow. It is unlikely that it will be the Xingtian Legion's turn."

The light curtain disappeared, and Fang Fang remained depressed. Xu Yangyi could not be said to have any feelings for the senior brothers he had never met, and he might still feel a little sad that the rabbit died and the fox died. On the contrary, he still has a good impression of the equation.

"Senior brother." He patted the other party's shoulder: "Have you ever heard of what the master is doing..."

Before he finished speaking, something suddenly flashed in his mind!

He remembered!

At the beginning, Mr. Zhao Wu told him that the Northwest King, Liu Guang Qiu Ying, Gu Song Patriarch, would personally be in charge of Danxia Palace!

Danxia Palace, one month ago, hundreds of streams formed a map!

One month later...the six disciples of Patriarch Gu Song died among them!

It seems that...this month, Danxia Palace...may have undergone some extraordinary changes! Master Gu Song had to send his disciples to take a look!

"Danxia Palace..." He clenched his fists and looked to the northwest with burning eyes.

This trip...even if you don't tell Mr. Gusong, the Xingtian Legion will definitely go and take a look!

There, the secret of the Living Imperial Artifact may very well be buried.

There, there may also be summons from the enemy of life and death.

The most important thing is that there are still three years where I disappeared!

What happened in Lianhai in the past three years? Is time passing by, or is it a world of its own isolated from the world?

Everything is within Danxia Palace... No matter what, I, Xu, will never not take this trip!

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