
Main text Chapter 170: Danxia Palace shocking changes

Longsu Province, Pillar Danxia Palace, night. ●⌒,

There are hundreds of monks, all of whom are above the level of Foundation Establishment. Those who are in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment are all considered low, and even those who are in the later stage of Foundation Establishment are everywhere. There are at least thirty or forty Dzogchen monks, and there are eight of them in the Half-step Golden Pill.

Everyone looked solemn, and everyone was meditating quietly on the ground. Only the cold sweat on their foreheads told everyone that they were not just meditating.

In the sky, purple runes are looming, forming a large array with a radius of tens of kilometers, and the final destination of each rune is surprisingly every monk here!

Above the layers of black clouds, there is a huge palace, like a floating city.

It is a huge puppet turtle, surrounded by auspicious clouds on its four legs, and a huge palace lies on its back, like a giant beast in the night.

The golden elixir palace of Lord Gu Song!

Suddenly, a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk's expression became more and more ferocious, his forehead became more and more cold sweat, and the spiritual energy outside his body suddenly became violent. The people around him immediately opened their eyes, with extremely complicated expressions of regret and determination, and then they closed their eyes at the same time.

"Master!" Behind him, a monk in the early stages of foundation building burst into tears. The next second, his master suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his spiritual energy suddenly dissipated.

In an instant, the talisman in the sky was filled with purple light. The deceased monk fell to the ground, but opened his mouth mechanically. A strange-looking insect loomed in his mouth.

And he has no tongue.

"Brush!" Purple light shone down, and the little bug let out a sharp and ugly hiss. Its exposed legs moved, and the color of its body immediately changed from dead gray to pitch black, and it stopped moving.

The early monk gritted his teeth, moved the master's body away, and sat on it himself.

From a bird's-eye view, hundreds of foundation-building monks integrated themselves into the formation, and the center of the formation was the Pillar Danxia Palace!

Above the Jindan Palace. Master Gu Song sat cross-legged on the top of the palace. Countless light curtains spread out around him, with a radius of hundreds of miles under his control.

"Master." Yu Yangzi's voice sounded outside the door. Master Gu Song was silent for a long time, and the two doors opened without any wind.

Yuyangzi walked in silently and raised his hands: "Master...disciple has informed all the junior brothers. The Jiuyue Legion of the ninth junior sister in Modu, the Qianshan Legion of your fourteenth junior brother, and Chi You of the eighth junior brother in Lingxi The legion, as well as... the Xingtian legion of Ming Shui's seventeenth junior brother, are on standby. "

Silence, after a long time, the voice of Master Gu Song finally sounded out with extremely complicated voice: "Six disciples, three A-level legions...all the jade slips were shattered within twenty minutes...there were hundreds of foundation-building monks." ...A heinous crime, a sin..."

"Master, this is our responsibility." Yuyangzi sighed and waited quietly beside Gusong Zhenren: "The Chinese government has given instructions, and you can use the power of the final weapon at any time. The closest ancestor of the Southwest King Giant Spirit , its Ten Thousand Beast Legion is also rushing to Longsu Province’s Jindan Palace and will arrive tomorrow.”

At this moment, Gu Songzhen's face did not have the slightest trace of relaxation at the auction. Instead, he opened his eyes extremely cautiously and looked at each light screen calmly. After a long time, he sighed: "Connect the ground spiritual energy monitoring system."

A light curtain, like a living thing, formed a set of clear pictures in an instant. On the light screen, a dozen monks in Chinese tunic suits were facing the computer with great solemnity.


"Back to our ancestors." A thin monk raised his head, his lips trembling: "I, we may have detected it wrong."

There was no expression on Gumatsu's face: "I... came here decades ago. I know what may be inside. Just tell me."

"Yes..." The thin monk gritted his teeth, pointed his finger, and another set of light curtains appeared in mid-air.

On the light screen, there is only a small area of ​​green, and everything else is red!

And... the red is moving!

"Ancestor." The thin monk's voice became embarrassing: "We, we really may have made a mistake... Below, there is nothing in the aura test below. But, using mortal infrared detection methods, we found... found... …”

He didn't dare to continue, so Master Gu Song said calmly: "Continue."

The lean monk took a deep breath: "Below...there is a...huge life form..."

"Length...4832 meters...width...673 meters...and..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "It's a living thing..."

"Ha..." Yuyangzi took a breath and looked at the boundless red on the screen in disbelief: "Is this... a Chinese ancestor who is comparable to Quetzalcoatl? Or is... a Chinese ancestor? A banned ancient monster?"

Master Gu Song closed his eyes in pain, and his dream was shattered by one sentence: "It... is a demon..."

"The aura cannot be detected... because its aura exceeds the detection limit."

"Decades ago... I entered it, but I didn't see its form... However, the evil spirit that was so thick that I couldn't break it... I could hardly resist it..."

Yu Yangzi's vest was cold: "Master, if it comes out..."

"It can't get out!" Gu Songzhen's voice was louder, he opened his eyes, and said: "There... there is an extremely powerful seal inside, and it can't even move. How can it appear?"

Yuyangzi didn't speak. The demon body of more than 4,000 meters... what a terrifying cultivation level this is!

I'm afraid the other party has been living here since the beginning of human civilization! This is how it is possible to grow so huge!

Once it appears, it will be the biggest disaster for the human world and the current cultivation civilization! Nothing else!

As if seeing through his thoughts, Gusong Zhenren smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry too much."

His face sank: "Don't you think that the great monks of Shaoshi Mountain and Songshan Mountain, the big monks of Qingcheng Mountain and Longhu Mountain don't have any hidden treasures?"

"This Zhenren dares to guarantee that as long as they have the handed-down magic weapons of Zhang Tianshi and Master Xuanzang, this giant monster will still be extremely afraid of it when it comes out. This... is a figure at the level of Taoism and Buddha..."

"Moreover..." He smiled leisurely: "Don't underestimate the cultivation court... Do you know who the real body of Tianzai Old Ghost is?"

"Please tell me, Master." Yu Yangzi asked.

"Why do you think we respect him three points? Even seven or eight points?" Gusong Laozu narrowed his eyes: "This Zhenren suspects that the old ghost is most likely Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng."

"Zhang Sanfeng?!" Yu Yangzi could no longer remain silent and exclaimed.

It's not his fault that he was not calm, it's really... this person's name is too legendary!

"It's just a guess. But... it's not an empty guess... hehe, Liang Jiugong has come out... he couldn't stand the loneliness after practicing on the hanging coffin for hundreds of years, and it's not surprising that Zhang Sanfeng is not dead." He smiled with some emotion: "Do you think that the identity of Jindan Zhenren, except for the flat-headed monk Zhang Guangyao of Fuyun Laogui, is simple for others?"

"If he hadn't been extremely rich and powerful at that time, how could he have such a great opportunity?"

Yu Yangzi calmed down: "He, he has lived for more than 700 years? He, isn't he half-step Yuanying?"

"Half-step Yuanying?" Gusong Zhenren said calmly Ran smiled: "Maybe..."

"That old ghost... I have never seen him really fight... Even when he fought with several demons in the past, he was an incarnation... The incarnation has such power... Especially... When the recipe for the Yingying Pill appeared that day, this old ghost was unmoved! Hehehe... Never mind, never mind, these are just guesses."

At this moment, a sharp "beep" sound came, and the thin monk who had just talked looked at the screen with a pale face: "How, how could this happen? This, this, this is impossible!"

"What's the matter?" Gu Song Zhenren immediately put away the mood of the conversation and said solemnly.

"Impossible... Impossible! This is simply unrealistic!" The thin monk and everyone around him seemed to have not heard it at all, but looked at the screen in shock, their faces turned blue and their lips trembled!

A cold light flashed in Gusong Zhenren's eyes: "This Zhenren... is asking you questions."

The cold words awakened the people below for a moment. More than a dozen people's legs softened and they all knelt down, their voices floating: "Ancestor, Ancestor, just now, I found that there is more than one giant monster inside!"

"What!" This sentence made even Gusong Zhenren's face suddenly solemn.

"Size!" he asked immediately.

"Length... 842 meters... width... 79 meters..." The thin monk was sweating coldly: "How could it be... How could it be possible... And, that, that newly appeared suspected monster is in the body of that giant monster!"

No one spoke.

This news was too shocking.

The most terrifying news... is... suspected of giving birth!

That giant monster may be giving birth!

If so, everything makes sense!

Why did Danxia Palace suddenly change! It was because the giant monster was in labor, but was sealed and bound, and had to struggle. But... this seal seals a giant demon. If... after hundreds of years, the two giant demons enter their complete form... can the seal originally set for one giant demon still seal them?

The cultivation civilization will experience an unimaginable storm!

"More than that." A fat monk kneeling on the ground continued: "Ancestor... we found... there is an amazing circle of spiritual energy fluctuations around the giant demon... it is spreading rapidly!"

"We have detected spiritual plants and even the fluctuations of elixirs from it! There are also... countless, countless abnormal creatures... even terrain that cannot be explored... This, this is like..."

Gusong Zhenren's eyes were filled with black air, staring at him, interrupting him word by word: "Secret Realm!"

"Gudong..." Everyone present swallowed a mouthful of saliva and couldn't say anything anymore.

There are too many hopes in the cultivation world, but the legend of the secret realm has never stopped.

It has been a habit for thousands of years, and the most commendable one is Zhang Guangyao, the ancestor of Fuyun, who survived the Yongle Great Blue Hole and condensed the golden elixir directly in the late stage of foundation building within fifty years!

The secret realm is always the only weapon to stimulate the cultivation world!

And many lost things, more skills, and even some ancient secrets can all be explored from the secret realm!

It is conceivable that if it is really a secret realm, the day it is opened will definitely be a time of uproar in the cultivation world!

By then... the clouds will move in all directions, and the dragons will gather in the sea! The seven major families of the human race, the five major families of the demon race, the three major forces, the hidden sects, and even the three super sects of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism will send the most elite teams to explore the secrets!

Only Gusong Zhenren looked solemn and pondered in silence.

Others care about the secret realm, but he has already stood at the top of the world, so he doesn't care so much.

What he cares about is... what kind of demon race is this!

Thousands of meters big... is this... a Yuanying demon body? Even... taller?

It took thousands of years for conception to happen, and at the time of conception, a secret realm was automatically triggered. What kind of monster is this?

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