
Main text Chapter 171: Briefing (I)

After a long silence, Yu Yangzi smiled and comforted: "Maybe... the other party just turned over? Master, are you worrying too much?"

"Turning over?" Gu Song Zhenren smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly sharp: "It's already here!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the ground in the middle of Danxia Palace below suddenly bulged, as if something huge was about to appear from below!

The ground within a radius of dozens of kilometers suddenly shook gently without any signs... rumble, rumble. Very rhythmic. The gravel on the ground was shaken to make a clattering sound. And the range of vibration was exactly the box pattern of Xu Yangyi in the middle after Baixi Chengtu!

In the sky, every rune flashed wildly, fighting against the things below with all its strength. Gu Song Zhenren stood up suddenly, his clothes fluttering, and the next second, he appeared outside the palace.

"This is no longer your era..." He looked down solemnly and said softly: "If you appear, the world will be in chaos. Cultivating civilization is the result of hundreds of years of hard work. Why don't you continue to sleep?"

There was no answer. Half a second later, all the cracks in the Danxia Palace were filled with red light, forming a strange tentacle tens of meters high, and suddenly grabbed towards the air!

That... is the phantom of the insect's arthropod!

"Dark. Shadow. Cut!" Gusong Zhenren's eyes were extremely solemn, and he put his hands together. Then, from under his feet, endless shadows burst out!

A long sword surrounded by countless black shadows, more than ten meters in size, with Gusong Zhenren's "Cut!" It chopped down at the giant hand with lightning speed!

"Swish!" There was a red and black light between heaven and earth. However, strangely, it did not explode, but all turned into clouds and smoke, and went away with the wind.

The Danxia Palace below, however, shot out countless rays of light, like the aurora in the North Pole, illuminating the sky!

"This is..." A cultivator looked at the surging clouds in astonishment. Inside, there was an extremely strange sea! Peaceful, with the silence of death.

"Daozu..." Under the purple talisman formation, a cultivator looked at the sky in disbelief: "Heavenly Palace..."

Gusong Zhenren's face was as gloomy as water. He had been to too many places and seen too many things. Seeing this scene, he was completely clear.

It is indeed a secret realm... It is actually a secret realm!

What kind of monster is this! It can live for thousands of years! It can cultivate such a huge monster body! It can also conceive itself! It can also evolve the secret realm by itself!

This... is the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth before the secret realm is born!

As long as it is a secret realm, after being buried for hundreds or thousands of years, it will definitely appear in heaven and earth. In other words...

His eyes turned cold. This secret realm will be born... no more than two months!

"No..." Then, he looked at the sky in a daze: "This monster is so terrible... Who in the world can kill it? And... who was the one who killed it when he was sealed?"

"Who can seal such a fierce monster?"

"Why... I have already stood at the top of the world, but there are still places in this world that I can't see through..."

"Quetzalcoatl... Danxia Palace... Eight forbidden places... What kind of secrets are hidden in these?"

After a moment, he calmed down and looked at Yu Yangzi and said lightly: "I have asked all A-level legions to stand by... Even the Dragon Pond Tiger must explore below."

Since the secret realm is about to be born... There is a common truth that everyone understands...

The first time, it is also the most risky one, and at the same time, it is also the one with the greatest gains!

This time... Why should I let others get away with it?

Before, six disciples and several legions died in Danxia Palace, and he didn't want the Yulin Guards to go. But now, he suddenly knew that the secret realm was born. So... I have to say that the Yulin Guards must go first!

If someone told him that he didn't dare to go because it was near Danxia Palace, then he wouldn't mind sending that person on his way.

He didn't understand the principle of seeking wealth and honor in danger, and he was timid, so he was worthy of being under his command?

"Master..." Yu Yangzi hesitated: "What if... other masters intervened?"

Gu Song Zhenren's face was as gloomy as water: "Then... be ready to announce this matter to the entire cultivation world at any time."

"In addition..." He paused: "Notify the Xingtian Corps not to accept any tasks in the near future."

"Yes." Yu Yangzi bowed and retreated, regardless of whether the Xingtian Corps would be selected in the end. However, the fact that Zhenren Gu Song could think of the junior brother who had just been accepted at this moment was enough to prove that this junior brother had an extraordinary status in the master's heart.

Otherwise, why didn't he mention Xu Yangyi instead of others?

No one knew what happened in Danxia Palace, including Zhenren Gu Song Zhenren's several disciples who were prepared for the whole group without knowing the truth. Including Xu Yangyi.

However, since he already knew that Danxia Palace was likely to undergo a huge change. Naturally, he would make full preparations.

In the evening, after receiving all the members of the group. The first thing he did was to contact Master Zhao Wu.

After all, Danxia Palace was in Longsu, and the Zhao family was enough to rank among the top three. Although Longsu did not have a first-class family, let alone a top family comparable to several major forces, the other party obviously had more information on their territory.

In a five-star hotel, Master Zhao Wu was tossing and turning, constantly thinking about what happened today.

In his heart, he regretted inexplicably, but he knew very well that letting Zhao Ziqi go up would probably be useless.

But he didn't even try... He still felt unwilling.

At this moment, the phone rang "beep", he picked it up and looked at it, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he looked at the time, twelve o'clock midnight.

He walked out of the room calmly, glanced at Zhao Ziqi's door, and left the hotel quietly.

The meeting place was a private club open all night. After the waiter took him into a private room, he breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw the person opposite.

"Fellow Taoist, you're all right." Zhao Wuye, of course, didn't recognize Xu Yangyi who brought Qian Huan with him. He held up his hands and said with a smile: "I haven't contacted you during this period. I thought you were scared."

Xu Yangyi quietly lit a cigarette, flicked one, and said with a smile: "A cheap way to provoke a general."

"Thank you, but I still like shredded tobacco." Zhao Wuye carefully took out an old pipe, flicked his fingers, and a light cherry smell filled the air: "This is not a provocation. Fellow Taoist, Long Su Pillar Danxia Palace, a place of eternal beauty, the Taoist Immortal Son, Old Bald Donkey, how many people go in? To be honest, it wouldn’t be surprising if fellow Taoist people change their choices.”

"I'm very curious..." Xu Yangyi didn't hear anything about his provocation again, and looked at him with squinted eyes: "The Longsu Zhao family is not a first-class family, but they also have the courage to explore the outer reaches of the Jedi?"

This is the time to tell the truth.

Everyone knows that since they choose to meet again, they will definitely tell the truth. Although the two left their contact information, no one contacted them. When it comes to Danxia Palace, no one will take the initiative to reveal their own information.

No one knew that the person responsible for monitoring the private club called Dihao was completely stunned.

With a flick of his finger, fire came out... Zhao Wuye's habitual behavior just now completely stunned the monitor on duty in front of the screen.

"This, this is..." A man with a scar on his face suddenly became excited, immediately grabbed the young man next to him, and said hoarsely: "Chen Pi, did I fucking read it wrong just now? !”

"No, no, Third Brother." Chen Pi's eyes widened as he suddenly remembered something. He turned around and shouted as if he had seen a ghost: "The Crown Prince! The Crown Prince said it! He said..."

"I know!" Chen Pi's eyes were bright, he pulled out his seat, looked at the screen again in disbelief, and immediately took out his mobile phone: "The prince said that when you see the immortal master, inform him immediately! I will tell him right away! Report to the prince!"

In Mingshui Province, in a luxurious villa, a man of about twenty-seven or eighty-year-old was sitting on the sofa, well-dressed.

The outline is as hard as a knife or an axe, the eyes are calm but with a hint of cruelty, the hair is short, and the face is handsome. However, below him, in front of his pants, was a girl with black hair kneeling.

The girl held a thick thing in her mouth and was trying her best to please the other person, her delicate tongue licking the top from time to time.

The man's face remained motionless, as if he had no senses. After a long time, he held the girl's chin and lifted it up: "Your skills are getting worse and worse."

"Prince!" The girl trembled all over after hearing this, and immediately kowtowed: "Yes, it's my fault! Please, please give me another chance!"

The prince sneered, stretched out his leather shoes in front of the other party, reached out and picked up a glass of red wine on the table: "Lick it clean."

The girl was stunned for a moment, but the next second, as if she had received supreme favor, she stretched out her nimble tongue.

Just when her tongue was about to touch the leather shoes, the phone on the table rang. The prince lazily reached out and picked it up: "Hello?"

In less than two seconds, his expression became cautious: "Three knives, you know the consequences of mistaking them."

"This matter is a major matter for me. The brothers in the execution hall will not be lenient."

After a few seconds, he stood up and finally smiled at the girl: "Go away, you are lucky today."

"Yes! Yes! Thank you Crown Prince for your favor!" The girl immediately kowtowed and left quickly.

In the room, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye didn't know all this at all, and even if they knew, they wouldn't care at all.

They are just mortals... although monks are also descended from mortals. But... in the Age of Dharma Ending, there are very few people who can introduce Qi into their bodies, let alone practice!

Once Qi is practiced, there is a difference between heaven and man.

"The Zhao family naturally has some trump cards." Mr. Zhao Wu took a deep breath, carefully took out a palm-sized box, and opened it gently. In an instant, a heart-stopping spiritual pressure filled the scene!

Inside, a strange little beast as big as the palm of your hand was sleeping soundly.

This little beast looks like a small monkey, but it has six ears and three eyes. Fiery red hair all over. And in the seven orifices, with every breath it takes, golden light diffuses from it.

"To be honest, the Zhao family has explored to the outer 700 meters. We all rely on this one to listen." Zhao Wuye closed the box solemnly: "I can guarantee that no one in the country, except our Zhao family, can practice Qi period probes so deeply.”

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi nodded with a half-smile.

"The Zhao family, every twenty years, a group of death squads must enter the outskirts of Danxia Palace and continue to expand along the path taken by their predecessors. They have been persisting for hundreds of years. Haha..." Mr. Zhao Wu was deeply moved. He glanced at Xu Yangyi and said: "Fellow Taoist, I would like to advise you, if you enter the lower part of Danxia Palace, if your team does not bring a native master who is skilled in this way, even if you are on the periphery, you will have a narrow escape."

"Down a completely unimaginable world!"

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