
Main text Chapter 172: Briefing (Part 2)

The prince stared at the screen with his eyes like a lake. There were two elderly people in the room. , looks to be over seventy years old. But there is no cloudy look in the eyes of the old man at all, instead, he is overflowing with energy!

"Magic weapon... this must be a magic weapon!" When the little monkey appeared for a moment, an old man exclaimed: "These two people must be immortal masters without a doubt!"

"Take another look." The prince's expression was solemn. No one could see that his fists were clenched until veins appeared!

"Uncle, let me adjust the volume first so that we can clearly hear what they are saying." The prince said solemnly: "Since that incident, every room in our department has the most advanced monitoring equipment. We are always waiting for the Immortal Master to arrive!”

Xu Yangyi picked up the tea leisurely and took a sip: "How hard it is to imagine."

"Fellow Taoist, don't worry, listen to me carefully." Mr. Zhao Wu laughed dryly: "But no one knows that the Zhao family was unable to take an inch forward forty years ago."

"The native masters of the Zhao family are all the top players in China..." Zhao Wuye sighed: "With special magic tools and talismans, they can reach 300 meters underground. Just forty years ago... the Zhao family's The tunnel dug by the suicide squad finally connected to a huge hole, which is about the size of several football fields. Fellow Taoist..."

He moved closer mysteriously: "Guess what's inside?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Would you please tell me, fellow Taoist?"

Mr. Zhao Wu took a deep breath: "Hive Geography."

"The top is full of passages that can accommodate several people walking side by side. They are densely packed like a honeycomb."

"A wall several thousand meters long... all filled with honeycombs! There are hundreds of passages! Bottomless!"

"That's not all that's important..." Mr. Zhao Wu stepped forward and whispered: "There is... something in those hives!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. Are there any living things three hundred meters underground?

He is terrible at biology, but no matter how bad he is, he still knows that there are almost no large life forms in such deep places!

"Yes..." Mr. Zhao Wu didn't know what he was thinking of, and his face was extremely solemn: "Many... very many... because the Zhao family's suicide squad recorded the sounds there. They were all buzzing, like countless worker bees!"

No one spoke again. The hive geography three hundred meters underground and the strange sounds. If it is a social creature...such as ants, then there must be a queen!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were deep. Could this queen ant... be the giant fish that he had once glimpsed? If this is really the case... the underground area of ​​Danxia Palace has probably become a unique ecosystem due to countless years of transformation by the giant monster! circle!

"The Zhao family can't chew here." After a long time, Mr. Zhao Wu said in a deep voice: "I have a hunch... If you walk out from here, you will probably approach the real gate of Danxia Palace. And..."

He paused deliberately: "When the Danxia Palace Hundreds of Streams were formed, the death squad went down again..."

He stretched out a finger and shook it: "None... came back."

Zhao Wuye sat on the sofa with a cold face: "However, according to the jade slips sent back, those strange sounds have all disappeared. The entire thousands-meter-long hive geography is like an abandoned honeycomb. There is deathly silence."

After a few seconds of silence, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Just because of this, you must have discovered a rare treasure or a secret realm?"

He looked directly into Master Zhao Wu's eyes: "I hope... our dialogue can be open enough. Instead of saying half and half."

"Of course the Zhao family has its own judgment..." After Mr. Zhao Wu finished saying this, he did not speak again. He tapped the handrail lightly with his slender fingers. After a long time, he said solemnly: "If fellow Taoist swears the oath of inner demons, , it’s not that I can’t tell fellow Taoist…”

"You seem to have made a mistake." Xu Yangyi sneered: "It was you who begged me. And the picture of Baixi Chengtu belongs to a certain family."

"In addition..." He approached Mr. Zhao Wu and looked into his eyes: "Huaxia is by no means a family like yours."

"Farewell." He raised his collar and pushed the door open without hesitation.

Cooperation, yes.

He won't consider pushing the envelope even further.

Zhao Wuye did not stop him, but just stared at the other party's back. He did not expect that his partner had such a strong character.

If they don't agree with each other, they immediately choose to leave. However, the other party has every reason to leave!

That piece of box... Although I don't know what it is used for, the picture of hundreds of rivers in Danxia Palace is the picture on the box! Years of experience as a native master made him immediately realize that this small box with an inconspicuous appearance might very well hide the great secret of Danxia Palace!

He couldn't take action...the other party was stronger than him.

The mood and heaven were fighting for a few seconds. Just when Xu Yangyi's hand was on the door handle, Zhao Wuye's cold voice sounded: "Wait a minute, fellow Taoist."

Where he couldn't see, Xu Yangyi showed a smile.

The thing is in his own hands, who gives him room to negotiate terms?

Mr. Zhao Wu will definitely agree! He knew it from the moment he set foot here.

Zhao Wuye had a livid face and waved his hand. A screen of light suddenly appeared in mid-air. He looked into Xu Yangyi's eyes and said coldly: "This is the top secret of the Zhao family. If Taoist fellow Taoist leaks it..."

In the monitor room, the prince took a breath and followed the two elderly people. Saw this scene too.

"This is?!" An old man gasped. He didn't look like an old man at all. He rushed over and stood in front of the monitor. He said in a trembling voice: "This is magical power... This must be a legend. The magical power!”

The prince also saw everything, and at this moment, his eyes suddenly shone!

Xu Yangyi looked at the light curtain quietly. On it, the red color mixed with black and white stripes explained its location.

Danxia landforms... are all like this a few kilometers away from Danxia Palace!

From the outside, it looks as beautiful as an exquisite oil painting. Who could imagine that there is a murderous intention hidden inside?

A monk was staring at a place where a stream flowed out. However, in less than ten minutes, a golden light suddenly flowed out of the stream!

On the screen, the monk was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly jumped into the stream and fished it out like crazy.

A few minutes later, the screen zoomed in. Xu Yangyi only glanced at it, and his hands suddenly tightened on the armrest!

It was a small golden dragon, but it was made entirely of bamboo. There are countless mysterious talismans engraved on it, and the two ruby-like eyes shine with an intoxicating red light.

The whole little dragon was no longer than an arm, but it was like a living thing, struggling hard in the monk's hands! But it was impossible to catch that Qi-training monk!

"Magical weapon!" Xu Yangyi's heart finally started beating.

He knows much more than Mr. Zhao Wu thought!

He knew... below the Danxia Palace, there was probably a boundless lotus sea.

He also knew that there was a prehistoric giant monster hidden in the lotus sea!

He even knew...Zhenren Gu Song had secretly mobilized all the A-level legions of the Habayashi Guards! Moreover, the six disciples of Master Gusong have died in Danxia Palace today!

Now, the stream gushing out of Danxia Palace... has begun to rush out of the magic weapon!

"It's not a magic weapon..." Zhao Wuye gritted his teeth: "It's a magic weapon!"

Before he finished speaking, the little dragon suddenly flicked its tail, and half of the monk's head in the picture was instantly slapped flat. Then, as if the little dragon was spiritual, it roared and flew away into the sky!

"This is a magic weapon..." Although he has seen this scene countless times, Mr. Zhao Wu's heart can't stop beating wildly: "Dragon-shaped magic weapon... There must be a change in Danxia Palace... ...The clan elder speculated that there was probably a huge treasure house hidden inside. With the changes in the terrain, the treasure house was finally squeezed out by the power of nature, and the map of hundreds of streams... was probably a signal for the treasure to be opened... And this Dragon-shaped magic weapon..."

He took a deep breath: "According to the information from the the second magic weapon this month."

"This month, twenty-one magic weapons were released...two magic weapons!"

Xu Yangyi finally became completely cautious.

Master Honamatsu transferred Habayashi Wei... probably because of this incident...

No matter how you look at it...the two people's eyes quickly converged, and the look of determination in their eyes was self-evident.

With two words, both of them read the message in each other's eyes.

Secret realm!

All of this... is completely consistent with the opening of any secret realm!

The secret realm of the Eight Jedi!

The eldest son of Taozi, the mountain guarding formation in front of Qingcheng Mountain, the secret realm where all Shaolin masters have fallen!

"Ask the heroes of the world with a smile..." Zhao Wuye suppressed the excitement in his heart and licked his lips that were chapped due to excessive excitement: "Who dares to go!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were equally firm, he pointed at Mr. Zhao Wu and said with a smile: "Cao."

Then he pointed to himself: "Liu."

"Hahaha!" Zhao Wuye looked up to the sky and laughed. After a few seconds, he finished laughing and looked into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "In three months, Nanzhou, the capital of Longsu Province. See you, but not see you."

Xu Yangyi raised his thick eyebrows: "Yes."

The Zhao family came clean.

Their trump card comes from the mysterious little monkey. As well as the current situation of Danxia Palace, the final and decisive thing is a very precious thing...the road map!

Xu Yangyi knew very well what was in the lotus sea. In particular, there were some strange characters and symbols engraved on the ancient sheepskin scroll. Although he doesn't know the meaning yet, he will naturally have a chance to know once he can enter.

What matters is how to enter!

This was the reason why he had to contact Mr. Zhao Wu.

The foundation of the Zhao family satisfied him very much.

"Now that it's all said and done, let's just say goodbye." Xu Yangyi was about to walk out. Suddenly, Master Zhao Wu coughed lightly: "Fellow Taoist, please stay..."

In front of the monitor, everyone was watching intently. He seemed calm, but his rising and falling chest betrayed everyone.

"Chaofeng..." An old man spoke hoarsely, his face reddening abnormally: "According to our ancestors... I thought it was an exaggeration... I didn't expect... I didn't expect it to be true!"

"What are you waiting for... We will go to receive the immortal master right away!"

"This is an immortal fate..." Another old man said tremblingly: "In the world... there is such a magic... Look, the light curtain that appeared just now... If you don't go up now, what are you waiting for? hour!"

"Two uncles, don't worry." The young prince was the calmest one, but even he, his heart was beating fast.

He never thought that... the things recorded in the pages of his ancestor Miaomiao's notes, things that made him sneer, could actually be seen with his own eyes!

After more than ten years in the club... I finally got to meet the immortal master! This kind of opportunity made him unable to help but feel short of breath!

"Until we are sure that the two immortal masters have completely finished talking, we try not to disturb the two immortal masters." The prince said solemnly: "I have asked a few of my right-hand assistants to wait at the door...waiting for the two immortal masters to talk. Finished, we’ll go right away!”

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