
Main text Chapter 173: Eight Gates (I)

"Zhao has another small matter to ask. ±," in the room, Master Zhao Wu tried his best to avoid embarrassment: "Fellow Daoist, are you a cultivator from Mingshui Province?"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him and said calmly: "Yes."

"So... you have good connections in Mingshui Province?"

"Not bad."

Master Zhao Wu took a deep breath and tried to put on a smile: "I wonder... do you know Captain Xu of the Xingtian Legion?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

This feeling... is a bit strange.

"Do you have something to ask him?" He asked calmly.

Master Zhao Wu gritted his teeth: "To be honest, a descendant of the Zhao family is born with the ability to see through the netherworld. The Zhao family will also take him with them to the Jedi this time. He has extraordinary talent, and it is really a waste of talent to keep him in the Zhao family. I want to... show Captain Xu..."

Xu Yangyi's mouth curled slightly: "Why don't you go find him in person?"

Master Zhao Wu blushed: "Captain Xu is busy, and I am... not familiar with him..."

He was too embarrassed to say that he went there himself today, but he didn't dare to go up.

Xu Yangyi looked at him meaningfully, and smiled after a long time: "In fact, you and him are still somewhat destined."

Without waiting for Master Zhao Wu to react, he smiled and approached him: "Fellow Daoist Zhao, how about I perform a magic trick for you?"

Once I cooperate with the Zhao family, I am Xu Yangyi, and this identity will definitely be exposed. It would be better to let them know in advance, so as to sound a warning to them. Don't let them think that I am a lone ranger and have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

The cultivation world... never asks about life and death in the secret realm.

"Ah?" Master Zhao Wu was a little puzzled. Where is the logic of Xu Yangyi's two sentences?

However, he felt puzzled for less than three seconds. In the fourth second, he was shocked to see...the man in front of him began to get younger, his height began to grow taller, and his face and body shape began to change!

A second later, he stood there in a daze, feeling his legs a little weak!

"Fellow Daoist Zhao." Xu Yangyi, who had regained his original appearance, smiled slightly and cupped his hands: "I said that we have a deep bond."

"Plop!" Master Zhao Wu sat down on the sofa, his eyes wide open like copper bells, his mouth could fit an egg, and he couldn't believe what he saw!

He wanted to walk up and pinch Xu Yangyi's face hard to see if it was still Qian Huan!

I...was the monster I fought against today?

I...wanted to take him down? Kill him and steal his treasure?

This time, the Zhao family cooperated with the Xingtian Corps?

I...begged someone in front of someone else?

In his heart, his mood was instantly complicated and excited, because the Zhao family's partner was so powerful this time! Breaking through the boundless honeycomb wall and moving further towards the real gate of the Jedi was just around the corner!

Once...the Zhao family secretly dug a hole under the Jedi, even if a little bit leaked from the Danxia would be enough to make the Zhao family a first-class family!

Embarrassment, because the person who made the request was right in front of him, and he clearly went there today, but he didn't dare to go on stage at all.

Be alert, from the lineup of the Xingtian Army... I have personally seen the recruitment ceremony of the Xingtian Army. Not to mention other perverts, just the brothers Xu Yangyi and the two Jindan disciples are definitely not something the Zhao family can afford to provoke!

This time, the dominant position after going downstairs was silently decided from the moment Xu Yangyi revealed his true face.

"What?" Xu Yangyi simply sat down and watched Zhao Wuye's face change with interest: "Didn't Daoyou Zhao want to find me?"

The expression on Zhao Wuye's face changed from shock to hesitation to a sincere smile, colorful, in less than a second. The next second, he immediately laughed and bowed: "It turned out to be Daoyou Xu in person, I have heard of you for a long time! I really have heard of you for a long time!"

The laughter was a little stiff, Xu Yangyi smiled secretly, if it was Jindan Zhenren, he would probably laugh like spring sun melting snow at this moment, and his acting skills would be fierce.

It turns out that living a long time is an advantage... Thick skin cannot be learned without experiencing the world...

At this moment, the three people in front of the monitor are more sluggish than Zhao Wuye!

They are just mortals, how could they have ever seen such a real transformation!

"This... is the Immortal Master?" The prince looked at the screen with a fiery look. Even though he was a man of great influence in the underground world of the three northeastern provinces, he still felt a burning sensation in his heart and a cold sweat for this sci-fi, supernatural power!

"The Immortal Master... is the Immortal Master! This is the real Immortal Master!" An old man was so excited that his beard trembled: "Mr. Lin, this is definitely not the so-called Immortal Master who swindled before! But a real immortal!"

The prince was silent. Those who swindled had long been sent to the wilderness by him.

In the room, Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded: "Zhao Ziqi..."

Master Zhao Wu's eyes were even more fiery, and he looked at him eagerly!

The opportunity of the Xingtian Legion is just around the corner!

He deliberately kept Master Zhao Wu's appetite for a few seconds until the other party's dry smile could hardly hold on. Xu Yangyi smiled maliciously: "If Danxia Palace performs well this time, let him come."

"Thank you, fellow Daoist!" Master Zhao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and for the first time, he bowed sincerely to the end.

"Then, see you in three months." Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "I hope the Zhao family won't let me down."

"I will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and pushed the door open, but his smile turned cold.

At the door, five or six tall men in black suits stood, with stern faces. When they saw them coming out, they bowed deeply: "Two immortal masters, the prince asked us to wait here."

"Are you spying on us?" Mr. Zhao Wu quickly calmed down from his ecstasy, his eyes flashed, and murderous intent suddenly appeared.

"This is also the order of the Crown Prince." A tall man bowed his head and said: "Please also ask the two immortal masters to sit down. The Crown Prince and the two uncles will be here soon."

Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye are not from the mortal world, so of course they don't understand the ways of the world. Again, they care even less.

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi also smiled, with a very dangerous smile: "What if I say no?"

The tall men did not speak, but moved quickly and blocked the way to the door.

At the same time, the door of a room next to him opened, and a fat middle-aged man walked out with satisfaction. He took a look, then quickly retracted rationally and closed the door.

"Director Hu." As soon as he closed the door, sweating profusely, a delicate voice came over, and two tender pink hands went around his neck: "What's wrong? You can't bear to leave me?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Director Hu gasped: "Someone who has no good sense has provoked the Qinglong Club. There is chaos outside!"

"Oh?" The woman was stunned and said excitedly: "Who is it? You dare to mess with the Qinglonghui in the three eastern provinces? Are they from outside? Let me see!"

"You don't want your life!" Director Hu was so frightened that he grabbed her and said fiercely: "You don't want your life! I want it too!"

He is walking around the house, this is the Qinglong Society... The underground leader of the three eastern provinces, he has to sell their face... If there is really a big trouble outside, the Public Security Bureau intervenes, but finds himself here... This, this what to do!

His heartbeat was beating like a drum, his throat was dry, and he lay on the door, looking out through the peephole.

Outside, Xu Yangyi had already sneered. Mr. Zhao Wu, on the other hand, looked at everyone sideways, his fingers already slightly bent.

"You do it or I do it." Mr. Zhao Wu looked at the five men in front of him who had obviously undergone strict training as if they were dead. There was no trace of caution in his eyes and his voice was extremely cold.

"If it's not necessary, Xu doesn't like to see blood." Xu Yangyi only glanced at him, then withdrew his gaze, and said calmly: "Don't be too harsh, it will be bad if you damage your moral character."

"Haha... We, the monks, still care about Yin De?" Mr. Zhao Wu's eyes were sharp. The five men in front of him all made a "shushing" sound and put into defensive postures, and spontaneously put their hands into their suits. His head was covered in cold sweat. But they all looked at each other in horror.


These two people... are so damn evil!

Looking at their eyes, that kind of understatement, it's hard to describe the feeling... How to put it, it's like the gods in the sky looking at the mortals in the world.

This kind of temperament should not appear in the two people in front of me!


The leader, a bald man, was sweating rapidly on his forehead.

He, Qian Qi, had followed the prince to conquer the country for more than ten years, cutting him out of the alley with one knife after another. Who outside should not call me "Qi Ye" when they see me? How many old rivers and lakes has he personally chopped off? Have you ever been afraid?

But now... he felt that a feeling called fear, which he had not felt for a long time, quietly spread throughout his heart.

Intuition is screaming: No, don’t do anything, leave quickly! Otherwise you will die!

However, my feet...are inexplicably...trembling a little?

Is Mr. Qian Qi trembling?

"I'm giving you a ride. It's okay to be a fool. Remember to give birth to a good child in the next life." Mr. Zhao Wu slowly raised his hand and said with a dry smile: "Don't use the gun, just die quietly... That thing is good for you." The two of them are can get a small warhead now."

"Two Immortal Masters, show mercy!" A young man's voice came over between the lightning and flint, and with rapid footsteps, a young man with an impressive appearance and two old men were running towards here quickly. Come.

"Prince?" A man looked at the man running over in shock. What's going on? The prince's order is that the two "immortal masters" must be retained, and they must not be rude.

But they knew nothing, only that these two people were important. The prince must stay. As long as he stays and does not go out of his way, the prince will definitely not say anything.

They didn't know that in a few seconds, they had already walked on the line between life and death.

"Prince?!" In the room, Director Hu was startled and almost shouted.

The eyes of the woman behind him lit up, and she immediately came over and said softly: "Brother Hu, is the Crown Prince here? Can you please take a look?"

Director Hu didn't seem to hear anything, but he was sweating even more!

What are the backgrounds of these two people!

He actually allowed the prince to take action himself!

"Master Immortal, this servant doesn't understand the rules." The prince's eyes sparkled, he stepped forward and bowed deeply, almost ninety degrees: "President of the Qinglong Association, Lin Chaofeng, would like to say hello to the two immortal masters!"

He bowed and cupped his hands, but his gestures were very strange. After cupping his fists, he stretched out his left thumb and index finger to form a figure eight. In particular, a red blood drop tattoo is clearly visible on the tiger's mouth.


Good news, good news...Update next Wednesday...

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