
Main text Chapter 174: Eight Gates (Part 2)

The scene was completely silent. ,

Behind the door, there was dead silence.

Everyone was stunned.

"Is this the Crown Prince?! Lin Chaofeng?!" Director Hu gasped: "He actually bowed to people?! Or a ninety-degree bow? And he took the initiative to apologize? Apologize? Is this the Crown Prince I know?! That one The underground emperor of the three eastern provinces?"

He was stunned, and the bodyguards around him were also stunned.

What's the matter!

Qian Qi looked at Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye in shock, his expressions completely changed.

Since his debut, no matter before or now, Prince Lin Chaofeng has never given such a gift to anyone!

This is the first time! are the two Lin family uncles behind him! Same pose!

"Who are they?" Qian Qi stared blankly at the two people standing with their hands behind their backs: "These two uncles are among the top ten martial arts masters in the three eastern provinces! Tongbei Quan, the northern helm of Xingyi Quan! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly Also bow to these two people?"

Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye had no feeling at all about their surprise.

Mr. Zhao Wu snorted coldly, "Qinglong Club?" Who do you think you are?

Maybe... they have a lot of status in the three eastern provinces... So what?

Just kill him. The government will not care about this kind of underworld force, and it will not cause any trouble in the spiritual world.

Seeing the murderous intent in his eyes and the movements of his fingers, Xu Yangyi shook his head and released his spiritual pressure slightly: "Enough is enough."

Zhao Wuye took a deep breath and nodded: "Since Fellow Daoist Xu has spoken, there is nothing wrong with it."

The prince lowered his proud head and his eyes flashed.

As the underworld prince of the three eastern provinces, he is extremely talented. In this sentence, I can hear the master and the slave.

To his surprise...this handsome young man was actually the master!

"Go ahead, don't be an eyesore." Zhao Wuye waved his hand, but his eyes suddenly fell on the gestures and tiger's mouth tattoos of the three people in front of him. His expression changed, and he nodded calmly towards Xu Yangyi: "Slowly... get up first."

Prince Lin Chaofeng and the two old men stood upright.

"Outer Eight Sects." Zhao Wuye spoke to Xu Yangyi in an inaudible voice: "A group of cow ghosts and snake gods... have been passed down for thousands of years, but I didn't expect that there are still descendants alive."

"If Master Immortal doesn't mind, could you please tell me upstairs?" an old man asked in an almost pious voice.

Mr. Zhao Wu said nothing, but involuntarily glanced at Xu Yangyi.

"No need." Xu Yangyi smiled faintly and looked at the blood marks on their hands thoughtfully: "Outer Eight Sects? Xu seems to have heard of it."

"I dare not." The prince handed over his hand again: "My ancestors recorded that I had a fairy fate with an immortal master. I always thought it was a fallacy, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes. What an honor!"

"If you have something to do, just stay here." Xu Yangyi walked into the room: "If you have anything to say, just say it. But I can remind everyone."

He smiled calmly, and everyone in the room felt as if needles pricked their skin: "Mortals and I don't have much interaction. Our time is precious. For the sake of your ancestors, I give you this opportunity."


There was no trace of dissatisfaction on everyone's face. Instead, it brings joy!

This is the other party’s personal admission of his identity!

After entering the room, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye sat on their seats as a matter of course, but Lin Chaofeng and the two old men did not.

"Sit down." Xu Yangyi glanced at the sofa, but no one was sitting on it.

Lin Chaofeng was still calm and composed, but the other two old men were already as cramped as clay and wood sculptures. He imitated what he had just seen, cupped his hands and said: "The Outer Eight Gates, the Suoming Gate of the three eastern provinces, the current generation leader Lin Chaofeng, pays homage to the two immortals."

If someone were here, hearing Lin Chaofeng's words and seeing his attitude, they would definitely be scared to death!

Zhao Wuye gave a meaningless hum, and when he saw Xu Yangyi's questioning look, he smiled and said: "This world is divided into exterior and interior, also known as light and dark. Beyond the three hundred and sixty lines, there are three religions and nine streams. These They are all known as light and dark..."

He glanced at Lin Chaofeng and others who were respectful, and then said: "There are also eight outer sects."

"They are the secret rulers of the mortal world."

"The Thousand Gates, the Gu Gate, the Stealing Gate, the Organ Gate, the Red Handkerchief, the Divine Tune Gate, the Life-seeking Gate, and the Orchid Gate. They are collectively called the Eight Outer Gates. In ancient times, they were all engaged in some shady businesses. Although gambling is open and honest, Qian Shu can't see the light of day. There is no need to mention the secrets of the Gu gate. The orchid gate is called the prostitute in ancient times. The red handkerchief is the only one who can do it. It’s probably just a matter of life.”

"It's a pity that these eight outer sects have really produced foundation-building monks before. However, there are too many good and bad in the sects. For example, the Suo Ming Sect could have been classified as a killing path. Their master wanted to leave, Zhuanzhu. Hehe He is a famous assassin, but in the long-term historical evolution, Suomingmen began to practice the eight-character mantra of "taking people's money and eliminating disasters with them". Even now, I heard that there are many people who join international mercenary organizations. , which is not tolerated by monks."

He said lightly, but the three mortals present didn't feel anything was wrong. From the moment they learned each other's identity, they already understood their own status.

Xu Yangyi nodded. No wonder the other party would recognize their identities. With or without inheritance, even if you are reduced to a mortal, you still retain some vision.

"What's the matter?" He didn't have much interest in learning about the family background of many parties. Since they were mortals, there wouldn't be many intersections.

As for wanting to use this to enter the practice, that was pure overthinking.

He was not a good man, and he hadn't even avenged himself. How could he have time to teach his disciples?

Lin Chaofeng keenly heard the impatience in the other party's words, and he made up his mind and clasped his fists and said: "The ancestor... once left something. Let me give it to the first immortal master I saw, and said... this immortal master will agree to one of my requests."

"Tsk..." Master Zhao Wu sneered undisguisedly. How could the things of mortals be favored by the cultivators?

Lin Chaofeng was also uneasy.

If his father hadn't repeatedly told him to do this before he died, and told him that this was a great opportunity for the Lin family to rise! He wouldn't have been so humble!

But... that thing... is really too cheap!

So cheap that it looks like a street stall product!

He didn't know what a cultivator was, but there were many on TV and in movies, flying over eaves and walls? No, others move mountains and fill the sea!

Can such a person be interested in what he has in his hand?

But now the arrow is on the string and has to be shot!

"Please... take a look, two immortal masters!" He gritted his teeth and reached into his white shirt. With a rustling sound, a silver chain with body temperature appeared in his hand.

The pendant is a small piece of metal.

Xu Yangyi made a light move and the necklace flew over. This small action made the three mortals feel extremely hot in their hearts!

This is the immortal master!

They hoped that the things left by their ancestors could attract these two immortal masters!

After the necklace was in hand, Xu Yangyi flicked it lightly, and the pendant opened gently with a "click". Inside, there was a piece of white stuff.

He stretched out his hand and pinched it gently, and he had already made up his mind.

This is a piece of white fur about the size of a palm. But it was just folded up. There was no spiritual energy, it should be cut off...


His eyes suddenly flashed, and he widened his eyes in disbelief!

Master Zhao Wu, who was standing next to him, also looked at the pendant in astonishment when he saw his expression. He didn't believe that mortals could really attract monks!

And Lin Chaofeng's breathing became rapid! The two old men were even only breathing out but not breathing in!

Xu Yangyi stretched out the fur at the fastest speed and stared at the spread fur in a daze. He couldn't believe his eyes.

I searched for her in my dreams for thousands of times, but when I looked back, she was at the end of the lights!

This kind of split arc...

This texture...

This is exactly the last piece of the fur that Mingshen Eighteen asked Bi Bo to identify in his hand! ! !

It also made him sure that the mysterious fur scroll under the Danxia Palace was Lianhai!

He wiped it lightly, and another fur flew out of the storage ring, and the two... fit together perfectly!

"It turned out to be... it!" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed! Now, the last piece of the puzzle of the trip to Danxia Palace is also complete!

This one is the missing one - the entrance!

The real entrance to Danxia Palace!

And there is only one sentence on this one, but it completely wakes him up from a dream!

"Jing fell into the death gate, and came back to life!"

He turned his head suddenly and looked at Master Zhao Wu: "Why did Jingmen Palace fall into the death gate?"

"It is certain to die." Master Zhao Wu answered carefully: "Why do you ask this question, fellow Taoist? This is the professional field of the Zhao family, right?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "Give me a projection of the honeycomb wall. As soon as possible."


If... his guess is correct, that honeycomb wall... should be that kind of scene...

All the clues finally converged into a puzzle here.

If he hadn't been to Lianhai, he would never have dreamed that the ancient fur scroll of Mingshen Eighteen was painted under Danxia Palace!

If he hadn't killed Mingshen Eighteen, if he hadn't seen the sheepskin scroll, how could he find that this was the scene of the gate of Danxia Palace!

I'm afraid... Master Zhao Wu didn't know... Behind the beehive... was not the real gate of Danxia Palace... but... their death squad had already dug to the front of the main gate of Danxia Palace!

That seemingly riddled beehive wall was the real gate of Danxia Palace!

Fortunately, they didn't go in... After they went in, they stepped into the real territory of Danxia Palace, and life and death were separated!

However, there are hundreds of roads to this gate! There is only one way to survive!

Jingluo Death Gate! The road to death! After all the bad times come the good times, and it is the way to survive! It is the real way to enter the main gate of the mighty Danxia Palace, one of the eight forbidden areas!

"I'm coming... I'm coming!" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, his eyes were already full of heat.

An unexpected gain... He only planned to explore the periphery of Danxia Palace, but with the Zhao family and this map, he can go directly to the front of the main gate of Danxia Palace!

Quickly calming down, he looked at Lin Chaofeng, and after a long time, he finally nodded: "Very good."

"I can agree to one of your requests. But, I have a question."

"For this request, Xu is not in a position to slaughter mortals. So, you can think it over before you speak. You only have this one chance."

"Thank you, Master!" Lin Chaofeng suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and immediately bowed.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi said seriously: "Tell me... who is your ancestor!"

Who can predict the fur roll in his hand!

Who else... knew that this fur roll could be combined into a real map of Danxia Palace! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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