
Text Chapter 175: The First Meeting of the Xingtian Legion

Lin Chaofeng was stunned for a moment, trying to think back. When the Outer Eight Sects reach his generation, how should I put it... there are still some inheritances, and it's not like there are no outstanding people. He is only the acting head of the three eastern provinces, as well as the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and other places. He had also heard that several elites from the Outer Eight Sects had joined international mercenary organizations. However, with the development of science to this day, there are probably only a handful of people who still believe in the immortal master’s statement.

Even he would never have believed it if his father hadn't killed him and if he hadn't seen it today.

As for who the master is... he can't even remember clearly.

However, one of the old men immediately knelt down, kowtowed slightly, and said with suppressed emotion: "I once heard someone say... The person who left this thing was an old Taoist. But..."

He hesitated to speak, but Master Zhao Wu suppressed the curiosity in his heart and said with a smile: "Just say that Fellow Daoist Xu has a noble status. If you can let him fall in love with you, you won't be able to reach the sky in one step, but the benefits you will get will definitely not be the same as yours." Mortals can imagine.”

"Yes..." the old man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "This old Taoist, when my great-grandfather passed away, he told me when I was young... that he... saw a black and white photo in his great-grandmother's photo album. The photo shows this old man! It’s exactly the same as what he saw back then!”

"My great-grandfather lived to be ninety-two years old, and my great-grandfather's great-grandmother... lived to be one hundred and three years old... so..."


Xu Yangyi and Zhao Wuye looked at each other and saw caution in each other's eyes.

He has lived a total of at least one hundred and ninety-five years... He must be a foundation-building monk!

The Outer Eight Sects... have been passed down to this day, and there are still foundation-building monks?

"Interesting..." Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought. The Living Imperial Artifact was like a huge mystery, surrounded by more complex mysteries.

"Is this unintentional, or is it intentional? More than a hundred years ago...I was not born. How could he know that I needed this final piece of the puzzle? How could he know that the first monk Lin Chaofeng met it's me?"

I continued to ask a few questions, but the three of them knew nothing. What they didn't even know was that Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness had been surrounding them. As long as his heartbeat accelerated or his body temperature increased... he could be sure that the other party was hiding something.

His long fingers tapped the armrest lightly. Xu Yangyi glanced at the three of them and sighed, it was another headless mystery. That's all... Isn't there enough mystery in me?

"If you have any requirements, tell me."

This sentence is like the sound of nature. Lin Chaofeng and the two old men looked at each other, with a flash of determination in their eyes. Lin Chaofeng gritted his teeth and said: "I hope the immortal master will accept me as his disciple!"

What you see on the monitor is what you see on site. He already knew very well that the separation between the immortal and the mortal was by no means a mere coincidence!

Making fire with a snap of his fingers, moving objects with his hands, all these tricks that seemed trivial to the monks, made him, the crown prince of the Three Eastern Provinces, excited.

However, it was impossible for Xu Yangyi to accept a disciple.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and popped out a jade slip: "I will come see it again within thirty years."

Baijie’s most basic exercises.

In the world of cultivation, the unique skills of monks are not allowed to be spread to outsiders, otherwise they will face endless pursuit by that family, but the hundred solutions to the way of heaven are not included in this.

It's not that Qi-training monks can't accept disciples, but Xu Yangyi's requirement for him is to at least establish the foundation before discussing the matter of accepting disciples.

A good man has three gangs. Today’s spiritual civilization has understood this principle very thoroughly. Even the ancestor of Jindan needs his own power, and the disciple who comes to his door is not bad in power, so he doesn't mind eating it.

He glanced meaningfully at Lin Chaofeng, who had shining eyes. Thirty years later, he should be about to lay the foundation, or have already laid the foundation. At that time, if Lin Chaofeng had not reached the level he wanted, then it would be fine not to accept such a disciple. If you can't keep up with your own pace, it will only be a drag.

He waved his hand again, and a talisman flew into Lin Chaofeng's arms: "This is Xu's contact talisman. This is the only one. You... must use it carefully."

"Yes! Thank you, the Immortal! Thank you, the Immortal Master!!" The three people's hearts were already boiling, and the two old men bowed their heads. Even Lin Chaofeng couldn't help but bow deeply.

This is a fairy fate!

A fairy tale that only exists in novels!

Once you can fully understand what the Immortal Master gives you, in a few decades... you might as well be in the Immortal Class like the Immortal Master!

"In addition, you should keep this thing close to your body." Xu Yangyi didn't like to owe favors, so he popped out a bag again: "There are three talismans in it, one can cure terminal illness, one can protect you from death, and one can kill the enemy invisible."

He glanced at the other person: "I don't want to see your tomb when I come."

"Thank you, Master Immortal, for your generous gift! Thank you, Master Immortal!" The two old men's faces turned red and they said hoarsely, "If I can be of use to the Lin family, I will go through fire and water, no matter what!"

Although these three talismans were not named, their functions... were comparable to miracles!

With these three, at least three more lives will be gained! For mortals like them, this is simply a blessing from God!

"Two Immortal Masters." Lin Chaofeng's mind was spinning much faster than the two old men: "I don't know if the Immortal Master has anything else to say, please feel free to tell me. I don't dare to boast about other places, but in the three eastern provinces, our Qinglong Association can't say that. There’s not much room for talking!”

"No need." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Take good care of what I leave you, otherwise, we will end up here."

"I obey the Immortal Master's instructions!" Lin Chaofeng replied, but his heart felt like electricity.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person... yourself... what kind of greeting gift can you give?


Inappropriate, a monk may not use mortal money. Otherwise, as long as the two immortal masters wink, they can come up with one or two million in cash on the spot! In order to rank in the Immortal Class, I will give up everything!


The other party had made it very obvious just now that there was nothing attractive about a "mortal" like him.

Then... there was a sudden flash in his heart, and he held his hands with a smile: "Two immortal masters, our Dihao Club is the most luxurious club in Panshan City. The two immortal masters have not been in the world for a long time, why don't they take a good rest?"

"Our masseurs say two in the Shahu Kingdom in the north and the He Kingdom in the east. I'm afraid no one in the three eastern provinces says one. You may not know that when Governor Chu was here in the past, his young master would often come here."

Chu Zhaonan also comes often?

The corner of Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched, this boy... still has this side... he is worthy of being the crown prince of Mingshui Province.

"I have something else to do, so I won't stay." Xu Yangyi was not in the mood at the moment, so he stood up and left. Instead, Mr. Zhao Wu smiled slightly: "Then... a certain family would like to see how this club, which is known as the number one in the three eastern provinces, is different from the monks' club."

"I must satisfy the Immortal Master!" Lin Chaofeng tried: "It's getting late, why don't the Immortal Master ask the Qinglong Society to drive the Immortal Master back?"

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party with a half-smile, and after a long time he said calmly: "You are clever, don't use it on Xu."

Lin Chaofeng clasped his fists in a cold sweat.

He originally wanted to try and see if he could follow the clues and find out where the immortal master lived. However, it seems to be self-defeating.

Leaving the splendid Dihao Club. Xu Yangyi glanced back involuntarily.

BMW's carved cars fill the road with fragrance. The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and fish and dragons danced all night.

This is the glitz that belongs to mortals. It is a world belonging to mortals...

If my parents are still alive, I guess... I will be like this one day...

We will never know the truth behind this world.

Now, I have stepped in and become one of the millions of monks among more than a billion people. This price is too heavy.

Countless emotions suddenly came to mind. He looked at it for dozens of seconds, sighed softly, and got into his car.

Returning to Yulin Guard, the next day, he immediately summoned all the members to prepare for the first formal meeting of the Xingtian Legion.

Their purpose must be informed to them. You want them to know that they call these geniuses not just to do ordinary tasks. The Xingtian Army is destined to become a blockbuster if it doesn't make a sound!

Within twenty minutes, everyone arrived. On both sides of a conference table that was several meters wide, there were ten members of the Xingtian Legion's current combat team, including Mao Baer, ​​Mudan, Zhou Tingting, Cheng Jianfeng, and Li Zongyuan's five support staff.

The conference room has been completely rearranged. Below, there is a soft scarlet carpet and a long solid wood table exuding a light fragrance. Above the head, three half-meter-sized palace lanterns emit soft light. Everything in the room is full of a strong ancient Chinese style. The four one-meter-tall fine porcelain vases around it, with lotus leaves and lotus models painted with gold powder inside, make this conference room retro and luxurious. .

Fifteen people were already sitting on a dozen ancient soft chairs, with Xu Yangyi sitting at the head. Behind him is a huge banner with the emblem of the Xingtian Legion, one meter wide and two meters high.

Below, the ten monks did not speak, but looked at Xu Yangyi with burning eyes.

Xu Yangyi picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The bitter taste rolled on the tip of his tongue, and he said calmly: "I invite you all to come over today. There is only one thing."

His gaze was like substance, sweeping over everyone: "Three months later, the Xingtian Legion's first mission is about to begin."

"In these three months, I hope everyone will be fully prepared. Because..." He took a deep breath: "This mission is very dangerous."

Below, there was silence. Zhan Twelve didn't know when, from the black cloth strips tied around his hands, a crystal clear knife was stretched out, and he seemed to be stroking it impatiently. And a strange "rustling" sound sounded all over Qin Xueluan's body.

Next to her, Yao Xintan quietly moved ten centimeters away.

"I'm sorry." Qin Xueluan glared at the other party, smiled slightly at Xu Yangyi and said: "My children... when they heard the word danger, they couldn't hold it back..."

Jun Man chuckled: "If it wasn't dangerous, I don't believe you, Captain, would spend a lot of money to support us. This family is not joking. Which one of the Xingtian Legion is not among the top 100 Qi Practitioners? Whoever pulls him out will do it." I can make a name for myself, but I am the only one who is not on the list.”

Xu Yangyi smiled: "What if it's so dangerous that only half of the people can come back, or none of them can come back?"

"I believe that I am not the one who cannot come back." Although Yang Xueqing is a woman, she has practiced thunder magic for a long time and has a more explosive temper than men: "Besides, even if the little girl is unfortunate, the family will not blame the leader. What are you still worried about?"

She has a head full of black hair, and her hair is braided and draped over her shoulders. What he said had nothing to do with being a lady.

"Are you worried that no one will collect the body while I wait?" Mo Yeyu had a baby face and looked to be at most seventeen or eighteen years old. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, since the Mo family dares to send me to the Xingtian Army, I will die here. The Mo family also No unnecessary words."


Updated this Wednesday, I hope friends who like it will support me a lot

If more updates don't help subscriptions, then two updates is better in the future anyway, two updates are continuous

This is also what a fantasy friend said, if fantasy has more words, I also plan to try three updates, although it's tiring, but I can still stick to it for a week

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