
Main text Chapter 176: Sword pointing at Danxia Palace

No one retreated at the scene!

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly and looked at the others: "You guys?"

"Of course, everything is up to the leader." Quan Ningyue had two pigtails on her head: "For a cultivator, practicing is to fight for life with the sky, what is there to be afraid of."

Zhan Twelve answered more concisely: "I am used to danger."

Xu Yangyi's eyes finally fell on Fang Cheng who was yawning.

"Why are you looking at me?" Fang Cheng rubbed his eyes: "I will go wherever you go. The master has thrown me to you, can you still get rid of me?"

"Very good." Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and snapped his fingers, and a one-meter square light curtain appeared above his head. He glanced at the flashing red dots on the light curtain with a burning gaze: "This time, our goal is here."

In the light curtain, there was a red ground, on which countless white, blue, and black textures intersected strangely, forming a gorgeous picture of nature's magic.

However, when this picture appeared, no one could still laugh!

Even Cheng Fang's hazy eyes suddenly shone, and he looked at the surface of the land solemnly.

No one doesn't know it...

In the Chinese cultivation world, it is too famous... One of the eight forbidden places, Longsu Pillared Danxia Palace, this Danxia is not a name... but a kind of geography formed by nature over tens of thousands or millions of years!

It is colorful and strange, but in Hongliugou, Longsu Province, it has only one nickname.



In 1978, Changshengzi and the front mountain protection formation of Qingcheng Mountain, one of the three major ancestral temples of Taoism, were lost in it. In 1983, Baoguo Fangzhang died here... Countless cultivators used their lives to fill in this bloody lesson - this is the residence of the god of death. The entrance to the underworld!

"Could it be..." Yao Xintan looked shocked, and at the same time, there was a deep excitement hidden, and glanced at Xu Yangyi: "This time... we are going to..."

"Is it near Danxia Palace?" Qin Xueluan felt her heart beating wildly. However, at this moment, as if she felt something, all the "children" in her body quieted down.

"Swish!" The picture changed again, a yellowish-brown mountain, below, there were countless hills, and in the middle of the mountain, there were columns like columns! Whether you look at it from a distance or close up, it seems like a magnificent palace embedded in the entire mountain! Only a circle of columns outside is left!

There is no grass around it, and no animals.

It seems that you can hear the wind blowing in from the gaps in the columns, making a humming sound, like the crying of evil spirits in hell. It seems that you can also see the bottomless cracks hidden between the columns, like the huge mouth of the Nine Netherworld!

Gao Wuguo, Yang Xueqing, Mo Yeyu, Jun Man, Quan Ningyue, Qin Xueluan, Yao Xintan, Zhan Twelve, Fang Cheng. Ten people stared at the strange and magnificent landform that took millions of years to form. Everyone knew that this was the famous and majestic Danxia Palace.

Its entrance was not between the columns, but... in the hundreds of holes around the mountain!

"Danxia Palace..." Jun Man took a breath of cold air. The scorpion on his head screamed at this moment, and a blue tail kept shaking. Suddenly, Jun Man slapped the table: "Captain, you are so brave! But, I like this kind of boldness!"

"Danxia Palace..." Quan Ningyue took several deep breaths. Even she didn't expect that she would choose this place for the first time!

Choose this place as the place where the Xingtian Legion will become famous!

"Now, you still have the last chance." Xu Yangyi put his hands on the table, looking at everyone, staring at them: "I will give you another chance to withdraw."

No one spoke.

"If you don't withdraw now, there will be no chance to withdraw again."

Still no one spoke.

From the shock at the beginning to everyone's thoughts for tens of seconds, to the end...

A colorful centipede crawled out of Qin Xueluan's clothes, followed her white fingers all the way up, and finally climbed up. Not only did it not have a strange smell, but it also had a hint of fragrance. She said lightly: "This thing is called the Blue-eyed Sky Centipede."

Several people looked over, and Qin Xueluan looked at the centipede with some obsession: "I started raising it when I was five years old...feeding it with blood and spiritual energy. At first, I didn't know what it was for. Until a few years ago, its eyes changed from red to gold, from gold to white, and then from white to green. Master told me. This insect can save three lives. It can kill three Qi training masters."

She looked at Xu Yangyi. The originally weak woman was extremely firm: "Captain, you said...can I go?"

The truth is revealed!

This is Qin Xueluan's trump card! The trump card at the bottom of the box!

Everyone's eyes fluctuated a little.

In the army, trust is needed, but in the martial arts competition, everyone has their strongest trump card. If she were to go somewhere else, perhaps she would not use this trick. But... the place to go is Danxia Palace! Then, everyone's trump card must be known to everyone!

Qin Xueluan, the first one, handed over his trump card without hesitation!

Can kill three people, can save three people, and cure poison.

Silence, I don't know how long it has been. Mo Yeyu said faintly: "I have a natal puppet, named Qingque."

"Its attack power is not high, but its defense is extremely amazing. At the same time, it can hide twenty people. The speed is comparable to the best magic weapon. And the magical power it is equipped with..." Mo Yeyu gritted his teeth: "Self-destruction."

"The power of equivalent to the self-destruction of a half-step foundation-building monk. However, once this trick is used, I will also fall into a coma."

The second person confessed!

These are their real trump cards! This batch of geniuses is the last to win! The trump card among trump cards!

Normally, no one would show it unless absolutely necessary! Once it is revealed, it is truly the time of life and death!

At this moment, no one was hiding anything in front of Danxia Palace.

"Jun has a magical power... He can lend Jun's physique to one person..." Jun Man looked at the whole audience and said, "Anyone."

"It can save his life for half an hour. No matter what kind of injury! The price is for Jun to bear his injuries."

I believe that these two faint but extremely difficult words, starting from Qin Xueluan, quietly filled the whole room.

Silence, it is too difficult for the monks to show their last trump card. These are not only their last resort to save their lives and kill the enemy, but... they are also probably the real secrets learned at home!

A few minutes later, another person spoke.

"I have a sword, called Kaitian." Yao Xintan said solemnly: "The cost of using my body as a sword is that my cultivation level will be reduced by half and I will be in a coma for three years. It can kill... any monk under half a step of foundation building! As long as his cultivation level is During the Qi training period, even the foundation-building seniors who have suppressed their cultivation are the same."

There was silence again, this time, short. Thirty seconds.

Quan Ningyue quietly placed her snow-white left hand on the table. Suddenly, her left hand was completely split open, and it was filled with gleaming and top-quality magic weapons!

"I am not a perfect human being." She said calmly: "I was born with nine yins and no pulses. I can't live for twenty years. In order to save me, Master Gao Muya, except for my heart and brain, all other parts are made of top-quality magic weapons. "

She looked at the two-meter giant hammer behind her with a self-deprecating look: "This is just a little girl's trick."

After speaking, she looked at everyone: "The only people who know my secret until now are dead people. Although this little girl is not talented, she is full of blood under this desolate hammer."

The meaning is self-evident.

She even told her biggest secret. She was not a complete human being, she could even be regarded as half a machine person! Others...whose trump card is unwilling to be revealed?

Who else’s stunts are more embarrassing than hers?

Three seconds, the time was getting shorter and shorter, and Zhan Hongchen's hoarse voice spoke: "The secret method of Zhan Hongchen - cutting off life and death. Instantly cuts off the spiritual consciousness and Qi sea of ​​any monk during the Qi training period, and cannot be restored within five minutes. At the same time... …I, myself, will enter into a state of complete transparency.”

"Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Zhengfa, the first move, Tianya Yaoyao. The power is more than twice as powerful as when I fought with the leader yesterday. However, after using this move, the little girl can't even move." Yang Xueqing said solemnly.

Xu Yangyi looked at each monk solemnly and showed off their unique skills, many of which he had never heard of before. On the one hand, I feel emotional about the vastness of the world of spiritual practice, and on the other hand, I am extremely happy!

Any one of these people has the strength to defeat most monks of the same level! Risking your life, you can even jump up to kill your opponent!

Now, without any reservation, he expressed his last guarantee!

This explanation is to let everyone understand who can be trusted in what circumstances and who can be placed in what circumstances. No one mentioned a word about Danxia Palace, but they expressed with the most firm attitude that Danxia Palace was the best place, they were going to book it!

When establishing a new legion, trust is a big issue. However, here, now, a feeling called trust creeps into everyone's heart quietly.

Yao Xintan took a serious look at Qin Xueluan for the first time, but received a flirtatious look from him in return. It was as if the woman who spoke righteously just now was not her.

In the blink of an eye, everyone had finished explaining. The five people in the logistics team were desperately recording, and Xu Yangyi nodded deeply: "Okay."

With a flick of his finger, a white aura immediately wrapped around the light curtain and formed a flashing red light spot at the location of Danxia Palace.

He looked at everyone solemnly: "We are detecting the outside of Danxia Palace. However, according to the intelligence of the Xingtian Army, our allies have found a place suspected to be the gate of Danxia Palace."

Everyone's eyes suddenly shone.

"This time, this is the path we are going to take."

"All matching equipment, totaling 130,000 mid-grade spiritual stones. The Xingtian Army is ready." He raised three fingers: "Three months."

"We still have three months to prepare."

"Three months later, the entire Xingtian Army will head to Nanzhou, the capital of Longsu Province!"

"The meeting is over!"

One month passed quickly. The entire cultivation world is still calm.

No one knows that at this moment, Longsu Province, near Hongliugou, is already facing the wheat awn!

In the sky, the purple magic circle is still full of auspiciousness. There are many monks on the ground. However, it is no longer what it was a month ago.

However, on the ground...a strange red mist spread like a snake! They were all controlled within the purple magic circle, but they were like living creatures. Once they touched the purple magic circle, they immediately made a creepy "sizzling" sound and retreated flexibly.

In the sky, two towering palaces are like two moons at night. One of them is the giant turtle palace of Lord Gu Song. And the other one is majestic and majestic, like the reappearance of Epang Palace! Between a misty white spiritual cloud, reflecting the moonlight of the night, it covers an area of ​​several kilometers!

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