
Main text Chapter 177: The demon’s appearance is connected to the sky (I)

A giant man who was more than two meters tall, with red tattoos all over his head and a big beard. He was wearing armor from an unknown era, which was rusty. There were several huge silver rings on his neck and hands. Next to him, the skinny Gusong Zhenren, who was as thin as a dead pine, looked like a teenager and a bodybuilder.

Next to the two Jindan ancestors, at least hundreds of figures stood still in the air, as if walking on flat ground. They were all cultivators above the foundation building stage.

Now, no one could laugh.

In the giant turtle palace, the puppet giant turtle seemed to be alive at this moment. In its mouth, a huge aura ball that made people sweat was accurately aimed at the Danxia Palace. And on the entrance square of the towering palace, there was a statue of Nuwa with two red eyes, nailed to the ground like a shadow!

"Daoyou Gusong..." The giant's voice was a little hoarse, his eyes were sharp: "What's the situation now?"

"If the situation is not urgent, why should I invite Daoyou to help?" Gusong Zhenren snorted lightly, waved his hand lightly, and the light curtain flashed: "Now... it's time to reveal the truth!"

On the light curtain, in the center, there is a red dot, and around it, there are all hazy white circles!

At the edge of the light curtain, there is another circle of yellow circles, and the white circle is infinitely close to the bottom of the yellow circle!

"Red... is the monster... Yellow represents the surface of Danxia Palace..."

The giant looked at it intently and asked, "Then the white is..."

"White? Hehe..." Gusong Zhenren laughed three times and said with gritted teeth, "White... is the aura circle evolved by this monster!"

"I have found magic tools, magic treasures, elixirs, monsters, spiritual plants, puppets... countless kinds of complex auras in it! In other words..." He suddenly turned his head and looked at the giant: "Once... the white breaks through the outer periphery of Danxia Palace, that is, this layer of yellow... the strange phenomena of heaven and earth will erupt! At that time... neither you nor I can suppress it!"

The giant was silent, After a long time, he said, "Combining the strength of the two of us?"

"It seems... what I said is not clear enough..." Gusong Zhenren's face was as gloomy as water, and he sighed to the sky: "A demonized secret realm with a radius of 500,000 square kilometers! In the whole of China, who can suppress such a vast phenomenon of heaven and earth!"

"500,000?!" The giant finally took a breath of cold air: "A secret realm that is nearly 20th of China?! A secret realm as big as a province! Are you sure you are not mistaken?!"

Gusong Zhenren smiled bitterly: "I have checked it at least ten times. How could I be wrong!"

He looked directly at the giant with black spiritual eyes: "Contact the Chinese government immediately... block all the secrets in Nanzhou There are no vehicles coming in or out! No flying in the entire Longsu Province! No one is allowed to come in except for monks! "

"Okay, I'll go find Fellow Daoist Anxiang." The giant also realized the urgency of the matter: "My palace is parked here, and I'll give you the third-level command authority."

"Thank you." Master Gusong turned his eyes to the surface that was already full of red fog: "Tell Fellow Daoist Anxiang to tell the unofficial TV stations, online media, and newspapers in China to shut their mouths and not reveal a single word!"

"Third, mobilize the Northwest and Southwest Chinese government corps, and let their commanders gather all the troops to surround Nanzhou. If the secret realm is not eliminated, any mortal is forbidden to enter. Stop entering and leaving, I don't care what method they use, I just want the result!"

"Fourth..." He looked at the giant: "Prepare... notify all of China, the seven great families, the three major forces, the three major sects, and those hidden families..."

"Let all their teams be ready!"

The giant finally realized something and looked at Gusong Zhenren: "How long do you have! !"

"Ten days." Gusong Zhenren's face was livid: "Ten days at the latest... This largest secret realm in history, which is one twentieth of China... is about to surface!"

One day, two days, three days... Time passed quickly in the outside world.

In each practice shop, monks were bargaining, and young monks were happily buying what they liked online. The world of mortals is even more exciting, scientists are researching, students are studying, employees are working... No one knows that in the west of China, Longsu Province, this not-so-developed province, is about to usher in a shocking change!

Around Longsu Province, teams of soldiers got off vehicles and set up countless tents along the border of Longsu Province. A human-shaped isolation zone was formed.

"No entry? Why?" A freight driver looked at the big "Longsu" station entrance sign in front of him inexplicably and said angrily: "I fucking transported things from thousands of miles away! In the end, I was not allowed to enter! Who will pay for my loss!"

"Sorry." The officer at the station did not change his face at all and saluted: "This is the order from above."

"Give me a reason! Why!"

"This is the order from above."

Three sticks can't beat a fart! The driver retracted his head in dismay. Because he saw clearly. It's not just this officer...Longsu toll station...there is no employee anymore! All of them are soldiers!

Not only that...behind them, rows of soldiers with live ammunition stood quietly behind the station like terracotta warriors.

"What? You're not allowed in?" The man in the co-pilot seat was smoking a cigarette, looking worried: "What happened in Longsu Province? It looks like... something big is going to happen!"

On November 28, 2021, all toll stations in Longsu Province leading to other provinces, the Northwest and Southwest Corps, were taken over.

Outside the station, there were countless vehicles and a long queue, making it impossible to get in or get out. The news came so suddenly that they didn't know what to do.

Just when everyone was extremely anxious. The electronic screen above the Longsu Province National Highway Toll Station suddenly lit up.

"This station is announcing a special message we just received." The polite announcer said calmly on the TV: "An unknown dangerous virus has been discovered in Longsu Province. It is extremely contagious. Currently, 300 people have died from it. Forty-two people. The hospital in Nanzhou, the capital of Longsu Province, is overcrowded. The central government has decided to block all entrances and exits from now on to prevent the spread of the disease. The following is the secretary of the Longsu Provincial Party Committee. Speech when a patient..."

Longsu Province... has been completely isolated with this piece of news!

The faces of those who saw this news turned pale. In an instant, the Internet was flooded with posts about the "super contagious virus in Longsu Province." Countless donation and relief posts were even created immediately. However, no one knows what is about to happen here!

In a courtyard house in Kyoto Prefecture, an old man rubbing steel balls in his hands suddenly raised his head when he heard the news, his eyes flashing. The phone call was then made at a speed completely inappropriate for his age.

"Let the fourth and seventh children come over..." He said solemnly: "Go and find out what happened in Longsu Province!"

"Haha... the virus is really the best excuse for the government. Something terrible must have happened here... and it was an accident!"

"There must be Jindan Patriarch involved...otherwise there must have been foreshadowing in advance. Now, the sudden news can only mean that the incident happened too fast!"

On November 29, 2021, on the Xinwen Network, several senior officials of the State Council personally expressed their condolences to the people in the disaster area. This show... has already begun!

Troop carriers and armored vehicles drove through Longsu Province overnight, and almost all the troops of the southwest and northwest armies were exhausted. At the same time, the real top families in China, the Jindan Patriarch, and the three major sects all received a jade slip with an ancient pine tree printed on it.

2021, November 30.

Three days have passed since the ten-day deadline asserted by Gumatsu Master.

Xu Yangyi is meditating in the practice room. Suddenly, a small paper crane flew out from his clothes and quickly burned.

Then, an anxious voice quickly appeared in his ear: "Fellow Daoist Xu, please come out of seclusion as soon as possible. The plan has changed! No... please come out of seclusion immediately!"

Mr. Zhao Wu?

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and closed them for a long time. Even the blue light in the room made him feel slightly dizzy.

After cleaning a cleaning talisman, as soon as I walked out of the training room, I immediately saw Mr. Zhao Wu who was pacing at the door.

"What?" He smiled slightly: "Why are you so anxious?"

"Fellow Daoist Xu!" Zhao Wuye's eyes lit up and he opened his mouth to speak, but then asked cautiously: "Isn't it convenient to speak here?"

"It's inconvenient." Xu Yangyi has never forgotten that Qianren took over Ancestor Fuyun's black killing order. The king of hell is easy to deal with, but the kid is difficult to deal with. Ancestor Fuyun didn't dare to take action against him, Qian Ren... really couldn't tell.

"Follow me." He brought Mr. Zhao Wu to his office. After ordering two cups of coffee, he nodded and said, "Let's talk."

"A big thing is going to happen in Longsu Province!" Mr. Zhao Wu bit his lip, his eyes slightly red: "I have a hunch that there is a big problem in Danxia Palace! If it is not a real ancient magic weapon, it is definitely something extraordinary. Secret realm!”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "What happened?"

"The Chinese government has blocked all entrances and exits in Longsu Province since the day before yesterday! All! No mortals are allowed in or out!" Zhao Wuye picked up the coffee and took a sip. The hot coffee made him frown slightly, took a sip, and continued: "This is a commonly used method for cooperation between the government and the spiritual community. Yesterday, the government announced that there is a highly contagious virus in Longsu Province...Who are you kidding? This is a sign that the Jindan Patriarch has begun to control the situation!"

"Moreover... this matter was done too hastily and suddenly. It was obviously due to the sudden change. Even the ancestor of Jindan couldn't suppress it!"

He stood up anxiously and couldn't help but pace: "Fellow Taoist, the incident happened suddenly and we don't have time to wait any longer. I hope the Xingtian Legion will return to Longsu Province with me immediately!"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked into his eyes: "Is there more?"

Without waiting for Mr. Zhao Wu to answer, he continued: "Your family is well-known in the northwest, and it is very close to Danxia Palace. I don't believe you don't have any news."

Mr. Zhao Wu gritted his teeth and said, "To be honest with you fellow Taoist... there is a purple magic circle in the sky above Danxia Palace. The family didn't find out what the magic circle was at first. It took them a full month to find out..."

There was a hint of fear in his voice: "This is the Nine Ultimate Dragon Slaying Formation!"

"This formation can be said to be the most powerful formation that monks can currently set up! The formation eye must be controlled by the Jindan Patriarch himself. The formation base must be a foundation-building senior! And its effect..."

He looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Block all the monsters below! And cut off the sight and hearing of mortals!"

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