
Main text Chapter 178: Demonic appearance is connected to the sky (Part 2)

"This formation has been set up for several months. Daoist friend, if this formation can still be maintained, why do we have to come up with the excuse of the virus so hastily? If this formation is unshakable, why do we have to isolate Longsu Province from entering and leaving!" His face was pale with an indescribable excitement: "I can't suppress it... Even the Jindan Patriarch can't suppress it! This time, it must be a great opportunity! An unimaginable secret realm! A legendary ancient treasure!"

Xu Yangyi's face remained unchanged, and he took a sip of the coffee cup: "It may also be a great danger."

"Are you afraid?" Zhao Wuye's face was a little distorted with excitement. He came in front of him and said word by word: "I... I am so excited that I can't even sleep!"

"Is Yongle Great Blue Hole dangerous? But it can produce a Fuyun Patriarch! The Danxia Palace with Corridor Pillars may not be able to produce a Zhao Patriarch!"

"The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. Heaven never owes anyone... Daoist friend, what are you waiting for?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but tapped the armrest with his fingers.

Just over a month later...

The situation in Longsu Province is so urgent!

He had seen the Jindan Patriarch in action. He knew the opponent's power very well. But... now even the Gusong Patriarch couldn't suppress him and began to cooperate with the Huaxia government.

Time... was too tight, and he hadn't fully mastered his magic. Several other members were also in retreat. But Danxia Palace was ready to attack!

"Within three days, the Xingtian Corps will go to Nanzhou with you."

After a long time, Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "I hope the Zhao family is ready."

"The things that can make the master and the government join forces must be extraordinary."

"Don't worry." Zhao Wuye laughed: "For this day, the Zhao family has been preparing for hundreds of years!"

"Then... I will go first." Zhao Wuye arched his hands: "Although mortals are restricted from entering now, I don't know whether monks are restricted from entering. However, even if it is restricted, I am sure I can lead the Xingtian Corps in."

Zhao Wuye left. Xu Yangyi's face changed from contemplation to complete caution.

The secret of the Living Emperor's Artifact... the secret of the boundless sea of ​​lotuses... the secret of his disappearance for three years... is it finally going to be revealed?

It came too fast... but he was not afraid at all. Instead, the expectation in his heart burned like a flame.

Chance, these are two ethereal words. Perhaps the place that is considered to be an opportunity is actually a place of life and death. Perhaps the place of life and death hides opportunities that drive people crazy.

For example, the Yongle Great Blue Hole.

However... he can be sure that as long as there is a sea of ​​lotuses under the Danxia Palace, there must be something hidden, something... closely related to him. Or... something closely related to the Living Emperor's Artifact!

Whether it is or not, he has to go!

At this moment, his eyebrows suddenly raised.

What a strong spiritual pressure...

In his office, an extremely strong spiritual pressure suddenly permeated, even... above the Qianren upstairs!

Senior Foundation Building!

At this moment, all the members of the Xingtian Group in the room felt it. Without it, this spiritual pressure was not concealed at all. It was as if he was announcing to everyone that he was here.

"This is..." Upstairs, Qian Ren suddenly stood up from his seat, feeling in disbelief: "This is... Yu Yangzi?"

"He came to the branch in person? Is it for me... or..." His heart suddenly became flustered.

Could it be... that Fuyun Patriarch sold him out?

Otherwise, why would Yu Yangzi, the first disciple of Jindan, suddenly come here?

"Swish..." Downstairs, Xu Yangyi's room was like a black hole, and black shadows gathered from all directions to the center. Xu Yangyi had already stood up and focused on everything that happened in the room.

"This is the Thousand Miles Shadow Transmission Divine Power." A voice suddenly sounded at the door, and Fang Cheng walked in from the door without hesitation: "Senior Brother is here."

Xu Yangyi looked up and saw that all the members of the Xingtian Legion had gathered at the door at this moment.

"Swish, swish, swish..." There was a sound of air vibration. After dozens of seconds, the figure of Yu Yangzi, who had met him once, appeared in front of everyone.

He felt very strange, as if it was real, as if it was unreal. Between the virtual and the real, but the spiritual pressure on the body, as if coming in person.

"Greetings, senior!" "Greetings, senior brother!"

At this moment, everyone in the room bowed to Yu Yangzi, in unison.

"No need to be polite." Yu Yangzi's expression was calm with a hint of caution. Almost without hesitation, he looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "The seventeenth disciple of Gusong Zhenren, Yulin Guard Xingtian Corps, listen to the order."

Everyone took a deep breath, and the other members of the group were ready to retreat. At this moment, Yu Yangzi said lightly: "Wait."

"This order is for the Xingtian Corps." He looked deeply into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "It's a special mission for Jindan. You don't have to leave."

"Hehe..." A sound of gasping came out from everyone's teeth.

Unlike Xu Yangyi, not everyone has the good luck to see the Jindan Patriarch. If the Jindan Patriarch doesn't want to be seen, even if he sees it directly, he will definitely not remember it in a blink of an eye. It can be said that at the scene, except Xu Yangyi and Fang Cheng. No one has ever seen the Jindan Patriarch! Not to mention receiving the Jindan Order!

"Disciple, Xu Yangyi accepts the order." Xu Yangyi clasped his hands and answered solemnly.

"I'll ask you again. You still have a choice." Without directly giving an order, Yu Yangzi's eyes were fixed on Xu Yangyi's, as if she wanted to see through his heart: "You said you were responsible that day, Take responsibility. Do it come from your heart.”

"Every sentence is true, stemming from emotion and heart."

The exact same answer, but with a different flavor.'s more like the last question before going to the battlefield!

"Okay." Yu Yangzi's voice did not change at all: "The Xingtian Army obeys the order."

"Yes!" Everyone answered in unison, clasping their fists and bowing.

"From now on, the Xingtian Legion will suspend all missions."

"From now on, the Xingtian Legion is prohibited from taking on all missions."

"From now on, the Xingtian Army will be on standby." He took a deep breath: "Five days later, at midnight, the Xingtian Army will set off at the same time. Within one day, they must reach Nanzhou, the capital of Longsu Province."

After finishing all the oral instructions of Patriarch Gusong in one breath, his voice softened a little: "Seventeenth Junior Brother, I can tell you. Longsu Province will undergo a big change in the near future. It will not exceed seven days... Master, he The old man is in charge of Danxia Palace. Are you willing to accept this order?"

Xu Yangyi straightened up and replied equally solemnly: "Coincidentally, more than a month ago, the first mission decided by the Xingtian Army was to explore the outskirts of Danxia Palace."

This time, it was Yuyangzi's turn to be surprised.

He never expected that this seventeenth junior brother would be so bold! The first time a newborn calf takes a trip to Hushan Mountain!

"Is Junior Brother Seventeen telling the truth?" He looked at Fang Fang and asked.

"Yes, we are all ready. Senior brother, do you know?" Fang Fang asked, rubbing the back of his head.

In Yuyangzi's heart, her feelings for Xu Yangyi couldn't be better.

Which of the disciples of the Jindan Patriarch is not extremely talented? However, this is not enough. Courage, luck, and wisdom are all indispensable. He has seen Xu Yangyi's wisdom, such as two peaches killing three people at the auction. Now, I didn’t expect that the other party would be so bold!

Which new corps would choose the Eight Jedi Periphery as their first mission?

He dares!

And... he knew even more clearly that taking the initiative to ask for a tassel and giving a golden elixir order seemed like a small matter, but in fact, for Patriarch Gusong, it was the difference between initiative and passivity.

The difference is either big or small. But it will definitely make Ancestor Gu Song deeply impressed by him again.

"Good boy..." A vague admiration flashed in his eyes. You are brave and knowledgeable, and I don't mind giving you a chance.

He waved his hand lightly, and a box flew into Xu Yangyi's hands: "I didn't bring anything with me temporarily. Here is a formation diagram that I once asked for. Its other functions are not powerful, but it can completely cut off the collective in an instant. Spiritual consciousness, spiritual energy. It has no name at all, but one of my disciples loves mortal games, so he gave it a good name - the Hidden Talisman."

"Also, there is a special pass for this time inside. Keep this thing...if you don't want the mortal army to shoot at you."

nice one!

Xu Yangyi knew in an instant that this function would be of great help to this trip to Danxia Palace! It might even be possible for them to save the day!

"Thank you, senior brother, for the generous gift." He accepted it unceremoniously. This is not the time to save face.

"I, I can give you a message." He said thoughtfully: "This time, there is actually no danger as you think."

"Maybe... it's not certain it's a great blessing."

After saying that, his figure turned into black light and disappeared. Xu Yangyi put away the formation map and was silent.

This time... the path the Xingtian Legion will take is definitely completely different from others!

Danger or not... From the beginning, the Xingtian Legion was not on this game.

"Everyone." He turned to everyone and everyone took a look.

This Jedi journey... In the end, how many faces can still exist?

"Five days later, eleven o'clock. Meet on the rooftop." He looked at his watch: "I have rented a private jet. Finally..."

He smiled: "Have you finished writing your suicide note?"

"It's not necessary." Fang Fang shrugged: "I will definitely come back alive, and maybe I can save you once. Let you owe me a big favor."

It's easy to talk about it. However, in the last five days, no one had it easy.

Everyone is doing what they should do. Clean up anything you haven’t brought with you. And... say goodbye to my acquaintances.

Although I don't want to admit it, everyone knows it. The name "Jedi" is no joke. This time, the world may really be separated forever.

However, once they come out alive, they will truly gain a foothold in the Xingtian Legion!

Moreover... the name of the Xingtian Legion will definitely come into people's sight! Rather than being remembered as "the legion of people involved in the Zhu Hongxue Incident"!

Five days passed by in a blink of an eye.

2021, December 5.

At night, the night sky is like washing, and the stars are like intoxication.

The stars are one step away, the moon is one step away, and thousands of lights are shining in the night.

On the top of the Yulin Guard Tower, sixteen figures looked like sixteen statues in the dark night, persevering.

The wind blew through Xu Yangyi's hair. He stretched out his hand to comb his slightly long hair, then stretched out his hand to grab it slightly, and he accurately caught a flying can of beer in his hand.

Mao Baer swung his tail and sat down next to him. His dog-like face looked at the brightly lit Mingshui Province below: "Do you feel like I'm urging you to drink another glass of wine and go west to Yangguan without any old friends?"

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything, just opened the bottle cap. He looked at it for a long time, took a big gulp, and said fiercely: "I'm letting them wait for me."

"It won't be long before our Xingtian Legion will be back here. Take another look at the night here."

Silence, after a long time, Xu Yangyi smiled: "What about you?"

"What do you remember?"

Mao Baer was silent for even longer, and finally turned around proudly: "I remembered the little bitch who broke my virginity. Damn, it's still a mixed-haired dog! Huskies are famous dogs after all!"

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