
Main text Chapter 179: The demon’s presence is connected to the sky (Part 3)

No one spoke.

Everyone was feeling the unique silence before the war. It was as if they were in the vortex of a storm, the moment of tranquility before the storm.

This tranquility suppressed the burning chaos in their hearts, allowing them to calm down, look at the twinkling stars in the sky, and look back on the past.

Xu Yangyi looked at his watch. It was eleven thirty at night.

"Half an hour left." Fifteen people and a dog sat cross-legged on the roof, enjoying the cold night wind of winter, as if only such a cold night wind could blow out the heat in their hearts.

Zhan Twelve quietly wiped the glass-like blade in his palm. No words were spoken.

Qin Xueluan took out a colorful butterfly from somewhere, flying on her snow-white fingertips, and did not speak.

Jun Man's scorpion crawled on his arm, and he looked at it with a calm gaze like a lake, and did not speak either.

Depression, expectation, tension, interweaving into a complex emotional net, covering everyone below, no one wants to speak.

"We will come back." After a long time, Xu Yangyi took a sip of beer and said calmly and firmly: "And we will all come back together."

Silence, after a minute, Mo Yeyu looked at the sky in a daze and whispered: "That's natural."

"Kara..." Xu Yangyi squeezed the beer can in his hand, stood up, and smiled: "And, we will carry the name of the Xingtian Legion and rise in the cultivation world."

Yao Xintan finally smiled, the smile was very light, very light, and fleeting. It seemed that only the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He wanted to speak, but sighed before speaking. After a long time, he whispered: "Definitely."

Eight Jedi, underground of Danxia Palace. Sixteen people, sixteen Qi training cultivators, are about to break into this place that has swallowed countless foundation-building predecessors. Like ants exploring a big tree.

"Eleven forty." Xu Yangyi looked at the watch and took a deep breath. There was a buzzing sound in the sky.

The signal lights flashed in the sky. In the dark night, seven helicopters, like flying ghosts, slowly flew towards here.

"Swish, swish..." Everyone stood up in silence. The sound was so small and so clear in the dark night.

"Everyone." Xu Yangyi's eyes were like stars, and he turned to look at everyone.

There was no fear on everyone's face, only a solemnity.

He retracted his gaze and looked proudly at the vast night. The seven helicopters in the sky, the voice echoed in everyone's ears: "Going against the will of heaven, only then can you show your heroic qualities."

"Yeah..." Yao Xintan looked at everything in front of him with some emotion. The mortal scene, the night blooming thousands of trees, the stars falling like rain, as if to remember all this in his heart. Close your eyes, and when you open them, look up to the sky and laugh: "Rise straight up to the sky, and reward the hero's original intention."

Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand, and a strong hand held him. That was Jun Man.

The next second, a slender hand came up, it was Qin Xueluan.

Then, the third, the fourth... the sixteenth, everyone's hands were held together! Like a silent torch in the dark night, burning fiercely.

Feeling the temperature in each other's palms. Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "Come back alive."

The torch in his hand slowly dispersed, he suddenly pulled his backpack and shouted: "Go!"

Stepping onto the plane's spiral staircase, he laughed up to the sky: "Xu doesn't believe that Danxia Palace can swallow us up!"

At the same time.

"Swish..." The night was bright.

The moon in the sky seemed to have lost its luster. At this moment, all those who were qualified to know the inside story in the Southwest and Northwest Military Region Command gathered beside the monitor. Looking at the screen in the monitor in astonishment.

A blue ripple... suddenly appeared, and with a swish, it swept across the entire land of Shenzhou! A full 9.6 million square kilometers!

From Longsu Province, Hongliu Valley, Danxia Palace, a blast broke out! Like a circular sickle, it cuts across the entire China!

"Huh!!!" Panshan City, on the roof of the Yulinwei Building. Everyone's eyes were all looking at the northwest in astonishment!

Deep blue, blue without a trace of impurities!

Clear, like the purest water on the Tianshan Mountains!

Swift, like the light passing through the sky, fleeting!


All their hair and clothes flew backwards! Their eyes were squinted by the strong wind brought by the huge spiritual pressure.

Everything they saw was blue.

"This is..." Between heaven and earth, a blue light flashed, and everyone was obsessed with watching it all. In their hearts, an incredible idea came up.

"Oh my God..." At this moment, in China, I don't know how many mortals are still awake. All, dumbfounded.

A middle-aged man was chatting on his phone on the balcony. At this moment, he stared blankly at the sky, where a spreading blue light, with countless surging spiritual energy, spread like a holy halo.

I don't know where it started, and I don't know where it ended. It was like the scene of aliens coming to the sky in the movie!

"Hello, Mr. Zhang? What's wrong with you? Why don't you talk?"

The sound of the phone became smaller and smaller, and finally, it turned into a "click" sound and fell to the ground.

Mr. Zhang's phone had slipped from his hand to the ground without him noticing, and the woman inside was still talking.

"Oh my God..." Mr. Zhang stretched his neck and looked at the sky in great shock, the blue halo that was getting farther and farther away.

The sky changed color because of this!

"This, is this an alien? A UFO? The earth exploded?"

All the people on the surrounding buildings stuck their heads out, stunned and silent.

The university, the building, was completely boiling at this moment!

Countless people took out their mobile phones, desperately took pictures, screamed, and excitedly watched the once-in-a-century wonder in the sky!

"Fuck! What the hell is this!" "It must be an alien!" "Is the world war about to start?" "Is there such a thing in the sky?" "Oh my God... It's fucking amazing! There is such a wonder in the world! Is this the fucking aurora!"

Longsu Province, outside Danxia Palace, Gusong Zhenren's face was livid.

This place is no longer what it used to be!

In the sky, countless purple talismans have turned red! And... a huge bell is hanging high above the head!

The bell is engraved with talismans all over its body, exuding a long-standing atmosphere and an indescribable kingly majesty. However, at the same time, it is also full of death!

Longsu Province Hades Emperor Weapon!

At this moment, the two Jindan ancestors, the Dark Emperor Weapon, and the Nine Absolute Dragon Slaying Formation were all activated! However!

There was no way to suppress this blue light, and it burst out!

"The vision... has already begun..." Gusong Zhenren gritted his teeth and stared at the front of him.

"All foundation-building cultivators, take off and stand by!"

With his hoarse roar, hundreds of figures on the ground immediately took off without hesitation.

The sword was unsheathed, and on the other side, a water dragon circled in the air. In the northwest corner, dozens of feet of water sleeves surrounded this place into a huge circle... In the sky, in an instant, countless magic weapons competed for beauty! The light shone like day!

Gusong Laozu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened them. His sleeves fluttered without wind! The next second, all the shadows in the dark night rushed into his hands and gathered into a one-meter-long black sword!

No edge, no light, simple and heavy, with amazing killing intent.

"Extinction..." He sighed and held the hilt tightly: "A hundred years later, I will still have this sword in my hand..."

Everyone was concentrating...concentrating on what was right in front of them!

In front of the dark night, a vortex with no end in sight, even surpassing the area of ​​the entire Longsu Province! Like a chaotic mirror! It was slowly rotating in the air!

A series of terrifying spiritual pressures came from the chaotic black hole, and a series of creepy "sizzling" sounds came out from time to time, as if the cracks of hell were slowly opening!

"Swish!!" The blue halo as vast as the Milky Way passed through Xichuan. Passed through Qingcheng, and the two mountains of Crane Ming.

At this moment, on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, in an ancient Taoist temple, an old Taoist suddenly opened his eyes.

"Swoosh..." At this moment, the candles in the Taoist temple flickered together. The old Taoist turned around and looked at the four young Taoist priests half-kneeling on the ground in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Ling Xiaozi, Wuweizi, Qingjingzi, Xuanchengzi."

"Disciple is here!" The four young Taoist priests below answered in unison.

"The inheritor of the four swords of mountain protection..." He closed his eyes again: "Go to Danxia Palace immediately! There must not be any mistakes!"


The four people walked out, and the old Taoist priest opened his eyes again, staring at the blue light in the sky, and sighed: "Why... this time, I can't calculate their dangerous fortune?"

"There is life in death, and there is death in life... This trip... is extremely dangerous... It's a life of nine deaths..."

In Songshan, an old monk with white hair and beard looked at the endless ripples in the sky, sighed deeply, and turned back.

Behind him, a young monk, wearing a cassock, bowed his head and closed his eyes. And behind the monk, eighteen monks in short clothes who looked like golden men also put their hands together, bowed their heads and said nothing.

"Dharma Assembly..." The old monk's voice was like a lake, and he spoke calmly: "Northwest... Great changes are imminent. As the seed of the Buddha of this generation of Shaolin Temple, are you willing to go?"

"Slay demons and defend the way for my three major sects?"

In the north, in an attic, a young man looked up at the blue halo passing through the sky and laughed: "It's open! It's open! It's finally open! Hahaha!"

And more monks who didn't know the truth and had no right to know all this looked at the sky blankly.

They could only feel the terrifying spiritual power contained in the halo that enveloped China!

"This! What is this!" In a cave, a coffin suddenly flew out, and an old man with a decayed face stepped into the air, staring at the huge blue light passing through the sky in astonishment, with a face full of shock, and then stared straight at the northwest: "There... is Longsu Province! What happened!"

"This is..." In a tall building, more than a dozen middle-aged men and women were having a meeting, but the moment they felt the blue light, they all rushed to the French window and looked at the sky in disbelief.

In the Kyoto Prefecture, the training court, the huge door with the word "天" written on it suddenly opened silently. An extremely old voice came from inside: "It's finally started..."

"The largest secret realm in China so far... turned out to be evolved from a monster..."

One after another, they looked to the northwest in doubt, but all this... has just begun!

In the black clouds, above the clouds, the moon... suddenly emitted red light!

From the bottomless black clouds, strands of light were cast down. It seemed to embroider the entire earth into a red dotted silk scarf. And...

These red lights are slowly forming a huge pattern! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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