
Main text Chapter 180: Demonic appearance reaches the sky (Part 4)

Countless red lights suddenly broke through the night sky. Ten minutes later, they intertwined into a strange pattern in the sky!

That was... a roc that covered the sky!

Its body, the red light did not outline feathers! But...

Abstract trees! Towering mountains! Wide rivers! And...

Golden magic weapons! Ancient and incomplete jade slips! Even... one or two, which make people's hearts shake and their spirits move!

It... is hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in size! Covering the sky above the entire northwest!

Xichuan, Guifang, Longsu, Xijiang, Tibet, five major provinces, are all connected to each other!

The roc rises with the wind one day, and it soars up to 90,000 miles. The dragon dives and wonders how deep it is, and the roc spreads its wings and hates the sky is low!

Although it is just an outline, it makes people feel the solemnity that makes people tremble.

At this moment, countless cultivators in China stood up from their seats and looked at the northwest sky in astonishment.

"Secret Realm! This is a Secret Realm!!!" In Xichuan Province, a cultivator roared madly at the sky: "The Secret Realm has come out... The Secret Realm has come out! My God!"

I don't know how many people's eyes were red at this moment.

Secret Realm!!

At this moment, all the cultivators, all the mortals in the cultivation world of China, all saw the pattern in the sky clearly!

Xu Yangyi did not sleep.

He was on a helicopter, looking at the huge Dapeng in the air in the distance, which seemed as big as the world.

Because of it, this night is no longer dark.

Because of it, this night, I don't know how many cultivators went crazy.

And the Xingtian Legion was on seven helicopters, flying straight to the center of the overwhelming red light pattern! Flying towards the center of the red light Dapeng pattern!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The sound of the helicopter propellers took the seven helicopters, like a meteor chasing the moon, and flew straight to Danxia Palace.

Beside him, Mao Baer was also looking at everything in the sky in astonishment.

No one spoke.

This is one of the truths of this world, a unique wonder in the cultivation world. Everyone was shocked by this beautiful picture.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered. No wonder, no wonder Master Gusong asked him to set off at night five days later.

Because even Master Gusong, who is at the top of the world, knows that he can't suppress this secret realm!

No wonder... no wonder Master Gusong asked him to arrive within the same day.

Because, after today, all the real elites in the Chinese cultivation world will surely arrive!

Such a huge phenomenon of heaven and earth, even the cultivators who are slow to realize it will feel wrong.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and prepared to meditate for a while.

When he arrived in Longsu Province... there will be no time for him to rest!

I don't know how long he meditated, Mao Baer pushed him awake: "Yang Yu, there are still ten minutes, and we will enter the border of Longsu Province."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes immediately.

The sky was already bright, and the sun cast soft golden light. There were white clouds in the sky. Xu Yangyi looked carefully, but found that the ridiculously large Dapeng pattern was gone!

His eyes moved slightly, and then he immediately knew that this must have been covered up by the cultivation world. This kind of heaven and earth phenomenon is too big, even he has never thought that there is such a phenomenon that can cover a country!

Outside Longsu Province... has been completely isolated by the magic circle that isolates mortals!

Now Longsu Province... is a country within a country! The world of cultivators!

"Daoyou, we are about to enter the magic circle." The pilot said intently: "There may be a big shock at that time. Please be careful."

Xu Yangyi nodded and tightened his seat belt.

"There are still fifty meters... forty meters... thirty meters away from the magic circle..."

The prompt sound kept coming, just when it reached zero meters. The whole plane suddenly shook.

In front of him, countless dense clouds appeared without warning. Layer upon layer, it is impossible to see the inside clearly. From Xu Yangyi's point of view, he could only feel that he had suddenly flown into a sea of ​​clouds! Nothing can be seen except snow-white and iron-gray!

One minute... two minutes... a stream of spiritual consciousness swept across the plane, as if confirming the identity of the people on the plane. Fifteen minutes later, seven helicopters finally flew out of the clouds.

In an instant, everything in front of them made everyone's eyes widen!

In front of them... in the air, it was like a mirror! A huge gray vortex with no visible edge enveloped the entire sky of Longsu Province!

Countless iron-gray spiritual energy poured into the vortex from all directions, making the sky of Longsu Province dim.

Above the vortex, the giant eagle totem that may have hundreds of thousands of square kilometers was clearly visible. Looking from here, only a few scales and claws can be seen. If it weren't for the entire shape seen at the farthest place last night. No one could imagine that this was a giant eagle totem!

I don't know how big it is, how wide it is, or how long it is! The plane flew under it, like an ant under a fallen leaf!

Xu Yangyi didn't feel a trace of fear.

I have come here, so what is there to talk about fear or not. Instead, a feeling of excitement suddenly surged up in his heart.

Because... next to the huge whirlpool, two palaces that were so small compared to the whirlpool were clearly visible!

The Golden Elixir Palace!

If that alone is not enough to excite him. At this moment, beside the vortex, countless flying magic tools are dazzling, as if the vortex is a huge space station! And those flying magic tools are all small spaceships!

A puppet golden dragon tens of meters long is entrenched in front, and on each section of the dragon, there is a monk sitting cross-legged in meditation.

Next to it, a flying sword more than ten meters long is suspended in the air, and above it, seven or eight monks are staring at the vortex.

On the other side, a bird that is a hundred meters in size is filled with more than twenty seats, and on each seat, there is a handsome young monk.

In the sky, precious light flashes and colorfully soars. If ordinary people see it, they will even think they have come to the future world!

Below, countless monks are walking in it like ants. However, these "ants" have a clear division of labor. Blocks of areas were cleared out by them, forming kingdoms with distinct areas. Those vague "castles" are big and small, but they are very clear.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

This is the world of cultivators!

This is the other side of the world!

Just as he was carefully observing the area below, a man's voice sounded in front of the plane: "Stop."

A bald man in a suit stepped into the air without any emotion, and stood in front of the plane at some point: "Show your pass. Otherwise, you will be driven away immediately."

Xu Yangyi took out the pass given by Yu Yangzi, and the man flew over with a wave of his hand. After taking a look, his eyes, which were originally hiding a trace of anxiety, suddenly flashed, and he laughed loudly: "It turned out to be Xu Xiaoyou. The territory of the Xingtian Corps is in the northwest corner. Do you want to go down first, or go to see the old ancestor Gusong first?"

"Thank you, senior." Xu Yangyi bowed his hands: "It's better for the junior to settle down first. There are many people in the Xingtian Corps, and it is not convenient to visit the master now."

"Okay, okay." The foundation-building cultivator smiled slightly: "Then Zhao Mou will first congratulate you on your achievements this time."

"Thank you for your good words, senior."

The plane landed steadily in the northwest corner. The propeller rolled up a pile of broken leaves. Xu Yangyi then saw that the so-called foothold was just a few tents.

He didn't care about it, but looked around with all the members who came down.

Wherever he looked, there were tents. Outside the tent on the left, ten colorful giant birds were quietly eating. On the right, countless talismans appeared on the ground, separating his territory from others.

Further away, dense tents formed a sea of ​​tents!

And outside each tent, there was a clan emblem hanging. That clan emblem... Even if Xu Yangyi didn't care much about the division of power, he only needed to take a look to know who the other party was!

All of them... were first-class families that could speak for themselves in China!

He narrowed his eyes, because he found that not... every family's "territory" was the same...

The territory of the Xingtian Legion was the smallest. There were only a few tents big enough for people to live in. But... the smallest of other families was hundreds of meters in size!

Especially... among them, there were more than ten places without tents! It was a magnificent palace!

The palace covered at least a thousand meters! This did not excite Xu Yangyi. What really impressed him was that the more than ten palaces were surrounded by circles of runes that were so complicated that he felt dizzy at a glance.

The palace closest to him was very Song Dynasty style, with carved beams and painted buildings, flying eaves and walls. Even at the door, there were dozens of Qigong masters standing with their hands down. At the main door, the spiritual energy condensed into a word "Yi", and this word was enough to let everyone know who was behind it.

"Teleportation array." He licked his lips: "The seven great families of the human race... The other ones with different styles are probably the five great families of the demon race? They moved a palace here. These thousand-year-old families have a terrifyingly rich foundation."

"Don't cause trouble." He turned to everyone and said seriously: "Our Xingtian Corps is far from being in a good position. Today, take a rest. I will contact our allies. Once the secret realm is condensed, we will immediately enter the Danxia Palace."

"Daoyou." At this time, a gentle male voice came from the side. A young man with white hair, wearing a neat suit, holding a mud-gold folding fan in his hands, was looking at Xu Yangyi with a smile.

He had been standing here for a while, but Xu Yangyi didn't expect that the other party would talk to him.

He was very thin, but he would never give people a weak feeling. He was about 1.78 meters tall, with shoulder-length white hair tied into a small braid. His face was very ordinary, so ordinary that there was no trace of surprise.

The peak of the middle stage of Qi training... Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly.

Here... the spiritual pressure is very chaotic. In order to maintain the scene, there are too many foundation-building cultivators. However, the most elite on the scene are Qi-training cultivators.

Each of them is a true genius in the big family! Even if there are foundation-building cultivators coming together, it is just for the sake of watching the scene.

"Daoyou said that the Xingtian Corps has a weak foundation. I agree with it. But... a weak foundation does not mean that they don't like to cause trouble. A weak foundation does not mean that they know how to advance and retreat, and know the limits. I don't know if Daoyou agree with my point of view." The white-haired man opened his folding fan, covered his mouth and smiled softly: "Do you know... I heard that you were coming, and I waited for you here for several hours? I really want to see... what kind of person can behead my eighteenth brother?"

He sighed faintly and said with a smile: "It's better to hear about you than to meet you..."

"Fellow Daoist." He leaned forward, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his not-so-big eyes: "I'll tell you two things."

"First... the latest news is that this secret realm only allows those with a cultivation level before the foundation is established to enter. And, there is still one day before it will be condensed."

"Second..." His eyes turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to gently pull on his neck: "I will also enter the secret realm."

"May you be blessed, Fellow Daoist Xu. Captain Xu."\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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