
Main text Chapter 181: Entering the secret realm

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly and suddenly smiled: "How old are you?"

"The twelfth pick of Mingshen." The white-haired man smiled leisurely and bowed his hands politely: "In the secret realm, I hope my Taoist friends can give me some advice."

His eyes fell on the storage ring on Xu Yangyi's finger: "Taking it without telling you is called stealing. Presumably, when the ancestors saw that I had returned this thing to its original owner, and that Xu Daoyou had a good head, he would definitely Great comfort to the old man.”

The words were very calm, even as if two old friends who had known each other for a long time were chatting, but the murderous intention in the words was not concealed at all.

The eyes are like blades, touching in mid-air, but fleeting.

"Very good." Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded after a long time: "I haven't killed anyone for a long time. My hands are a little itchy."

Mingshen Twelve smiled and bowed slightly, with impeccable etiquette: "Then, I hope Captain Xu can live to meet me."

There was a flash of murderous intent in his narrow eyes, and he sneered: "A certain family... will pursue the traces of Mr. Xu as if they were looking for a lover."

The two of them smiled and cupped their hands, both of them putting the other's name on the execution stand.

Ming family... There was a lingering coldness in Xu Yangyi's seemingly calm eyes. Senior Foundation Establishment, he will hide, but at the same level of Qi training...he really hasn't been afraid of anyone!

"Fellow Taoist just said that this secret realm is only allowed to enter during the Qi training period?" he asked with a smile.

Mingshen Twelve pretended to be surprised: "Fellow Taoist, don't you know?"

"As a disciple of Jindan, you don't know this?" He looked at Xu Yangyi with interest: "This is the news from the day before yesterday, otherwise how could you think that apart from the senior foundation builders who maintain order, there are only a few foundation builders Miao Miao at the scene ? It seems that in the eyes of Master Gusong, fellow Taoist’s status is as good as that.”

"However, it's not a big deal. After all, your master Gusong Ancestor will announce this matter tonight at the latest."

The corners of Xu Yangyi's lips curled up: "Aren't you afraid of Master?"

"Of course I'm afraid, I'm scared to death." Mingshen Twelve leaned closer and said coldly: "But this is a cultivation civilization, not an ancient cultivation era."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I like your politeness."

"Of course, the Ming family cannot bark like those lucky wild dogs when it comes to dead people. As one of the five demon cultivator families, it is appropriate to respect a dead person. Do you think so? Captain Xu?"

Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand with a smile: "That's true, then... shall we meet in the secret realm?"

"See you in the secret realm." Ming Shen Twelve smiled and blocked Xu Yangyi's hand with a gold fan: "But... no matter how respectful you are, you can't shake hands. Shaking hands with a dead person is too unlucky."

After saying that, he left with satisfaction. Xu Yangyi looked at the other person's back indifferently, and Mao Baer came up and asked: "Are you gay?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi responded casually and looked away.

"Your gay friend is very naughty." Mao Baer sighed: "In addition, I have to remind you that the Ming family is one of the five great families of demon cultivators. The one who entered this time is definitely not the twelfth seed. , the power of a truly top family is probably beyond your imagination.”

"Just cut it off with one knife." Xu Yangyi was completely unmoved and nodded to the members: "Everyone, have a good rest. Soon, we will enter Danxia Palace."

Time passes very quickly.

Xu Yangyi didn't take much rest, but immediately contacted Mr. Zhao Wu. After Yu Yangzi looked for him, he immediately informed the other party. By now, the other party should be nearby.

I am afraid that the Zhao family is also one of the few families that can enter here as a non-first-class family.

Mr. Zhao Wu answered very quickly, "You can't enter now. The secret realm has not yet been completely condensed. After the secret realm is fully condensed, he will come to find the Xingtian Army."

Afterwards, Xu Yangyi carefully checked what he should bring again, and only started to meditate after confirming that the equipment was complete.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly frowned and opened his eyes.

"The connection between spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness has been cut off?" He looked at his hand with some confusion: "My illusion?"

Tried it again and still didn’t feel anything!

"No!" He looked outside with twinkling eyes: "It's not cut off... but interference from irresistible forces!"

The spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness in his body seemed to have encountered a natural enemy at this moment, and were suppressed in his body!

And... he clearly felt that outside, there was a ball of extremely terrifying spiritual energy! Taking shape quickly!

"Captain!" Before he could think clearly, Mo Yeyu's troops rushed in: "It's about to open! It's about to open!!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up, he jumped down like a tiger, and walked quickly outside: "How long have I been meditating?"

"One day and seven hours!" Mo Yeyu's baby face was flushed with excitement. He spoke and answered extremely quickly, and his movements were faster than him!

Without any dialogue, Xu Yangyi rushed out of the tent in almost two steps.

Outside, it was getting dark. However, no matter how dark the sky is, it cannot block the red light cast from the thick clouds of the night. And... no one can ignore the huge whirlpool spinning like a wheel of fate!

This vortex is completely different from what Xu Yangyigang saw just now. no longer has a trace of iron gray! Instead, it turned into a kind of white!

Threads of spiritual energy kept rising and falling in it. The whirlpool now no longer looks weird, but has become extremely holy! It's like a vertical, steaming holy lake!

The secret realm... is about to complete its evolution!

The secret realm with no end in sight is like a mirror standing between heaven and earth. It covers the sky and the earth. People standing in front of it are not even considered as dust!

Under the mirror, there are palaces and tents that are as small as ants in comparison. In front of the mirror, there are countless "mosquitoes!"

Those are not mosquitoes, but countless monks who have already launched their magic weapons into the sky, quietly waiting for the flying magic weapons to be condensed in the secret realm!

Densely packed, under the illumination of white spiritual energy, they were as small as mosquitoes.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe an hour, maybe more. Just when no one expected it, suddenly, the huge whirlpool of spiritual energy suddenly burst out with a burst of white light that was impossible to look directly at!

For an instant, there was only light between heaven and earth. There is only a paleness! It's like when an atomic bomb explodes, the ultimate light is enough to break the retina!

Countless shadows were pulled far away. This light lasted for ten seconds and finally went out.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes solemnly.

The next second, even he couldn't help but gasp!

Gate to heaven!

That huge whirlpool turned into a door to the sky! It's over a thousand meters tall! Two to three hundred meters wide!

You can't see its height when you look up, and you can't see its length when you turn your head. It’s like a mountain of spiritual energy towering over Hongliugou! So majestic! Anyone who sees this scene can only feel the ultimate shock of this infinity in their hearts!

The scene was completely silent. Even among the seven major families of the human race, the three major aristocratic families of the demon clan, and the three major sects, no one spoke out.

Between the two huge stone doors is a piece of crystal white. That is the purest spiritual energy! The spiritual energy that has been purified to the extreme! At the same time... it is also the entrance to the secret realm of Danxia Palace!

"Let's go!!!" An excited roar suddenly broke out in the sky, and a burst of laughter came from the sky: "We, the Nangong family, take the first step! Hahaha!"

One of the five demon cultivator families, the Nangong family, moved.

This sound is like the call of the dragon boat during the Dragon Boat Festival! Then, there were countless small black spots in front of the door. Either a demon pet that I didn’t recognize at all, or a variety of flying magic weapons, at this moment, a beam of light burst into the sky! Rush towards the door like crazy!

"The Demon Cultivator Xuanyuan Family! Xuanyuan Gong Yu! Fellow Taoists, give way!" "The Xu Family of Kyoto Prefecture, go first! Hahaha!" "The Baili Family of Xichuan use the way!" "The Zhou Family of Nanhe, follow me!"

At this moment, the sky was filled with brilliant colors. More blowing down, the stars are like rain!

The east wind blows thousands of trees into bloom at night!

No family could remain calm in front of this huge door. An elite member of a famous family, a true genius, brought his own power and charged inside with all his strength!

A quick step...probably a quick step!

In the sky, the colorful spiritual energy reflected the colors of the people below. Yao Xintan's eyes were red, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in a hoarse voice and shouted: "Captain!"

"There's no rush." ​​Xu Yangyi's eyes were a little red, and he bit his lip a few times before suppressing it and rushing in immediately to see what he was feeling behind the door. He turned to everyone and said, "The path we want to take is different from theirs."

"What fellow Taoist said is true." As soon as he finished speaking, twenty people walked out of the darkness, led by Mr. Zhao Wu. He arched his hands solemnly: "I don't know what is behind the giant door. And what we are going to is probably the place that leads to the real door of Danxia Palace!"

"Our road is more direct and convenient than theirs! Faster! Why should we take this door that is completely unknown?" Behind Mr. Zhao Wu, there followed Zhao Ziqi and a tall, thin middle-aged man. , the man laughed loudly: "With hundreds of years of hard work, how can the Zhao family go through this incomprehensible door?"

"Let me introduce you to fellow Taoist." Mr. Zhao Wu bowed his hands deeply: "This, Zhao Mingfeng, is in the late stage of Qi training and the second elder of the family."

"Zhao Fenglai, the peak of the middle stage of Qi training. The Zhao family is in charge." A fat man suppressed his extreme excitement and cupped his hands as politely as possible: "Captain Xu, I have admired him for a long time. I can cooperate with Commander Xu. It is really Zhao. The blessing of family.”

"The others are all elites of the Zhao family." Mr. Zhao Wu licked his lips: "Without further delay, we will set off immediately!"

Xu Yangyi said nothing, nodded and followed immediately.

However, when he turned around, he found that several members of the group did not move, but had extremely strange expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked with a frown.

No one answered. After a few seconds, Gao Wuguo said in a trembling voice: "Captain... you... you said... there is a suspected road leading to the main entrance of Danxia Palace... is it true?"

"This is natural!" Zhao Fenglai, a seemingly young, elegant man wearing glasses and wearing camouflage uniforms, turned around and said with a smile: "The Zhao family has worked hard for this for hundreds of years... and has been a local farmer for hundreds of years. Master, could it be false?”

All the team members were stunned!


It's true!

Instead of going through this gate, they have to take the road that leads directly to the suspected main entrance of Danxia Palace!

God...that's one of the Eight Jedi's main gates!

"You..." Xu Yangyi looked at them doubtfully: "Don't you think I was joking?"

I just thought you were kidding!

Everyone looked at it and curled their lips, but no one said it.

At that time, it was obviously said to mobilize the atmosphere! The main gate of Danxia Palace... How many monks could not get in, they all thought Xu Yangyi was encouraging morale! Who the hell knew that this Tongtian Gate was left unentered! There really is such a road!

But then, their embarrassment disappeared, replaced by incomparable excitement!

The main gate of Danxia Palace! Several people have been in!

They... now have this opportunity!

Even if the monks above can eventually get there, but the safety? Time?

Absolutely can't be compared!

Seeing the eyes of the crowd, Xu Yangyi turned around and raised his hand in the night sky. His voice was like the horn before the soldiers went to war, low and with a bewitching taste.

"I am willing to use the sword under my waist to kill Loulan!"

"Xingtian Legion..." His hand suddenly slashed down, the sound was like a golden sword out of the sheath, sonorous and powerful: "Let's go!!"\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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