
Main text Chapter 182: Danxia Palace (I)

A group of people came to a cave.

The entire Danxia Palace is attached to a large mountain. Under the mountain, there are hundreds of caves of different sizes.

The cave is about four meters wide and three meters high, so it is not small. Foot-deep water flowed out of it, passing everyone's hiking boots.

Quiet, it's the ultimate quiet here. The giant door that towers over the sky is already thousands of meters away from here. Now, everyone's eyes are focused on the giant door. No one would have thought that someone would go around to the entrance of Baixi Chengtu!

Everyone's face became completely solemn.

"The passage to the Zhao family is right below." Mr. Zhao Wu took a deep breath: "From here to the honeycomb wall, there is a safe distance. We have walked there countless times."

Nodding, without any hesitation, a group of nearly forty people all walked inside.

very dark.

It was very dark and it was impossible to see anything inside. However, this does not matter to the monks. Strictly speaking, monks do not see with their "eyes."

Spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, nearly forty spiritual consciousnesses were hovering in this stream cave, giving a clear view of everything around them.

After walking for about ten minutes, Zhao Fenglai suddenly raised his hand, turned around, and looked at everyone attentively: "This road, the water has become deeper."

"Last time, I led the team to explore this road. Hundreds of streams formed a map, and the water could not be higher than the ankle. But now, fellow Taoists, take a look." He made a move with a deep expression, and a ruler stick appeared on his After carefully putting it in his hand, he pressed the line on the water surface with his hand, raised it to take a look, and said with squinted eyes: "Now... the water depth has reached eighty centimeters..."

"It's just a little's nothing, right?" Fang Fang said doubtfully.

"No." Xu Yangyi's face was equally solemn: "Other places, it may be nothing...but in this place, any changes, if you are not careful, may become the cause and effect of your own death."

"And..." He looked around with flickering eyes: "You have noticed that... this hole is slowly getting bigger."

"Just now, when we came in, it was only three or four meters. But now, it is at least ten meters."

"This point has not changed." Zhao Fenglai said thoughtfully: "After all, this cave leads to the wall of the honeycomb and connects such a huge space. It is by no means a small cave. Moreover, this section is just the beginning. In an hour, the cave will It expanded to one hundred meters in size, and the Zhao family’s former resting and storage place was even more than a thousand meters in size.”

Xu Yangyi shook his head deeply and stared at the other party: "If this is the time when you come, it's just water that's not deep enough, nothing. But now..."

He stamped his feet vigorously, making a muffled sound under the water. He said with a cold face: "Now...the water is already this deep...will it get deeper later? If there is something in the water, none of us can escape."

One sentence made Zhao Fenglai's face turn livid.

If... the water depth is more than two meters... or even three meters, four meters! So……

He recalled the size of the next hole in his mind and felt chills all over!

Then... once there is something, it will become their hunting ground!

Xu Yangyi wiped the ring without hesitation, and then, a golden scroll appeared on his hand. He casually made a seal, and in an instant, a vague shadow of King Kong flashed in mid-air, followed by a vague Sanskrit sentence. With Xu Yangyi as the center, a circle of golden ripples spread, and a circle of pale gold like a shell appeared on everyone.

"Vajra Array?" Mr. Zhao Wu's eyes lit up: "What a good thing! It can detect all alien spiritual energy. With this thing, you can reach the wall of the hive directly, and you will be more sure!"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him lightly: "The prerequisite for grasping the situation is that it doesn't change too much here."

After another ten minutes, the water depth...had reached one meter and two meters.

Xu Yangyi turned around and said softly: "We can't go on any further. Fellow Taoist, if you have any emergency measures, it's time to come up with them."

Zhao Mingfeng nodded, took out a kit, and made a move in the wind. Suddenly, giant puppet turtles that were four to five meters in size appeared in front of everyone, and then floated smoothly on the water.

No need to explain, there are more than ten giant turtles, and four people stand on one giant turtle and continue to move deeper into the cave.

Ten minutes passed, and twenty minutes passed. The group of people moved forward slowly in the endless cave with no end in sight.

The light coming from the hole has turned into a white dot the size of a thumb. Now the eyes are completely useless. All that's left is...the boundless, oppressive darkness. The sound of rustling water has already caused the human body to cut through the water.

The sound of paddling in the extreme silence became an auditory torture. Repeated monotonously, hitting people's nerves all the time.

Except for Zhan Twelve and Xu Yangyi who were calm and composed, everyone else's expressions were a little ugly.

Darkness, ultimate darkness. You can't even see the reflection on the water. The boundless darkness expands the tentacles of people's thinking. It was as if a huge creature might jump out of the darkness at any time and swallow these people whole.

Nerves are tense all the time, and everyone including Xu Yangyi is the same. Especially...when the water gets deeper and deeper.

The Vajra Formation was very quiet and there was no reaction at all. But this claustrophobic atmosphere and extreme darkness made everyone feel numb.

Thirty minutes later, Xu Yangyi, who was sitting on the giant turtle at the front, raised his hand, turned his head and whispered to the back: "Peony, check the depth."

"Yes." A soft female voice, also lowered, came from behind, as if she was afraid of disturbing this unknown darkness. After a few seconds, Peony replied: "Five meters four."

The faces of the three monks, Zhao Wuye, Zhao Fenglai and Zhao Mingfeng, were extremely gloomy.

"How could this happen!" Zhao Mingfeng's slender face turned pale as he gritted his teeth and said, "It's actually more than five meters!"

Five meters is a limit.

More than five meters...large creatures may indeed appear. Especially when there is a sudden change in Danxia Palace!

No one knows whether the Danxia Palace before the mutation and the Danxia Palace after the mutation are still the same place.

Five meters of water... is enough for large creatures to move around!

"Leave here as soon as possible." Xu Yangyi solemnly said to Zhao Wuye: "Speed ​​up. I always feel that something is wrong."

Something's not right!

Xu Yangyi didn't tell anyone that his spiritual consciousness was at least one-third higher than most people's. The cave here is at least hundreds of meters in size! According to his spiritual consciousness, he can completely cover it. but now……

After two meters of water, it was turbid!

His spiritual consciousness seemed to have encountered some indescribable barrier. The last three meters were completely impenetrable!

"No problem." Mr. Zhao Wu was also solemn and nodded towards Zhao Mingfeng. The other party made a magic spell. Suddenly, the speed of the giant turtle increased.

It was like walking in the underworld, the quiet sound of paddling became faster and faster. And as he went deeper and deeper, Xu Yangyi's expression in the darkness became more and more serious.

His spiritual consciousness... can no longer touch the surrounding walls!

Now, his spiritual consciousness can cover a radius of two hundred meters! Wherever his spiritual consciousness is placed, he can see clearly whatever is there. It is even more beneficial when used to detect boundaries. But now it can’t be detected at all!

In other words...Have you entered the cave more than two hundred meters?

Without disturbing Mudan, he lightly touched the storage ring with his hand, and a tape measure slipped silently into the water.

This is a ruler, fully thirty meters long. He had already tied a Chen Yin stone to the top. When the Chen Yin stone reached the bottom, he would be able to know the general depth here.

Zhao Wuye sat next to him, saw his actions, nodded to him, and whispered: "In the past, when we came here, the water in the stream was never above the knees, and we all came with lighting instruments. Now... …The changes are too big, I don’t dare to use it, and I don’t know where we are now. But, depending on the time, we can get to where we want to go in about twenty minutes at most.”

Mature and prudent, Xu Yangyi smiled slightly in the darkness. His eyes glanced at the ruler inadvertently.

Eight’s not over yet!

Ten meters... thirteen meters... the water here is unimaginably deep! And... it's still not over yet!

"Not here yet?" Mr. Zhao Wu looked at the tape measure in his hand in astonishment and said in surprise: "This should be very close to the storage location left by the Zhao family. Otherwise, the space cannot be so big..."

Xu Yangyi listened as he passed the time. However, the next second, he suddenly looked at the tape measure in his hand!

"Hula!" An unusually soft voice sounded in the darkness. Quickly, hoarsely. Breaking the buzzing sound that lasted for dozens of minutes!

The tape measure in his hand suddenly stretched straight! And it suddenly pulled up towards the water at an extremely fast speed!

"This is it!" Mr. Zhao Wu couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, his soul flew into the sky, this situation... It was as if a fisherman had caught a sea monster on the sea! And it’s like the fishing line is being pulled up with all its strength!

Here, in the darkness, this situation makes people even more distraught!

Xu Yangyi released the tape measure without hesitation and shouted at everyone: "Go at full speed! There is something in the water!"

The three monks from the Zhao family gasped, suddenly grabbed a middle-grade spiritual stone, and stuffed it into the giant turtle's mouth without hesitation. Suddenly, the giant turtle's eyes glowed red, and its speed suddenly doubled!

I don’t know if the unknown object is still behind me, but... it must be underwater! They are now in the dark, racing against an invisible enemy!

Xu Yangyi turned on his luminous watch without hesitation and counted the time second by second.

"One minute...two minutes..."

Behind him, there was silence, and nothing came. Twelve minutes later, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of him.

"We're here! We're here!" Zhao Mingfeng breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat off his head. In the darkness, the silent chase and the divergence of thoughts are countless times scarier than seeing monsters in the daytime! Even he couldn't help but feel his heart beat like a drum.

At this moment, he forced a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, the Zhao family's storage location is on a high platform. It will never encounter water..."

at this time.

"Crash!!!" There was a huge sound of water waves, suddenly rushing out of the water! With water splashing like rain, two seconds later, there was another loud crash! Heavy objects enter the water.

Dead silence, deathly silence.

I don't know how long it took before Zhao Ziqi's miserable voice screamed: "Uncle Qi!!!"

Everyone was stunned.

That... is a giant creature seven or eight meters long!

Just now, like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate, it rushed onto the back of a giant turtle, followed by... a "Crack-Crack" sound of bones breaking. In the dark, it was impossible to see clearly.

Xu Yangyi licked the corner of his mouth. Water splashed near the corner of his mouth.

It's salty, that's Zhao Mingfeng's blood.

He gritted his teeth and looked at his feet. The Vajra Formation... didn't even react!

"What are you standing there for!" He suddenly raised his head and roared at the back: "Use your magical powers! Are you standing there waiting to die?!"\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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