
Main text Chapter 183: Danxia Palace (Part 2)

This sentence was like thunder in the dark night, and everyone came back to their senses from the shock just now. The cultivator who controlled the giant turtle said nothing and stuffed two more spiritual stones into the giant turtle. The light in the giant turtle's eyes had turned golden, and then he turned around and said, "Daoyou! It's already the fastest speed! Five minutes! We can enter the storage location in five minutes at the fastest!"

"Huahuahua..." A strong smell of blood spread in the air, and then... at least more than ten sounds of paddling on the water surface, in the darkness, underwater, from all directions, swimming towards the dozen giant turtles!

"Five Thunders Righteousness...Severing Spirit Platform!" Yang Xueqing exclaimed softly, and countless blue spiritual energy gathered in her hands. Then this sudden light, in an instant, everyone saw clearly.

Here... I don't know how high or how wide it is. At least three hundred meters in radius!

The water surface was abnormally green. In such a large space, this is already a small lake. It is definitely not a small stream at the entrance!

More than ten meters above their heads was the top of the cave, and in the water... a dozen fish fins, creating triangular waves several meters long in the water, were swimming towards them quickly!

And each one was more than five meters long! In other words, these things under the water were at least seven or eight meters long!

That was long enough to swallow two or three people!

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless lightning gathered in Yang Xueqing's hands, and the next second, two balls of lightning suddenly flashed. With a light move, the two lightning balls immediately flew to the center of the lake, about two meters away from the lake water. With her "Ci!" Countless lightning rays hit the water!

"Boom, boom, boom!" The lake water boiled instantly! But... what happened next made everyone completely stunned!

Just as the lightning ball was raging throughout the lake, suddenly, a huge figure jumped out of the lake, and under the blue and white lightning, everyone could see the figure of this monster clearly.

It... was seven or eight meters long, a strange fish! However, unlike other fish, its mouth is wide and long, and it looks like a swordfish from the side!

And the mouth of this fish head, which looks like a duck's beak, occupies nine-tenths of it. It is full of chilling, densely packed, finger-long teeth! There is also a sac-like thing under its mouth. Without the protection of scales, it presents a strange color of alternating blue-black and pink.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. In the darkness, the only light made this strange fish seem to recognize it, and it jumped out of the water for a full two meters, and its huge mouth opened to a distance of nearly one meter! Bite with all its strength!

"Swish..." The light disappeared again. The two thunder balls were swallowed by the strange fish in an instant!

Yang Xueqing looked at all this in disbelief, and then, without hesitation, threw another thunder ball, this time, carefully rising to the top of the cave.

"Nothing?!" Jun Man took a breath and stood up suddenly. Looking at the water area just now in disbelief.

The strange fish that swallowed the thunder ball... was not hurt at all, and more than ten dorsal fins surrounded the thunder ball in the air, and were eager to try.

"What kind of monster is this!" Zhao Wuye's eyes were a little red. Zhao Mingfeng... Qiye was very familiar with him, but he never thought that in this darkness, Zhao Mingfeng would be killed by this giant fish!

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi's face was extremely serious. These fish... are too weird! The Vajra Formation did not react, which means they don't have any spiritual energy! But just now, the other party ate Yang Xueqing's magical power! It's okay?

How could a body without spiritual energy swallow a magical power? Wasn't the stomach blown to pieces?

"I, I roughly know..." Zhou Tingting's stunned voice came from behind. When she heard that she could enter the secret realm of Danxia Palace, she was not afraid, but followed together.

"This, this is an alligator gar..." She loved to read all kinds of news and information. At this moment, she stared at the bottom of the water in amazement: "This thing... has existed for more than 100 million years... It has never grown within the borders of China, but grew in the United States. And, and it will never grow this big! And its mouth can't open at all, and it never attacks people! Now, how come..."

"This is not a pure alligator gar." Xu Yangyi squinted at the dorsal fins: "I don't know what it is. But the Vajra Formation didn't react at all. This shows that this thing is a pure natural creature."

"Natural creature?!" Zhao Fenglai said hatefully: "Can a natural creature swallow the cultivation method of a cultivator!?"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him: "Don't forget where this is."

He stomped on the turtle's back with his foot and said in a deep voice: "Here... everything is possible."

There is another sentence he didn't say.

If... there is really a lotus sea below...

If... that incredible creature that can't exist on Earth really exists...

Then... these are probably its disciples!

This place... has long been transformed into another world by the other party! There is an abnormal ecosystem that is completely different from the places known to humans! Not to mention the alligator gar, it is not surprising that the alligator gar monster appears!

If this is really the case, he smiled bitterly. It was a miracle that he survived that year.

"Jun Man, you come to cover the rear." After he said that, the spiritual power in his body was running to a peak, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, go full speed! No matter who is left behind, don't care!"

There is absolutely no chance of winning in a fight with such underwater monsters in such a place!

"Okay!" Jun Man did not hesitate at all, and with a light jump, he came to the last giant turtle, and then his body swelled up like a balloon!

The next moment, countless plant roots burst out of his blood vessels, and he seemed to have turned into a vegetable immediately! And these plants, each root, has barbs growing more than ten centimeters long! Under the lightning, you can even see the blue hooks at the tips of the barbs, which are obviously poisonous!

More importantly... these plants have a stench that makes people want to vomit.

Countless plants spread out frantically behind them, forming a huge net! And the alligator gar behind them are facing each other from a distance!

"Hua La..." Suddenly, two alligator gar jumped out of the water and slammed into Jun Man's big net! Two huge mouths that can swallow an adult man opened to the extreme! Rows of chilling teeth inside, emitting a cold light!

"Close!" Jun Man roared hoarsely, and in an instant, the plant roots increased again! Moreover, all the roots suddenly shrank! It became a huge plant net! Wrapped the two alligator gar in the air!

Countless blue barbs immediately hooked into the alligator gar's body. At the same time, Jun Man gritted his teeth and cut off the plants all over his body, and countless blood arrows spurted out of him! But he looked indifferent.

"I can hold on for twenty minutes." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked in a hoarse voice: "Can I get there!"

"Definitely!" Master Zhao Wu looked at the bottom of the water, but there was no pause. He just gritted his teeth deeply, forced himself to turn his head, and commanded the giant turtle to move forward with all his strength.

Before coming, they all wrote their wills. Now... there is nothing to say, only life and death are determined by fate, and wealth and honor are in the ears of heaven.

And... the current situation has not exceeded the imagination of the monks.

No one knows what secrets are hidden below...

Decades later, Master Zhao Wu advanced to the foundation building stage and became the most famous explorer in China. He explored countless secret realms throughout his life. But when someone asked him about his first secret realm, he kept his mouth shut. He didn't answer a word.

The giant turtle quickly drew traces on the water surface. Every minute was like a year. No one knew whether there would be more mutant alligator gar below!

Behind him, the sound of jumping out of the water and the news of heavy objects falling into the water kept hitting everyone's nerves.

No one looked back, all stared at the front.

Ten minutes later, it was getting brighter and brighter in front of everyone. A huge cave, more than a thousand meters in size, could be vaguely seen. Rays of sunlight shone directly from above the cave.

In the darkness, light reappeared. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly found that the unique cycle of alligator gar jumping out of the water, biting, and sinking into the water was gone.

Master Zhao Wu wiped the cold sweat from his head. He knew that there was a road in that huge space... a road that led directly to the wall of the honeycomb!

And there, the Zhao family placed a magic weapon of the ancestor! Enough to keep them safe!

"Dear Taoist friends! The last three minutes! Hold on a little longer!" His voice was a little hoarse. With a strong wave, the giant turtle rushed over like lightning.

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything, his face was like a lake, and I don't know what he was thinking. He just looked at a piece of jade slip in his hand, thinking.

The cave was getting closer and closer, and everyone could see it clearly. Even the cultivators brought by the Zhao family had fallen on the back of the giant turtle, holding their chests and breathing heavily.

None of those crocodile gars chased after them. It seemed that there were only so many, and it seemed that they had lost interest in them. Or they really couldn't catch up. In short, there was silence behind them. Only Jun Man had a pale face and was taking the elixir to regulate his breath.

Three minutes later, Master Zhao Wu rushed into the cave first, and then everyone's giant turtles drove into the cave.

This is a huge cave that is one thousand one hundred or two hundred meters long.

Above, it is unknown where it leads to. On the top of the cave, countless holes are sprinkled with rays of sunlight. In the sunlight, the pale green water surface seems to have turned into pieces of jade. And in this huge cave, at the deepest point, there is an island-like open space. Connected to a passage that is obviously dug by humans.

"This is it... This is it!" Zhao Fenglai finally put his mind at ease. He silently said "Huh" and looked at the last giant turtle.

There, in addition to Jun Man, there was a corpse.

Zhao Mingfeng, who was bitten off half of his body by the bite of the alligator gar just now. At this moment, no one moved, and he was still lying there in a bloody mess. \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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