
Main text Chapter 184: Danxia Palace (Part 3)

"Let's go." The careless Equation frowned at this moment: "Those things behind are very weird. If we catch up, everyone will be injured."

"It doesn't matter." Mr. Zhao Wu squeezed out a smile and pointed around: "Underneath, our ancestor has a magic weapon, called to ward off all evils. After the Qi training period, only our Zhao family and those invited by the Zhao family To enter. Including non-aura creatures.”

Having said this, his expression darkened: "It's a pity, brother Mingfeng... No one expected that such a strange creature would appear due to the sudden change in Danxia Palace."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but jumped onto the last giant turtle, bowed towards Zhao Mingfeng's body, and asked Jun Man in a deep voice: "How long ago did those crocodile gars stop chasing."

Jun Man was stunned for a moment, with a thoughtful look on his pale face, and replied: "About three minutes ago."

"Three minutes...we drove a few hundred meters...that is to say, its territory reaches about 300 meters outside?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he rubbed his blue chin and murmured.

"It?!" Jun Man gasped. An ominous premonition made cold sweat break out on his bald head: "Captain...what are you talking about?"

"Can you still fight?" Xu Yangyi asked, looking at him without answering.

Jun Man gritted his teeth: "It's okay...but it won't last long."

"Then... prepare to fight hard." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Do you think... those crocodile gars really don't chase them anymore?"

Without waiting for Jun Man to answer, he sneered and glanced at the extremely quiet surroundings: "No... they are afraid. But they are not afraid of us!"

He suddenly took out a jade slip and opened it to the wind. There were nearly forty green dots on it, but these green dots were all on one huge red dot!

"Since just now, the Diamond Formation has been fully alerted." He stepped on the giant turtle with his foot: "Those crocodile gars don't chase because they don't dare to chase!"

"Because they know that their real natural enemy! It's in this hole!" He sneered and looked around: "Okay... inside, the opponent actually created a strange biological chain."

His voice was not concealed, and everyone was stunned when they heard these words. Then... the timid monk from the Zhao family started to tremble all over!

The normally aloof Zhao Qiye... was bitten off half of his body... That kind of monster actually has natural enemies?

And this natural enemy is actually on its back!

I don't know how many people, even those from the Xingtian Legion, couldn't help but glance nervously at the calm lakes at their feet. Who would have thought that there would be a terrifying monster hidden underground?

This is Danxia Palace! Eight Jedi!

"How, how is it possible..." Mr. Zhao Wu said with a trembling smile: "The ancestor's magic weapon... can block everyone from entering..."

"So, what if it is inside?" Xu Yangyi glanced at him and said.

Zhao Wuye and Zhao Fenglai suddenly became speechless.

"Besides...have you noticed this?" Xu Yangyi pointed to the top of his head. Everyone looked up and were shocked!

An almost transparent flower hangs upside down from the ceiling of the cave! It is almost colorless under the refraction of sunlight. From here, it looks like the top of the cave is at least a thousand meters high! It’s impossible to see the complete appearance, but a drop of crystal clear water is looming as the petals open and close!

If you were not extremely careful, you would never have discovered it!

"Rootless Jiuqu Water?!" After three seconds of silence, Mao Baer barked out: "Oh my God... there is such a thing! This, this is too scary! Is this the Jedi?! Is this a desperate opportunity?"

"What is this?" Many people looked at each other, having never heard of this name.

"Rootless Jiuqu Water?!" As soon as Mao Baer finished speaking, Master Zhao Wu was full of doubts, but Zhao Fenglai gasped and his eyes suddenly became fiery!

"Potato! This thing! You must get it!" Mao Baer approached him, his eyes red with excitement: "This... is an A-level spiritual object on the list of genius treasures! Ranked among the top 100 Thirty-seven! However, it is definitely more precious than this ranking!"

He lowered his voice and said: "In the world of cultivation, there are very few things that can enhance spiritual consciousness! Almost none! However, this rootless nine-curved water is one of them! It can make the monk's spiritual consciousness every time Each promotion will increase by 1%! Once you reach the golden elixir... it will be a terrifying increase of 10%! The higher the level, the more obvious its effect will be! I don’t know how many monks ask for information about this thing, but there is no market for it!”

"I'm damn sure to guarantee it! As long as you have it, it won't be a problem to control hundreds of girls at night! I don't know how many boys and girls will fall under your camouflage pants!"

...I always feel like something is wrong...

Is this really not an aphrodisiac?

"Fellow Taoist!" Zhao Fenglai also turned around suddenly: "The rootless Jiuqushui grew up in an extremely yin place... which is consistent with the Zhao family's speculation. There is probably a mass grave below. Moreover, only in extreme darkness It grows in humid places. will never show its shape before it reaches certain conditions! This is why the Zhao family has not found at least four drops of fruit in one flower. The water drop is its real fruit! How about we work together to take it down equally?”

"Not so much." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Whoever contributes more will get more. This is how it should be."

Without waiting for Zhao Feng to speak, he turned his head and looked at the other party: "What specific conditions must be met to bloom?"

"It has bloomed!" Zhao Fenglai's voice was hoarse. Spiritual consciousness, this thing is invisible and intangible to monks, but it has many benefits! Whoever has higher and stronger spiritual consciousness can detect danger in advance! Wider detection range!

Why are all countries competing for satellites?

It’s not just the satellite detection range and accuracy! The spiritual consciousness of the monks is their "satellite!"

Especially... the realm is high, and some forbidden laws are involved! Without extraordinary spiritual knowledge, there is no way you can even think of using these spells!

After forcing himself to calm down, he said in a fiery voice: "It is very special... Its maturity requires a huge amount of demon energy, which is usually developed by the demon cultivator family..."

He couldn't speak anymore.

Because... there was a fatal conclusion in his words!

Rootless Jiuqu Water needs a huge amount of demonic energy to provides it with these demonic energy? !

If it is too far away, it will definitely not be absorbed, which means...

The source of that huge demonic energy is nearby!

Or...right under your feet!

Everyone heard it, no one spoke. Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment and looked at Zhao Wuye: "Is this rootless nine-curved water mature?"

"No!" Mao Baer said with certainty: "The mature rootless Jiuqu water is not transparent, but blue. And there is a strong fragrance coming out... So, if it is mature, we will not enter this cave. You can smell it from a hundred meters away!”

"But..." it looked carefully for several times: "I'm afraid it's only a few hours away from maturity... The water droplets in the flowers have condensed, which is a sign that it's about to mature!"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Is there any way to get around here?"

"There's no way around it." Mr. Zhao Wu said with certainty: "If we don't go here, we can only go through that huge door. Now, we don't know how late it is. Maybe our final destination is the same. But go now , the previous ones have been looted by those monks, and, Rong Laochan said bluntly..."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "In the secret realm, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in the sky. The Xingtian Legion is very good now, but in terms of power, it is far from being comparable to the top families who came this time."

Xu Yangyi did not refute, and nodded towards Jun Man: "I'm sorry to trouble you, fellow Taoist."

"Okay!" Jun Man suppressed the expectation in his eyes and licked his lips. Even though he didn't have much spiritual energy left in his body, at this moment, seeing this kind of spiritual creature from heaven and earth, he forcibly gathered all his spiritual energy.

I saw a thin vine stretching out from his hand, and then immediately climbed onto the surrounding walls and climbed towards the top of the cave.

No one said anything, everyone knew that there was a terrifying monster under their feet. If you can avoid fighting, it is better not to fight. At present, no one has seen the other party appear. Perhaps, it is not a bad idea to reach the cave on the other side quietly.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Jun Man's vines. Ten meters... five meters... four meters... zero meters.

The vine deftly grabbed the transparent flower, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. but! Before they could finish breathing, the peaceful lake surface suddenly... became turbulent!

No warning! Extremely sudden! The moment the vines came into contact with the rootless Jiuqu Water, a heavy rain seemed to fall in this large lake that was peaceful just a second ago! A head like a hill suddenly emerged from the water!

"Roar!!!!" As it appeared, it looked up to the sky with an extremely angry roar! A real ripple caused the surrounding lake to suddenly set off huge waves! Even the cave is shaking!

"Wow!" The huge figure blasted out boundless water mist, as if there was a heavy rain in the sky!

None of the monks closed their eyes, staring intently at the behemoth that appeared a hundred meters away in front of them!

It... is about nearly a hundred meters in size! It looks like a huge whale! However, the head is particularly protruding! The eyes are extremely deep-set! has two rows of sharp teeth over one meter long inside and outside the mouth that ordinary whales don't have at all!

"Leviathan..." The huge fish tail stirred up waves in the sky. After Zhou Tingting saw the thing clearly, she was so frightened that she almost screamed: "This is Leviathan! Leviathan whale!! An ancient creature that has been extinct for more than 10 million years!!"

"What is Leviathan?" Cheng Jianfeng beside him asked in shock.

"The ancestor of all whales..." Zhou Tingting gritted her teeth and looked at the huge black head with fascination: "If... the Mosasaurus is the overlord of fresh water... then the Leviathan whale is the overlord of the ocean! The top one in the ocean at that time The predator!”

"No..." Xu Yangyi took off his coat, revealing the solid muscles covered by the black vest underneath. The other monks of the Xingtian Legion were all ready.

Because...everyone has seen it. This time, the Vajra Formation is shining with a trace of golden light!

There is a reaction!

This... is a monster! A real monster that has not yet become a demon cultivator!

Moreover...the spiritual pressure on the other party has completely told them the other party's realm!

Practicing Qi…Dzogchen!

"Shh." Xu Yangyi breathed on his fist and rubbed it to warm it. Below...if it is really that overwhelming giant fish, can it no longer hold back here?

Use your vast spiritual energy to cover and create your own demon kingdom. The outermost part is the least affected, just mutated... and approaching the gate... the other party has sent out real demon beasts without any concealment!

They can even bring out ancient beasts that have disappeared for more than 10 million years... it's really a big deal!

"But... I'm afraid I have to send you back to prehistoric times again." He moved his joints and made a crackling sound. The fighting spirit in his heart is boiling!



With such a great magical power as Zhenlingpo in hand, I'm afraid that the spiritual consciousness is not strong enough. Wugen Jiuqushui is right in front of us, why retreat?

Just a battle! \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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