
Main text Chapter 185: Danxia Palace (IV)

Although the more powerful the demon body is, the harder it is to transform, and the demon beast is at least one-third stronger than the human race, but...

There are nearly forty people on their side, facing a demon beast that has not transformed and has reached the great perfection of Qi training, they still have the confidence to fight!

"Xingtian Army is ready..." He took a deep breath, and two balls of flames in his hands had already burst out: "Whoever kills it, I will give him a drop of rootless nine-bend water."

"Swish swish swish!" With this sentence, ten majestic spiritual energies burst out!

Yao Xintan silently drew out his long sword. Beside Mo Yeyu, a puppet in the shape of a mantis quietly appeared. Around Qin Xueluan, there was a red snake, but the top of its head was white. What's even more weird is that there are two wings around her body, like a little dragon, flying around her.

"This snake is called the White-headed Old Man. One drop of its venom can kill ten whales." She licked her lips and looked at the huge monster with excitement: "Qin wants to try... How many bites can you withstand?"

Behind Gao Wuguo, the spiritual beads representing the five elements appeared at some point. Each of them exudes amazing spiritual power. Quan Ningyue did not speak, but held the hammer tightly.

The whale monster had obviously discovered them, and shrank its body, as if it was gathering strength, and then suddenly opened its mouth, with a deafening "roar!!!" In front of everyone, it seemed as if a black door more than ten meters wide suddenly opened! Both sides were full of white sharp teeth!

Nearly forty people, in less than three or four bites, all had to be swallowed!

"It stinks..." Yang Xueqing's hair flew back, she pouted in disgust, crossed her hands, and a thunder-shaped mark suddenly lit up on the back of her hand. At the same time, her pupils completely turned silver-white: "Five Thunder Evil Methods... Thunder Immortals Descend!"

Boom boom boom! Thunder after thunder appeared in the cave without any signs, but all gathered on her, as if she had become a huge lightning rod at this moment!

This is the bottom of the water!

And lightning, the nemesis of monsters, and it can play the greatest role here!

"Zizizizi..." One after another, the lightning all condensed into his seven orifices. At this moment, she was like the Thunder God descending, and even the five fingers stretched out were all with arcs of electricity!

"This is one of my trump cards..." She raised her head and stared at the giant beast with eyes full of lightning: "Cover me."

Here, she has the confidence to fight this monster that was awakened again thousands of years ago for some reason!

Even if it doesn't work, she has the confidence to be the main attacker in this battle!

And the cultivators of the Zhao family were all stunned!

The low-level cultivators didn't know the name of the Xingtian Legion at all. But... the woman in front of me, her strength... is even comparable to that of the fifth uncle and the seventh uncle in the family! No, even better!

The spiritual pressure emanating from the other party at this moment has broken through the middle stage of Qi training! It is close to the late stage of Qi training!

"Is this, this woman the most powerful one among them?" "It's possible! This kind of magical power... is really shocking!" "Damn... this woman is too barbaric?"

"Hehe..." As soon as she finished speaking, Qin Xueluan's phoenix eyes glared: "It's just right, Qin also has a little confidence."

The two women looked at each other, without saying much, the next second, Yang Xueqing raised her left hand, and suddenly, a pure white lightning with a radius of 50 meters instantly enveloped the Leviathan whale!

"Jun Man!" Xu Yangyi shouted without hesitation, and at the same time, the four styles of flying star, fast shadow, wind dance mark, and sacrifice were superimposed, like a green phantom, rushing straight to the front of the Leviathan whale!

Quan Ningyue's eyes flashed, and the giant hammer in her hand immediately burst into a burst of red light! A shadowy Vermilion Bird was entangled on it. If Xu Yangyi's attack was not clear at all, her attack was clear, but it was impossible to avoid it!

Break all laws with one force! Quan Ningyue let out a cry and also chose to fight from the front! It was as if the Vermilion Bird was reborn, rushing up with a sky-high flame!

On the other side, Yao Xintan took a deep breath, and the seven knives behind him were strangely suspended around him. Then, the seven knives, with his figure, merged into one in mid-air and also rushed up!

The three figures jumped more than ten meters, and just halfway, another inhuman figure rushed up!

That was Cheng Fang!

At this moment, he has completely become a demon! The whole wolf-shaped with black shadows and piercing roars, chose the place where the whale's hardest part was-the forehead!

Because... everyone felt that behind them, a terrifying spiritual pressure was emanating!

Gao Wuguo's five spirit beads merged into one, and turned into a strange black color. Blood-like veins gathered on the spirit beads. His face was a little pale, and blood vessels all over his body bulged, as if nourishing the spirit beads with blood.

And he was standing in a strange puppet at this moment. The puppet seemed to have an amplification function, and Gao Wuguo's hair stood up. Mo Yeyu carefully observed his state from the side.

The two of them were using killing moves!

All this was done almost in an instant, without a trace of communication! All the cultivators of the Zhao family nearby were stunned!

"This, this is the genuine legion of the Yulin Guard, right?" A Zhao family cultivator said in astonishment. They should have provided cover, but now, they have completely forgotten their duties.

Longsu Province is too remote. They are a group of novices in Qi training, and they are also professional cultivators. What they usually see most is the competition between senior and junior brothers. The larger ones are the so-called big family fighting meetings of the Zhao family. Where have they seen a real legion take action?

And...Xingtian Corps was picked by Xu Yangyi himself! It can be said that each of them is not much weaker than him! If he really wants to use the best, he will even be seriously injured.

Now, the combination of genius and genius is just an eye contact in the eyes of the combination of chicken and chicken! It will be here in an instant!

They were shocked, and Zhao Wuye was even more shocked! As someone who had seen Xu Yangyi pick people, he didn't expect that once this corps started, it would immediately become a killing machine!

Two people started the killer, and the others immediately covered them without any hesitation, and...the two women who wanted to be the main force before also willingly helped at the same time! This is the real genius combination!

Only ask about victory, not the process!

"The fourth knife of beheading demons...beheading souls!" Most of the Qi training cultivators could not stay in the air for too long. When they jumped to the top, Yao Xintan shot without hesitation.

A emerald green blade light suddenly appeared in midair, with a trace of spiritual energy steaming, and with boundless killing intent, it rushed quickly towards the Leviathan whale thirty meters away! When the blade light was used, countless demons were killed and howled in midair. Circles of pale green ripples, invisible to the naked eye, surged past in the blade light.

"Swish!" The blade light collided with the dark surface of the Leviathan whale, and with a "bang", a group of green fireworks exploded on the huge black body. Countless demons and ghosts flashed from the collision point with a roar!

But it was irrelevant!

The Leviathan whale, with a huge body of 87 meters, was like a huge giant in the water. This blow seemed gorgeous, but it didn't even turn its head.

"What a hard body!" Xu Yangyi also stopped at the highest point at this moment, without any hesitation, the Ten Directions Red Lotus roared out.

Water originally defeated fire, but the Ten Directions Red Lotus was different. Its biggest feature was that it would not burn everything and not extinguish. Suddenly, this lake of more than a thousand meters, thunder and lightning in the sky, and a sea of ​​red fire below! This scene that can only be seen in fantasy novels is now fully displayed in front of everyone!

However... the opponent did not move at all!

"Dancing snake!" With a light shout, a red shadow, who did not know when to pass through the thunder and fire, strangely appeared beside the giant whale, and took a bite with all his strength.

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, Qin Xueluan was stunned. She did not expect that the opponent's skin was comparable to a magic weapon! It was impossible to bite it!

This is the difficult part of the monster beast. Although they are not intelligent, they are covered with their weapons! Pure brute force can crush the cultivators of the same level!

Three moves, all failed! Only Yang Xueqing's thunder covered the opponent. The opponent seemed to be instinctively afraid and did not rush in.

"Fight!" Xu Yangyi decisively changed his tactics. After the initial contact, the opponent did not have a flaw!

The spiritual consciousness quickly wrapped around the body of the Leviathan Whale. He clearly felt how tight the opponent's muscles were. His spiritual consciousness fell on the opponent's skin, and even made his brain feel a little tingling!

"Fuck!" He spat fiercely. The skin texture of this guy...actually formed an innate magic array! No wonder his resistance to magical powers is so terrifying!

In particular... he also felt that there was an extremely thick buffer layer under the opponent's skin, and the thickness was even several meters! It was like the extremely thick wall of an air-raid shelter! When the magical power hit the opponent, it was first dissolved by the outer skin, and then passed through the subcutaneous buffer layer. The part that could finally reach the opponent's internal organs was then dispersed by the huge body and could be ignored!

After a fruitless attack, everyone immediately fell back on the turtle puppet. However, they did not breathe, but looked back immediately!

Just now, it was just a trial attack by the Xingtian Legion, just to cover the two people to play the real killing move!

However, they did not have time to turn around. "Get out of the way!" A loud shout erupted from behind!

Without any consideration, Xu Yangyi was the first to lie on the giant turtle, and then everyone squatted down reflexively!

A black light! With blood-red lightning! Like a sharp arrow from a bow, it blasted towards the forehead of the giant whale with an unstoppable momentum where they squatted!

This is the real spear of their attack in this round! The killer move they are covering for!

Just now, it was only ten seconds, and everything was to make this spear charge to full power!

Gao Wuguo stood there with his hands hanging/soft, his face pale, cold sweat all over his head, and his fingers trembling. And next to him was a scrapped puppet. And Mo Yeyu, whose face was also pale.

"Swish!" Wherever this black light passed, the lake water was separated by more than two meters! It rushed to both sides madly! It was like Moses' water-dividing rod, with one rod out, all the water avoided!

In the sky, it seemed as if countless jade beads were raised, shining brightly under the refraction of the sunlight. \u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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