
Main text Chapter 187: Danxia Palace (VI)

Everyone understood the meaning. They all started to meditate. In this way, a group of people and a prehistoric Leviathan whale actually formed a strange peace.

The first day passed just like this.

On the second day, no one moved, but... all adjusted their state to the peak state!

At night, the moon was in the sky. Suddenly, all the giant turtle puppets that everyone was sitting on began to fluctuate!

Xu Yangyi quietly opened his eyes, and the water surface with shimmering waves under the moonlight was like a broken mirror. The Leviathan whale that had been facing him for the past two days... moved.

In the water, it swam restlessly. A huge black shadow was looming under the water. The tail fin of nearly 20 meters raised up and brought endless waves, and then slapped it heavily! It caused the lake surface to tremble like a slight earthquake!

He just breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, a strange fragrance filled the entire cave!

"Ripe! Ripe!" Cat Ba Er barked: "The fruit of this thing must not be touched by soil! Otherwise, it will die in the soil! And if it is not collected within fifteen minutes, it will also wither! Potato! What are you waiting for! Come on! Quick!"

"Shut up." Xu Yangyi pinched the dog's mouth and let the other party whimper. His eyes were already looking at the top of his head.

There... the originally colorless and tasteless rootless Jiuqu Water has now fully bloomed!

Originally, it could not be seen or touched, but now, it is like a blood-red star on the top of the cave! It emits an intoxicating light. The moonlight is reflected on it, and the red light shines through, making people dizzy.

"Roar..." The low roar made the Leviathan whale feel a burst of palpitations. The little wisdom told it... This is the time to show the dagger!

This sound is a warning, warning Xu Yangyi and others that once they touch the rootless Jiuqu Water, it will be a life-and-death battle!

As the overlord of the water here, only one party can stand here!

No one spoke, everyone was waiting for the moment of maturity.

I don’t know how long it took, ten minutes, or twenty minutes, or an hour... Just when the moonlight was covered by a dark cloud, Xu Yangyi raised a bloodthirsty arc at the corner of his mouth: "Do it!"

With this sound, Mo Yeyu's pupils suddenly shrank, and he shook his sleeves, and two brocade bags were sent into the night sky with the wind.

Then, there was a "clattering" sound, and hundreds of puppet hawks circled in the cave in a staircase shape! Under the moonlight, it was lifelike.

This is the ladder leading to the top of the cave! At the same time, it is also the stepping stone for the monks to move in mid-air!

These days, they seem to be meditating, and they have planned every step with their own advantages!

"Beautiful!" Quan Ningyue laughed, and the next moment, the giant hammer suddenly separated and quickly combined, and in a flash, it became a huge machete!

"Dragon Slashing Style!" With her roar, thousands of flames suddenly burst out from her petite body! The giant blade swung out a fiery red afterimage of more than ten meters in the sky! You can even hear a crisp dragon roar, a tiger leap, a foot on the eagle in the air, and slashed down at the head of the Leviathan whale!

"Swish!!!" The water surface, with this style, is completely boiling! Dozens of sky-high water columns burst up! The momentum seems to split the giant whale in two!

"Five Thunders Righteousness... Please ask for the Immortal Sword!" Yang Xueqing shouted lightly, countless lightning rays gathered in her hands, and in an instant, an ancient sword handle appeared. She held it and swung it with the wind, "Boom boom boom!" Thousands of lightning rays directly shone into the sword body!

She herself... also turned into a lightning ray, and the sword and the person merged into one, rushing towards the giant whale!

"Swish!" The fiery red giant knife slashed the giant whale's body, and a white mark appeared immediately. Without any pause, Quan Ningyue's hands and feet suddenly split, and countless magic weapons flew out of her body! In an instant, it penetrated into the flesh! She was deeply stabbed into the body of the Leviathan whale!

Tiny people, huge whale. Full outbreak, only in these fifteen minutes!

No one will hold back!

"Roar!!!" At this moment, every second is precious! The Leviathan whale roared, and suddenly, countless blue lights condensed into its body from all directions!

The next second, behind it, a phantom of a giant fish appeared, and the entire lake surface suddenly rose by dozens of meters!

Regardless of Quan Ningyue hanging on it, its huge mouth actually made a muffled, incoherent sound for the first time!

"Qian... Dragon... Go out to sea!"

Intermittent, but it is indeed a human voice!

This giant monster is indeed about to transform!

"Boom!" The calm of one second was exchanged for a completely different appearance in the next second! The huge waves roared, with the Leviathan whale as the center, with the momentum of overwhelming everything!

That was the world of water. The huge waves tens of meters high roared and rushed towards everyone!

"Fuck!" Xu Yangyi stood up suddenly and used all his spiritual power! Not only him, but everyone now looked extremely cautious. Those monks of the Zhao family who had hardly experienced the battle between monks had already been scared to death!

"Hualala!" The terrifying huge waves were in front of them in an instant! The terrifying waves even formed a huge shadow! Swallowed all the poor people who were small compared to the huge waves!

Boom! The waves sank into the lake, followed by countless waves behind, one after another! As if to empty the entire lake! Those huge waves, like a heavy hammer weighing thousands of pounds, hammered everyone to the bottom of the sea!

"So strong..." Underwater, Xu Yangyi held his breath. He also experienced the strength of the monster for the first time. The solid skin makes it a mobile fortress. Not to mention the innate magical power inherited from the bloodline of billions of years. This move can definitely cause a small tsunami on the ground! It is comparable to the power of the initial stage of foundation building!

But... he didn't rest at all. Because... his chest was just hit by a heavy hammer. Even he couldn't bear the feeling of a huge wave of tens of meters high.

Just as a wisp of blood overflowed from his mouth and floated along the blood, he suddenly discovered... There is something in the water!

It is an extremely strange creature, like a flea, the size of a palm, with six claws with barbs. It is swimming towards them quickly from the boundless water!

"This is..." His pupils shrank and he suddenly covered his nostrils. He looked at the giant whale in disbelief.

He saw clearly... All these things came from the giant whale's whole body! Like a cruiser released from an aircraft carrier, it formed an unimaginable killing array in the water!

"Whale lice!" He immediately knew what it was. Every whale must have this kind of thing living on it. On ordinary whales, they are just scavengers. On the whale monster, they are still scavengers! But what they are scavenging is their own life!

"Puff! Puff!" The huge waves, everyone was slapped into the water, and there was a disciple of the Zhao family beside him. But at this moment, it has become a sphere! That is countless whale lice attached to his body!

In the water, there were no screams, only the other party's still twitching hands, and... countless blood floating up!

At this moment in the water, more than a dozen figures were covered with whale lice, and sank to the deepest part of the water with blood. Looking under the dark green water, it was extremely terrifying.

"Ten Directions Red Lotus!" He took a deep breath. A blue whale has about 100,000 whale lice on its body. This Leviathan... has at least hundreds of thousands of whale lice on its body! Enough to chew everyone to the bone!

"Boom!" In the water, a ball of scorching flames exploded! Due to the flames, all the whale lice around turned into ashes! Looking from above, a ball of scorching flames suddenly appeared under the water, and formed a huge vortex of flames and water, which was extremely weird!

On the other side, dozens of lightning flashed, and these two places were the most obvious in the entire lake.

However, Xu Yangyi immediately felt something was wrong!

Because... the water flow beside him changed.

It was a kind of clear feeling, as if the water was stirred by a giant hand, and the water flow was changing, so... his own body could not be stabilized in the water at all!

His whole body swayed with this almost irresistible force.

He immediately understood what was going on!

"Bastard..." He gritted his teeth fiercely. The movement under the water was too obvious. For the monsters, most of whose behavior was instinctive, they would definitely be attacked. Similarly, because of the instinctive fear of thunder in the demon's blood and the deterrent power of thunder in the water, the other party actually treated him as a soft persimmon!

He had seen a huge black shadow in the dim water, drawing a beautiful and heart-throbbing arc, rushing towards him at a very fast speed!

The pull of the water flow had almost made his blood vessels leave his body. He saw it... It was the tail of the Leviathan whale!

That tail was more than ten meters wide!

"Leave a shadow on the wall!" Without any hesitation, such a huge size, the sweeping power of this tail...

Even he would at least end up with a large area of ​​fractures all over his body!

"Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment!" The black armor instantly covered his whole body, and his hands made a gesture. Then, all the people who floated to the surface were stunned.

In the sky, under the moonlight, countless shadows gathered in the sky into weapons with black spiritual power, and the target of the weapons was all aimed at the Leviathan whale!

"Roar..." A roar, this time, but with a hint of instinctive fear! It showed its fear for the first time!

These weapons... are dangerous, very dangerous! Its limited intelligence reminded it that it was not very powerful, but why was it so scared?

"This is the Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment!" Fang Cheng emerged from the water and stared at the thousands of weapons in the sky with his eyes wide open: "Did he borrow the armor of the master?"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Rain fell on the Pipa! There was a slight sound of wind, and without waiting for the Leviathan whale to react, all the weapons were frantically inserted into the tail of the giant whale!

It was very strange. Those shadow weapons entered the water without any sound, as if the ink had melted into the water. However, the next second, with a heart-wrenching "roar!!!" After thousands of weapons silently sank into the water, a huge black whale tail floated up!

Blood, like cinnabar in ink, instantly dyed the sea red. But then, a black figure was shot out of the water like a marble! There was even a trace of his blood in the air.

"Boom..." Xu Yangyi's body was stopped from flying backwards. He turned around and saw Fang Cheng looking at him with a worried look on his face: "Are you okay?"

"Not bad..." As soon as Xu Yangyi opened his mouth, blood gushed out of his mouth like a fountain. Wanying Tianzhu is not an instant magical power. It takes several seconds to condense. In the hands of the Jindan Patriarch, this time may have been completed under the cover of other magical powers. However, in this critical time, these few seconds, he was directly slapped away by the Leviathan Whale!

Like a bullet from a gun, a straight line was shot directly from the bottom of the water!

"Stop talking!" Fang Fang was startled. Xu Yangyi felt his body, and his left arm was almost completely shattered. If Fang Fang hadn't caught him and was directly photographed on the rock wall, the consequences would have been even more disastrous!

"I kind of underestimated this guy..." He took several deep breaths, his internal organs burning with pain. But fortunately, now it's just the left arm that has lost its fighting ability. It doesn't hurt the fundamentals.

This was after putting on the armor of the ancestor of Jindan. If he hadn't put it on immediately, if Ten Thousand Shadows Heavenly Punishment had come a few seconds later... recalling the almost irresistible impact in the water, he knew very well, The consequences are simply unimaginable!

"Roar!!!!" A hoarse scream suddenly came from the bottom of the water. Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "I broke one of my hands, and it won't get better!"

The lake surface once again set off stormy waves!

But this time, it wasn't magical power. Because... this time, the small tsunami was mixed with the continuous screams and roars of Leviathan.

Its eyes are already painful and red! Unexpectedly, I was afraid of thunder, so I instinctively chose the sea of ​​​​fire, and whipped it with my tail, and it actually hit the iron plate!

The other party is not can feel it! But, it broke off its tail!

The huge body kept spinning in pain in the big lake, and waves followed its body that was so painful that it spread everywhere!

Xu Yangyi looked at his watch again.

Ten minutes have passed!

The last five minutes!

If you don't pick it for five minutes, this opportunity will be wiped out! \u003c/dd\u003e

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