
Main text Chapter 188: Danxia Palace (Part 7)

"Roar!!!" Leviathan finally stopped rolling, stared at Xu Yangyi with red eyes, and rushed over desperately!

"Let's go!!" Xu Yangyi roared, pulled up Equation, stepped onto the spiral staircase composed of goshawk puppets, and rushed up as fast as he could!

Under the moonlight, countless goshawks were surrounding and circling in the cave. It is like a ladder to the sky, and the top of the ladder is the rootless Jiuqu Water.

Below, there is a large lake that is thousands of meters tall. In the lake, a huge Leviathan whale is looking at it eagerly.

The place to stand is only half a meter long, but if you lose your footing, the bloody mouth of the Leviathan whale will be below you!

Leviathan is going crazy with pain!

Now, it doesn't want to care about anything. The murderous nature in its blood has taken over everything. He just wants to tear the tiny human in front of him into pieces!

"Shuish!" Just as Xu Yangyi and Fang Fang hurried up the spiral staircase built by the goshawk puppet, blue spiritual energy converged on Leviathan from all directions, and his body began to expand again!

Immediately afterwards, "Boom!" It was overwhelming! The water overflows the golden mountain! The huge waves set off dozens of meters! Immediately, it shattered into countless water droplets, with the Leviathan whale as the center, and shot towards everyone!

This is the most powerful move among its innate magical powers!

"Scope aoe?!" Mao Baer screamed in fright: "Potato really drove him crazy!"

Then he immediately carried the dog's head into the water, but as soon as he entered the water, countless whale lice immediately swam over!

"You, what are you going to do!" Mao Baer was so frightened that his eyes stood up: "Don't come over! I'm warning you not to come over! I am very fierce!"

"Cat 82." At this moment, Xu Yangyi's voice ruthlessly entered its spiritual consciousness: "Bless yourself, these mutated whale lice are contaminated with evil spirits and will eat everything."

"Fuck you...#...!" Mao Baer burst out a series of curse words immediately, and in the end, they just turned into bubbles and floated up.

Xu Yangyi no longer has time to care about others.

After spending so much time with Mao Baer, ​​he knew very well that this guy had his own trump card.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Drops of water are approaching quickly, and you can even feel the suffocating impact in them! Xu Yangyi did not hesitate, leaped like a tiger, and murmured: "Take a photo against the wall!"

"Plop, plop!" Countless black shadows condensed on him, and at the same time, the bullet-like rainwater all hit him, making a jingling sound. Unscathed. However, my body under the armor felt like countless bullets had been hit on the body armor! Waves of shocks shook him so hard that he couldn't control the blood, and a mouthful of blood spurted out again, adding to the injury.

This time, it really hurt my internal organs.

On the surrounding cave walls, countless stones were knocked down, as if they had experienced a baptism of bullets!

Below, it was even more miserable, but the people of the Xingtian Legion were okay. For the monks of the Zhao family, the black barrier was shaken out again, but this time, it was riddled with holes! The monks in the middle stage of Qi training were still gritting their teeth to hold on. As soon as the monks in the early stage emerged from the water, countless people immediately screamed and blood flowed like a river!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were fixed on the vent. The blood surged under the strong pressure, and the pain in his left hand was like breaking. Time...only the last three minutes left!

Whether to kill the other party first or pick flowers first, this choice is made by both sides!

On their side, they must first eliminate each other. Otherwise, without the scruples of Wugen Jiuqushui, it will be difficult for them to cross this vast lake.

As for the other party, it is impossible to pick flowers first and then kill them! Its huge body has now become its biggest liability! The comparison of quantity trumps the comparison of quality at this moment!

The silent clock seemed to ring throughout the room. When the rain of bullets in the lake passed, Leviathan finally moved.

The blue light on his blowhole became more and more intense. Xu Yangyi couldn't see who could see this scene or where he was. After the magical power that was comparable to a tsunami just now, it is not sure whether there are any casualties!

You can only do it yourself!

He gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of elixir and drank it. Suddenly, there was a warmth in his chest and abdomen. He didn't even know how long he could last until the elixir was repaired.

Now... Leviathan has not calmed down at all. Even if he goes down, he will not be able to reach the fumarole!

It must be... that only when Leviathan raises his head and the fumarole and Jiuqu Water are in a straight line can he get the maximum effect when he goes down.

Can't get down?

He stood under the goshawk puppet, his heart extremely complicated.

"Quack!" At this moment, a huge frog croaked suddenly from the bottom of the water, and then, a one-horned toad, also tens of meters long, rushed out! Without hesitation, he held the opponent's head with both hands, and immediately poked the opponent's eyes with his horn!

"Li Zongyuan?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he shouted: "Let's go!"

He and Fang Fang didn't hesitate at all. In the last three minutes, no one could delay any more!

They are adjusting their final position!

"Woof!!" At the same moment, a huge three-headed dog with black and white fur, thirty to forty meters in size, suddenly appeared from the blue waves with huge waves and wet hair! Make a huge wave! The two dog heads bite Leviathan's fins tightly and never let go!

"Potato! What are you waiting for!" The last dog head glared at Xu Yangyi: "Forcing me to reveal my true identity! If there is not a drop of my Wugen Jiuqu Water this time, I will risk my life for you!"

Is this that bitch? !

Mudan held a broken piece of giant turtle puppet armor with one hand, and she was completely stunned.

"Master! We are no match for it! It, its demonic body is much stronger than ours! We, we can stop it for one minute at most!" Li Zongyuan's eyes were also red: "Seize the treasure!!!"

Xu Yangyi didn't seem to hear it, but rushed straight to the giant whale's vent! At this moment, its blue light has condensed into substance!

"Want to sweep away the rootless Jiuqu Water?" At this moment, a laughing voice came. Gao Wuguo returned to the surface from the water at some point, smiled sinisterly, his hands gathered a golden light, his face was pale, Use all your strength to slap the ground: "Dragon Elephant Suppresses Prison!"

"Boom!" The entire lake surface suddenly shook, and the water seemed to suddenly turn into substance. With the vibration that could be seen with the eyes, the giant whale... was shocked and jumped out of the water! A whale, a frog, and a dog could no longer bite each other. They were shaken apart in mid-air. The three monsters turned over and fell heavily into the water! Set off a violent wave!

"Roar!!!" With a furious roar, the Leviathan whale's head immediately lifted up amid the huge ripples as the giant whale fell into the water. It is also clear that now, every minute is precious!

Last two minutes! !

This battle has reached a fever pitch! Last minute!

The red light has a tendency to close!

Leviathan's huge head was raised again, and at the same time... the blue light from its vents spurted out! !

"The Dragon King is overturning the sea!!" The rabbit rises and the falcon falls! As Gao Wuguo roared at the top of his lungs, golden light spread on his hands, and the blood vessels bulged! Push hard into the water again!

At the same time, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, drawing a blood-red arc.

Suddenly! A more terrifying shock came than before! A violent tsunami suddenly set off across the entire lake! The Leviathan whale was knocked out of the water again!

The huge body was spinning in mid-air, as if it was unbelievable that its size could be shaken out of the water. At the same time, the blue light from its vent burst out, drawing a crooked line along the roof of the cave, but it didn't touch the flower at all!

"Roar!!" When it raised its head from the water again, its eyes were visibly covered in red.

Countless obstacles...obstructions from all directions...make it almost crazy!

However, it had no time to care about this at all. In the fumarole, blue light condensed again!

"Now!" Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, Leviathan's body formed a straight line with the rootless Jiuqu Water.

At this moment, it is concentrating on sweeping away the flowers, and the aura in its blowholes can even be called gentle!

Without any hesitation, his figure shot out like lightning. At the same time, the equation beside him also followed without hesitation!

The two figures looked like dragons emerging from the sea. It was clearly reflected in Leviathan's pupils, and it could see clearly... one of them was the creature he wanted to kill!

"Yueyue!" Xu Yang roared, and a Qinglong Yanyue Sword instantly appeared in his right hand. At this moment, Leviathan suddenly felt... that he was locked!

Locked by what?

It doesn't know.

All it knew was that the aura that had appeared before and cut off one of its tails appeared again!

This is the final moment of life and death!

Without any hesitation, it opened its huge mouth, and a blue demon pill suddenly flew out!

Demonic beasts are born with demon elixirs, but they can only refine the demon elixirs into inner elixirs after they transform!

And once the demon pill appears, it represents the essence of this demon beast's life, and it also represents... that the other party is also desperate.

"Brush..." A line of aqua blue spiritual energy spread in the air, facing Xu Yangyi in the air. From this angle, Xu Yangyi had no way to escape!

"Pfft..." Mr. Zhao Wu just emerged from the water. When he saw this scene, he immediately exclaimed: "No! Don't touch the demon pill head-on!"

"Captain!?" On the other side, Jun Man used countless vines to pull himself up in the air, and also exclaimed: "Absolutely not!"

But it's too late!

Unless Leviathan takes it back on his own, Xu Yangyi and Fang Fang will collide directly with each other!

Its power is no less than a head-on collision with this prehistoric beast with all its strength!

"Junior brother!" Fang Fang's eyes were red. Xu Yangyi showed no signs of changing at all and was still falling with all his strength!

Xu Yangyi smiled, and at that second, he made a strange move.

He... pushed himself and Equation's body away hard. The intoxicating red glow behind him was revealed!

Leviathan's eyes widened instantly!

These two people... actually formed a straight line with Wugen Jiuqushui!

If...if these two people get out of the way! So... then...

No! ! !

last minute! !

In front of everyone's eyes, the demon pill was swallowed back!

The blue light between heaven and earth disappeared in an instant as if it had never appeared. this moment, an extremely slight "click" sound sounded in everyone's ears.

That was... the sound of flowers and flower stems breaking!

Changes rise sharply!

And at the same time, Xu Yangyi, Fang Fang's feet stepped on that unreachable, oily whale back for the first time! \u003c/dd\u003e

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