
Main text Chapter 190: Danxia Palace (Part 9)

"Captain Xu." At this moment, a deep male voice sounded not far away. In Junman's plant net, Zhao Wuye and Zhao Fenglai nodded at him with dejected faces.

Zhao Fenglai smiled bitterly at the sky, picked up a brocade bag and shook it, and then countless broken jade slips fell out.

"A total of 27 natal jade slips were broken." Zhao Fenglai's expression was a little gloomy: "These...are all elite professional disciples of the family..."

"There are three more?" Xu Yangyi frowned: "Excuse me, Fellow Daoist Zhao, now is not the time to be sad. These three people may be unconscious in the water, and they must be rescued immediately."

"Yes." Zhao Fenglai finally cheered up a little after hearing this, and forced a smile, but he was sad. He sighed to the sky: "Crocodile gar...killed Master Qi...Leviathan whale...lost 27 disciples...I am ashamed of the Zhao family..."

"Fellow Daoist, please accept my condolences." Xu Yangyi bowed his hands and suddenly remembered something: "Where is Zhao Ziqi?"

Zhao Fenglai finally had a real smile in his eyes: "Don't worry, he...will not die."

"But I haven't seen him along the way." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

Zhao Fenglai took out a jade box and slowly opened it. There was a small rag doll inside. He smiled and put it close to his body: "When it's time for him to appear, he will naturally appear."

"Captain!" At this moment, Mudan came over with her lips pursed. She handed Xu Yangyi two broken jade slips. Xu Yangyi only took a look and sighed.

That was the jade slips of Zhou Tingting and Cheng Jianfeng.

Aren't these two people... going to get married soon?

Xu Yangyi still vaguely remembered the lost wolf and the girl who was so stubborn when he first arrived in Bai County.

In a blink of an eye... has it been two or three years... and the other party... actually said goodbye to him forever in the chaos just now?

It was a taste he had never experienced before.

A kind of pain that someone who could be barely called a "friend" disappeared in front of him alive.

"People are not plants, who can be heartless." After a long time, he opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "After returning, investigate their family background. If there are relatives who are still practicing. I promise that once Xu builds the foundation, I will really accept them as disciples."

He felt guilty about these two people.

I promised to teach them, maybe the other party has been waiting, but in the end, they didn't wait.

In order to fight for the opportunity, they came here. Unexpectedly, this is the last stop of their lives.

Although they were prepared before coming. However, this kind of thing that was still making plans a few hours ago, and a few hours later, it was unknown where it sank to the thousand-meter lake. When the experienced cultivators saw their expressions, they might sneer and say that they were childish. But Xu Yangyi didn't think it was childish.

This is... the performance of the blood still not cold.

On the contrary, he felt that when facing the complex emotions in his heart, when the joys and sorrows are all regarded as clouds and smoke, and become a habit, that is called numbness, not cunning.

Practice, if this is the end of practice, he might as well not practice.

If there is no anger, no sorrow, then there would not be those eight figures in Zhu Hongxue that day.

If there is no sadness, no joy, it is even more impossible for the Jindan ancestors to fight at the auction that day.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something, but after thinking carefully, he did not understand.

He was still too immature on this road of seeking.

"Kill the twelve." The atmosphere at the scene was too low. Xu Yangyi knew very well that if he was low, his team members would definitely be led by him. Forcing himself not to think about Zhou Tingting and Cheng Jianfeng anymore, he forced a smile and waved his hand: "Next, let's divide the spoils."

It's not that he is not sad, but he buried the sadness in his heart.

Helplessly, the flowers fall, and the familiar swallows return. One withers and one flourishes, one drinks and one pecks, all have a destiny.

It is also his responsibility to let the team members walk out of the shadows.

The twelve were seriously injured.

In the end, he was basically the one who avoided the attack of Leviathan. As for hiding his body and avoiding attacks, he was second to none in the Xingtian Corps. And this also directly led to the fact that he was bleeding from all seven orifices when he was walking now.

The Leviathan Whale's dying counterattack was so powerful that everyone present witnessed it.

He didn't stand up after several attempts, so Xu Yangyi made a stop gesture. He walked over and took a brocade bag from his arms.

Storage rings are high-end goods, and most monks don't have them. Instead, they use this brocade bag with less than one meter of storage space instead, which is called the Qiankun bag. In fact, whoever uses it knows it.

With a slight shake of his hand, a jade box appeared in his hand. And... this jade box is not an ordinary jade box. It feels cold. It is carved from a precious ice jade.

There is nothing else that can be used to collect the rootless Jiuqu Water except this thing. If the temperature is not enough, it will evaporate like real water droplets. If you use something else to collect it, it is more likely to melt directly into the object.

As soon as the jade box was opened, a fascinating red light quietly shot out. Eighteen drops of water like rubies had condensed into ice cubes due to the low temperature of the jade box. It emitted a dazzling light. Just a glance at it, Xu Yangyi felt refreshed! The spiritual consciousness seemed to be calling out, enjoying the joy of this moment.

"Eighteen drops, fourteen of us. Three people from the Zhao family, one more drop." Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief. If the rootless nine-bend water was not enough, it would really be two peaches to kill three warriors.

Everyone was injured in this battle. Everyone contributed a lot, and two people died. If someone was given less, he would not be able to get over it, not to mention what others would think.

Although the Zhao family did not seem to contribute much, they were the ones who led this road. Moreover, there were heavy casualties. If they did not give a drop, it would probably chill the hearts of others. It is hard to say what will happen next.

"I want two drops." Fang Cheng snorted and raised his eyebrows at him. This guy looks like a gentleman, but why does he look more and more like a villain?

"I forgot to tell you." Mao Baer gnawed on the canned food that came from nowhere: "Each cultivator can only take one drop of this thing in his lifetime. One of the reasons is that the rootless nine-bend water did not reach S. Another reason is that its output is not too low, I mean each flower. For one flower, the most drops in history have been thirty-two. Scarcity makes things valuable. Therefore, its value has always been positioned as A, at most A++."

After chewing the sardine can, it stretched out its legs and lifted it up mercilessly, licking its mouth: "It means that you have worked in vain."

Fang Cheng's face was distorted.

Did this kick go in vain?

"Don't worry, I will compensate you well after I go back." Xu Yangyi coughed dryly and interrupted the topic: "How to take this thing?"

"I heard that you can just eat it directly." Mudan sat on a puppet and coughed and said: "I have heard from several Taoist friends."

"Bullshit!!" Mao Baer's hair stood up and immediately stopped Mudan's stupid decision: "You haven't heard of something called Wanlingdan?!"


This word instantly made everyone's eyes burn. Especially the people of the Xingtian Legion. Li Zongyuan and Mao Baer, ​​the only two people who knew the details of the "alchemist", cast almost ambiguous glances!

Master, please support me, I can roll in bed, drip wax to train me, first-class skills, front/acting director. I do it seven times a day, and I am strong if I can attack and receive!

The veins on Xu Yangyi's forehead jumped. The two demons didn't say anything, but the look in their eyes was more explicit than anything else.

Where is the shame!

"What is this?" Zhao Fenglai was completely refreshed at this moment, and bowed deeply: "Why has Zhao never heard of it?"

"Of course you haven't heard of it!" Mao Baer smiled triumphantly: "Because... there is only one truth!"

"Let's talk business!" Fang Cheng kicked him angrily, and Mao Baer turned and dodged, making a weird "fufufu" laugh that dogs can't make at all, and his dog eyes narrowed into a slit: "Because of the unusual self-attack and self-suffering relationship between potatoes and alchemists... I deliberately spent a month to understand all the current pill recipes, and accidentally discovered this pill recipe... I didn't take it to heart at the time, after all, the rootless nine-bend water is too difficult to find. For Qi cultivators like us, we should be thankful for a B-level spiritual object... But I wrote down the formula."

"Go ahead!" Fang Cheng wanted to kick him again, but was shocked to see a snow-white dog paw raised in front of him.

He looked at Mao Baer in confusion, and the other dog's face was actually filled with a magnificent atmosphere.

"What are you doing?" Mudan was also a little stunned, and asked after pushing up her glasses.

"Kiss the second knuckle of my forelimb." Mao Baer said proudly: "If you beg me sincerely, I will mercifully tell you."

"Fuck you # ! Don't stop me! I must kill this bitch today! " Fang Cheng was so angry that his head almost exploded. The man and the dog fought each other, and Mao Baer barked: "Woof! If it weren't for this young master, I couldn't show my true self at will! This young master would kill you immediately!"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi interrupted the childish senior brother and the funny Erha with a smile: "Speak."

"Okay." Since Mao Baer knew that Xu Yangyi was an alchemist, he was simply following the advice. He coughed lightly and spoke carefully: "Wanling Pill... This is an extremely unconventional ancient recipe. It can fully activate the medicinal properties of the rootless nine-bend water. The other genius treasures in the formula are easy to find. Only this rootless water is hard to find! It..."

It took a deep breath: "The top-level Wanling Pill... can enhance spiritual consciousness... 4%! Every level! "

It has quadrupled!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately stopped thinking about taking this drop of rootless nine-bend water.

With the Dan Ding Soul Building Method and the killer of Zhenling Po... the higher the spiritual awareness, the stronger the power! Even Cheng Fang cannot escape this silent plot, which will become a killer move in the future!

Moreover... these two moves are not impossible to combine with the Rong Shen Baojian!

He was thinking, but found that everyone looked at him with fiery eyes.

He put away his thoughts and smiled: "If you trust me, why not give this thing to me? I am still a little sure to ask the alchemist to try. However, I can't give you a definite answer whether it can work or not."

"Yes!" Zhan Twelve was the first to speak. In addition to Xu Yangyi, as an assassin, he needs "radar" the most, and he will never dislike precision!

"Of course, even if I can't practice it, I will never blame the captain!" Mo Yeyu was the second to speak. Puppet magic also requires precise spiritual awareness operation. For the opportunity to improve spiritual awareness, it will quadruple at a time! He will never refuse! Even if the risk is the lack of this 1%!

"Of course, no problem!" Master Zhao Wu's face flushed: "If I can't trust Captain Xu, who else can I trust?"

Everyone expressed their opinions, and no one was unwilling.

It's easy to be an official if you have someone in the court... After seeing Xu Yangyi put all the water drops back into the box, everyone's face was truly smiling.

Others may not have seen the alchemist's headache, but what about me?

I can already ask others to try to make pills!

What is the gap? This is the gap! It's worth it for them to come all the way to join the Xingtian Corps! It's worth fighting hard this time!

Little Loli Quan Ningyue looked at Xu Yangyi dimly, and murmured: "Master is also considered to be ten times better than ten thousand people... He strongly recommended me to come to the Xingtian Corps... Fortunately, I came... This kind of great fortune, if I don't come, it would be too much of a loss..."\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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